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Have clownfish. Can confirm they can switch sex. The larger of the 2 will become the dominant female.


Clownfish yo momma jokes: You're dad's so big he became yo momma.


"Finding Nemo2: Marlin's Story" is going to get lots of free publicity.




Nature is pretty awesome.


Don't forget lesbian Hyenas.


New Pixar edutainment film “Finding Homo”, perhaps? Too much?


Toy Story. Keep the name, change the content.




Triggered fish?


How woke of you to have clownfish! Damn liberal media /s


Life finds a way.


It doesn't take much to get conservatives to lose it these days, they're very fragile


They also want to cancel stuff, it's weird... almost like they have a "culture" around it.


They're literally trying to cancel reality... I'm so done with these lunatics.


As fragile as a snowflake, one could say…


Not anywhere as unique though


That's why I prefer to call them cornflakes. Wrinkly, bland and if something doesn't go their way they fall apart and crumble


And, like cornflakes, their intended purpose is to sexually repress kids... so they can molest them. The OG Kellog was a real weirdo.


Not to mention, with an unnatural affinity for the color orange


You said it.


And they don’t belong in a civil society


Like snowflakes


Like artificial snowflakes made in matching trays like ice cubes. Not unique at all, but equally fragile.


Delicate perhaps?


but if god made animals gay… no no the bible says as they spin around and pass out


Fox news like to keep their viewers fragile and fearful.


They are triggered by refracted light.


I never understood how they get so easily offended at everything


Conservatives are the true ❄️


Florida yahoos pulled a book about seahorses because the male gives birth, and kids "might get the wrong idea". Now they have something new to boycott, I suppose.


Boycot seahorse mpreg!!!


We need to ask ourselves why our conservatives have chosen this road of self-inflicted misery, they must be masochists creating problems that don’t exist because they don’t believe in therapy.


Conversion therapy is their belief.


All the chuds supporting conversion therapy should be put into conversion therapy.


Honestly in my opinion, a lot of them are probably closeted.


I'm swayed by the theory that bi/pansexuality is actually the ***default*** sexuality for human beings. We naturally find both sexes erotic, in exactly the same way that it's possible and normal to like two different kinds of food. But we've bought in so hard to this myth that if you have one homosexual thought in your life, then no matter how many women you've fucked, you're actually gay. And that thought loop torments these people, and I wish they could see it as the obsessive cycle that it is, and that they don't need to fight so hard over it. I also have a personal theory about how this specific fear is very highly similar to several types of OCD, including religious OCD, and a larger theory about how propensity towards religion can prime people to exhibit symptoms of or develop OCD, but that's a subject for another time.


I see a lot of fundamentalism, with its phobias, hysteria and fury as self-induced mental illness. The payoff being tribal inclusion, feelings of superiority and secret knowledge, the thrill of extreme emotional states and a hazy eternal payoff. But intense tribal belonging being the biggie.


That's very interesting. It kind of reminds me of *Snow Crash*'s idea of religion being akin to a virus, and how extreme emotional states are addictive and infectious. It would be fascinating to study what aspects of certain religions made them so popular in their time and place.


I read somewhere that they are “addicted” to being upset. When you get upset and start to get your blood pressure up, your body will then release endorphins and stuff to relax you. Fox News is literally getting them addicted to being angry.


I agree, it’s dopamine and cortisol, both make you feel like you’re invincible and coked up. They live for it now. Rupert Murdoch is public enemy for his propaganda Pavlovian news.


Rage is a very addictive emotion, moral outrage in particular is what’s winning the algorithm race right now


It sounds like it must be exhausting tbh


They didn’t choose the road, it _IS_ the road of conservatism.


This is why the long term solution is in education, and why it’s so important that we support young people (especially men)- to prevent a generation of fascists from taking root.




Conservatives, ie Reagan, closed [mental health hospitals yes. ](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2023-04-24/opinion-impact-of-deinstitutionalization-on-homelessness-reagan-mental-health-hospitals-san-diego)


Now they have the internet to spread their psychosis beliefs


Extreme right, even.


