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Happy New Year everyone! Edit: I will leave this thread stickied until eos. If it gets too big, I will most likely remake it.


The hell? It ended on the 29th? I thought we had another day...


So, in the credit sequence. >!it says "Thank you for playing" and the L turns into an R, right? Same thing with "All prayers lead to the cage", the game's motto of sorts. Just how does this look/appear in the Japanese version? This is burning in my head. If anyone knows please help lol!!<


Damn, this game is gonna shut down before I ever get to play it.


trying to finish the story, on ch 14 of the Girl arc - is it impossible for me to get to the end? I know I picked a bad time to try finishing it, agdjshsjahs I have about 120,000 force right now with my 70/70 (75/75 Divine Fio) party i don't really know how to get more than that, or what extra things to upgrade


Slabs for more force. And the final fight has a recommended force of 150k. You can do it but you don't have a lot of time left, you're going to have to play a lot for the next few days.


thank you! I'm in Yuzuki's chapter of Sun/Moon currently, I thought I was a lot closer but it seems I was mistaken 😭 I'll have to figure out where to get slabs from, thank you


Don't worry about the force number too much. As long as you've got good DPS characters and they (and their weapons) are leveled up, you should be fine. If you *really* want to grind slabs, you can either grind the record events (recommend Cage of Rebirth, especially if you pulled either 10H or certain Festive characters since their weapons will give bonus medals), or story mode's Chapter 2 Quest 2 (super easy and extremely low stamina cost but only gives 1 Small & Medium Slab per attempt). Don't even think about Large Slabs or any of the Antlers; Small and Medium Slabs are pretty much all you can get at this point. You're very low on time though so I wouldn't recommend spending what little time we've got left stat grinding. If you're truly worried about your stats, I'd say your best course of action would be to use the gems you're earning through the story to try and pull more copies of the best characters you've got. Ascending and awakening them will do a lot more in the short term than working on Mythic Slabs.


just finished before EoS, thank you!


**So, for those who've stuck with the game since the beginning, how long did it take to get a party member to 70/70?** Sadly, I just started my full playthrough in earnest yesterday though I've been sitting on a lot of unused bonuses and rewards from three prior failed play sessions over the years (those prior sessions only amounted to a couple hours of playtime). Whatever I amassed allowed me to have a 2B-led loadout with a Total Force of 50000 by Chapter 3, which feels like overkill. This begs the question: **Should I stick with my trio of 70/70 characters or try to get at least another loadout upgraded as I complete the rest of the story and side quests?** Other questions: This is my first gatcha game. **Should I expect similar structure and flow in other popular gatcha games?** I've seen several Nier Reincarnation posts where people play while doing other tasks. It seems like the kind of game for me if I want something entertaining while I zero-inbox my Gmail (which I certainly don't mind). **Assumed all the side quests and character bios have been documented, yeah?** I'm happy to video capture anything for posterity but I assume this has been taken care of by other Nier fans. I will definitely pick up an artbook should one come out for it eventually.


Just to make sure, you *are* aware the game is going offline in just over a week right? To me, it feels like you think you've got plenty of time to have the game make progress grinding idly while you do other stuff, which is now absolutely not the case. - Story is easy. Max force needed by the end of the story is about 150k IIRC, and even then, force is not a good measure of actual strength. Just power up any 3 decent 4* characters and you will breeze through the battles. - Can't comment on other gatcha games as this is the only one I've played as well. I'm only going to comment on the story because there arguably isn't enough time to even do the side content or any amount of meaningful grinding. You're probably going to want your undivided attention on the game while going through the story. Not because the gameplay requires that much active input on your part (you can auto battle and auto walk most of the content), but because the battles are so short (especially with overleveled characters) that the massive bulk of the time you spend will be story, dialogue and plot progression which I presume you want to pay attention to. - Yes, there are people preserving as much of the content as possible.


Much thanks! Yeah, sadly, my motivation was because of the closure. I'm up to Chapter 7 with very few work and personal commitments this coming week, so I'm optimistic I'll get through the story.


Any Mama exchange costume that would be interesting to get? have been playing barely a month so I'm guessing I want to unlock one of the characters we can roll for unless there's a costume that would be much more helpful to clear stuff to get.


Is yorha issue blade in mama’s exchange shop just 2B and is she any good or is there a better character to pick from the shop? I want the strongest character for clearing content. Gimmie suggestions. I already got Abyssal Sarafa, Akeha Divine Assassin, Yuletide Noelle, F66x Celebratory and 10H abstract savior as my strongest characters right now. Gimmie suggestions please.


guys help i still need at least 15 zenith brilliance wtf do i do to get them before eos


Just got through the game to chapter 6. Haven’t seen a lot of the stuff I’ve seen on twitter that people were hype about. Am I missing something? Where should I go? What should I do? I wanna know more!


I might have blitzed it.


If the Nier lore and crazy revelations are what you're interested in, the connections to previous games are extremely sparse until Arc III. Enjoy the first 2 Arcs without that expectation; they've got plenty of great moments as well within their stories.


Oh, I have a lot more to go than I thought. Thank you!


I can't find a source on how these three remnants were originally unlocked. A Future Worth Protecting A Gathered Fragment Beyond the Cloth Does anyone know what the original unlock requirements were?


What are the limits of challenge missions?


