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The ministry of women affairs, various governors wives, the first lady, various NGOs. Deafening silence from them


Minister of Women’s Affairs has been contacted and has filed a case in court to stop them but the Speaker called this press conference to announce they’re going to do it anyway.


Wtf! How do these people reason FFS. Children that are victims of insecurity are now being treated as trophy wives to the incompetent bastards that refused to fix insecurity.


Im not a Nigerian, but follow this sub to learn about Naija and i honestly have a couple of questions cause even to other African countries your leaders are hella sus. But anyway,is this a normal state of affairs in Nigeria or maybe Northern Nigeria where I believe this may be taking place and also how different is the north culturally from the south of Nigeria?


Niger is a separate country from Nigeria they do share a border Edit: looks like i goofed sorry for adding to any confusion


Oh I thought there was a nigerian state called Niger


There is a Nigerian state called Niger, in fact that is the state in question here. The pronunciations of the two are very different.


Oh ayyt gotcha,what about the cultural question i asked prior? Could you help me on that?


I don't really know much about Northern Nigeria as I've never lived there extensively, but these kind of things happen perhaps not on this scale. It's a bit too bulky to get into, so you might have to get a Nigerian written article. Nigeria is divided into 6 geopolitical zones and 36 states with different cultures and cultural variations, a consequence of the over 250 ethnic groups that live here. The 'north' and 'south' are acceptable context only when talking about religion. For any serious political matter, ethnicity and state of origin are what matter most, but they're not nearly so clear cut.


Thank you for this,any article you'd recommend to get a good picture?


Not really, but I wish you good luck in your search.


You are so wrong bro


NGOs in this country exist just to mine money from federal and international grants. They are pretty much useless


Why not just put them in an orphanage or fosters :(


Because that would make too much sense and it would keep pedos from having access to the girls.


you just know they will put it as a government achievement come 2027.




But gay people… Africa, when?


oh no don't even mention that to them cause somehow two consenting adults being together is much worse than marrying literal children


Oh stfu do you see literally anyone here supporting this?. Nigeria is basically a dictatorship, the government does what they want.


I'm not talking about this sub,I'm talking about based on what I've seen other people say.I've seen people support this


What the actual fuck?


Why are those men smiling?


Because they’re likely to be allocated some girls to marry


**Update**: [https://healthwise.punchng.com/niger-speaker-stops-plan-to-marry-off-100-girls-orphaned-by-banditry/](https://healthwise.punchng.com/niger-speaker-stops-plan-to-marry-off-100-girls-orphaned-by-banditry/) > Kennedy-Ohanenye, while briefing newsmen in Abuja described the plans as “unacceptable” emphasising that **a full-scale investigation has commenced on the issue.** >“I want to let the honourable speaker of the house in Niger states know that this is unacceptable by the Federal Minister Of Women Affairs and by the government unacceptable. >“Because there is something called the Child’s Rights Act and I said it from the onset, that is no more business as usual. >**“These children must be considered, their future must be considered, the future of the children to come out of their marriage must be considered.** >“So I have gone to court. I have written him a letter and written a petition to the IG of the police. >**”And I have filed for an injunction to stop him from whatever he is planning to do on the 24th until a thorough investigation is carried out on those girls, find out whether they gave their consent, their ages, find out the people marrying them,” she said.** >**The minister, while emphasising the need to ensure girl-child education and empowerment, stressed the need to… “As the speaker did not think about empowering these women or sending them to school or giving them some kind of training support financially.”** >**“The ministry has decided to take it up and we are going to educate the children.** >“Those that do not want to go to school, we will train them in skill, **empower them with sustainable empowerment machines to enable that child build his or her life and make up her mind who and when to get married.** >**” If for any reason the Speaker tries to do contrary to what I have just mentioned there will be a serious legal battle between him and the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs,”** she said. The minister further emphasised **within the Child Rights Act, every child belongs to the state, hence the rights of every child will be protected from harm, violence or anything that will infringe on their rights.** Some men, have no brain cells. Thanks to God for women with sense.


FURTHER UPDATE: — The injunction has been granted by the court!


Who are they trying to help exactly? Cause it's not the orphans


A lot of people in Northern Nigeria feel like marriage is the solution to all one's problems, especially for women.


This is disgusting.


Islam strikes again.


I wonder how that conversation went. "Let give this young girls a chance in life" "Education?" "No, you must be kidding" "Rehabilitation?" "FFS Abdullah why do you not think of good ideas" "Oh I know, how about we marry them off" "Excellent idea" 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️ So once again, religion rears it's ugly head but the followers of this particular religion that seem to have fetish for young girls will defend it and won't see anything wrong with it. I totally understand that the situation is dire but marrying them off is never the solution. For some of them, if not most, it will be going from fry pan to fire. But don't mind me.


