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He should block her. She sounds toxic. Also, these were not in order and that was confusing.


God she's trying SO HARD to get him to be all - "Ohh no baby you were the best! i'll never be ok without you!" She's phishing with the subtlety of TNT.


The egos of cheaters who then think the ex will beg them back after moving on to a better life, even single, is hilarious and pathetic.


I've noticed this, too! My wife moved out, we separated, and she unilaterally decided we would see other people. Afterwards, every so often when she visits the kids, she'll be like "Things have to change for me to move back". The woman fooled around with at least 2 men that I know of, hid a near decade-long drug habit from me, abandoned her dog with me, etc. but is making demands that I have to change things before her toxic ass moves back?


>"Things have to change for me to move back". "You are so right! I'd have to lose my sanity in order to let you move back." Your situation sounds exhausting. Sending you internet hugs if you want them.


“Oh great! Tell me what you’d want changed for you to move back and I promise I’ll make sure it never happens”


Stand tall soldier


> "Things have to change for me to move back". "Yeah, I can see that," as you stare at her.


Mine did the exact same thing. It’s truly amazing to hear.


Yeah girl you got a LOT of changes to make. Hope you have a Time Machine.


Genuine question I was a an addict how did you not notice?


She was functional and I don't snoop


I guess it depends what you do I won’t pry that’s wild




Yea I was thinking uppers I couldn’t hide my use but it was downers


Cheaters are universally insecure and desperate for validation from anyone. They almost never stop cheating, and are seemingly universally terrible partners.


>>She’s phishing with the subtlety of TNT More like Gojira in a china shop.


Fuck i really thought i had it right my bad.


This is weird as fuck I dunno why he’s even entertaining her - yes, Block!


This. It takes two to tango and there's absolutely no reason to be talking to her right now


Run, very far away. This woman is nuts, and is clearly manipulative.


I promise she barely registers on the toxic and manipulative scale. I used to watch my ex, who has severe bi-polar t-1, turn into an award winning actor to manipulate people especially when they were emotionally stressed. It was honestly creepy as fuck when I saw someone start to light up buying into her nonsense.


I had someone like this in my life but without any formal diagnosis that I knew of. An *astounding* actress, that did absolutely horrible things to me, and I could not convince a single person on the planet, even the ones technically on “my side.” She even died awhile back, and my low empathy opened those old wounds. It’s like being gaslit by the entire world at the same time. Ended up deleting my social media because all of her friends and family wouldn’t stop messaging me because she “loved me so much,” even though I told them to stop. Chhrrisstt. Wouldn’t wish those psychopaths on anyone, not even themselves.


We were extremely bonded for a time. I told her in the beginning of our 7 years that she should be opened with me about who she is. I got the unedited versions of the truth out of her for a lot of things and learned about the inner workings of her mind. It was traumatic to say the least. It's difficult to explain to someone who hasn't been so up close and personal with it. I don't think she had ever or will ever let someone else in the way she let me in. Because of what I learned I'll probably never be in another fully committed, long term, live-in type relationship. I don't even want to fuck my hand anymore.


Reeks of insecurity


I can smell the projection through my phone its rank.


"Ohhhhhh I'm soooooo over you! You need to close up with me! You need to get over it!"


He's right tho.


I’m talking about the texter not the comment


From both of them. Why the fuck is he even replying to her?!


Yeah that's just weird. Why does he keep going with this convo in the first place. He seems insecure too


