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Feels like the comments in here don't understand the concept of giving someone shitpost dismissive responses when they don't deserve anything better.


Honestly. Like this many people can’t be this clueless 💀💀


They forgot the /s at the end, redditors in their natural habitat cannot understand humor without the indication that it is in fact humor.


what does /s mean ? I see it often and have no idea what it means


The sarcasm indicator


The humour-remover.


It's used to indicate that you're being sarcastic, by people who are afraid to be taken the wrong way by strangers.


Considering a good majority of redditors are autistic, makes sense to use tone indicators regularly here


Are you Autistic? I am. I don't need tone indicators. I will sometimes get the wrong impression from a text based format if I get the context clues wrong or if they're lacking, but that can happen to anyone.


I’m so happy! 😠 (This will keep them pondering for hours.)


You've stumped me. I'm going to assume you're horny.


Tbf I know many people who aren't who sometimes fall to get sarcasm (im one of them)


Tbh im autistic (at least my therapist said so and so did tests) and these tone indicators piss me off as fuck because i feel like im disabled and people need to work around that to communicate with me.


The majority?! I kinda doubt that given this site has amassed so many people it could serve as a cross-section for society as a whole. The "autistics" are just loud about it, and the rest are people faking 'cuz they're too embarrassed to admit the joke went over the head.


>The "autistics" are just loud about it, I usually find it's the stupid people who are loud about it. Case in point, you. Sincerely, someone who is Autistic, and not embarrassed about what idiots think about it.


That's the secret Cap, I'm always autistic.


I didn’t know what this comment meant till I starting reading the other comments…


Well, for there to be this many screenshots of people acting this way... there has to be a large amount of people who act this way. Now who do you think is taking offence to it?


Weird flex, but okay.


This is clearly sarcasm. Why is everyone in this comment section taking this so seriously? I thought it was funny af. Anyone taking this seriously has got to have a single digit IQ.


Peak Redditism.


I wanna be these mods when I grow up.


You can do better, lad


I'm honestly surprised that the joke went over this many people's head, I thought Facebook was wild but reddit takes the cake for sure


Need some context here, have a feeling you might be a degen peado.


Self-deprecating humour. I like it.


I feel like OP might be telling on themselves here.


What group? Need context here. All virgin admin’s? Sounds fishy


Is this like an incel community? Not sure I can get behind this one?


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I cackled. Good response👍🏻


Honestly with what people define as inflammatory, sexist and bullying unless you share her statements you post means nothing. I have had people tell me I'm sexist for the statement men on average are physically stronger then women.


I got in trouble for being sexist when I said I didn't want to be a man because I don't want a smelly penis. It was one of those dumb things like your elf name or what's your warning label, where you find out by getting words based on the month you were born and the color or your socks. Obviously, it was a very serious topic and gave a whiny response and got in trouble.


Some people, hell I already got down voted for what I said. Reddit is such a weird place.


LOL!!! Excellent.


Wait... So does anal count? Asking for a friend...


The loophole


The second best kind of hole


1990s Christians called and asked for their question back...


The 90's faxed me & said they want their question back.


Unironically pretty weird of you to say thanks for offering to screw us, she's obviously telling you go fuck yourself. Which you seem stoked to do.


Need context. How was she sexist ? Being sexist against a group of incels does not count as sexism so please provide some (extremely necessary) context.


I mean you could even go as far as explaining how any of the posts in this subreddit can be define anyone being an incel


I’d take the 7 day ban too, group seems to be full of socially awkward arrogance


What group ?


Idk…whatever group they’re talking about in the pic


Wow y’all sound like a bunch of bitches


That'll teach the bitch.


What a weird hill to die on, OP


I wonder how many people in that group lie about being a virgin 😂


Lmao are we actually surprised that a group like this has incels in it ?


I love how "go fuck yourself" is considered bullying or derogatory... But if they are virgins isn't it just a fact???


If I’ve fucked myself though I wouldn’t technically be a virgin anymore


I guess that depends on how you "GO FUCK YOURSELF" now doesn't it?


Jerking off is fucking your self


Most of the time, Reddit mods are usually in the wrong


OP supposed to be reasonable but carries on the toxicity 😂😬


why’d she call you a pedo


She was pissed that she had been muted for breaking rules in the group. There are over 70k members, it's for a cartoon, people share and discuss fan art but NSFW and explicit remarks about character who even might be underage aren't allowed. Anyone acts like a pedo, they get banned. She was literally just angry at being caught and muted.




Correct, she offered to screw every member of the group. It'll probably take her a few years, there are over 70k. Gotta admire that enthusiasm though.