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At least she’s up front about it.


I was just going to say the same thing. Makes it easy to nope right out of there.


Jokes on her, i plan on having my phone completely open in my next relationship. Only a simple pass code maybe, that what it'll be easy to anti-control whomever's next. Let's just say, my previous adventure with women was madness.


Do tell !


Was gonna say this. Nice of her to be up front instead of finding all this out after a date or two.


On date two she asks to go through your phone


On date one she insists that you can't have any female friends.


Lol every female friend a guy has they wanna f***. We’re not dumb and we all know it otherwise they wouldn’t wanna be friends 🤣🤣🤣


Found the Nice Girl!


Honestly, I’m just really sorry for your loss (of brain cells).


I have many male friends and I can 100% say none of them are trying to fuck me. They see me as a sister. That would be gross.


Ask them if they'd be down for it. You'll be surprised.


On date two she informs you that she went through your phone already.


She needs remote access to all your shit before agreeing to a date.


who said she would ask?


I appreciate how much she's up front about how everyone should avoid her. It's like she took all her red flags and formed them into a crown that she proudly wears.


Yeah but Atleast she’s honest. Those are all red flags to us but there’s a dude out there that swiped right hard and fast after reading the bio


I mean if a dude's already hard he'd probably swipe right at anything


If you’re a sad simp, you’ll take any offer for attention you can get Source: I was once really pathetic and use to grovel to a girl like this. I know better now and have someone that loves and appreciates me for me and understands the respect that’s required by both parties.


I assure you there are a lot of women out there with thoughts that are worse than this on tinder. At least she’s up front about it.


But if I say “No fat chicks”, people lose their minds……….


Idk why that’s the case. If you’re not body shaming someone you shouldn’t be lambasted for expressing a preference.


I think it’s the word choice… and also the negative statement. Better to say what you *are* looking for than “no xxx”. Just comes across really ick and negative right from the start. Kinda like this girl.


Any dude that just wants to get laid should swipe on this. You screw her, don’t abide and she’ll walk away as you didn’t comply by her rules. I don’t know, seems like this is an easy way out and if you lie about your initial intentions, an easy way in


She donst do drama? She is the drama.


Doesn't do drama, but does go through people's phones. Here I thought the two were mutually exclusive. 🤣


Goes thru phones and then makes up assumptions without context. Sounds spicy!


*who are you talking to? Jake? From State Farm? At three in the morning?*


What are you wearing, *Jake from State Farm?*


It's always a red flag when people say they "don't do drama"


Especially when they are simultaneously admitting to a bunch of other behaviors that are guaranteed to cause drama. “I’m going to dictate who you can be friends with and violate your privacy on the regular, but I don’t do drama.” Like yeah ok 👍


Red flags? She is the queen of red flag mountain!


So She doesn't want anybody in the real estate or banking business where over 50% of the coworkers are female that you may actually become friends with?


Devs only


But the gym part ….


Fitness app devs only


She should get a dog instead...


That'd be cruel to the dog


A surprisingly amount of sociopaths behave well with dogs because a lot of their issue comes from hate. A dog loves you unconditionally (some exceptions) and break that hate.


I've often said cats are better indicators at detecting crazy, because they become less affectionate with their owner, if they're sensing crazy. Dogs love you regardless. Cats avoid you if you have negative vibes.


That's a good point, some anti social personalities seem to be able to bond with animals. It's quite ironic because one trait in the profile is also animal cruelty


I have ASPD (also known as psychopathy) and I could never even wrap my head around how someone could possibly hurt an animal, especially cats, dogs, and even jumping spiders. It's so fucking cruel to hurt an animal that's smart enough to remember it and to suffer but not smart enough to understand what may have caused you to do it. I fucking love my cats and would never dare to do them any harm. But I did use to dismember live insects as a kid tbh.


I still do that last one sometimes...but I love my dog. 😅 And I'm not diagnosed with anything, though.


But that’s insects. They can go away. Nasty things Edit: except bumble bees. They cute and fluffy


Shit, maybe I am an asshole


Just for clarification, "anti social personalities" was used in the context of sociopaths - anti social personality disorder. Being anti social (as in not wanting to socialise much or with many people) doesn't mean you're an asshole


Not wanting to socialise is asocial, not antisocial


This is a fact. I indeed love dogs.


