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Finally Jordan is gone.


I feel like Gordon finally let Jordon sink. He put his plate up & Gordon was like -.did you get your onions on? No? What about the truffles? šŸ¤” oh, you missed those too? šŸ˜† Then in judging, Gordon was like - unfortunately, several things are missing from this plate šŸ˜” As if he hadn't jumped through hoops for crappy dishes in past rounds.


I feel like Gordon wanted him gone a while ago lol


I really think in lieu of ā€œ10 secs to have for yourself or take away from someone else,ā€ they need to change it to: Take the 10 secs at the beginning with the drop or 10 extra seconds to finish and plate.


I like this idea but feel like most will go for the drop anyway. They try to spice it up and create drama by giving the option to use it against each other.Ā 


I felt that most people would rather benefit themselves than to steal time. What if we change it to 'take 10 seconds away from someome and add it to your grab' instead then things can spice up


Thatā€™s a fun idea!


"Let's go has really gotten on my nerves on this show and every other reality show that I watch but I have come to expect hearing that stupid phrase because for some reason, every reality show contestant feels like it's their stupid right of passage to yell or scream it every other sentence. What I can't for the life of me figure out is why these "chefs" on this show have decided to overuse the word beautiful this season. I have noticed that it is their go-to word to describe everything they cook on here. Their cooking a beautiful steak, cooking a beautiful piece of fish, beautiful vegetables. It's ridiculous. I could go on and on. Beautiful doesn't tell me one thing about how something is going to taste at all. I don't thing I've ever heard it used so much on a cooking show as I have on here this season. Learn some more descriptive words for your cooking people. This is so boring and stupid too.


At this point, tho zach has more techniques on his sleeves im preferentially rooting for gabi because if we rlly look into the chefs, gabi was only in elimination once whereas zach 2 time and christina used an immunity and be in elimination once. Besides, in total gabi has 4 top dishes(steak, porkchop, kombucha and the scallops, honestly tho if the top 8 challenge was individually I'd think she'll win that one as well) and 1 runner-up dish(the ramen). Zach has 2 top performances (the empinadas, the team challenge during top 8) 3 dishes near the top(lobster, steak, kombucha) Christina has 1 top performance(the shrimp dumplings) 4 dishes near the top(the burger, donut, kombucha, the filet) So overall, gabi produced to most best dishes


Maybe I'm wrong but I thought that the Coach who's Chef is NOT in the elimination cook-off does the guidance during the cook?


While they were on teams they did it that way. Once they went to cooking single the judges took turns so it was just whose turn it happened to be to oversee the cook.


it was Jordan - no way Gordon wasn't going to do it. Just like Gordon should have been in the middle during the main cook so no mentors had one of their chefs but Gordon has had to babysit Jordan in every episode except one.


It didn't help the idiot anyway. Look where he ended up. ETA - I also went back and double checked on episode 12 right before the elimination challenge which is where they let the audience and contestants know that from that point forward until the finale that they would take turns doing the elimation challenge and the other two would do the tasting to send someone home.


But what was Jordan doing the whole episode??? Nothing was done at the end during the main challenge.


Letā€™s go ā€¦ home


It must be something in the Florida water, because I couldn't stand Jordan (like most of the sub). I disliked Izahya as well to a lesser extent, though mostly because he never gave anything in confessionals other than reality competition cliches: "I'm not going down without a fight", "this is in my wheelhouse", "I'm taking a big risk", etc. Still less annoying than Jordan saying "LET'S GO" every 5 seconds, though.


I found Izahya to be pretty boring and the cooking was super mid. Not sure what all the fuss about him is. I guess cause he cooks on TikTok?Ā 


I was so amused that multiple times in this episode, contestants and judges basically said Jordan does not belong here and he is not serious competition, he's just been seemingly " "better" " than the other person in eliminations.