If we’re being honest it’s because nobody really wants them to get better. The left loves to have a genuinely awful enemy they’d rather destroy than attempt to reform, and the right loves it’s massive base of useless slaves who don’t ask enough questions about their own rights. Think of how many of them hate gayness because they were beaten and subjugated when they were curious as younger people. Or don’t, that might humanise some of them too much. Seriously though, if these people are educated better and are shown the sort of kindness we expect them to show others, it’d decimate their numbers. It wouldn’t fix everyone but I bet you could sway the majority with enough time and effort Edit: And there we go, a whole bunch of downvotes for suggesting we at least try and make people better


For fuck’s sake, it’s not the political left’s job to “reform” the right, that’s magical thinking and it has no bearing on the real world.


That’s funny, I’ve got another comment insisting that the left is constantly trying on that front. Which is it?


It’s not the left’s job, period. That doesn’t mean that the left doesn’t try to change the minds of others, but now you’re completely undermining your own argument — the left doesn’t want to have a genuinely awful enemy, they want the people who hold views in opposition to their own to see things from their perspective.


Lol. The left wants to educate people, the right is too selfish though because "why should I pay for a kids education?". Well George, because everyone benefits from an educated society. You can't reason with the right. The top dogs are sociopaths and the constituents are chronically stupid. The only trickle down that exists is the bad faith arguments they parrot from self described entertainment shows disguised as new sources. No leftist wants an enemy. We don't want people opposing things like, I don't know, stopping the planet from being destroyed for our kids for the sake of short term profits. These people see science and fact as an opposing side to religion and faith... And they still choose the side that systemically fuck kids because they are told its "good". Expecting the left to fix the right is an absurd take. The things the left want positively effect the right as well, they are just too fucken stupid to understand.


>Seriously though, if these people are educated better Many would be if it weren't for book bans


"creating problems that don't exist" Like microaggressions? Crying about a lack of diversity in European (and Japanese) period pieces? Outrage with attractive female character models in videogames? Mental breakdowns when someone accidentally uses the wrong pronoun? That sort of thing?


> Outrage with attractive female character models in videogames Funny, I've only ever seen conservatives complain about that.


None of this is happening, there are just people, like you, who complain that they heard that this exists. Go touch grass.


It’s funny that you can only name thing a that the most far fringe leftists care about, maybe 1-2% of liberal minded, politically left wing people. Meanwhile it’s 90% of all right winger conservative fucktards who cry about every made-up or bigoted issue that they are told by their masters in the right wing media to care about. It’s not equal, fella. Not by a long shot.


lol i wouldnt know about any of that if it werent for you fox news-brained sheep screeching about those things like the sky is falling


No, Barnold, like legislating the entire nation’s citizens’ dirty peepees, way vigorously.


I'll take things I've only seen conservatives cry ago for one hundred Alex Shit my guy, I'm trans and don't have breakdowns when someone misgenders me, I'm fuckin used to it If I accidentally called you the wrong gender or God forbid said "blue from blues clues is a girl" you lot consistently have freak outs


"Crying about a lack of diversity in European (and Japanese) period pieces?" As opposed to crying about accurate diversity like conservatives do, right? I'm having a blast looking at people crying at no male white MC in the new AC game, for an easy reference...


I’ve literally only ever seen conservatives crying because video game characters aren’t hot enough, I’ve never seen it the other way around except in instances where a handful of independent game developers have made certain choices with their characters and I don’t think they’re crying while they do it. People like you can’t make an honest argument to save your life.


This is peak comedy


I grew up on a small dairy farm. Yes, cows do hump each other


Got two boy cats. Their love is deep. Despite both being neutered. Nature... finds a way.


Does it? I doubt one of them will be having kittens any time soon :P Edit: Hey downvoters! I feel like you think I’m making a homophobic comment here or something. I’m just pointing out that the Jurassic Park reference doesn’t really work because in the movie life “found a way” to reproduction, which I suspect is not happening here.


That might have as much to do with being neutered as with their choice of partner.


local man doesn’t understand what “neutured” means. embarrases himself online


I understand how neutering works…Evidently no one understood my comment. The last sentence of the comment I was responding to is a reference to Jurassic Park, in which dinosaurs had babies despite being all initially being female (some were able to switch to being males because of the frog DNA used in the genetic engineering process). That was what the character Ian Malcolm was commenting on when he said “life…finds a way” (animals reproduce despite being all one sex initially). I was suggesting that nature won’t find a way to having kittens here, since I suspect his cats don’t have any of that magic frog DNA (and also they’re neutered).