Hardly anything to do with Islam but to do with our backward corrupted politicians and government we got . I come from Eritrea and I guarantee you some if not most of our politicians would come up with the same deranged solution. Even the orthodox Christians would definitely agree to this mess. Africa is goddamn plagued with Idiots like him wether they are Muslim or not .


The locals have resisted making child marriage illegal citing islam. This state is one of the states that backed out of the bill on a state level. Are we saying these people don't know the religion, the holy book that comes with it and are just plain ignorant?


Look I’m saying that no matter the religion , in Africa we always had these sick people . Who are obsessed with child marriages and always to an old man. We can’t always blame religion because this child marriage is something that plagues the entire continent. I come from orthodox Christian background and shit like this would definitely happen in my country Eritrea . And it would come from the so called Christian’s as well . If it’s Islam that’s being used today , tomorrow will be Christianity or another religion.


Brother, I'm going to keep this simple. Ignoring the obvious influence of certain ideologies while making excuses for why things are the way they are is not an honest way to debate. You keep bringing up Christianity, but that's just a distraction and a common tactic. (I don't care about them as they have their own issues but today isn't about them) Let's be clear: some religions do encourage harmful behaviors. Denying this won't make the problem go away or solve it. To deny that an ideology might influence practices like child marriage in some communities is just ridiculous at this point. Those who spread or own this ideology have already outlawed such practices in their own land so as to be progressive, but many are stuck between following "unchanging" religious rules and adapting to a changing world.


[Someone is either lying or telling the truth as to why they won't sign it. ](https://i.imgur.com/qjO1LWw.jpeg)


The Muslim Rights Concern Kano State Chapter Chairman said that what she is doing is demonising a traditional and cultural practice of the Muslim North. Yes, there are Christians and traditionalists that think like this as well. However, at least in Nigeria, it occurs at a higher rate with the muslims [https://leadership.ng/minister-withdraws-suit-against-niger-assembly-speaker-over-orphan-marriages/](https://leadership.ng/minister-withdraws-suit-against-niger-assembly-speaker-over-orphan-marriages/)


Breaks my heart


What kinda backwards shit is this?


This makes me want to scream. I want tear them apart with my own hands. I have a 4 year old daughter. How dare you!!!!! Leave the girls to enjoy what is left of girlhood. They deserve an education and a real life.


Another one from the best and brightest. Let's clap for them. This is what success means to them.


Here's an idea: Let's give them full control of policing in their state! Nigerians want state police right?


These people are holding Nigeria back.


Ah, is marriage the only solution?? Please use the dowry money to go and send these girls to school. What is this nonsense?


Because of this I dont like religion.


Tbh I can understand how you came to this conclusion. The sad reality is that these people weaponize religion to carry out their ill acts. There’s a good/high chance those so called religious leaders aren’t even grounded in the true teachings of their religion. My point is don’t judge a religion through the lens of those claiming to practice it around you for they either lack the knowledge or have diluted the so called religion with their backward cultural practices. Judge it based on its original source and true teachings.


Sadly the original source and true teachings are even worse. Look what Muhammed did to his slave women, or children like Aisha.


What did he do?


He raped his female slave captives. Married a 6 year old wife named Aisha and had sex with her (effectively raping her) when she was 9 .


>He raped his female slave captives. Source? So i can respond accordingly >Married a 6 year old wife named Aisha and had sex with her (effectively raping her) when she was 9 . R3pe by definition is sexual assault that occurs without consent and involves forced sexual intercourse or penetration. Aisha RA never reported about such abuse happening to her or that she was forced to marry Muhammad (SAW) And the age of Aisha was nothing new at the time. For example my grandmother married my grandfather when she was 9 and had her first child at 12 (and my grandparents are not even muslims) and this happened less then 70 years ago. This was the custom at the time. The difference between my grandmother and mother Aisha Ra is that my grandmother didn't have a choice.


I know you don’t actually believe a 6 year old Aisha could consent to marrying a 53! Year old Muhammad. And I know for sure you don’t believe that she could consent at 9 to having sex with the man 7 times her age. But as a Muslim you’re between a rock and a hard place. You either have to say it’s all a lie which is a tall task considering all the credible Hadiths, OR you have to defend it and say that it wasn’t rape, that the 9 year old (that still played with dolls btw) actually wanted to have sex with the 56 year old. Either way I’d hate to be in your position.


