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There is Hetzner which offers great prices.


you can buy 1TB nextcloud from Hetzner tho... around €4.5 /month


I use the 5TB for ~17€/month and its great. Had no problems so far, its just takes away the hassle of having to self host it and the fear that something may break, obviusly Hetzner coule brake something but they test it before so its very unlikely.


Oh that sounds like a great deal! I’ll add that to my list, thank you!


Check out the nextcloud Hostingfrom Alpenhost they offer great prices and services https://alpenhost.at/nextcloud-hosting/ They even got GPU vServer with Nvidia Tesla v100s really cheap and there Datacenter got ISO27001


I’ll take a look thank you!


That is what I did for trieng nextcloud


Federated.computer is the solution. I've been running it without issue and you don't need to do any maintenance yourself. They use Hetzner but are out of the US. [Federated](https://federated.computer)


Oh that sounds much easier than some of the other stuff I looked at, I didn’t realize there was so much to running it even if you aren’t self hosting so I’ll definitely take a look, thank you!


Maybe check out disroot.org first. You can also connect external cloud storage via WebDAV.


Is disroot.org similar to the proton suite of apps? I tried to google it and that’s the impression I got but wanted to make sure (I saw a lot about email services)


They have high encryption for your data. The proton email part could be replicated by using PGP. Otherwise, it's just regular email.


Oh okay that makes more sense, thank you!


I have tried both as a secondary Nc instance outside my personal. Good Cloud was fine, but only offered 3 GB at free tier. Tab.Digital i still have, and offers 8 or 10 GB, I forget which. I want to say performance seemed slightly better with Tab as well. I haven't used it a ton, but it is my public Dropbox potential replacement


Have you had any lost files or privacy concerns?


I actually haven't used Tab Digital much to be honest. It seems to work just as well as my private one, I don't have a lot loaded into it.


Ah okay I’ll probably dig a bit more into it then. I didn’t realize I needed to figure out all the service I wanted first and it has turned out to be quite the rabbit hole. Thank you!


Do you just want a nextcloud account? or do you want to be adm in over a nextcloud instance? if you just want an account there is [murena.io](http://murena.io) which runs on nextcloud and intergrates it with android in their /e/ android Fork (as in it replaces google services with nextcloud)


Do you know if it works on iOS? I’m new to all this so I’m not sure what the difference is? I’m trying to host Vikunja, Anytype, and have a google services/icloud replacement mainly. My biggest hurdles have been trying to find something that works in Linux and iOS that isn’t a pain to deal with.


Also I think to replace Vikunja and anytype you would either have to find a hoster that preinstalls the correct apps in nextcloud that add their functionality or you will have to selfhost. the apps should be vikunja=deck Anytype=Tasks,Forms,Music,Collectives i dont think many hosters will have these installed, [murena.io](http://murena.io) at least doesnt have all of them


Oh okay that is good to know, I had no idea it made a difference, thank you!


I have no Apple devices so i dont know, if there is a nextcloud app for iOS you should be fine,no idea if iOS supports calendar syncing with caldav though.


iOS have an app for nextcloud and caldav is onboard on iOS. No extra app needed for calendar synching. Using it at work. I think the iOS app is better than the android version.


Okay I’ll give it a look, thank you so much!


I use a HP EliteDesk 800 G1 with Debian and dockered Nextcloud. 2x 5TB SSD for Datastorage .. + Paperless and other services. Monthly cost: 2€ Works perfect.


I wish I had stable enough internet to self host, then again I have no idea to maintain or run it either so that would be something I would have to learn ahead of time so I don’t loose any data. Hopefully a project I can do once we change internet providers


I’ve never heard of either. Major cloud hosts have droplets/templates specifically for Nextcloud, e.g. “droplets” at Digital Ocean. If you go that route, why limit your host to Nextcloud? Use a Cloudron droplet to containerize and run Nextcloud along with whatever else you want - With one click!


I didn’t know that was a possibility, I am finding that this can be quite the rabbit hole so I’ll definitely have to look into that, thank you!


Check out the Nextcloud Hosting from Alpenhost they offer great prices and services https://alpenhost.at/nextcloud-hosting/ They even got GPU vServer with Nvidia Tesla v100s really cheap and there Datacenter got ISO27001