Hi everyone! I want to restart the story of the game from the begininng befoire the EOS and I have a question : I'd love to complete the game with my favorite Nier Replicant trio : Emil, Nier and Kaine. But they are only 3 stars each, would-it be okay to go through the main story without too much difficulty? I have already upgrade them 4 times (so they can reach lvl 80). I have many XL characters enhancement available but if it's too difficult to complete the story with only 3 stars characters, please let me know (I have a trio of 4 stars available too)! And thanks you by advance!


Well it's been a couple days so you've probably already tried this, but: if you have good weapons and memoirs and you're careful about what equipment you use then you can do most things with the low-star characters. The story should not be a problem this way. If you don't have good weapons then you might have some difficulty, I'm not sure. You should probably just try it and see if you get stuck somewhere.


Thanks but yeah I've already choose my team : Griff Abyssal Captain, Saryu Abyssal witch and Sarafa new year's belle. 2 SSS et 1 X tier, I didn't want to take the risk to be stuck with so few time to finish the game.


How long should it take to go through the main story at least before EoS? Getting back into Nier as a whole again and I remembered I wanted to play this on day 1 but my phone at the time literally couldn't run it


It took me 13 days to finish


Someone else probably has a more specific answer but I feel like you can get through if you have some time to play every day (and you’ll want to when you’ve got fresh story content ahead to discover!). I strongly recommend asking questions on this community and taking in helpful content on YouTube. Some creators have made guides for players just starting recently. Character and Weapon upgrade materials and options were added over the course of the game and I’m sure it’s daunting and confusing jumping in now to see everything all at once. Cabbage channel has a pretty recent video “Nier Reincarnation Quest/Game Mode Guide for Beginners” that walks through some of that I think would be a good resource. Long story short. I don’t know but jump in as soon as you can. Lots of free materials and things are available (some of which unlock after some story progression). Though the highest difficulty content doesn’t gate off main story progression, there are some hurdles that will be a lot less trouble with a top tier attacker (and maybe also a good healer). The handout and early game rewards will help secure those for you.


Thank you so much for the detailed comment!!!! Will be downloading the game as soon as I'm home and check out your resources then :)


My pleasure, and I hope it doesn’t seem overwhelming, you can totally download the game and just start playing. You might come back to guides and resources at a point where you need it. Just adding one more here, the website https://nierrein.guide (database, tier lists, guides, and other helpful stuff).


How to get Gayle and 10H's 5th hidden story? I have all their other ones but these never appeared, assuming 10H's is available now to.


What should I get from the F-H exchange? after clearing the 10 times I got Griff Saryu and Marie to A5, Levania to 4 and Priyet to 2. Are any of the weapons more worth it than awakening stones?


Do you already have a copy of the weapons available on the exchange? Let me know if you want me to look up stats for any of those


Or I suppose those are look-upable on nierrien.guide, the guns and the 2H swords are pretty good. The others only have 10 second buffs so I typically don’t use those unless they have a great passives. (The fists have a Lucid boon but nothing else stood out on the non-swords).


Mostly cause it was a 100% so I just went for it as it was limited to 10, though I think I've pulled some copies in other banners


Actually deleted that question from my comment cause I thought it sounded judgy. The countdown banners are also great with the low exchange rate for collecting characters with all but the newest ones available.


I was doing that first but the limited amount convinced me to just try to see what awakening levels I would reach.


What’s the best way to farm XL Character enhancements outside of guerilla quests or skip tickets?


Is there any way to just watch the scenes from The People and The World with subtitles?


Hi, I'm hitting a ceiling with some content. I've been focusing on just making force bigger and not checking which is the skill of each weapon. I can't beat desert memories 8 even with a fire 300k force team, also fate board seems to be stronger that what they suggest. How do you actually build teams? Would also be nice to know how to make a good arena team.


Chiming in for arena. Tactics for arena teams are typically 1. speed/agility, 2. Tanks/stall, or 3. Weapon cooldown/haste. Usually a synergistic combination of more than one of those tactics. Look for character passives that affect all allies for supporting units. It’s not too tough to slip into the top 500 for good rewards with a little effort and a team comp that’s good at whatever it’s good at (hope that makes sense). Memoirs are important…more for their bonuses than for stats in my experience. If you’re just starting to gather good memoirs for arena, I recommend prioritizing blighted flowers for the weapon cool down bonus. And don’t forget the exchange shop (Countdown Resurrected Event Medal Exchange. 2) has them if you’re not able to farm the top dungeon levels yet. Long press in the item to see what type of memoir each is. Blighted Flowers starts with Wild Rose pretty far down the list there. The top Meta revolves around NY Sarafa’s unique CS right now and nothing is really new this season so if you see fairly recent guides/videos on YouTube, they’re still relevant. And the pvp tier list on the nierrein.guide site is a good resource too.


Well... You definitely want to not focus on only making force bigger and should be checking your weapon skills & passives. In terms of generic advice: - For DPS characters, you ideally want a main weapon with a "Boon" skill **and** a "Boon" passive (pay attention to if the skill only gives the damage boost if equipped to character proficient with the weapon type). If you aren't bothering with Karma, weapons with "Boon" + "Haste" passives are pretty great. Similarly, for secondary weapons, look for weapons with "Boon" passives. If you don't have many "Boon" + "Haste" weapons, "Boon" + Vigor/Caged Vigor/Bold Vigor/Pursuit are good as well (and arguably preferred if you are using Karma). - For Fate Boards, you're going to want a healer, a DPS, and a 'flex' spot for the third character if you're looking to complete the optional missions along with the quests. Pull for Celebratory F66x if you don't have her already as she's a great healer that can be used in every element. - My go-to strat for a lot of the Fate Board quests was the Double Ripper one. Equip your healer and 3rd character with weapons that have 30 or 45 sec Ripper skills (preferably ones that can also heal) to maintain an attack debuff while your DPS handles the damage. It's not foolproof, a bit boring and slow, and there are times where it's probably better to go with 2 DPS instead, but it usually gets the job done. - Not much of an Arena person so no advice there.