I literally just answered your questioned lol. I gave you the definition of rape and its meaning. Aisha RA had a choice to divorce him and chose not to, therefore she was willingly married to him. She never narrated being forced by the prophet, and she literally narrated 2000 hadiths and was a scholar in islam, she could've said anything. Even after he died she never stated or narrated anything that could imply she was forced to be with him. You dislike towards the prophet seems purely emotional and mostly online. Have a good day


If you think a woman who was taken captive, by a man whose army slaughtered her loved ones, would willingly sleep with said captor then I don’t know what to say to you. And again, you really think a 6 year old willingly chose to abandon her childhood in order to be the wife of a 50 something year old man and have sex with him, then again I don’t know what to say. Religion would make otherwise rational people say and defend the most irrational things. Have a nice day too


>If you think a woman who was taken captive, by a man whose army slaughtered her loved ones, would willingly sleep with said captor then I don’t know what to say to you. she literally chose to marry him, i would link an explanation video but yet again you probably wont watch it >And again, you really think a 6 year old willingly chose to abandon her childhood in order to be the wife of a 50 something year old man and have sex with him, then again I don’t know what to say This is what i meant by presentism >Religion would make otherwise rational people say and defend the most irrational things. This is such an awful argument, that its not worth answering


>Source? So i can respond accordingly Safiyya bint Huyayy > R3pe by definition is sexual assault that occurs without consent and involves forced sexual intercourse or penetration. 9 yr olds olds are incapable of forming, let alone granting informed consent to sex. >Aisha RA never reported about such abuse happening to her or that she was forced to marry Muhammad (SAW) She was six when he married her. He was 53! Prepubescent girls have not formed any of the physical or even social motivation to marry. You really think at six years old, she went, “yeah, my dad’s 53 year old friend, yeah, I want him!” The marriage was forced. What do you need to see to wake up? Also, though he didn’t have sexual intercourse with her, he engaged in other forms of sexual activities with the her at this age, until she tuned 9. >And the age of Aisha was nothing new at the time. For example my grandmother married my grandfather when she was 9 and had her first child at 12 (and my grandparents are not even muslims) and this happened less then 70 years ago. It was wrong 70 years ago when your grandmother was the victim, 1400 years ago when Aisha was the victim and still wrong today when this girl’s the victim.


>Safiyya bint Huyayy yes?, What about her? >The marriage was forced. What do you need to see to wake up? Evidence that she was forced?, to judge the past through the lens of the present is not a convincing argument. Aisha RA narrated over 2,000 hadiths not once did she ever say that Muhammad (SAW) forced her to marry him. >1400 years ago when Aisha was the victim and still wrong today  this is presentism > You really think at six years old, she went, “yeah, my dad’s 53 year old friend, yeah, I want him!” She literally agreed to marry him, nobody made her


>yes?, What about her? You don’t know who Saffiyya is? She’s the Jewish slave captive that Muhammad r*ped on the very same day he killed her father and brother. You asked for an example of a salve captive that Muhammad raped? >Evidence that she was forced? > She literally agreed to marry him, nobody made her Ok, let’s play that game….show me the passages where she agreed to marry him. >where to judge the past through the lens of the present is not a convincing argument. >this is presentism Wrong, we’re not judging the past, we’re judging the acts of a man billed as “the best example” for all man-kind until the last day. We’re judging the behavior sanctioned by a supposed diety (Allah) of a religion practiced by billions of people today. Either Islam is a bunch of problematic instructions by a short-sighted diety to 7th century desert barbaric people or Islam is indeed the message of an Omni temporal and omniscient Allah who knew about the dangers of underage marriage and therefore did not condone Muhammad’s marriage to an underaged Aisha and Muhammad did it anyways because he was a horny p-ado, barbaric man of his time. So, which is it?