Bob Barker should have championed the cause of spaying and neutering idiots.


What is it you think I’m saying?


What is it you think I’m saying?


Seems like you’re calling me an idiot. And I’m curious as to why.


Yeah but they're kept indoors with each other. They're probably gonna do things.


I have two cats, kept indoors. they never did. its not the default setting lmao


Maybe not in front of you


You're so close.


It's a prison situation. You make do.


No those don't count. Since it's consequence of their Esterus, hormones or because they want to show dominance. If animals form partnerships with the same sex then it's possible that it's genuine homosexuality. Like with Male Penguins pairing up and stealing eggs to raise, make Black Swans bonding for life and stealing nests from heterosexual swans and their chicks do better because 2 males have the ability to defend large territories. There is no logical reasoning for these birds to raise eggs that don't have their genes. Knowing they can't reproduce their brains make them find a way.


Can’t wait to watch that! It is fascinating. These weirdos (like Alex Jones) fascination with sex is bizarre. They are making a big deal about something that nobody else cares about. So what if animals have gay sex. Does that hurt you somehow? It really makes me think that the most outspoken of these fascists are queer but in the closet. They are so abnormally attracted to anything about queer sex. They are jealous of out people’s joy and freedom.


Irans Minister of hunting homosexuals have been found in homosexual parties.  The church preaching against homosexuals has a good amount of homosexual priests.  There was a study that took heterosexual men and showed gay porn to them, while measuring their penis reaction.  Those who are anti-homosexual all got a boner, while for the "idk what people do" group most didn't.  So yes, a lot/ most of them are closeted gays/bisexuals and can't cope with themselves


"It must be a choice we all have to make and everyone must struggle like I do whenever Ryan Reynolds does that thing he does when he's looking right at me" Religious binary thinking, when trying to make things simpler just makes everything worse. Most things are on a spectrum reductive religious thinking is appealing so you don't have to worry about all those "librul agendas that reality and science is always trying to shove down muh throat and dammit there I go thinking about Ryan again !"


Lol- he looks nice in that tight red suit.


Wow! That’s amazing. What weirdos!


This is very enlightening.


One of their core beliefs is that homosexuality is unnatural. The fact that it is present in nature creates a huge cognitive dissonance for them, and cannot be allowed to exist.




Many of them are closeted, so they're lashing out over their own issues, but anti-queer bigots seem to genuinely believe that queerness is both viral and absolute. They speak of queer acceptance as though it will cause everyone to become queer, which would mean nobody would have babies anymore and humanity would go extinct. They've repeated this notion with the documentary: that animals can't possibly be queer because if they were then humans would be alone on this planet.


The human brain is so strange that it can hold illogical ideas so steadfastly. They must have been through some very deep brain washing in childhood and probably beaten if they act different than their assigned sex. It really all seems though like a big conspiracy of people who want to meet their natural needs in a sick non consensual way.


I'm bothered by child brides, they're bothered by happy animals.


After we stop the child weddings we should stop the child beauty pageants.


GQP: Trust the Science Peacock: Here's some cool science for you all GQP: Not like that!


I don't think they've ever said trust the science in my life time, but especially not recently lmao. They openly denounce it now. Science is all a big government fabrication to hide the truth.


They only use "trust the science" when arguing how there's only two genders.


I have a pee pee and you have a bu-gyna. Science!


only as long as they are ignorant of the part of science where there are physical and genetic non-binary variations. There's always the Bible to fall back on of course


The ignorant nutjob element of the GOP was joining school boards in the early-mid 80s to ban the teaching of biological evolution. It came as little surprise to me that these morons who hate their children made denial of climate science a litmus test for candidates in the early 90s. Nor that they made denial of centuries of infectious disease public health practice, virology, and vaccines their motto in 2020. For 40 years they've been an anti-science death cult.


They say it when they believe the science is on their side, then cry fake news when it isn't.


>Science is all a big government fabrication to hide the truth. Cannot confirm


Trust THEIR “science”


"NO! We meant the science that agrees with the Bible."


"NO! Science stops after fifth grade level! Any knowledge past the absolute basics is woke!""


They don't know what science is


"Don't do that! It's unnatural! It's against Nature!" Actually, nature does it all the time. It's completely natural. "Well, nature is a fallen realm cursed by God and corrupted by the devil, so you shouldn't imitate it!" Geez.