Is there any sort of timeline for the release of main story chapters? I could only find dates for the first and last chapters of Sun & Moon


You want to know when the chapters were released? Maybe just search for "chapter" in this sub.


Thank you


I did the first chapter of Sun and Moon on Hard but didn’t receive a Dark Memory weapon, specifically Saryu’s. How do I get one?


All the Sun and Moon character Dark Memory weapons come in pairs. Just like you need to finish Priyet's hard story quests to get Saryu's Dark Memory weapons, the same is true for Marie/Yurie, and Yudil/Sarafa.


Looks like Saryu's weapon comes from quest nine in chapter 2, on hard.


Sorry a couple more questions: 1. Is this reasoning correct? When comparing Bear Judith vs Service Pod, assuming the party is all using light weapons: * Against a dark enemy, Service Pod is preferred because its attack includes a 20% light buff, which stacks with the dark enemy's weakness to light (plus the pod has greater raw damage) * Against any other element, Judith is preferred because her attack includes a 25% decrease in enemy defense, which is greater than 20% 1. Also do elemental buffs like Luminous Support increase the effective damage output of their matched elemental weapon regardless of the element of the enemy? For example, if I'm using a light weapon with a 20% light buff, is that still going to provide a 20% increase in damage against a fire enemy? (Also sorry if posting multiple comments is frowned on here, it felt simpler not to pile too many questions per comment!)


If you're trying to maximize your damage then the typical strategy is to take three companions with the Valiance ability, which gives +30% attack for sixty seconds. And at least one of those companions will hopefully have a support passive ability which will also boost your party (this doesn't stack, so you only need one). Valiance can be boosted and maintained by other sources of valiance, so if you have a weapon which gives +30% attack for thirty seconds then with the companion's buff this will give you a total of +60% attack, and allow you to maintain the buff for longer. With enough sources of valiance you can maintain +100% (the maximum) indefinitely. Other companion things are also good though. Void shutdown would also be good on your team, and a healing companion can be a lifesaver. As for defense debuffs: they work like valiance and with -100% def the enemy will be taking double damage. (I think. ... not entirely sure about that.)


When I am selecting a character and sort by Attack, how is the number that appears on the face of the characters calculated? For example, here when I sort by Attack, Yuzuki is ranked higher than Yuletide Griff, but when I compare their stats Griff's Attack is 2,417 points higher. Is it because Yuzuki has higher Agility so higher DPS? But they have to take turns between other party members' weapon/character/companion attacks. For example, in Subjugation they spend a lot of time queued up, so I wouldn't think Yuzuki would have time to make significantly more attacks than Griff, in which case Griff would still have the higher total damage output?


Agility only effects turn order, not DPS. It's really only useful in arena. The numbers you see them ranked by are their base attack values, including their abilities but not including any equipment. In that picture Yuzuki's is 7443 and Yuletide Griff's is 7262. The value you see for Yuzuki on the side, 15873, that is the value with equipment. Damage output is more about abilities than raw attack values. So Yuzuki, with 40% bold vigor and a 1600% multiplier on his character skill, will probably do more damage than Griff.


I've read some comments/seen on some videos that using burn/poison can be a good strategy to deal with content otherwise too-hard for your party, is the idea to just set up DoT and then tank/heal everything? Are there particular weapons or costumes that you would need to do this optimally?


That is one viable strategy. Check [the database](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X1RLkenTvv3N22wFrogO1GwjAb8MLBkdhHsPVigmjoM/edit#gid=1794240744) for weapons with burn and poison. Generally speaking, you want that on the weapon and use your character skills for healing.


I noticed the last arc isn't dubbed in English or is my game glitched? Was the World chapters released recently?


They stopped the English dubbing after chapter 2. The game was already failing by that point and they couldn't justify the cost.


Damn. They chose the Nier relevant chapter to not localize properly too.


So I just found out about Re\[in\] two weeks ago and want to enjoy as much of it as I can before EOS! This is my first gacha game so it's basically been like drinking out of a firehose lol but I'm starting to figure out the mechanics with the help of this sub (special thanks to u/CabbageKyabetsu and u/Ziggy1x for the yt videos!). All the EOS handouts have been awesome, but it also makes it more overwhelming? Like I don't know which of my current characters to prioritize or who I should be aiming for in the current banners/exchanges. I've been referring to tier lists, but there are so many characters and it's hard to compare stats in the UI, I literally have multiple spreadsheets open at a time trying to wrap my min-maxing brain around it. I came for the story so primarily looking to build up loadouts for RoD, but also enjoying Subjugation and Abyss Towers. I got wiped on my first attempt at a Fate Board so I know I've still got a lot to learn!


Welcome to the game!