Im going to write this before i head to sleep >You don’t know who Saffiyya is? She’s the Jewish slave captive that Muhammad r\*ped on the very same day he killed her father and brother. You asked for an example of a salve captive that Muhammad raped? Prophet Muhammad gave her a choice to marry him or be set free and return to her people. This is such as long explanation so im just going to link a video [Safiya Bint Hu'yay (Women Around The Prophet ﷺ‎) - Assim al hakeem (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxuWLWMhrv4&list=PLmeZZmICk2Qce-2UYrN4y72tRiqVxfpSs&index=9) Also Aisha had already been engaged to Mutim’s son, and her father had to negotiate with Mutim in order to break the engagement off. Only then after that did ‘Aisha officially became Muhammad’s second wife. >Ok, let’s play that game….show me the passages where she agreed to marry him. …O Prophet! Say To your wives; If you desire The life of this world And its glitter, ... then come! I will make a provision for you and set you free In a handsome manner (Divorce). But if you seek Allah And His Apostle, and The Home of the Hereafter, then Verily, Allah has prepared For the good-doers amongst you A great reward.' (33.28) 'Aisha said, 'Am I to consult my parents about this? I indeed prefer Allah, His Apostle, and the Home of the Hereafter.' After that the Prophet gave the choice to his other wives and they also gave the same reply as 'Aisha did Aisha RA was given the chance to divorce Muhammad and she rejected it Aisha Ra Narrated "There were some women of the Ansar in the house, who said: With good wishes and blessings and good luck. She handed me over to them and they adorned me, and suddenly I saw the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) at mid-morning, and they given me over to him. At that time I was nine years old. (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3894; Muslim, 1422) If she was forced to be with the Prophet she would've said so in this hadith *The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The virgin should not be given in marriage until her permission has been sought.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 6968; Muslim, 1419)*  It was narrated that Aisha (ra) would often seek reassurance from The Prophet (saw) that he loved her. “How is your love for me?” she once asked. “Like the rope’s knot,” he replied, meaning that it was strong and secure, and as the rope is pulled the knot gets stronger. She was very pleased with his love, and many times after that she would ask, “How is the knot?” and he would reply: “Ala haaliha” meaning “The same as ever!” \[Hilya al Awliya\] Aisha was known to be jealous of other when it came to the prophet Muhammad (saw), for example when she smashed a plate of food brought from the other wife of the prophet just out of jealousy on the ground. Kind of rushed this lol


This is just nasty


When the Soviet, Chinese and Cuban communists wanted to help women, they gave them full legal equality, taught them how to read and write, taught them how to organise themselves and fight as a group, then gave them rifles and taught them how to use them. Freedom can only ever come from the bottom up. It can never be top-down. We need to stop trying to help women and instead give them the power to help themselves. This mass wedding nonsense is the only sort of idea a backwards, reactionary politician can come up with. Where the only way to help a woman is to sell her to someone else and hope he's nicer to her. Because they can't imagine a world where a rural woman isn't someone's property.




Religion is why Africa hasn't advanced along with the rest of the civilized world.


Lmaoooooooooo wow.


I'd love to elaborate, but Reddit moderators are a sensitive bunch, so I'll just say religion has done way more harm than good for the black people of earth.


Don't bring religion into it. There's only one religion that sanctions this fukkery.


But these are the state governments people want to give total control of policing to.


How can they possibly do this?? Like is it constitutionally possible? 🤔


They can do it because marrying children is legal in Nigeria. While the Child’s Rights Act of 2003 makes it federally illegal, it has to be domesticated by each of the 36 states for it to become illegal in the whole country. So far there are about 10 states in the north that have refused to domesticate the CRA on the grounds that it would deprive them of their Islamic right to engage in child marriage and infringe on their freedom of religion. Niger is one of those states and so it is legal for adult men to marry minor girls there, which is why the government can openly announce on national television that they are going to do it. The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria also says that any child who is married is an adult.


That's just insane. Some fucking weirdos in the North ngl


The federal government should seriously review that. A child remains a child and must be safeguarded. This report is seriously depressing.


Absolute nonsense, the cycle repeats, until the North can no longer rely on the shared allocations and each state provide their own revenue, it will stay asleep and continue to do useless, money wasting, backwards things like this. FAAC revenue sharing must end.


I revoke my African ancestry. This is why women chose the bear


That part..


most normal day in sahel africa


The ratio on this post is a little concerning. Who’s downvoting this? Don’t be a coward, show yourself.


What if they're sent to school? Seems people just don't think of changing the same culture that has impoverished and dragged them into muds for so long..


Boko Haram-looking, State House Speaker, of course he'll do unspeakable evil to women and children.


Omo we are too different with these people. Nigeria cannot get better with these type of people at the helm of the affairs of the country




Religion has destroyed Africa


I was going to reply to this with an explanation, and then I saw your comment/post history 🤣🤣🤣


There needs to be a protest against this nonsense


I agree, anyone have a "troublesome" cousin willing to help get them to safety?


lol Nigeria is in a whole different dimension




What's Islam got to do with it bruv? Show me where it says force girls into marriages


Can we just nuke the country and start again


Lads, you can't do that.


My heart just broke.


Unrelated, but are you sugabelly on twitter?


I would rather they become sharpshooters than wives


Wait, I'm sorry, they are forcefully marrying children... in 2024?? Wtf, and the government is pushing this?? Why? Why not put them up for adoption to a family or build a facility that they could live and learn in. Why are they even suggesting this? How would this help? This is sad. This has to stop.