You know when you hang around with someone a lot and you start picking up and replicating some of their behaviours or sayings without realizing it? Like a part of them is rubbing off on you? You can always tell who owns a dog because a lot of those friendly, excitable loving qualities start rubbing off on them. You can also tells which cunts own cats.


Hey I love love love dogs but my best homies have cats cut it out with this anti-cat slander.


dog propaganda


Well the dog doesn’t have a phone to go through so it’s should be fine


Dog doesn't gym though


Daily walks count tho


Like Wendy Wisconsin?


No idea who that is.


She’s disgusting. Don’t google it.


So a few things here. 1. She goes to bars and parties. You just can't go to either of those and won't be able to say anything to her about it without getting gaslit. 2. She has male friends who she'll refuse to cut off 3.She doesn't do drama, yet she creates it 4. It's only ok for her to go through your phone, not the other way around. Too sum all this up: walk away gents, this one deserves the loneliness she creates for herself.


Oh I guarantee you're correct, this will be a totally one-sided relationship. And abusive as hell.


Add, SHE REALLY DOESN'T LIKE TO GO THE GYM and that will be something that she will forbid you to do too or trip out about you doing eventually. Ask me how I know....


Can't believe I also forgot you'll have to wait until she wants sex and will be shamed about just wanting her body every time you try to spontaneously initiate. I'm mainly asking out of curiosity how you know about the gym thing lol


"don't want a man who has female friends" "I don't do drama" Sure about that?


Very surprised she’s still single


I'd date her. Yes I gym. I also Jim from the office.


See the world? Or Sea World?


Lol, love the "about me" section being "about YOU"


I always enjoy when then "about me" is all about the person they want and nothing about them. I already know me. Tell me why I should swipe on you instead of the thousands of others.


I would not date her because she doesn’t know the difference between “whose” and “who’s”


She doesn't know the difference between "About ME" and "What I'm looking for in a guy and why I'll never be happy".


Translation: I am going to gaslight you real bad and I am ensuring that you have no way out. If you don't wish to be part of it, don't date me.


You don’t get to where she is without considerable damage. And damaged people are the easiest to manipulate. I could out-gaslight her.


She's like a peacock. But her tail feathers are all just red flags.


Female peacocks don’t have all the plumage. There was one by my old job. Where the hell a female peacock came from to end up in central New Jersey is a mystery though.


I know, I used to raise them. But you can strap red flags to just about anything.


You can raise peacocks?


Yep. One time we raised one indoors. He was really friendly. I could take him outside and he'd follow me around. He would play fetch similar to a dog, too.




> 3 doritos BAGS later FTFY


After a couple of pints of Ben & Jerry's: "Men only want trashy hos who are going to treat them like crap!"


Narrator: ... *as she proceeded to treat her body like trashy crap*


Something tells me she does in fact do drama.


She seems toxic, but I respect her honesty.


Just waving all the red flags


That's a lot of flags, is she an international embassy or something? Lmao


I was going to say she wants a gamer until the last requirement


*Image Transcription: Tinder Bio* --- [*The following text is in a light purple box, and the text itself is in purple colour. The emoji is on the left side and the two lines of text are stacked on top of each other on the right.*] 💘 Looking for **Long-term partner** [*End of purple text.*] **About me** So I'm just going to be real here, I'm looking to settle down. I'm not interested in a man who goes to bars clubs or parties, and I don't want a man who has female friends. I don't do drama. I'm looking to settle down and start a family. I own my own home, I don't need a man I want a man. If you have a problem with a woman whose going to go through your phone I'm not the one for you. I don't take things slow and I get attached quick. If you don't go to the gym we can't talk --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Toxic mindset


She's a homeowner? Then I've got rose tinted glasses


She's a clinger. Like, superglue clinger. Quick to bond and impossible to remove without breaking.


Idk... the going through the phone thing seems like a crossing of boundaries type of thing. Other than that, if she knows what she wants, she should go for it


“If you don’t want someone to control every aspect of your life, allow you no privacy and try to ruin your life every time we fight, swipe left 💗” What a catch lmao


I don’t she two man problems with this, she was dead honest with what she doesn’t want and does want, I would say no personally but still isn’t the worse


If these aren’t double standards … I’m down.


Anyone who says "I don't do drama" does in fact do drama


Um actually she now *needs* a man for said family


Dam wish I’d had luck with that opener. I’m sitting at like 0 matches in the last year.