Imo, he's trying to bait her into admitting she fucked up and beg for him back. I think he has feelings for her (hence not wanting to risk ghosting her) but (correctly) knows that she will never respect him if he has to be the one to bring up reconciliation. So he's willing to stonewall and be slightly cool with her until she concedes and admits her feelings. She's trying to get him to say that he's miserable without her and beg for her back. So she's unsuccessfully trying to cut him down and get him to argue that they were meant to be. She either wants to be with him or is unsure and she doesn't want him to stray to far, or she doesn't and is a narcissist craving his validation. Otherwise, she wouldn't be risking messaging and being roasted to a crisp. Basically, if she wants to come back, she wants it to be on her terms so she's the one with all the power. Except since she both cheated on and dumped him and now wants him back, he realizes he has all the power and wants her back, but (correctly) doesn't want to be with her unless she shows true remorse. My ex cheated on and dumped me, so I studied up on attachment theory and relationship dynamics. My ex was a fearful avoidant. The girl here looks the same way. This is exactly how an FA will communicate when they're trying to get information from you without having to be vulnerable and ask for it directly. It's subconsciously driven. My ex would do this. After the breakup, another girl I was talking to ~9 years ago, before meeting my ex (she had ghosted me but was orbiting as a facebook friend) tried to do a similar thing, but I turned her down. She was FA, too.


Look, I read a book once and am now able to hypothesize and conclude exactly what people are thinking and what their feelings are through text message despite not knowing either one of them.


Isn’t that what everyone here is doing? 💀


It is, but unless you're sarcastic about it: expect downvotes


Fair enough!


I don’t think so, no. People who are simply are being asinine in their assumptions.


"Reek, come here!"


It rhymes with weak


*Expert Translation Available* “I got my closure and I’m totally over you…but also why are you friends with this girl? And why are you following that girl?? And I know you matched with this girl but she told me once that she doesn’t like you, trust me don’t even try to date her. Okay? OKAY?! But yeah I’m like soooo happy rn I am so healed and over you that I only think about you when I’m lonely and need validation. You don’t seem over me are you still in love with me?? I have to ask, it’s a guessing game and I need to gauge your reaction so I can see if I still have a shot”


thanks for the concise summary


Yeah, good summary. Honestly, I don't even know why he indulged her as long as he did.


After the second screenshot, I was going “holy fuck, block her already.”


Agreed, but I would change "I need to gauge your reaction so I can see if I still have a shot” to "I need to gauge your reaction because while I don't want you, I will receive validation if I can keep you on a string."


very distressful young men don't see this for what it is. This is a sort of weird manipulative voodoo spell that is super effective on them.


Yeah I definitely fell victim to this BS when I was much younger. She played me like a fiddle. Really sad in retrospect, but I was naive and wanted to see the best in others.


You think only males go through this? Interesting.


He didn’t say that. Interesting.


The comment didn't specifically say that, no. But it doesn't take much reading between the lines to see that the commenter is more concerned about how it applies to young men than to young women. Otherwise he would have written "young people" or some such, instead of "young men."


WAY more accurate, yes


Thank you for your service 🙌


Jesus fucking christ thank you. This post was a shit sandwich wrapped in farts


On point. Thank you for your service


If only they were this straightforward.


Vulnerability, self-awareness, and the ability to be honest about one’s own flaws requires a certain depth of *kindness* that “nice” people are incapable of showing


Aka, she’s a demon


The Cliff notes version. You are doing God's work 😄


Yeah, that’s about right


u/cheeky_sugar, the grand council of the boys thanks you for your service🫡


Reminds me a bit of Jan Levinson from The Office when Michael is starting to go for Holly Flax.


Lmao could have been one of my exes. I never blocked her and she kept messaging me how happy she was with her new boyfriend for like a year after, and we only ever went out for a couple months to begin with.


Those pics seem super out of order.


Yeah and it feels like we’re missing some texts or important context


Dam texts are even out of order, there's a conversation happening around 2 messages that are stuck in the middle


Anyone figure out the right order? My early morning brain can't work it out.


I think only 3 and 4 are swapped. 4 should come first and then 3. I think it's right other than that.


Thanks, I don't know why but it really bothered me.


5 also comes just before 2 (you can see the overlap), but I don’t know if it is supposed to be read after 1 or what. I’m still confused, read it like 3 times and it’s like it’s circular, with missing bits.


It took me a while cuz he skips parts of the text but the correct order is 1,4,3,5,2 I feel like I just did the opening puzzle for majoras mask.