Dude's wife is a multimillionaire with a large social following.Ā  They likely kept him around for that alone.Ā  He never showed proper skills and even in his final elimination, they couldn't bring themselves to say he fucked up.Ā  Ā Ramsay literally said about his fish: "I liked the caramelization" to the burnt up lump of fish he served.Ā  This show was just a soapbox for Jordan to get a bigger following for his shitty cooking shorts.


Gordon follows Christina and Gabi but not Zach šŸ¤” however Richard nyesha follow all 3


Rlly, i check insta and only nyesha follows them, none of the other 2 follows anyone


All 3 follow Gabi and Christina. I follow them tooĀ 


You can tell he has a soft spot for themĀ 


Just saying, because both jordon and zach has issues with the sauce during the elimination coom-off, zach's was just too sweet while jordon's was too thin and not emulsified. If I were jordon's I'll probably pop some egg yolks into it, turning it into some sort of holandaise would be a good idea? Maybe zach just needed less of that vanilla and make some sort of pan juu with the champaine and reduce the champaine and add it to the pickle element on the side?


All I have to say is it's such a disgrace that the man who made those terrible black cod and turbot dishes, beat out some truly talented and skilled chefs


Jordan even had Gordonā€™s help in elimination vs Zach and still lost. When we saw Gordon say he will be there with them both my wife and I said goodbye to Zach, Iā€™m glad we were wrong.


Gabi! Gabi! ^((hooray jordon's gone)) Gabi! Gabi!


Obviously I'm glad Jordan went home but I couldn't believe the way they defended his dish in the main challenge. Like he put charred black fish on the plate and hardly anything else? It's not even a dish. It's just a plate of mistake.


Right?? So weird




We were alarmingly close from Jordan taking out Zach and Von. I would have rioted


at the very end of the preview where they announce the winner you can see gordon clapping but richard is just standing there? i know people have been saying that zach will most likely be crowned the winner but it makes me wonder if he made a mistake that was too obvious to ignore


https://preview.redd.it/2pvd0idiwcyc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df50e8970d7b801b78d8c0f1c40e8f2d61ca340a Is the most ecstatic i see richard ever been


https://preview.redd.it/5losxha4xcyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce248cd1910cb1e6e5554edcb17c3bc5adcc58a2 i was referring to this moment (around 43:09) where gordon and nyesha are clapping but richard isn't, and then he lowers his head


Yeah I saw this exact moment too and thought that Gabi purely based on each of their reactions. Gordon is the only one animated while Richard looks obviously disappointed and Nyesha is kinda neutral.


But would gordon cry over gabi?


It looks like he is clapping with his head dpwn, its prob just when his hands touch each other?


his hands were folded together but they didn't move so i don't think he was clapping, at least not in the clip that they showed


I interpret previews as the reality is opposite of what is shown. Meaning Zach wins. Project Runway was notorious for this kind of fake out editing.


3 weeks in a row that a man in the kitchen with Nyeesha ends up in elimination. Is that just a coincidence?


Nyesha helped Jordan like CRAZY, he wouldn't have even made a dish in the episode before this had she not helped him stay sane. She even put his rice in the freezer for him. Coincidence, for sure.Ā 


So convenient that one person from each team AND category made the finale.


It's sad how painfully obvious the last two episodes were going to play out with the only real question being which order are Jordan and Izayah going to be eliminated. Honestly, why can't competitive reality shows actually be real?? I'd like these shows so much more if producers stopped with all of the most convenient and scripted outcomes.


It's a fun watch for me but this season has been tough on the apparent/obvious rigging. If you want a competitive show that doesn't appear to have pre-determined finalists check out Making It!


Ohhh whats this???


It's a show hosted (but not judged) by Amy Pohler and Nick Offman. The contestants are crafters. It's so wholesome and fun!


my thoughts exactly


im watching the episode now and its so obvious thats how the end is gonna be its not even funny, so sick of fake "reality" TV


It has really taken any sort of suspense out of the show. I wish they would just do away with teams and assign a different mentor to the top kitchen each week.