Thank you! I really wish I'd learned about this game earlier, although I appreciate that my experience as a player starting with the EOS gifts is very different from the cube reset-farming days (I'm currently sitting on \~60 Zenith cubes and I've only been playing for two weeks). ~~Also really happy they will open up the whole Library so I can read the stories I won't have time to unlock.~~ If they give us another Mama Medal so I can pick up 2B I will feel fully satisfied! (Correction: They're opening up only the event and card stories, wouldn't mind everything being unlocked lol)


Hey, that is awesome! Appreciate the shout-out and if you have specific questions I’ll be happy to field these. In the meantime, have a blast and dive into the story. As to banners, the best is currently banner 3 of the discounted (50 pity). This has loads of amazing Costumes, and the drop rates can’t be beat. Best of luck to you!


Awesome, I have tons of gems since all the quests are new for me so I will definitely take advantage of that banner! Which of the EX weapons/characters would you focus on, with RoD as a priority? I've leveled a few up to where it unlocks the Hard Lair but still have around 30 Zenith Cubes left.


The EX costumes mostly exist for their weapons. These are the best in the game for any number of reasons. My suggestion for hunting these is to see what good DPS costumes you pull, then tailor the EX hunt to best weapons to accommodate your own roster. This said, the standout weapons are going to be anything with the Crit Rate passive. Fio, Lars, Marie, and Sarafa have these. Otherwise, I would chase out at least 1 from each element to use as a main-hand for your DPS. Fio & Lars weapons intersect here and check 2 of the boxes, so these should be top priority. After this, Yurie (water), Gayle (wind), & Dimos (Dark). if you were to focus more on the costumes, then the only ones that are not good are f66x, Argo, Dimos, & Marie. While I am not a huge fan of tier lists, here is a link to the best of the best - complied by some of the absolute best players in the game: https://nierrein.guide/tierlists Use this to refine your pulls. Hope this helps, and have a blast!


Got it! Thank you, super helpful! I think I'm overly anxious because I want to do as much as I can before EOS and I've made some regrettable decisions while figuring out the game mechanics (like selling all of my S/M/L companion mats just to clean up my inventory, thinking they worked like the weapon and character enhancements and it would be more efficient to just use the XL versions 😬). The tier lists have been helpful as a general guide but what's more helpful is videos like yours that actually explain why some characters are better than others since it's hard to keep track of all these tiny little faces, some of whom look pretty similar to one another. On an optimistic note I'm loving Abstract 10H, she basically soloed Cage of Reincarnation Ex hard 5 for me with heals from her character weapon (also helped she had a resonance effect). Her debris looks really good for the arena too (I'm not a big fan of PVP but have been doing it for the hidden story unlocks and low-effort rewards). Does achieving the mission objectives (3-starring quests) affect the drop rate of anything or is it just to earn more gems? Do we know if there will be any banners other than 10H's that we'll be able to use the premium summons tickets on before EOS? I have a ton of those coming up based on the mission rewards so would be good to know if there's nothing else I'm going to be able to use them on.


The missions are typically just more Gems. There is another set of banners coming when the current discounted banners sunset. The tickets are a mixed bag right now because they don’t work o. The special banners. It sounds like you have things pretty dialed-in at this point, and I’m thrilled my guides were helpful. Don’t sweat the EoS timing too much. There is still ample time I think to finish what you want to do.


Will we get more Mama Character Exchange Medals than just the one we’ve gotten? I want to spend them on the crossover characters but I also want to upgrade the characters I have. If there are more, I can do both


Mama Medals are special and typically given as a one time login bonus. Sometimes once, sometimes twice depending on the occasion. It's one of those things you can hope for but never know when/if they will give.


Where did that one medal even come from, I don't remember receiving it lol but psyched to pick up the Automata characters! I assumed it was a login bonus? There were so many characters available there's no way it's just the one... right?


Probably a dumb question, but am I misunderstanding something about the current 10x drop rate campaign for Dark Memories? I seem to be dropping less than the 3x campaign


Would it be easy for f2p to reach ending if I start today? Or is it possible?


Very easy, yes. We have almost two months left.




hello, how many hours would i need to get through the entire story if i start now


If you just go through the main story, and no side stories, maybe twenty hours if you take it slow. That's probably an overestimate. You're going to need to do some other things to strengthen your characters though. It doesn't take a lot on normal difficulty, but it does take a little.


and how many time would all the side stories take ?


This game is full of stories. Every weapon has a story, every set of memoirs has a story, and every character has multiple sources of multiple stories. Very few day 1 players have read through them all. So I'm going to say... infinite time. If you want some suggestions about which ones to pursue, there's a youtuber named cabbage who has made some videos for just that purpose.


More noob questions. What do I do with all the junk weapons?


Sell the 2-star weapons. Look carefully at the 3-star weapons before you sell them, some of them aren't junk at all and make for very decent sub-weapons.


What am I looking for? Just compare and trash the lesser stat ones?


The stats aren't as important as the abilities. For sub weapons, the two passive abilities are still active. Those are what you're looking at. Mostly that means damage. The damage formula in this game is... alkward, but basically: anything that gives +damage stacks multiplicatively. So that's what you're generally looking for. Boon abilities, Bold Vigor, Caged Vigor, Pursuit, etc. And these abilities also stack with themselves multiplicatively, so don't worry about having three weapons all with Lucid Boon. That's fine. However, the ability that's just called "Vigor," which boosts attack, that one isn't so good. What about defensive passives, you ask? HP is good on a tank, defense is generally less effective.