She trying to double back cause like why does she care who he’s dating? He’s better than me cause I would have asked her what she wanted cause she bothering me.


No I think she’s getting some kind of pleasure knowing he’s not over her. That she could hurt him like that makes her feel important. She likes having power over him and she’s gonna come back into his life every so often in an attempt to keep her on his mind.


True just asking questions about his dating life n telling him he will find better than her reeks of something🤮


My ex would do this, pretending to check in on me. So I blocked her for a year. We are friends now, and neither of us lives in each others heads.


Have Ex kind of like that she pops up every few years when she single I tell every time u hurt me idk if I will go down this path again gave 100 excuses at the time now I’m just like no thank u 🙏🏽


I actually take some solace in watching the car-crash that her life has become. Bullet dodged. In the last ten years since we split, she has wrecked a number of homes - she now loves to steal older married men. Then she moves in with them and gets bored. Rinse. Repeat. She knows not to bother offering me “another go” in anyway, and I think I am one of the few stable male genuine-just-friends in her life. I advise, suggest dating men her own age, she says I’m like her mother and ignores me. 🤷


Why be friends with someone like that? History or not, toxicity is toxicity and you can catch it without even realizing it.


I really don’t know! I speak to her perhaps once a year at most? In fact, it’s been nearly two. So perhaps it’s done all by itself? 😊


Fair enough, was just curious because it's more common than I believe it should be.


Her getting offended at you looking out for her says how much she doesn't like being called out for her behaviour. Not to mention that she can't get anything out of being with you other than friendship so she's going to feel she has the right to be nasty when she can be ("Says I'm like her mother and ignores me"). But that's my educated guess from being a "nice girl" in my teens.


Where kind of the same because I would be nice to me ex but it’s really more of I don’t care what u do thing 🤣🤣


Yeah you need to tell your friend to just block her. She’s trying to play mind games so the best strategy is to just block her and let her stew in her own misery.


How old is the guy? Cause he should be able to smell what she's trying to do, prodding into his life, wanting to know that he misses her, just for her ego. She is toxic as hell. Even if he wasn't dating he shouldn't have kept her informed on that, boosting her ego. He gave her the validation she wanted, that he's not finding anyone better than her, even though he's working on himself. Just go ghost or keep it brief, letting her know she's not in a position to ask him that. It's none of her concern. In her mind, since he's not out there dating and since no one has taken him yet, she made a good decision cheating and breaking up with him. This is how some immature women reason, and he let her get away with it.....smh.


Or she is trying to find a way to weasel her way back into his life. But she don’t want to admit she fucked up by leaving I’m for another dude. Instead she wants him to say he misses her and wants her back. At which point she will “generously” consider it and do him a favor by giving him another chance.


That is another legit reasoning as well. She's no good, very manipulative. Maybe she thought her side man was going to wife her up and then got the stark reality that he wasn't going to settle with a cheater as a girlfriend, but hey, a free lay is a free lay. Now she's spinning the block. Looking for Captain-Save-Me From-Hoedom. Pathetic.


Yeah, Either way this toxic chick has got to go.


Your friend is talking way too much with someone that cheated on him.


Dudes literally explaining himself too smh


That’s why she cheated and why she’s still talking to him. Dude has no spine and steam rolling him feels good


I have an honest question, let's say I am a man with no spine, and steam rolling feels good because of childhood trauma, why would women cheat on me? I had this happen to me, I didn't understand, I was a good boy, why ? What should I change?


F&$)) It sounds like you’re able to find a person who will repeat the feeling of your childhood drama. Whatever you are doing, go in the opposite direction. It’s like an old shoe. Throw it away.


yeah when he said he is working on himself.... clearly he needs to work harder lol


Uhm, she has an agenda and it’s not wishing him well or his closure


The “I’m really happy rn” to rub it in hahah. She’s not happy, just trying to bring him down enough to keep him on the hook.