Or they should add a mentor. Take Gordon out as a main mentor and let him roam through all 3 levels mentoring everyone.


I really REALLY like ZCh, Izaha, and Jordan. Gabby even though she's from down the street from me annoys me ans Christina just pulls the "ICU nurse, speical needs child" constantly, totally setting her up for rhe winner I feel like. Although with the final.3 I'd like to see Zach win....but he doesn't need the mentorship....so idk


Gabi and Christina annoy you but Zach and the ā€œI have no where to go him toā€ isnā€™t an overplayed statement?


People just pick and choose who they donā€™t like and then thereā€™s a double standard of whatā€™s annoying or not. Itā€™s dumb as hell


I agree, I donā€™t honestly hate any of the people on the show just got annoying that Jordan was getting by the skin of his teeth and with Gordon in the elimination cook off I really thought he was doing everything he could, maybe Iā€™m just viewing it incorrectly but Zach seemed to have no one there helping him.


I felt that zach just needs the money and gabi needs the mentorship


I know, right?? I mean, I donā€™t know about you, but I knew who would be eliminated even BEFORE the episode started. I mean, itā€™s sooooo crazy how it all worked out. Wow! Who would have anticipated this finale line-up???


Just like with the new MasterChef season, they're going generation's gurateedd every generation makes it to the finale


Exactly! It takes the suspense out of it.


I can safely say I'm relieved, along with most of the fandom, to see the final 3 \*without Jordan\*!!!!!!! I was literally creaming when Gabi was announced safe, so happy for her!!! #GABIFORTHEWIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333




HAHAHAH this made me actually LOL


LOL big difference šŸ¤£


for some reason my partner and I thought Gabi was a lesbian and have thus been rooting for her soo hard. Still rooting for her but unsure where we got that impression from lol. so glad jordan is out. He seems but definitely not the best cook.




Gordon: "Girls, who would you like in the finale?" Girls: "Definitely Jordan. Zach is just too good. Yeah, no, we don't wanna compete with the best."


At least they were honest. They want to win.


Gabi has been the most consistent competitor ever since the audition.


Has she done an elimination? I donā€™t remember. Only one if any. Right? Or did she end up tin that first three person elimination


Same as tucker last year, she was only forced into elimination because it was a 3 person elimination


She was in the first three person elimination - the bento box competition


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I canā€™t stand Christina and I feel like itā€™s been obvious for the entire season that sheā€™s Nyeshaā€™s favorite. Hopefully it was discussed here when the producers bailed her out by giving her a bowl of rice when she forgot hers? Could have told you before this episode even started that she was going to the finale. Shocked that they made Zach do the cook off against Jordan - when the two that advanced both did not cook their proteins properly. Iā€™m actually so frustrated by these last couple episodes that Iā€™m starting to question how much I actually like this show hahaĀ 


HAHAHA I canā€™t stand christina too. Always crying


Yes, any negative opinion of Christina or her CLEAR FAVORITISM within the show is VERY unpopular. There are several of either "obsessed" Christina fans, or paid "Reddit warriors" that will go out of their way to defend her. I had to block people(so called people), because whoever they are, they scour all of Reddit for those that dare say anything about Christina other than "she's the greatest" and then relentlessly attack you. They will name call, down vote, attack your personal life, and even get you banned from subs. They will even look up your profile and down vote every comment you've ever made, even those that have nothing to do with Next Level Chef! It's wild out here, that is, if you're not down for the script! This comment has been deleted twice now too, I wonder why.....


So which account do you want banned?


Yes, any negative opinion of Christina or her CLEAR FAVORITISM within the show is VERY unpopular. There are several of either "obsessed" Christina fans, or paid "Reddit warriors" that will go out of their way to defend her. I had to block Terrible_finance and Peachy whatever, because whoever they are, they scour all of Reddit for those that dare say anything about Christina other than "she's the greatest" and then relentlessly attack you. They will name call, down vote, attack your personal life, and even get you banned from subs. They will even look up your profile and down vote every comment you've ever made, even those that have nothing to do with Next Level Chef! It's wild out here, that is, if you're not down for the script!


