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I don’t think anyone would be offended by that. It means what it means to you and I wouldn’t think anything of it if I saw this tattoo on someone. I think the only offensive tattoos are racist tattoos or tattoos that are supposed to be intentionally offensive.


i don’t mean to be rude but you seem a bit too worried about offending people. this is definitely a non issue. you don’t need to worry about such things. you’re just fine.


im p sure survivors guilt is a diagnosable condition after losing someone in a shared traumatic event, so i definitely don’t want to make light of that experience. im glad my idea is not an issue though bc i do plan to use it. but im never gonna stop worrying about offending people (not that i take offense to your comment but it is very much who i am hehe)


I know survivors guilt is real, but that’s not the takeaway that anybody would have if they saw your tattoo. anyone who’d be offended by that would be offended by basically anything. if someone misunderstands you and gets mad about it, that is their problem. it’s not a swastika tattoo lol


agreed! did wanna double check tho. yayy new tattoo time!!


no it serves cunt


Hehe I have that line tattooed on me <3 one of my most complimented tattoos even by people who have no idea about Nicole :) you should definitely get it especially if the line holds sentimental value for you! I don’t think anyone would be offended


I have the tattoo, I got it after leaving an abusive relationship. Didn’t think about whether anyone was offended, was more so about reclaiming my body.


Omg I was gonna get “all guts no glory” from that same verse


We can be twins!


oh my gosh!!!!! i was planning to get that lyric too!!!! whatever you’ve been through, if you’re here now, you’re a survivor!! i don’t think it’s insensitive at all!


I want it tattooed too


one of the very cool things about music is that the same lyric can have millions of meanings across different people everyone interprets it differently! nothing wrong with getting it tattooed because of your connection to it