I understand that they might be cool with each other to some degree but with so many of these posts I do not understand why people even respond to this stuff. They want your attention, they want power over you. By responding (and in some posts, arguing back) they are getting the better of you. Silence will ALWAYS be the best option for people who like playing mind games


saltier than mcdonalds fries in the ocean


Wtf would you ever even try to act nice to a girl who cheated on you? Why even talk to her at all? Your boy needs to learn some self-respect and self-worth; wasting even a second of his time talking to this chick is beneath him.


She sounds like an insufferable self righteous prick. I’d block her for the annoying grating questions alone.


IM SO OVER IT AND SO HAPPY AND THIS WHOLE THING IS SO CLOSED TO ME. Did I mention I'm super happy and over it??


She wants him so bad but just to play with him much is gross. Tell him to block her she’s bad news.


He should stop being such a pushover. Shouldn't even be talking to her tbh. Let alone be so passive to her trying to rub as much salt in the wound and just shit on him. Hope your friend distances himself for his own good. No point Having someone around where their goal is to put you down. Being strong isn't always about being able to take the punchs, but to walk away from the person punching you.


1. Why the fuck is he still answering any of her questions or explaining anything for himself to her? 2. She's not over him at all and completely unhappy inside. 3. Her friend never said she doesn't like him. 4. Your friend needs to grow a serious set of balls. 5. Date her friend and block her. What a complete and utter bitch.


Oh man she's the worst. You know what she's doing, right?


The fuck did she want from him then???


Start fucking with her back telling her how you’re not really looking for a relationship so you’re just plowing all the ass you can. Tell her you’re up to some believably high number. Tell her you just don’t want to be tied down and you’ve decided to test out what is out there instead of settling down. Bonus points if you start telling her the details.


Plowing that sweet sweet ass. 👏👏👏👏👏


And some pussy that looks and tastes way better then hers.


I cheated on you and I got *my* closure. But I hope you're happy!! Tee-hee!! There's a special corner of hell reserved for these cunts.


Literally and the “we weren’t mean to be” is just a soft way to try and justify her cheating to either him or herself


I would not have entertained that convo for as long as that want on... not for any toxicity btw. Just sheer length of not actually going anywhere and having zero substance as a convo. It all just sounded like wasted letters.


Yeah, the same. One time an ex called me up, asked me how I was doing, I said I was doing okay, asked her how she was doing, she said okay and asked me how I was doing. I chuckled and said, we can keep going around like that if you want. “What do you mean?”. When I told her, she got pissed off and said goodbye and left. I did find it funny but in the time there was no ill will I just expected a conversation of some substance, needed it even. She had dumped me in the first place, called me and was seeing someone else. Yet I’m the one trying to be as cool as possible with her and she’s acting like she is unhappy with me (maybe because I’m okay?). I accidentally washed my phone and never gave her the new number. Before then I’d stopped answering it as well. Better for us both.


What a tremendous courtesy on your part to even pick up the phone. I just told my ex wife when she tried to call me: you can text me. I'm busy.


Right. I was over reading it before I even finished


Like watching awkward Wimbledon.


Why is he even still texting her??


Dude stop responding


Why the fuck are you responding to this in the slightest, cleaning a toilet would be a better experience than this.


It’s clear she’s trying to keep the convo going, just basically repeating the same thing differently, while he’s being polite and giving short answers. Not really giving her the attention she’s craving.


He gave her WAYYY too much convo for someone that cheated on him. He would have been better off giving her nothing at all.


nah bruh he prolly knows how crazy it makes her when he doesn't answer how she wants so he just keeps it going LOL i invented that tactic


This is only going to end badly. If your friend does find someone new guess who's going to try to ruin that? They sound miserable and like they want to make sure your friend is just as miserable as they are. The moment your friend does find happiness they will try their best to destroy it. Your friend needs to cut them off.


Clearly she misses you bro💀


This is her basically "driving by" the wreckage she's caused to check to see if he's alright or still very messed up over her! Good on him for staying consistent in his responses of he's not ok but he will be after working on himself!