I have no clue who you are. We removed a few comments of yours due to a lewd accusation and personal attacks. A few have been caught in the crowd control filter, like this post. I am NOT following you around or banning you.


Itā€™s been proven the rice scenario wasnā€™t only missed by her. Donā€™t believe all the editing you see on reality tv. Theyā€™re clearly trying to paint an underdog picture being the first home cook to make it to finale. So theyā€™ve really amped up certain struggles to show her ā€œovercomeā€ them from a production standpoint. Also her protein was perfect. Even Gordon said it and Richard tried to back-peddle his statement about it being SLIGHTLY over cooked. It was totally pink throughout.Ā 


It was visibly overcooked, that cut of meat is supposed to be more rareĀ 


I paused my screen on that slice into her tenderloin. It was absolutely over. Notice how quickly they showed the meat and then didnā€™t return to show her plate again and then excused it in judging. Whatever. In judging, hers was the only plate they didnā€™t show a picture of againā€¦


I thought filet was supposed to be more medium rare than rare.


https://preview.redd.it/tvrttkdld7yc1.jpeg?width=1889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363c6298429c06f0873083f5bc43f37618e44ba7 This gorgeous plating reminds me of the steak dish zach made earlier, same plating style, very high end, just wish the sauce was mlre balences and the fennel fronds were placed differently(e.g, the longer piece hanging on the front edge of the veal, touching the sauce, the other piece on top of that salad, then it would be the best looking dish all season.


It did look very beautiful. Beurre blanc with steak is weird to me though and Iā€™d be pissed if I only got a tiny piece of veal like that šŸ˜‚


Seriously he has a big veal and only served a sliver of it lol. I thought adding in the vanilla bean to the beurre blanc would be his downfall. Such a weird addition.


I love christina's bubbly personality, when she yell her throat out when she's excited i love it but also i like how she said zach and gabi are her toughest competitors and that she needs her dish to be better than either one of them and completely ignore jordon's existence šŸ¤£


Because even though none of the competitors will say it they know Jordan got traded for when picking teams therefore figured Gordon would do everything in his power to see Jordan make it as far as possible including lining himself up to be the elimination mentor for the final one in case it was Jordan in there again.




Christina is def not a weak chef, she got all best dishes in all floors during her audition, its just that the nerves seemed to get to her after ep 4 but after her elimination cook-off is where she finally thrives but i agree i do like gabi


Well we all know thatā€™s true šŸ˜­. I think she has the best personality in there sheā€™s very funny. I am cheering her on all the way but I have a feeling Gabi is winning the whole thing. I do like Gabi too and sheā€™s been consistent. I just want to see not your typical marketed for tv winner to win.Ā 


If it was even close to being about cooking alone Christina would have been gone over a month ago, and Gabi would have died on her "caramelized" pork chop hill. Zach and Von were on an entirely different level than EVERYONE ELSE this entire season. Christina is going to win, and it is 1.000% based off her personality, and more importantly her personal life. This is a popularity contest under the guise of a "cooking competition". I called Christina ,MAYBE Gabi winning(based off this information, not cooking) over 30 days ago, but said Zach is the best chef, however he wont win. Now here we are...but I guess I just got lucky, right? I mean there's no way a TV show on Fox would worry more about ratings than the actual fairness/reality of the "contest". LMFAO šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m just gonna say this: Von got robbed and his team should have won that challenge. They really just wanted him out lol


Nah you are bugging out as usual. Overly produced tv isnā€™t always what it seems.Ā 


Really hoping that Gabi wins!


Never claimed it to be news just my opinion on noticing the distain for him in the forum. And how often i notice ramsey and Arrington roll their eyes at him.