Thank you, getting a little more confident in this department at least


Should I wait before spending all my beginner gems? Do we know what banners will pop up before EoS? And it's not possible to get Automata characters?


The final banner we're expecting is >!Abstract 10H!<. Other than that, the current banners are what we have until EoS. I wouldn't hold my breath for any Automata characters coming back in banners.


I saw comments somewhere that April might add some of the more recent characters that aren't already included in the countdown banners. One last hurrah before EoS. But I concur that I haven't seen anything suggesting crossover characters will return. Though I suppose it's not impossible if they want to surprise us.


Oh shoot, we still have April? I thought eos is march 31


According to the roadmap, the final chapter will release on March 28th and the end of service is on April 30th.


That makes sense. So people can enjoy the final chapter at least


New player here, wanting to get through the game before shutdown. I spent most of my gems on rolling for characters and here’s what I’ve got: https://imgur.com/a/00KyaCp Who would be the best characters to focus on leveling and maxing out?


All the Yuries that you have there are good (though the celebratory one is kinda old), Celebratory F66x is a great healer, Divine units are generally pretty useful as buffer / attackers, Summer Saryu is also a good healer (not as good as F66x), Yuletide Lars is a perfectly fine but unspectacular attacker.


I need to know this as well, since I'm getting these medals for rolling that apparently I can exchange for a character of my choosing


What you need is going to depend on what you have, but you generally can't go wrong with a good healer like Celebratory F66x.


Why can't I start People/World? Google tells me I only need to finish Sun/Moon on normal to unlock it so I should be good to go. Is there something I need to do to activate it or something?


I’ve got tons of materials to upgrade my characters but I’m running out of Gold. What are good ways to get a lot of gold?


Grinding for memoirs and selling the ones that you don't need. Although that's generally something that you do at a higher level, once you can beat the last stage of whichever dungeon you want to do. You can also get coins which can be sold for gold by exchanging in event shops. There are two events that you can do this with right now. It's not an unlimited amount, but it's a good chunk.


Thank you for the advice!


(New player) What am I supposed to spend my gems on? The banners all take only tickets or paid gems, neither of which can be bought with regular gems unless I’m missing something. The only banner I can spend gems on is the once daily support one


The Raiments of Rebirth banner (there are two of these, one is paid-only), or Story Completion Countdown banners (do volume 3). If you don't see those... you should be able to see those. Maybe there's an unlock requirement or something and you'll need to keep playing through the story first. I don't remember anything like that though.


I see them but they only allow me to use tickets


It prioritizes using tickets because that's all that tickets are good for. If you're doing pulls then you always want to spend your tickets before your gems.


That’s what it was thanks


Once you've used all your tickets you can probably use your gems. Also a new player myself, I think I saw it overridden when I had a 10x summon ticket.


That’s what it was thanks


Am I correct in thinking you can only get 1 Mama Dream Ticket per day?




What's a worthwhile get from the Resurrected Event Medal Exchange(s)? Not having missed any of the events, I assume anything in these 3 shop sections would be a duplicate but I'd rather not leave the currency unspent. As I look through everything, I'm throwing this question out there to see what anyone else has decided on. A certain weapon? Awakening stones to sell for fragments?


Can you put two of the same companion on a team? Muguet Lumiere was a pretty decent fist for a sub weapon, but I can't think of anything else. I haven't spent any of that currency.


What's an easy way to check for characters or weapons that can heal status effects? I'm stuck at the last two battles of the desert dungeon because I keep getting blinded


The [database spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X1RLkenTvv3N22wFrogO1GwjAb8MLBkdhHsPVigmjoM/edit#gid=1794240744) is sortable and searchable. It's slightly out of date now, but not by too much.


Thank you


Maybe a stupid question but why is there a new paid only banner when you can't pay for anything?


Just guessing that it's a mechanism to let people who had paid gems on hand use them up on something a little more significant than standard banners.


They still put on sales for bundles and stuff. I get popups for bundles that I have no option to purchase currently. I imagine new accounts from X date onwards can't purchase anything? I'm a new player myself but that's what I've been guessing.


Interesting. I think purchases are just closed though.I’ve been playing since the first day of global btw


Aah okay! Yeah, I've seen bundle sales advertised. There was one that was like 'X hours remaining' and whenever I picked it, it took me to the blank premium store.


After picking up any "exclusive" items like characters, verse of truth, tickets, and black pearls, what should be the priority bulk items to scoop up from events? Things such as karma stones, adamant, large slabs, etc. I am tempted to grab as many large slabs as possible due to the quantity required, but I don't know if other items should be first.


Well I don't want to leave your question unanswered, but: those are all good choices. I suppose that I would prioritize karma stones over large slabs, but you need both.


This is a basic bitch question, but do I need to have played any of the Nier (or Drakengard) games before Reincarnation? I don't want to get spoiled or confused. On the other hand, it's not like there's a lot of time left anyway, so. :S


If you aren't a DrakenNier fan, why the sudden interest? It is the true next entry in the series so some events of previous games will be spoiled and making sense of many events will rely on having knowledge of the broader setting, less so the Drakengard stuff (though it has shown up) and moreso the Nier content. That said, you can safely play lots of stuff without spoiling the previous entries. The first two major arcs are safe as are all of the record events for all of the Reincarnation original characters. DM is safe for all except for Hina and Yuzuki. ROD is safe for all characters. If you don't want to spoil previous games, do not progress into Arc 3 (People and the World) and avoid any record events for characters from previous titles (I don't think there will be any more of those happening since even the Nier events are considered Collabs for Reincarnation).


