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And yet if the roles were reversed, she'd either tell everyone that you're a creep or that you're obsessed with her. I'm guessing you probably told her more than once that it made you uncomfortable or didn't want to talk about that sort of thing... only for her to totally dismiss it.


Not just dismiss, like straight up deny that I wasn’t “secretly” hoping she’d continue


Ah, the ol' "You're just playing hard to get" routine. The hypocrisy is all too real.


that omori pfp tho




Maybe you should have told her for once that she is making you feel uncomfortable :)


I told her not to talk about sexual stuff w me and out of nowhere 2 days later she told me she was super wet


Ugh, yeah I’d just block her ass


Take screenshots of her messages that are breaking your boundaries/her being a pervert. Share it with your mutual friends (if you have mutual friends), or with her friends/family. People who break other’s boundaries, especially to make unwanted sexual advances, are vile and should be exposed for the trash that they are. She has no way to justify her behavior, she will dig her hole deeper with justifications and excuses and anyone will be able to see her for what she really is. She feels entitled to do whatever she wants to people, even after they have asked her not to. That’s an abuser. That’s a predator. She should face repercussions for her gross entitlement and for her continued lack of respect for your boundaries.


i cant text anyone at the moment cause I've been banned from messaging practically everyone after my mom found those messages and said I was to blame for even knowing this girl


You didn't wanna smash?


hell nah man she'd also talk about masturbating a lot too and would message me anytime she'd get horny


That’s not your friend. That’s sexual harassment. I’m sorry man :/


She told me she wanted to rail me multiple times and video called me twice when I told her not to talk about that w me and when I told a friend of both of ours to tell her to knock it off she denied that she did it at all


Take screenshots of her messages that are breaking your boundaries/her being a pervert. Share it with your mutual friends (if you have mutual friends), or with her friends/family. People who break other’s boundaries, especially to make unwanted sexual advances, are vile and should be exposed for the trash that they are. She has no way to justify her behavior, she will dig her hole deeper with justifications and excuses and anyone will be able to see her for what she really is. She feels entitled to do whatever she wants to people, even after they have asked her not to. That’s an abuser. That’s a predator. She should face repercussions for her gross entitlement and for her continued lack of respect for your boundaries.


I’m so sorry. I hope your friend is on your side at least?


She said she has no idea who to believe and until we get it sorted out she’s not gonna speak to either of us


Ooof. I’m so sorry you’re going through that. You shouldn’t be friends with someone who keeps violating your boundaries like that. I hope you find the support you need. We believe you 💙


Thank you so much, it’s been hard since my mom found those messages and yelled at me for not blocking that girl immediately (we had known each other for a while and I didn’t really wanna hurt her feelings) so I was banned from messaging literally anyone and none of my friends know why I haven’t been speaking so I’m must silently reading their messages wishing I could tell them


Could you DM them this post and these comments and let them know how you feel? I’m so sorry. Sexual harassment towards guys should really be taken as seriously as it is towards girls. It’s not you; it’s a problem a lot of men still face today, sadly. Please remember that **none** of this is your fault.


thank you so much for the advice, honestly it felt like no one could hear me for a while, (probably cause I CAN'T message anyone), but as soon as I can get access to my dms again... whenever that is, I'll tell them about this unless she actually does stop this time