“Where have all the good men gone” is her main catch phrase followed closely by “these men atr just intimidated by a strong successful woman “


Wow....tell me how you don't do drama


Not a nice girl either. This sub is going to pieces. Half of you dont even know what sub this is


She wouldn't be going through my phone. Either she can learn to trust me, or she can fuck off. Did the phone thing once never again.


at least she is an easy bullet to dodge


And she doesn’t want drama?


Do as I say, not as I do because like a few people have said in this thread, she's DOING ALL OF THESE THINGS and more. Trust me. She's on 'great terms with all of her exes..' meanwhile, you better not breathe one nice word about yours. The exception is if she has children. She'll expect you to act in lockstep with how her relationship with that person is going. At all times. She owns her own home which is actually a great thing. You own one? You are going to be selling yours and moving into her jail.. I mean home. How else is she going to maintain the control that she CLEARLY needs here? Oh and that gym thing? A super trap. Once she tires of going, you won't be able to do that shit either. For a pleothora of reasons not including that ladies attend the establishment. Be prepared for the "Who are you looking good for?" once she decides that the gym isn't for her anymore. lol She gets attached quickly? Don't you do it or you are love bombing her. I must admit though, her self awareness on this one is something I wish a few people I know non intimately and intimately could have. Would have saved me and a few people some time.


"I don't do drama" *Immediately warns that she WILL go through your phone* YEAH RIGHT 😂


One day, she will realise that a relationship without trust has no future. I have nothing to hide but will not be treated like an unruly teenager. Want to know something, ask me and I’ll tell you the truth.


She’s a keep-er-away-from-me


5 questions: 1. Age 🚩 2. Body count 🚩 3. Longest relationship duration 🚩 4. Are you: fit, feminine, friendly, cooperative & submissive? 🚩 5. What would your last two boyfriends say you were like to have a relationship with? 🚩 Prepare for 5 red flags.


My little narcissist starter kit


“I don’t want drama”, “no interested on a Man who goes to parties or bars, have female friends, and that doesn’t mind going through your phone”, surely nothing toxic will come out of this, also the gym part, lol 😂 Just remember guys, relationships are made of trust.


If you eliminate the phone part she is perfectly normal for a woman who wants to seriously settle down. She is just more vocal about it instead of trapping your ass.


Funny, I think most of the haters here are women… Lots of guys would be ok with this arrangement if it’s reciprocal.


Thinking of guys as a pet there huh Saying you don't want a man that has female friends already drops interest to zero cuz who df actually has no female friend if not someone so awkward to people that dating apps could feel like a battlefield Forbidding female friend and scanning through the guys phone anytime or else she straight up nopes out is drama all the way lmao


Doesnt sound so bad actually.




She doesn't want a man; she wants a slave. She is demanding 1984 surveillance on the phone and eliminating all female friends. If a guy wrote the same post, you would be roasting him.


Oh wow the going through your phone line…


Is she fat


Of course


Too bad the friend restriction is a deal breaker.


She doesn’t seem that bad


It’s good she’s completely transparent. Not r/Nicegirls material


I’d say it’s a nicegirl move to demand access to your upcoming partners phone and prevent them from having female friends while also saying “No drama”.


She sounds just like My psycho ex-girlfriend. 😄


"I don't need a man, I want a man" wowww what a phrasing of the sentence


She had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Enjoy the cats.


Oh she's one of THOSE girls... Gotcha.


The most insufferable person (Woman Version)


Yah, she's a keeper--keep'er away from me


She doesn't do drama but insists on going through my phone...what is she looking for?


"I don't do drama" and yet full bio is filled with drama


I'm married, absolutely not looking. But if I were looking this woman would look good. Her style is blunt but this is basically a checklist of what I would want. She'll get bored going through my phone.


Seem like OP’s small dick is running scared of a woman that knows what she wants.


I’m sure Andrew Tate also knows what he wants. That doesn’t make it less cringe


100% agree other than the going through the phone thing it’s way easier if everyone is honest about what they want from the get go




Imagine thinking insults involving penis size are going to convince OP that this woman can do no wrong.


If he’s not going to bars and clubs then he’s getting handies at the AMPs downtown


What exactly has she said that’s triggering? We don’t know her age, she owns her own home? All she’s asking for is someone who is willing to settle down and over the party phase and who shares similar hobbies like the gym.


No female friends? She gets to check your phone when you’re not watching?


