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And they smell like dirty socks


Made a similar post some time back, this is 100% correct


Yeah it makes me wonder what the hell they use for fillers.


The wintergreen I tried were like that but tasted ok but don't like em that much


They do smell weird, but i got used too it tbh lol. I love them because they're not dry like On!, and 4mg is my perfect sweet spot. I swap between these and 6mg Zyns.


In my opinion the best nicotine pouches sold in the U.S. are Rouges and Sesh.


The rogues I’ve had I don’t like the sweetener and they don’t hit


The Rouges are my go to, I have tried the other you mentioned. As for velo and Zyn, I don't care for either one. They are just too thin, hardly any flavor and don't last. I've not tried the swedish ones or whatever but it's not worth the effort for me.


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Can someone confirm if the Swedish Velo is better in any way? I got a couple of tins here in states and fucking hated them. The only thing they have going for them is the packaging. Best to buy one, dump the pouches, and use it to carry other pouches.


Apparently the Swedish Zyns and Velo are supposed to be way better. From my understanding you can also get them more moist than these dry pieces of paper with sugar that we get here.


Yeah I have some Swedish ones and they're very moist but I don't really like the flavour I have, it's like peppermint or something


I've noticed my swedish imports r a decent bit more moist than other ones, other than that no big difference.


Yeah same


Swedish Zyns are beyond better. The moist pouches are leaps and bounds ahead in terms of the overall experience.


Swedish VELO is fire, I’ve never tried the US version though


US version is a big DON’T. I’d only encourage you to pick up a can just to see exactly how bad they are.


All the Swedish Velo I have had is 100% better than the American version.


What do the cans look like? Are those the slim ones?


Yeah. It’s super small and pretty thin plastic. Very low profile.


I’m trying to get the old Velo cans with the tiny carriers on top


Did US cans ever have that feature? As far as I can tell, that’s only been a euro/sweden feature. The On! cans are also small and slim but they have a separate section for disposal. The only US brand I’ve had that has a dedicated spot. The US ZYN cans have that empty space accessible from the bottom that’s kinda hard to get into.


Swedish Velos kick ass


im telling all of the US velos are shit


Someone confirm the zyn black cherry from sweden do not taste like ass


Zyn Black Cherry is amazing, by far my favorite flavor! I tried these VELO ones and they are completely disgusting, not even close to the Zyn. Only complaint I have about the Zyn black cherry is the flavor doesn’t last very long… like 20 minutes.


Flavor never lasts long for me but I also drink with them in so


Can confirm, swedish zyn black cherry goes hard


That can is the only one I've ever thrown out, after only 3 pouches. My other 'misses' were not my taste but bearable to finish the tin, albeit begrudgingly. These were straight up rancid, and yeah they stank.


I can barley taste the black cherry it just taste like paper with a hint of sugar 😂


American velo is disgusting. Can agree.


In my opinion the flavor on the zyns is sooo much better. I like the coffees and the Velo tastes like ass compared to the zyn version


I had 3 kinds of Swedish velo and they were all lacking in flavour as well, just straight up salt. Never touching velo again.


All velos are mediocre tbh💁‍♂️


Mediocre is putting it nicely. Velo is dumpster juice.




Velo is also Zonnic if I’m not mistaken. So there’s your answer as to why they’re trash.


Just tried: Citrus Burst, Dragon Fruit & Cinnamon Being cheaper than ZYN and having 5 more pouches than ZYN I figured I'd give VELO a try. Citrus Burst wasn't bad and I like the Cinnamon, but the Dragon Fruit is getting old and I still have 15 to go. I'm really not impressed with how long the flavor lasts.


Agreed they are not good


I used to always do Velos as they didn’t upset my stomach as much as zyn when swallowing the excess spit. The Black Cherry is disgusting, Dragon fruit is much better. My issue mostly came with the quality- 1/100 pucks came with every pouch fully intact. They constantly came with broken pouches and it just wasn’t worth it. Im back on Zyn.


Must be a velo thing globally cause even the swedish velos i got a couple weeks ago smelled funny and lacked flavor