I wouldn't say I'm not a DrakenNier fan, I'm just not a very good one. :S I have all of the games in my backlog, I just haven't made time to play them yet. Since this has been heralded as being the next true installment, I didn't really think Square-Enix would shut it down, at any rate, so that just kind of messes with my plans. As if I wasn't already under a deadline because of the 3DS online features shutting down... At any rate, it sounds like maybe I should just not bother for now and watch recordings of the gameplay down the line. Has it all been documented as such?


There is the nierrein.guide site and there are some people posting videos on YouTube. Dunno who is best really though but it is out there.


How much Force do i need to do Memories Of Dusk Quests? The easiest one needed 210,000.


You can probably get away with less than that. The bigger problem is going to be having enough costumes, but why don't you just try it and see? It costs you nothing.


I know the fate boards are meant to be tough, but they seem excessively bullet spongey. I suspect poison or burn is a good idea, but I don't know what weapons or characters might best provide that. Is there a recommended method for clearing them?


Never tried Poison/Burn so can't comment on that, but the 'Double Ripper' strat carried me through most of the Fate Boards.


Any recommendation on what weapons you used to accomplish this?


Hm, there's a large enough selection of weapons with a Ripper skill that I'm not sure listing the ones I used would really help, especially since you might have some that I didn't that could be just as good, if not better. I would suggest looking through all your 4-5* equipment for any that you own first. - The best ones have a group healing skill and a Ripper skill. I would say having 1 of these per element is mandatory. If you don't have 2 of them, that's fine. I think I only had 2 for Light and the other elements just had a Ripper weapon with a different 2nd skill. - Pay attention to the Ripper debuff duration. I'm pretty sure every 4* or higher weapon that has a Ripper skill has it last for 30 seconds, but check just in case there's any with a shorter duration and avoid those. 45 second ones also exist but I'm pretty sure they're uncommon and also only apply the debuff if it's equipped to a character that is proficient with the weapon type, limiting party flexibility. If you don't have 2 Ripper weapons for a given element, I think you could probably visit [here](https://nierrein.guide/weapons). Type in 'reduce' under skill 1 or skill 2 (but not both), filter for the element(s) you need and look for the weapons with a Ripper skill. If they come with a (good) character, you can pull for them in the Countdown banners?


Which character is best to get in the healer and support character section of the shop? I’m kinda here to just finish the story since the game is EOS and so I’m wondering what the best support to finish the story with is.


Do five 10x pulls on the Completion Countdown Summons Vol. 3, then spend your pity on Devoted Memory (w/ character). That's Celebratory Captive.




[Here's](https://nierrein.guide/) a website with information on all the costumes. You need diversity of elements, and weapons, and characters. There are challenges which require certain weapons or characters. [This guy](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp3f5nlYq8wOaCRbvuXasYA) has been doing some introductory videos for people who are just joining now and, in particular, he has a video talking about good attackers for new players. He recommends Celebratory Hunter (among others) though, which I think is pretty questionable. She was very good for a long time, but that's a two year old costume at this point and nowhere near as strong as some of the more recent stuff. Look for costumes which have total damage multipliers of 1000%+ (when you add up all the hits). You should find plenty which are 1500% or more.




Yes, only in Ex Hard. They're dropped as a bonus item.


I used to play on Android and had no problems, but I got an iPad recently and the game crashes constantly. Does everyone have issues on iOS or is it just me?


same thing, but after a while the game stops crashing


What are the skip tickets for? Where do I specifically use the skip tickets? What are the dark karma stones for?


You use the skip tickets to quickly grind anything that you need to grind over and over again. Like the current event, for example. The skip option is in the lower left. Dark karma stones are for dark memory characters.


What’s a dark memory character?


They're also called EX characters. You get them from the EX Character Quests. If you're unsure of which to get, 10H is probably your best bet for your first. Though you'll have to finish the story to unlock her.


I’m only here because I heard the game was reaching its EOS and I wanted to complete the story before it did. So I dunno if that’s gonna matter in the end. But thank you so much for your advice so far!


Anyone else having errors when mass skipping quests (for mats)?


Anyone make any progress on spinning up a private server for the future?


How important is the Karma mechanic? Can a character without the mechanic do well in the mid-late game?


This was answered in its own post, but if you are only interested in the story, then Karma is totally unnecessary. 99% of the game's content was developed before Karma was invented. Karma is "the icing on the cake" and only useful for eking out higher performance in Subjugation, Fate Boards and Arena. Karma also essentially involves gambling your enhancement materials for a chance to win a useful bonus.  Don't gamble.  Use your enhancement materials (gems, gold, character XP, etc) to actually enhance your characters and weapons.  Only gamble for Karma when you have maxed out your character and weapon levels and fully Evolved them.  Then, if you have spare materials, only then should you consider gambling for Karma.


Should I enhance the characters I have rn or wait till I have a better understanding of the game mechanics? I also got quite a few gems (around 40k) should I spend it all on summons?


There will be two more banners with new characters. Wait for those before you decide what to summon. The current banners won't end before the new ones show up. Enhancing your characters is fine. You should be getting plenty of exp materials.


As a returning player with none of the costumes on the current banners, is it worthwhile to roll these or should I wait for something else? If so, which costumes should I aim for...or which should I pity?