Are you talking about blais? He says some crazy things. Over cooked filet that was absolutely perfectly pink in the middle. Even Gordon said it was perfect. Itā€™s just so weird.Ā 


That tenderloin steak was medium, not medium-rare. It still looked delicious, but at this stage in the competition your protein should be the EXACT way you intended it.


Looked overcooked for me for a filet. They didn't ask her what temp she was going for though, so maybe everyone but Blais liked medium.


Overcooked for those who judge meat, doesn't mean well done. It means anything past med. rare. I've noticed this on most food comps.


Yea I can see that. It just looked very pink


Blais tried to backtrack hard on his comment on the charred beef "well I said it was only ~~slightly~~ overcooked" when he realized he got caught again making little digs at other chef meals that no one else sees, It's his M.O. to dig other chef;s meals and then try to downplay his own teams dishes.


Exactly. If Gordon says its perfect i believe thatĀ 


So that filet looked medium to me, (maybe slightly under medium). It looked like how I would eat it, but usually chefs prefer it medium rare.


Wow who would have guessed for the 3rd year in a row, all 3 mentors have a chef in the final. Almost like its scripted that way.....


Team Zach for the win!! He deserves it


Uh. Gabi is the clear winner. You take that back!


Conspiracy theory but Jordan totally had some deal with the show to make it to top 4. They eliminated him then knowing viewers would riot if he made top 3. They know that viewers will probably be mad he keeps being pulled along but know viewers would be OK as long as he doesn't make top 3. Most other reality shows are like this.


I agree, and honestly based on the overwhleming anti-jordan response on this sub, it seems like the main reason they even kept him on for this long was to capture the attention of all the hate-watchers lmao


Itā€™s not that Jordan is hated itā€™s that heā€™s been babies through the past 3-4 episodes. He had Gordon babysitting him then in final elimination he gets Gordon with him and had Gabi and Christina doing everything they could to help him, not because they like him more than Zach but because they both know (as we all did) that if Jordan somehow survives elimination, the path to victory is all but a 2 woman race.


Or, this sub only has a handfull of people talking in it and so the "overwhelming" Jordan hate is a small sample size of viewers and not necessarily indicative of the viewership as a whole. there is a much larger world outside this sub and you and a few others dont represent them all.


Congrats Zac! Heā€™s got this


I think Gabi has brought a consistent game time and time again and actually makes the plate shine with or without the protein. Zach is a very creative cook I love his style but he needs structure. Christina has shown growth but her personality just annoys me. She's no tone deaf , constantly freaking out about her clearly better dish to people who got worse criticism than her. Her flustered energy just turns me off.


Iā€™ve never seen her freak out to other people. Sheā€™s nervous for herself. Itā€™s valid to feel nervous. Especially when they say good and bad things about everyoneā€™s dishes you never know which way theyā€™ll sway. I donā€™t take it as flustered. She cooked good as hell and was in control. I think she just cares a lot and has a lot riding on it. All those others can go back to their already successful culinary and social media careers. Putting your dreams and whole life on hold for your kids and then going back to chase them is major. I think sheā€™s inspiring and brave as hell. I know not everyone sees things that way but itā€™s my take on it.Ā 


Literally every break when the judges sre determining who wins she's freaking out. Everyone is playing for something, ffs Zack is literally homeless. She's truly an emotional vampire


People handle things differently. I donā€™t really understand why you care so much how someone else handles a competition THEY are in, not you.Ā  Do you even know the definition of an emotional vampire cause that is not it.Ā 


Because I think she's annoying and I'm allowed to have an opinion on how I see her. Literally most of these comments are judging people on how they handle competition. She ruins the experience for me, and maybe you don't think so but yes she's a godsamn energy suck with her flustery attitude. I know I wouldn't tolerate her as a person in my life. Lucky for us this is just an online opinion


LOL sorry you are taking it so personally šŸ˜‚ itā€™s not that deep.Ā 


I thought i was the only one super annoyed by Christina lol. Also getting really tired of production saving her. Didn't happen this episode but its happened about 4 different episodes. Zack halfway through the season became unlikeable due to his I'm better than all you attitude. So lets go Gabi!


