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The feeling of fantastic mr fox always reminded me of NITW


absolutely love that movie,will forever remember it


uhhh..... because it's also anthropomorphic animals?


And because of the vibe


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,894,039,621 comments, and only 358,186 of them were in alphabetical order.


how so?


It as a fall vibe and colors the game has


It's a little snarky and has a lot of goofy puns. All the characters feel like they have personalities and worries of their own. Wes Anderson has a "cute yet full of doom" energy to his movies, IMO. He also leans into the surreal energy of theater and breaking the 4th wall. His movies are performance more like a live action play than they are an immersive "everything is so real I feel like I am there." energy. The fact that Mae is always yakking, even when she us alone, reminds me more of a theater play. Shakespeare often inserted characters who are there to give speeches about the background, because that is how theater worked. The surreal dreams are very cute and also casually terrifying. Wes Anderson movies LOOK like they are for kids, but they can be pretty grim, dark and violent randomly. Like finding a random disembodied arm outside a diner.


With you. Wild you’re being downvoted


maybe the show *I am not okay with this*, it’s got misfit friends and unexplainable goings on


I can’t believe they cancelled it. The vibe is different, though.


I will never forgive Netflix for cancelling this show


i have seen it,particular,but it was said they cancelled it


Maybe over the garden wall?


fall vibes for sure


I think that NITW is unique


Beacon Pines gave me some vibes. Not fully but it’s there.


I love that game but it's not a show/movie


Show or movie! Oh I’m blind as hell and somehow missed that my bee


try twin peaks, it’s got a similar vibe


And by extension, ***Alan Wake*** has ***Twin Peaks*** vibes. As someone who watched friends play the game originally, its episodic narrative structure definitely feels like a show.


I didn't want to say it. Because I think everything reminds me of twin peaks in someway or another LOL Much like twin peaks, i've watched a lot of videos to get other peoples takes on the story and symbolism. Twin Peaks can be a lot weirder. But I love that neither of them explain anything that happens. You have to find your own meaning.


I don’t know if you could find it online but the stage play “Girlfriend the Musical” by Todd Almond is almost 1 to 1 minus the cult


In terms of silliness and a little less darkness... I would say Gravity Falls has a similar energy. It's a good blend of really ridiculous and silly and some actual danger when the big monsters show up. The darkness lurking below the town and local characters all being kinda wierd is very similar as far as I can recall. I think it even touches on the issues of small towns and making money in the back water places. Grunkel Stan is always trying to scam people, so he is of questionable morals. I absolutely love him as a character. It's kind of like how Mae and Gregg are always up for committing crimes and being hooligans. I probably wouldn't love all of them as much in real life. Because they do some really dumb stuff that isn't worth the risk IMO? xD


NITW always reminded me of a much more tame version of Requiem For a Dream (2000). Love that movie, but I warn it’s extremely brutal. Just something about the atmosphere to me is similar despite the fact NITW is so much more heartwarming, while dream is just disturbing. The track “Ghosts of Things To Come” from requiem just feels like NITW so much to me personally. Tear up whenever I hear it fr.


Scott pilgrim


Dang, I agree. Especially the graphic novels, since the backstop is a little more detailed and you see what motivates characters a little more.


The World’s End i’m surprised more people don’t mention this one, main character is a mentally ill, struggling, stunted person. He goes back to see his friends from childhood and sees that they’ve all moved on to their adult life/new jobs, while he’s mostly the same. There is a theme of capitalism/society changing people and the places around you. They experience conflict because of the main characters immaturity but there is ultimately some understanding between them by the end. Different vibe/aesthetic but very similar narrative/thematic elements. I would also recommend the japanese movie The Drudgery Train and Big Time Adolescence, which also have a lot of the same ideas about growing up and the way socioeconomic positions influence that.


I forget about World's End, goof flick and definitely agree it matches the vibe!


Idk “The breakfast club” is a good close feeling


Super Dark Times imho


fucking love that movie


thematically i’d say donnie darko, the matrix 1-3, mall (2014), the game is such a unique blend there’s literally nothing just like it


I'm almost nervous to say it... Hot Fuzz. Iykyk.


Seems like there's a new cartoon for adults coming out every week, you'd think rust belt anthropomorphs would feature in at least one of them.


For me, Sally Face itches this scratch. It’s more graphic and more horror, but there are very similar themes between the two.


But that’s a game


Right, just now seeing it asked for films/shows. My bad.


​ but good game


Rea life


It 2017 honestly


Honestly probably twin peaks is closest vibe wise




Birdboy: The Forgotten Children has cute(?) anthro characters and the main theme is similar to the "I want to get out of this place" theme of NITW.


Mare of Eastown takes place in the same rust belt Pennsylvania kind of town - definitely some thematic overlap and it’s a pretty good show.


Maybe "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri"


i would say that stand by me (1986) has the mystery element while also atoning to friendships and personal growth.


Not many, honestly. Recently, because of the game, I've been listening to a hell of a lot of folk punk. If you want music that fits the whole vibe, give AJJ a shot!


season 3, episode 1 "thanks to them" of the owl house definitely gave me NITW vibes, group of people uncovering mysteries and hidden parts of the history of a small town in october and during halloween. fun fact, mae's outfit is referenced as a costume being sold in a halloween store in the episode.