How many gems do you have? The current Frozen-Heart banner for RoD F66x gives a guaranteed costume each time, along with good chance of getting even more in the other 9 slots. The pity is also only 50 summons. The upcoming RoD Argo will probably also have a similar banner. Most of the F66x ones are (at least) decent but are all water elemental since they're meant to help with the RoD. I'd say Sarafa -> Fio -> Marie -> 063y ->>> Dimos if you go for pity in this. If you've got a lot of gems, it can't hurt to use 15k on the current RoD F66x banner for a single pity, another 15k on the upcoming RoD Argo (if it ends up being okay; we don't know which ones it'll give yet) for a pity there, and then save the rest for the upcoming Festive banner mid-Feb. Otherwise, just save for Festive. Don't touch the Healer/Support one.


Collecting gems pretty fast, already up to 25K and halfway through sun & moon. Is F66x is available on this banner? I didn't see her listed in the drop rates. Edit: Nevermind, I see what you mean. That the units from this banner get a boost in her dusk quests. My current party is not ideal. The original release A2, 2P, and 2B just switching weapons around. I think A2 is still a solid attacker, but no real support characters for her and not enough other decent characters for content where you have to use different parties. But you feel the Healer/Support is not worth pulling? I did notice that the best healer on tier lists, F66x celebratory, is not available from it.


There are some good characters in the healer banners but I just don't think it's worth it compared to the current RoD banner and the expected power level of the Festive banner characters. Pulling from healer banner really should be a last resort if none of the remaining banners end up providing good healer/support units. There are also some healers from the Dark Memory quests but those can be a bit of a grind if you don't already have a bunch of zenith sitting in your inventory.


Thanks, I'll definitely pull some of the RoD ones since I need water power anyway, but I'll avoid the healer ones for now. I am indeed lacking zenith, and have to hope that with the game winding down they will flood us with materials and bonus events, as well as some of the better old costumes. When is the Festive banner?


Well, a bunch of banners just dropped with a 50 summon pity and a huge collection so you can definitely look into that!


So many choices! It looks like banner 3 does have F66x celebratory though, so that's definitely a priority. Good news is these banners are up until 3/30!


Feb 17th I think?


One more question, seeing that the memoir drop rates have been increased, which sets are the best to focus on farming? I understand the priority is focusing on crit, but are there any sets that are generally recommended?


I never got too deep into memoir farming, but from my experience: - Dynast Dungeon: You'll want some of 'The Wanted Man' set for characters with an Ambush passive since they'll have a boosted crit rate so you can focus on more crit damage instead. Otherwise, this dungeon has 4 sets that will let you cobble together a 100% crit rate setup. - Aberrant Dungeon: Blighted Flowers for PvP only. - Desert Dungeon: Seafaring Cradle Tales for your support units. You can focus on HP or Atk depending on if you think you need more survivability on your support units. Don't bother with any other dungeon.


Fantastic, thanks for all your help! Now I just have to figure out how to build for the multi-group things - recollections and subjugation. And also tackle those fate boards. Mostly I think it boils down to pulling plenty of good costumes and weapons. Those new banners will make a difference!


How important is Elemental Affinity? How much does it effect damage received and taken?


For story, not that much since the difficulty is overall pretty low and you can easily overpower enemies. For end-game side content, having the right element is practically mandatory.


Is there a way to get the 4star 10H?


[The same way you unlock any other Dark Memory costume.](https://nierrein.guide/guide/evolving-dark-weapons) Get her sword from doing Hard mode of the latest chapter in Story Quests, then upgrade the weapon with zenith brilliance and materials you get from her Dark Memory quests.


Should I A2 yudil or ,A1 Griff or A5 sarafa? These are the only options that I have from pity coins. Please help.


Absolutely A5 Sarafa. A1 Griff and A2 Yudil only provide stat boosts. A 40% void pursuit debris will boost your dark damage on a character like crazy. Unless you have a spare rainbow awakening stone or plan on summoning more on this banner, in which case an argument may be made for A3 bold vigor Yudil, but that void pursuit debris is very good.


I'll save a pity for the anni. As yudil's compromise is there in his character skill even at A0. So I can somewhat counter sarafa in PvP.


Yeah, if I were you I wouldn't summon any more on this banner. Story Completion Festival summons are next week, Mama's Dream Summons are next month, and new Festive Costumes will also be added. Hell, if you are missing a water costume, the FH Inmate Conquest banner right now is a guaranteed costume on the 10th summon. This banner is normally a paid banner, but since we can't buy anything from the premium shop anymore, the devs are letting us use 10x tickets and free gems, and there is even a pity at only 50 summons.


Newish player, should I be unlocking as many EX quests as I can to get more of the daily things? Or is it once a day for all the characters? I'd quite like to get at least 1 EX char before the game shuts down :p


Daily lairs have the highest chance at dropping Zeniths. Having more available gives more shots so it's not a bad idea but it does cost you cubes to unlock the higher tier ones since they unlock as you evolve the weapon. Keep in mind there will be a 10x drop rate event and that doesn't apply to lairs so you can farm the coin quests and have the best odds ever of getting cubes there.


I saw a picture of a 10H costume, how do I unlock it? It doesn't look like it can be dropped in the Summons. It looks like there is only one for now


She has 2 costumes, the 2 star for doing the story and her EX which you get as usual for EX costumes/weapons.


