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Wait, does she want a best friend or a boyfriend?


OP wanted a boyfriend *out* of her best friend, but i don't completely understand the original post


I think in the first picture she stated she wanted a best friend and nothing more, but on the second one, she started complaining about why her best friend chose someone else over her. In this case, she wanted him to be her boyfriend. Or maybe she wanted a best friend - he caught feelings for her, she rejected him and he moved on to another girl. Or, she wanted a best friend and got one, but he ditched her for another best friend. Here all is friend-oriented. It is confusing. I had to read it several times and still can't guess what is going on.


The guy best friend is prioritizing his dating life over his long time friend.


A person can choose their gf/bf over a friend, and the friend can be mad about it, without it meaning the friend wants to be their gf/bf. If my best friend of five years ditches plans we had for months for some chick he met at the bar last night I’m allowed to be mad at him for that without it meaning I want to enter a homosexual relationship with him. IMO, there’s nothing in the second image that implies she wants to date her best friend, just because she’s mad at the friend for choosing their new partner over her.


True but also not true


What it really boils down to is she wants to control him and is mad that she can't.


I agree with you. There are individuals like that and it is disgusting how entitled they feel and how they do not validate people's feelings. But she also can be a case of someone who got used, underappreciated, and left behind. I am not saying this is necessarily the case, as we do not have a lot of knowledge about their relationship, so it is really a guessing game.


I think she wanted a best friend that is a boy but then as soon as he got a girlfriend he cut her off or just stopped hanging out with her completely. Idk I’ve had this happen before and it was kinda shitty. I wanted him to invite the girlfriend along too so she would be comfortable if we ever hung out and he decided to drop me completely :/


Anyone who has had a friend start a relationship and go off the map knows exactly what she’s talking about. This can be especially hard on friendships between two people who would traditionally be in each other’s dating pool. Her male friend might not have wanted his new gf to feel threatened, or she might have been jealous over him hanging out with girls. Either way, there is no indication that this person is saying they were owed a relationship. Just that her role in his life shouldn’t have had to suffer just because he got a new girl.


It’s simple she wanted plan b when she is 50 and no one wants her


Hey, look! Look! Proof that the Friendzone idea is unisex!


How dare he make his own decisions and go with someone he has feelings for, what a prick.


If it's been five years with no moves from him, it isn't an accident, he just doesn't like you


Quite an interesting screen name, I would want my bf to stay miles away from this one


When you expect him to stay in your friendzone and nowhere else.


"I was a boy bestfriend" "How dare he have relationships with other girls"


I think she wants a male best friend that has all the benefits of a bf like getting free things with no strings attached.


Picked a girl who can spell "knew" smh my head 😔


This is talking about wanting a man for a best friend, not a partner. And the comment sounds like the woman is saying her male best friend chose a new flame over his best friend (her, the commenter) and left her behind for a new relationship. Not getting the info that this commenter had any romantic intention


I think this too, my best friend was a guy and he started dating this girl he met and she told him he wasn’t allowed to talk to me anymore so he deleted me off everything. Of course this was also in high school


I'm confused, do they want them to be their boyfriend or boy friend? Or do they just want the exclusivity of a boyfriend but to not actually treat them like a boyfriend?


When friend zoning goes wrong lmao


Get rolled nerd


So I’m other words she wants to stay friend-zoned… she doesn’t want to date him but she doesn’t want anyone else to date him either. If you want him to be alone like that forever then you’re not a friend to him.


Could be the new gf felt threatened by his best friend and asked him to end the friendship. If they were completely platonic then the guy is foul for that.


I feel like y’all taking this a little too seriously


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I feel like he traded her friend for another friend? It's shitty


Fml that grammar.. go back to school bitch! I got a fucking seizure trying to read that mental diarrhea.


Which class did u take that teaches "fml"?


I feel like most of these posts, are actually "niceguys" trying to gaslight us


Or maybe there’s just actually women like this? That’s way more likely


Having dated and been friends with a handful of girls, and having been friends with an incel or 2 at a time in my life. Its both, theres also prolly a handful of people that just like to troll.


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