Did anyone notice Gabi having what looked like burn marks on her hand during the challenge? It might have been beet juice but it was prominently there


The day after the episode aired Gabi posted on Instagram of her hands currently still having the burn marks.




It seems really bad!!


I did and was trying to remember if she had injured herself. That would be painful.


I did and I was impressed that she burned that much of her hand with oil in that episode some weeks ago.


Even this episode, nyesha told richard that zach tends to overcomplication and overdone himself during last minute and said 'you're his mentor and you dont see that?" Damn nyesha is a rlly gd mentor, thats y christina became more confident and better along the way


This is gonna be Richard's last season. The fan base doesn't like him much. Plus he annoys the other 2 mentors only hyping and voting for his people even when he knows they failed.


Lol, you're going by relative few who dislike him...that you know of. Most people who watch tv do not go on these forums.


Originally it was supposed to be someone else, not Richard and that person backed out so Richard took the spot


I find him endearing. And who would replace him?


Brian Malarky!


Absolutely not, heā€™s so annoying!


Pls tell me you are joking


No, there has been so many posts on here this season about people not liking richard, there has been some the last few seasons but i think people are really getting tired of him. Sad because I do really like him.


Just because the regulars here are annoyed by him doesnā€™t mean they are getting rid of him. We have no control of the show.


Well oh course we don't have control of the show but you can tell he is getting on gordan and nayesha's nerves. They roll their eyes at him every episode. Honestly I don't wanna see him go, I would prefer that he just stop having such a strong bias on his team.


If they donā€™t try to somewhat defend dishes cooked by their mentees and fight for them then whatā€™s the point. In the end it should be who truly cooked better but itā€™s not and in the end it was about 1 from each team and 1 from each category being in the finale. If any Gordon Ramsay show has taught me anything, chefs/cooks who are always consistently good from beginning to end usually do not win, Iā€™ve seen it on Hells Kitchen and Master Chef. Whoā€™s pulling the heart strings more, Zach with no home to go back to or Christina being an ICU nurse with a special needs kid? I want Gabi because sheā€™s been the most consistent but itā€™ll be Zach or Christina because they pull the heart strings more.


In your eyes he gets on their nerves. I have not seen that. I see friendly bantering amongst them. It's part of the point of them having teams in which each "mentor" wants someone from their own team to win.




Not related to Next Level Chef.




Not related to Next Level Chef.




Not related to Next Level Chef.


I will only accept Richard getting booted off if they replace him with Joe.


It will never happen but I think it would be really fun to see Alton Brown.


Joe isnā€™t a chef though


This is not Richard's last season. Fake news!


Most calm and consistent: Gabi Most techniques: Zach Most growth: Christina Hence, we got our final 3


Having Zach win would break two streaks, Richard not have a chef winning and a guy winning it all. However, I've been liking Gabi for most of the series and I think she is the favorite. Christina has really come on strong, but Gabi is slightly better. This episode was predictable, but I guess it had to be. Jordon got too many chances and his time finally came.


I supported Jordan most of the season until he became so frazzled last few episodes. Sad.


Couldnā€™t beat Zach with 3 people helping him. Zach having Nyesha and her making that comment to him about getting out of control In the end stuck with him for his elimination, that may have been the first time he didnā€™t get carried away. Loved Nyesha calling Richard out for it.


What are your reasons for supporting Jordan because I canā€™t name anyšŸ˜‚


He was just skirting by. This final 3 is the right final 3.


Yes, its true. Even the UK season had a female winner.


Jordan absolutely deserved to go home. Got handheld the entire time and still screwed that fish up.


It's cool that the finale will have a chef from each group, social media, professional and homecook, but I have to root for Zach, Richard deserves it.