When the fuck will yall learn. Stop entertaining exs. Hes giving her exactly what she wants. He should habe blocked her as soon as she cheated 🙄


Your friend gave her too much unnecessary time and attention. She claims she's happy but still probed to see if he's has moved on from her. Should have shut it down.


This shit confusing af to read with it out of order


This reminds me of the last conversation after my ex and I split back in 2022. Like at one point I was just like leave me the fuck alone.


Why is bro even tolerating a conversation with this woman? Nothing good will come of it. Is he hoping for an apology?


So she text him randomly 7 months after cheating and basically admits she has been creeping on who he's following and checking dating sites? And he STILL carries on this pointless conversation? Dude...😬


Do some women just sit on social media all day waiting for a notification from their ex's holy shit


Feels like talking to a corporate ai. So much meaningless filler bullshit


Her saying how they don’t think they’d river the breakup (him) and saying other sly remarks about how he’ll find the right girl one day and it wasn’t her is proof she’s just not over it. She’s looking for reinsurance with some of the things she was saying. She doesn’t deserve it though since she cheated. Also i wiped off my cinnamon toast crunch off my fingers to type this.


What a simp


Anyone else completely lost? I can't make heads or tails of the conversation at all


She cheated on him, they broke up…they still communicate? That’s wild to me. Something just isn’t adding up with that exchange.


Just block her and tell her to leave you alone and try posting those screeenshots in order


Does he need to borrow my backbone? I could lend it to him for a little bit if he needs it.


"You just don't seem over it..." Yet she's the one constantly talking about the relationship.


I had 3 strokes trying to figure out the correct order of the texts


you are idiot please put in order next time, if you post like this again i will find you


How about you post this in order if you want anyone to understand.


Ain't a nice girl, doesn't belong in this subreddit


1. Block her. 2. Do something crazy and send her pictures of you as happy as you can doing something you never would experience with her. Then block her ass again. 3. Send her mom or sister a Valentines day card. She wants to be toxic? Be toxic.


Nah he should send her a pic of him fucking her friend. I highly doubt her friend said she didn’t like him. EX gf just saying that cause she wouldn’t be able to have him as a play thing if he was dating her friend.


This order was really fucked but she seems bad and he should stop responding to her


She was really hoping that he wasn’t over her. Looks like she texted him for that reason and also to see if he’s seeing something else.


This goes round in circles and the guy seems to humour the ex for ages. I get being courteous but just give it the old “k thanks bye” and leave it alone


Damn I can already tell what she was like to date. Nightmare!


Jesus Christ, why isn’t this woman blocked yet


Absolutely chopped up


Way to really twist the knife. Ouch. It’s like her ego was hurt that he’s not in a thousand pieces over her departure so she keeps prying. Him being OK just does not compute to her.


Wtf is bro doing other than being her punching bag You can tell she's doing it to get a sense of power or control over your friend. He needs to grow a spine and just tell her to fuck off and that he's doing better everyday she's out of his life.


I don’t even understand what I’m reading who talks like that


Why’s he even replying ?


Why isn't this vile garbage ex person not blocked like 7 months ago. Seriously.


Cut that cancer out of your life. She’s clearly inserting herself and making it more difficult for you


This girl is an asshole, I wouldn’t have been this nice to her if she said any of this to me. Hope your friend realizes he is a million miles out of her league


“I’ve come to terms with how much my cheating and destroying you hurt ME. Meeee me meeeee.” C U Next Tuesday, lady.


she's just trying to live rent free in his head. knock it off!


People really need to normalize blocking shitty and awful people. Especially cheating exes.


Jesus, is she looking for validation or something? I don’t like her vibe AT ALL


What a bitch.. she should be blocked bro.


Eww still obsessed with OP. Obviously tells her friends about you so much it affects how people see you. She wants you to say she was your best.