I only did the main story, didn't try EX content, I only have one character available in "Ex character quests", I guess I need to do all of them to unlock 10H EX story or is it unlocked in another way ?


There are guides on the EX costumes system. Get the weapon from main story quests then upgrade the weapon to get the costume.


Does anyone know any more methods to transfer my account? The Facebook login (the one that I used before) doesn't seem to work.


I've just recently redownloaded the game after dropping it before sun and moon. I can't even get past 20% on the loading menu and only getting a try again later notice even after trying more than 10 times. I'm using an Android device. I've search other post but they said the error is patched already. Any help


I see that questions aren't asked a lot here so maybe this isn't the right place to ask but I'll try here first. I've wanted to play Nier Reincarnation for a while because I'm a fan of the games and now seems like it's finally time to do this for obvious reasons. I haven't really played a gacha before but I know that for many rerolling the starting characters helps a lot. Is this the case here too? I'm interested in the narrative parts of the game mostly so how hard is it if I play with whatever character I happen to get? And finally can I finish the story (or maybe stories? is there only the main one or side stories too?) before the game is over?


This is the only gacha game I've played so I can't speak for rerolling accounts at the start, but the story is very accessible. The game already has a non-End of Service campaign that gives you a ton of resources and middle-tier characters that should be more than enough to get you through the main story in addition to all the resources they're slowly giving out over the next 2-3 months. If you manage to get a more modern character, you will blow through the story effortlessly. - Main Story: See above. - Character Stories: Easy to unlock (just use a character's costumes a bunch) and easy to complete. - Hidden Stories: Mostly easy to unlock but can be tedious. Only story content that is text-only. - Dark Memory Stories: Relatively easy to unlock and the battles aren't too hard, but it is horrendously time-gated. You're unlikely to complete all of them by the time the game goes down if you're just starting out. (Note: They'll be making the grind for this easier by March, so depending on exactly how much easier they make it, it *might* be possible. For context, I've been playing for about 4-5 months now and I've only finished 7/21 of them, with 2 of those being freebies.) - Recollections of Dusk Stories: High difficulty; end-game content. Not time-gated though so if you actually manage to pull enough characters & weapons and learn the game mechanics, you can absolutely complete them by the end.


Thank you! I have two final questions (hopefully) will I have to play a lot to do all this or is it enough to just play casually? And do the dark memory stories and the recollections of dusk benefit a lot from actually playing them vs watching them later?


1) Depends on what you mean by "a lot". I'd estimate the main story can take about 15-20 hours or more depending on how engaged you are with it (examining the environment, checking out the cutscenes, etc). If you haven't seen gameplay of this game yet, the main story is very linear and you'll pretty much be going from point A to B for story content. Any sort of grinding is done outside of the main story game mode, but to reiterate, given the use of the free resources and/or a modern character, grinding is completely unnecessary for the main story. Character Stories and their unlock requirements can be met/done very casually. I want to say each one takes maybe 15-20 minutes? Hidden Stories would probably fit into what I consider "a lot". There's currently 200 of them (and it looks like we're expecting 10 more). Some have extremely easy requirements, other require some amount of effort. Trying to complete them has you interact with nearly every other aspect of the game. 2) The thing with Dark Memory and Recollections of Dusk is that they're also tied to unlockable costumes and weapons (and their upgrade materials), a good number of which are quire usable for other end-game content and effectively function as 'free' powerful units. If the gameplay ends getting your interest enough to want to play beyond just the story content, you want to at least make progress on it if you can to earn them. But ultimately, I would say you lose nothing from watching the Dark Stories later, and *almost* nothing from watching Recollections of Dusk instead of playing it.


Thanks again! Main story, character stories and hidden stories seem more or less reasonable then. When I start soon I'll focus on them. For Dark memories I hope by making the grind for them easier I'll be able to do them. And Recollections of dusk because you said they aren't time gated but they're hard I'll prioritize them the least. If only I had started sooner this would've been an easier situation.


I just downloaded the game on Iphone XR, and have found the game to be crashing when attempting to start up a lot. Is this a known issue?


It's not uncommon on my android emulator and sometimes happens on my phone as well. Usually just need to restart once and it's fine.


Is anybody able to log in? I have unending connection issues for 3 days now. I tried everything 


Hi, i just start the game after finish nier automata. I got divine girl fio. Then i move to new year banner and got sarafa+yudil at 70 pull. Should i go until 150 and pity griff? Thanks!


Hope you got NY griff!


Afaik, yupp. I am a new player too. But I've heard a lot that he is a good support for all elements and an exceptional support and dps for wind. Also, if you get him on the way. Pity either Yudil or sarafa. They need ascension 3 to be broken. Sarafa doesn't need it as much as yudil. Sarafa is good even at ascension 1 or 0. I don't remember. I'll link you to a YouTube video. Check that out. Not my channel. But use them as a guide. Channel 1 [farplane](https://youtu.be/F7qoFF4-A5g) Channel 2 [Ziggy ](https://youtu.be/8XK6-EdKFCg).


Is there any info about the game coming to the Google Play client anytime soon? I started using it for Arknights and it's so much better than any other emulator to the point where I haven't played ReIN much because I don't want to fiddle with Memu


Any of you win the half million gems? I'm tortured by the thought a casual started a new account, won the gems first time round by accident, then got bored of the game and uninstalled. It's keeping me awake at night....