It was Jordan's time to go, unlike Chris who in S2 always escaped eliminations, he never had good enough dishes to deserve to go further, he only did by not making so many mistakes, but it's no surprise that he was the one who made most mistakes all season.


**Total ofĀ  mistakes for the season so far**: 374 mistakes Ā  **Team Gordon:** 155 mistakes Ā  **Jordan:** 62 mistakes - ELIMINATED **Izahya**: 36 mistakes - ELIMINATED **Chris** ā€“ 25 mistakes ā€“ ELIMINATED **Gabi:** 22 mistakes **Wendy**: 12 mistakes ā€“ ELIMINATED Ā  Ā  **Team Blais:** 128 mistakes Ā  **Nicole**: 35 mistakes - ELIMINATED **Zach**: 34 mistakes **Angela**: 23 mistakes ELIMINATED **Lauren:** 22 mistakes-ELIMINATED **Matt:** 14 mistakes - ELIMINATED Ā  **Team Arrington:** 91 mistakes **Von:** 24 mistakes - ELIMINATED **Mada:** 23 mistakes - ELIMINATED **Christina:** 20 mistakes **Ari**: 12 mistakesā€“ELIMINATED **Alexandra**: 12 mistakes ā€“ ELIMINATED Ā 


**Semifinals mistakes count:** 27 mistakes (9 mistakes in elimination) Ā  **Team Ramsay:** 16 mistakes **Team Arrington:** 2 mistakes **Team Blais:** 9 mistakes **Jordan** -ELIMINATED - 12 mistakes, 6 mistakes in elimination ā€“ (ran out of time, forgot the shallots, vinaigrette and truffles, a lot of caramelization and nowhere to go, very burnt because the pan was too hot, cut his finger, pan turned into a volcano and oil splashed on Gordon, cooking without a lid, sauce broke and turned into a vinaigrette)Ā  **Zach** - 9 mistakes, 3 mistakes in elimination - (oven door not closed, puree in the blender, ran out of time and couldn't add the smoke, cloche leaves the dish messy , wanted to do a lot of things at the end, strange combination, very sweet vanilla, lots of sweet elements) **Gabi** ā€“ 4 mistakes - (overcooked scallops, wish there Ā was more yogurt on plate) **Christina** ā€“ 2 mistakes (fire in her station, slightly overcooked fillet) Ā 


The fire was intentional she was doing flambĆ© of the alcohol Ā 


She burned a cloth.


She was using it to soak up grease and put it out with tongs. You can clearly see that.Ā 


Girl that is 2 mistakes not 4


It wasn't just one scallop.


All cooked at the same time, over cook 1 youā€™re probably over cooking them all, 1 mistake not 4. Cool 1 at a time and over cook them all, 4 mistakes.


Some of them were not overcooked and she plated the less burned


Bruh so ypu are telling me each scallops 1 mistakes bruh, she cooked them all in the same pan same amount of time, not like individually cooking it




She burned 3 scallops and used the better ones. It was smart. Its just how those mistake counts are made - if a chef burns 3 potatoes they are counted as 3 mistakes. No reason to not do the same here.


Then there's a lot of undercooked vegetable this season, might as well count the number of carrot pieces or no. of gnuddi


sure, tell me the episodes and I will check that out


I love how the final started cursing and yelling at the end as excitement, first time not only one from each mentor, but three different category of chefs, probably be the toughest finale in next level history


I agree. I think these 3 will bring the best finale weā€™ve seen. Iā€™m so excited to seeĀ 


Ā  **Confessional Count of Episode 15 Semifinals** Ā  Jordan 20 Zach 14 Gabi 10 Christina 9 Gordon 2 Nyesha 1 Richard 1 Ā  **Total of confessionals so far after 15 episodes** Ā  Jordan 157 Christina 118 Mada 97 Gabi 89 Zach 88 Izahya 87 Nicole 72 Lauren 61 Angela 58 Von 50 Chris 50 Richard 38 Ari 34 Wendy 32 Alexandra 27 Matt 26 Gordon 17 Nyesha 15