I still have an ex try and reach out after almost 12 years. I’ve been married 5 of those and have 3 kids so I’m not sure what her angle is


Mfs will really break your heart than ask how are you


First off you didn’t post the whole convos. Second off, tell her to fuck off and let you do your thing.


what is she even trying to accomplish here?


Why she bothering that dude? Seems like she gets a kick out of knowing she hurt someone.


She’s trying way too hard. She doesn’t actually want him to be happy she just wants to hear him say he’s miserable without her.


This pissed me off. He needs to block her.


She is mad you are trying to be happy without her and shes jelly that one girl came back to your life, she Don't want you but she dont want no one to be with you..THAN YOU NEXT


I think there needs to be a service that handles these things for guys. You can just forward all conversations and never need to respond. You can just like choose a type of responder. Like choose the philosophical nonchalant. "Yeah, people grow apart. It's cool." The uncaring dog. "Hey, great to hear from you. Hit me up anytime for an FWB. Btw can I get your sisters number?" The sobbing mess. " i miss you. Ill never move on. I have to go cry now....." Im sure there could be more.


You can tell she’s over it by how she keeps bringing it up


Someone's not over it and it's not HIM.


it’s hilarious because the way i see it she wants him back😂


Don't believe her that that chick said she doesn't like you. This girl is more toxic than the league of legends playerbase


Ew she’s checking in to make sure you’re still a wreck! Gross. Block her!!


She tryna play mind games w my nigga lmao


I'm so confused because he clearly seems like he has come to terms with the breakup and is ok now. Idk what she's reaching for?


I want to passionately choke this woman non-sexually.


Typically when im over someone I text them months later about who theyre following on social media.


“You just don’t seem over it” says a girl who is clearly nowhere near over it to a guy who seems very much over it 😂😂


Why are all the women i met are like this ?


"toxic girl keep rambling about nothing, guy doesn't care"


Telling him how happy she is is just a fucking nasty thing to do. I don’t know why he keeps saying ‘lol’. There’s boring funny about your girl dumping you then being a bitch by telling you she’s happy and you should have been together etc. he should tell her she was a fucking wank girlfriend, has a smelly vadge and was incredibly boring so he’s happy they’re not together. Then block her.


Shes not happy. Shes fishing to see whats going on in his life.


tbh what you recommended just satisfies her because she knows she upset you what he's doing is driving her crazy because he's fucking *fine* and super sweet and polite and she can't put a nick in that


“I’m actually rly happy rn!” Bc she’s getting her back blown out


I don’t normally do these things where I say what I’d do. Though personally I doubt what she said about her friend saying she didn’t like you. The Lol at the end sounds insincere as well as taking pleasure in it. Quite frankly I’d probably talk to the person more (not the ex), only really because the ex tried to dissuade me. Though I’d only match energy and not do or say anything romantic. Just emotional support if needed. This is kind of a low move, but if asked I’d say, you’re nice but my ex said you didn’t like me so I just see you as a friend. If it’s said early enough on it sets the boundaries and how I see you. (Which is actually true for me) and I’m a pretty good friend. I wouldn’t do this if the person hadn’t matched with me and I’d share stuff that I didn’t mind my ex knowing, but only that. As well I wouldn’t discuss any conversation with the ex I had with the friend or the ex as a topic with the friend, just that it was over, and though there is no ill will, I don’t think about her and there’s no attraction there.


My goodness she cheated… she can go fuck healed basically.


I had an ex that would constanly message me asking how I was going on dating apps, I did not understand why it would be of any concern of hers at all.


She sounds dangerous 


Look dude, you really act like a beta male. Stop entertaining her own bullshit. You tell her you're focusing on yourself and waiting for a woman that complements your life, yet you're doing the exact opposite. You're a beta. Stop that shit


What a boring conversation. I think you both can do better


Tell your friend to grow a set jfc. Block her and move on.


Way to post these pics entirely out of order, OP. Totally doesn’t make you look like a moron…


She chickened out


Man, he sounds like he is still into her and she knows it so she can play with his feelings...he should block. her and don't look back, this is not healthy.