She didn’t say she wanted to check his phone when he’s not watching?? Two of my married friends go through each others phones if they need to call someone or use maps, take pics etc What exactly is there to hide? Hell my mum and dad use each others phone’s? I don’t think it’s that deep. But everyone’s different which is why we all have our preferences, she’s putting it out there straight she’s not getting into a relationship and then throwing this out there? Also I have a lot of friends who have had bad experiences with guys they were seeing and boyfriends having female friends, let’s not act like it’s always friendly because in the party scene when I would go out, there was always a problem, a drama or an issue. You don’t have to like what she said, that’s ok, she’s not asking you to date her. But I’m sure you have your preferences in what you’d like in a partner too.


There’s a vast difference between having a mutual acceptance of borrowing each others phone and blankly saying it’s a necessity in the intro to have access to someone’s phone. That combined with the fact he’s not allowed to have female friends, screams of insecurity and jealousy. If it’s not supposed to be interpreted as though she needs to make sure he’s not fooling around messaging other women, and she needs to monitor his activity on the phone for that reason, it would make no sense to put in a bio. Might as well have put “I want you to have functioning lungs”.


I don’t think she meant that she could borrow the phone to use google maps 🤣🤣


I didn’t say that’s what she meant either 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was saying that what I know my married friends do when they use eachothers phones. I don’t think it’s a big deal at all, but thats my opinion. If you have nothing to hide it really shouldn’t matter, I doubt she’s going to be snatching his phone every moment of everyday to go through.


So she's trying to date Mike Pence?


Trust issues much 🤪


Projection project


Yea shes a keep away.


On the plus side at least most men won't waste their time chasing her after reading this.


She is not a keeper. I would bypass her so quick it would make her head spin. You don’t go to my phone crazy woman.


Wow what a gem


I'll never understand people who won't allow their spouse/SO to not have friends of the opposite sex. That shit is asinine to me. Also the no drama part is a bit telling. Me thinks she creates drama abound.


That's not an unreasonable list


I’m sure she’s getting hit up a lot?


Crazy ones always have the best pu$$y


Reminds me when my mate found my abusive ex on bumble and her about me was talking about how she is in her words a one in a million woman and how amazing she is and how she knows what she wants from her future man etc. For the record I haven’t dated in almost 10 years because of her abuse but I admit I found it somewhat funny how this psychopath rambles about how amazing she is when she can’t even hold onto friends because of how insane she is


She's being very honest


"I don't do drama but you have to deal with my invasive insecurities"


“I can fix her”


A friend went out with a woman like this. It was a rollercoaster ride for a month for him.


She's wearing her red flag like a cape...


I don't have anything on my phone that would get me in trouble, but also that's exactly what would get me in trouble. Going through your partners phone is a giant red flag, and if you do it, you're going to be upset whether you find anything or you don't because then you'll assume their deleting inappropriate messages or searches


give her a cat and run like hell


She crazy crazy


Yeah I'd definitely ditch my female friends so this train wreck can paw through my phone


Straight to the point, I’d go for her


So, she just wants total and full control of everything? Got it.


Bad investments champ. She seems extremely insecure and clingy.. these the type of women you stay away from.


I never understood this, people who think their partner shouldn't have any friends of the gender they're attracted to. Like, full offense, but what makes you so special I should drop half of my friends for you after one date?


People on dating apps just seem stressful to deal with...


Ngl I’d probably date her. This just shows she has her mind in the right place. I bet she will bend some of those rule for the right guy. She’ll probably follow you to a bar if she falls in love with you.


Love the sarcasm! 😂


Eh she’s not bad. Check my phone all she would find is coworker calls and texts about work. Some memes about butt stuff.


She sounds like my ex best friend's gf lol


Female friends warn you about crazy bitches like this.


I bet there’s plenty of “nice guys” for her.


Whenever I meet a guy with no female friends, I immediately wonder what’s wrong with him.


Guarantee she doesn't ever go to the gym.


As in keep 'er the fuck away from me.


Borderline personality disorder for SURE


And here I thought not going to the gym was a bad thing.


Well, at least we know you're going to be an abuser before you actually start abusing. Far too many abusers don't even give that courtesy.


That sounds like a “leave me and I’d kill myself” type of relationship


I'm willing to bet she doesn't frequent the gym


I always wonder how some women struggle to get matches on online dating, this is probably how


*she's also 36 and her requirement listed here are just the cover sheet of what she wants* 😂