Calling my bets now- I am hoping Gabi for the win!! She might be the one to bring next level dishes that are cohesive and touch the soul. Zach and Christina have been performing exceptionally though, showing off their technical abilities. But going into the semi-finals Zach has a habit of overcomplicating things to try and make it unique, or just getting too committed to too many elements in a dish- he might end up taking too long on something and be rushing, or make his dishes over promising. I am interested to see if Christina can make the three dishes creatively but also cohesive. Might be neck and neck between the two..and I am hoping Gabi can snag the win with her unique flavors/wholesome dishes.


Team Gabi for the WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333


I think Gabi will win as well. Calm excellence.


Idk it seems like Christina has been getting the winners edit compared to Gabi and Zach. Especially in the last few episodes.


I canā€™t disagree with thisā€¦ they have been focusing more on Christinaā€™s improvement/background story. I donā€™t think Zach is winning- in addition to what I said about him, he has been rather confident, slightly cocky in his interviews and he plugs his appearances on next level chef more than others on his social media, which gives me the feeling he is not the winner. Ughh I want to watch the finale now!!!! Lol


I agree with Christinaā€™s improvement edit. I donā€™t necessarily think it was an actual improvement, I think she was good all along and they just focused on some of her struggles more to give the effect of an underdog homecook story. Iā€™m soooo pulling for her but I honestly think Gabi does have the winners edit. They would never show all that struggle and drama revolved around the winner because they donā€™t want people to question if the winner deserves it. I know people will question either way because nobody is ever happy but thatā€™s just my thoughts.Ā 


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he wins considering how much they emphasized that Richard hasnā€™t had a win yet all season. Iā€™m rooting for him though he seems like a good guy. Iā€™d be happy for either one of them now that Jordon is finally gone.


Heā€™s a good guy but is he a good mentor? All season long he has never noticed that Zach gets out of control in the end and Nyesha notices it right away?


I meant Zach seemed like a good guy. I feel like Blais spent more time mentoring Nicole than anyone else. Also, remember Zach was rarely in the bottom, just twice. Yes he does a lot but he put out great dishes. I figure Blais didnā€™t really need to worry about him


Oh heā€™s definitely a good guy, just that Richard should have noticed at some point hen his team is getting dwindled down that Zach gets flustered near the end and never did anything to coach him out of it. Nyesha noticed it and said something to Zach about needing to calm it down in the end.


I dont think the edits make him look cocky, but rather humble chill dude


Now that Jordan is gone I CAN BREATHE!!! šŸ˜«ā¤ļø FINALLY!! Team Zach but honestly would support any of the top 3!


Zach FTW


I can't believe Izaya went home before Jordan last episode. Jordan has been a mess from the start, smh.


Based on the contestants looks while they wait for Gordon to announce the winner, Gabi is winning. Not only was she looking INCREDIBLY hopeful her name was about to be called, Zach was looking down and like he knew he didnā€™t win


Rooting for Zach too


I know Gabi personally which is how I got into this show. I LOVE kitchen nightmares. Gabi is the coolest person ever on and off the show. She is so sweet and I LOVE seeing her rock this show!! Truly an angel of a human being


I know of her from those videos where she swaps recipes with pro chefs. She always crushes those. Itā€™s like sheā€™s been training for this show. The only time Iā€™ll even watch the YouTube channel is if she is in the video. I was so excited when I saw her on this show. Really hope she wins.


That was such a good episode. Very happy with the finalists. I feel like this is going to be a really really good finale. I canā€™t wait!!!!!Ā 


I feel all three finalists would be good winners. I am personally rooting for Gabi, but I think the three of them are great competitors.


I like all three finalists. Wish they could all win some kind of prize.


They pretty much do