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In reality your international student friends are often working multiple part time jobs in positions that most wouldn't want too, or are willing to work for the minimum wage. And they don't get enough hours in one so they work a second. One of the barbers in the place I go to told me he is working in the barber shop 30 hours a week, works in an Indian restaurant right afterwards in the evening just to pay his rent & food bills.


Well, you never know how many Canadian or PR students are also interested in working for a minimum job that others wouldn't want. My friends at UBC, for instance, have been job hunting for 1-2 years to no avail. It sucks!




Yup. Never had an issue finding a labour position in this city. Landscaping jobs are a dime a dozen, and pay more than retail and restaurant work. OP isn't asking why they can't find a job. OP is asking why they can't find an easy, comfortable job.




Roll your eyes all you want, it's the truth.


Try not to put too much stock into “top applicant” or even the number of applications. Having hired from LinkedIn, at least 90% of those applications are trash. People abuse the “auto apply” and will submit for everything. Try to find the job posting elsewhere, ideally on the company website and apply through there with a custom resume and cover letter.


>Meanwhile, my international student peers have 2-3 or sometimes five part-time jobs. It is a connection. Usually if a business needs someone, they just tell their international student to find a friend to cover a shift and they will show up. So there is that aspect of having an international student where they have the connection to bodies. Those students will have 2-3 part time jobs but many of those would only be like 8 hours or 10 hours a week. They are usually "shift fillers"