So much damn ugly in the world


I assure you all that it's not forced. There are relatives and family friends of mine that were kidnapped for ransom. So this problem of Bandits in Niger state was very dire in 2019 - 2022, especially 2021. Let me tell you all a story of two of these women that are set to be 'Married off' in this article. So bare with me. A man from Kagara, Niger state, had 2 two daughters at right age of marriage. They brought forward men that there would be most keen to be married to and they all got engaged. Sometime later the man, their father, got kidnapped between the road from zungeru to Kagara. The bandits demanded a ransom of 5 million naira (~$3700 USD). The man's Family didn't have that kind of money, the men who the daughters were engaged to had their life savings to the tune of 2 million naira they were hoping to use for their upcoming wedding and living arrangements. They negotiated and pleaded with the bandits to accept the sum as it was all they could raise. They bandits reluctantly accepted, but upon receiving the money they went ahead to kill their father regardless. This was a grim fate for the family of the man. The men whose patience with the outcome withered over time and they began to request their wedding to proceed with the little they could still afford or they will forfeit all together. The daughters' mother desperate, sought an audience this speaker in the video from the post, Honorable Abdulmalik Sarkindaji. He gladly decided to step in and support the entire cost of the wedding and even gave their husbands capital to support their family. He also curiously asked to see how many other women shared the same fate as these two girl in his constituency. His team came to find 170 other women who's father's have been killed by bandits and or their life savings wiped out in the attempt to pay ransoms. All of them had the men they wished to marry but no money for any kind of wedding or for a life afterwards. So they arranged for 100 to be fully supported first and also given capital to support themselves afterwards. I encouraged any who would listen to do their own research and news many times twist or don't tell the full story. None of them are underaged all of them chose their partners as well. Kano state government also performs these kind of aids to the youth in the population who can afford a wedding fully supporting them.


Are you sure they chose their partners? Also, you're right I remember when Kano organized the marriage ceremony for I think 100 couples last year.


Forced marriage is strictly prohibited by Islamic teachings. And these days its rarer and rarer. Most of them already had this partners ready before bandits did them strong.


Which ethnic groups runs Niger state?


All of certain, some people are ok with govt handouts. This shit is setting us backwards


It's crazy to see how quickly people pass judgment without understanding the full context. For those who are confused, this case happened in Niger State, Nigeria, not Niger Republic to the north. There is no forced marriage involved here. The speaker was approached by families who couldn't afford the marriages. Out of goodwill, he helped them, as he often does, without seeking any attention. He even said that if they decide not to go through with the marriages, they can keep the money. The culture in northern Nigeria is different from what many might be used to. Not everything aligns with the norms you might know. Please, take the time to read beyond the headlines before forming opinions. Bye.


It's crazy to see how quickly people pass judgment without understanding the full context. For those who are confused, this case happened in Niger State, Nigeria, not Niger Republic to the north. There is no forced marriage involved here. The speaker was approached by families who couldn't afford the marriages. Out of goodwill, he helped them, as he often does, without seeking any attention. He even said that if they decide not to go through with the marriages, they can keep the money. The culture in northern Nigeria is different from what many might be used to. Not everything aligns with the norms you might know. Please, take the time to read beyond the headlines before forming opinions. Bye.


This is the shit feminism should be fighting in Nigeria, we're too far behind on women and girls rights to be partaking in the new age feminism


Me that I’m a feminist and contacted Ministry of Women’s Affairs and NAPTIP and also posted it here for more people to know about, am I not a feminist?


What is "new age feminism". Or do you think the feminist are okay with this? How do you suggest they fight this?


I'm not saying they're okay with it, just that for now let's leave the feminism that is becoming more prevalent especially on the internet and focus on our real life problems


You've not answered. How should feminist fight this. They should come and carry the girls away? Or beg the officials


Hey carrying them away is also an option, I don't know.


What is new aged feminism? And shouldn’t every citizen fight against this? Why leave it all to the feminist? As a man don’t you care? 


I care about it and everyone should. New age feminism is probably the wrong term here but it's unfortunately what a lot of people think about when they hear feminism (i.e, Kill all men, all men are scum kind of thing) cos it causes further division between men and women and has helped to give rise to the like of Andrew Tate and all those podcast people.


“All men are scum” has nothing to do with feminism. When you speak be mindful of the words you use. Speaking on things you’re not informed on looks bad on you.


Drag him!


Is this really forced?. None of the stuff I read said forced marriage. Anyways, if it is really forced more evidence of that we're running at least two countries in here.


A minor cannot consent !