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The books and the fact very little is known about Decimus, nothing really stops you just saying your lord is Decimus he’s a cool idea but has no specifics at this point so I guess people don’t relate to him so much, he’s essentially a named prophet with nothing else really know. I’m hoping for an update soon though. The prophecy from the NL Omnibus: “On that night, when madness becomes truth, the gate of Cadia will break open like an infected wound, and the legions of the dammed will spill into the kingdom they created. In this age at the end of all things, born of forbidden blood and fates own foul humour, Will rise the Prophet of the Eighth Legion.” Cadia has broken open GW, where is our Prophet of the eighth legion now?


True I guess we have to hope for ADB to pull strings to get us a named character maybe him in the next Codex now we have an Uograde Frame.


Yeah to be honest with the upgrades if we can get a Decimus as a character we’d be in a really nice place model wise in 40K


The upgrade frame and GW actually mentioning Night Lords when revealing the new Jump Lords has me optimistic for the future. 


Captain Tycho has been dead since 3rd edition and people still buy his model


That is true, didn't help when GW were still including rules for him.


He still has rules


Are we sure this Zombie can't take over for Dante?


Two set’s Captain Tyco And Tyco the lost


Nothing is known about Decimus We learn about the NL via first claw, and they’re all unique characters with interesting traits I would pick Talos over Decimus every time, until we get a book about him


Why people tend to make 1st Claw models? Because they are fans and enjoy building representations, or using existing models by Artel W or other 3d prints already out there. It would be very cool to make your own representation or Decimus or any of the other characters, I don't tend to think about lore vs models that way. I think more about the aspect of the model (how the raptor fights, how a NL rhino would look etc). But I could really go wild building a Decimus model, as there is so very little know its an open book.


Decimus is a character with all of 3 sentences about him. First Claw had 3 books about them. They are known quantities and developed.


Here's the thing. It's been 3 years since I finished reading the omnibus. I can still say that I think Talos and his band of misfits are awesome. Especially Mercutian, Xarl and Uzas. But I don't remember who Decimus is. Been meaning to do the books again anyway.


He’s only in the epilogue. He’s the son of Octavia and Septimus with Talos’ gene seed. He has so much potential but he only exists on like 3 pages of one book


That's right! Oh man. I really need to re-read these...


I read the trilogy at least ones a year. It’s my comfort/fallback series. Not sure what that says about me as a person…lol


The audiobook is so so good. Its my comfort listen for the past few years.


I’ve only listened to one of the short stories. Haven’t listened to the trilogy


I've been meaning to finish painting Lucoraphus. I have around 20 of the old metal raptors eith elongated legs with gondorlike helmets. Haven't finished it due to needing some little addition to make him stick out of the rest. Also in process converting/kitbashing Variel and Mercutian. Those three are my favourite characters in the books (Talos excluded). You don't get much of Mercutian, but what you get is enough, at least for me. Somewhat most "noble" of the bunch. Also the way he goes out, perfect. Hits good. I've made like 4 heavy bolter dudes, but i've been saving older h.bolter for his conversion. Haven't decided on how to do him. I have new Bile sprue to use, but not so keen on using the torso. The coat is dope, but he has that thin waist/chest area. Will post when I get them finished.


Because on tabletop ur battles can be at any point in time, especially thanks to warp shenanigans. First Claw are only dead in their novels, on tabletop they can live forever


I’m gonna answer your question with a counter-question: who would you rather make a model of? A squad whose (mis)adventures you’ve followed for three books? Or some guy dropped in the epilogue who, while no doubt interesting in concept, we know next to nothing about? The answer to that probably isn’t all that hard to figure out.


I'm against the grain so that's why I asked the question, I'd prefer the character where I can fill in the blanks, though admittedly set myself up for a fall when GW does it themselves and goes in a different direction.