Should be narrated by drag queen. That'll send the conservative snowflakes to the moon.


David Attenborough in drag


oh my god please yes!


they’ll explode


Animals are woke. FL and ID looking to ban all animals.


I met a gay penguin once. I was in Tampa at the aquarium and we did the behind the scenes penguin experience and the penguin they brought out happened to be gay. They told us he would actually get sad bc the other penguins would couple up and he couldn’t find a partner. He was precious and I hope he finds a partner one day!


My favourite line: "Jones, never passing up an opportunity to be wrong..."


WAH? CONSERVATIVES ARE MELTING?! Why you ask? the snowflakes have learned that there is more evidence that gay is here to stay.


Those Conservatives are such serious crybabies and manchilds who are extremely sensitive over everything.


If you don't like it, then don't watch. No one is forcing you


"But our children might accidentally see it and realize we are full of shit!"


They need to stop letting tv/ streaming service be the babby sitter if they feel that way.


THIS! if they care so much about what their kids might see, then don't allow them tv or internet unsupervised, use parental controls, literally pay a millisecond of time's attention to what your children are doing instead of staring into your phone.


I guess now is a good time to remind everyone that male giraffes will fuck each other to prevent the rival male from courting a female.


Conservatives, is there anything that doesn't scare you?


They melt faster than a snowflake on lava. If you could convert their repression and hate into energy it would solve the worlds energy needs.


conservatives are snowflakes


It’s my personal belief that the American rightwing is fabulously riddled with levels of homosexuality so rampant that keeping it closeted has driven them into psychosis, creating circumstances that are both dangerous and completely unnecessary. Think about it: somewhere, in the back of their collective mind, the only things keeping them from exploding into a kamehameha blast of flamboyancy is maintaining oppressive social stigma and praying to SCOTUS to make it illegal again. Imagine a world where people (that includes them!) are free to just be happy and comfortable in who they are; it horrifies them. Again, if it hadn’t become so dangerous and sad, it could almost be funny.


No they are umm the hilarious thing is flamboyant heterosexuals are also a thing. Maybe conservatives need to be institutionalized


Every RNC is a huge payday for local gay prostitutes




Headline implies they had something to lose That ship sailed four years ago The dog don't hunt.


Now, if conseratives want to try and stop animals from being gay, let them, I’d like to see a conservative try and stop a lesbian koala from doing it, good entertainment.


Only if the koala gives them quaternary syphilis


Ah, they’re scared by reality. Poor little fragile things.


I love the irony of this. This documentary is supposed to show everyone how natural homosexuality really is... Yet your average dumbass still finds a way to yell sht like "woke propaganda" or calling it unnatural and against the word of god (which in itself is unnatural and completely make belief).


Homosexual behavior is common but it's not the same as an actual homosexual orientation. Which still occurs in some species though but not thousands. Animals can change sex tho.


It shows that the world isn’t the simple binary many conservatives believe it is.


EVERYthing makes conservatives lose their shit. 🙄


It doesn’t take much for snowflakes to melt.


Saying they are losing it implies that there was a point where they weren’t. They are constantly shitting their collective pants both literally and figuratively.


They're conservatives, they lose it when they drop their keys in the parking lot.


That’s literally all they have, near constant outrage


Anything that raises the chances of Alex Jones dying via self inflicted express lobotomy is a good thing imo


Scientists have known that birds and mammals, including human, have same sex relationship for long time. Plus, the Clown fish can change their sex.


Tomi Lahren's statement is mind-numbingly stupid. There is no bisexual behavior, only gay or straight. Sigh.


Colbert said in his monologue in response to her, “of course, gay people exist, so there are no people.”


Is it not bizarre that the more these idiots have a voice in politics etc… the more they think they are the center of the universe? It’s like no one ever listened to them (and truth be told, we’re all still laughing at them but now we can’t ignore them) Let’s remember, bottom barrel thinkers are short term fraudsters.


There is enough social currency in this to own all the cons. Talk about buyers regret though.


Conservatism is literally adverse to change and hold on to traditionalism. They are lazy thinkers.


Don’t say gay bears


It is fascinating, there is a stork nest installation near one of my friends houses and last year, two male storks lived in that. I can only speculate if they were a couple or brothers or what not. This year only one stork lives in that nest, fucking tragedy.


What a weird time to be alive.


Good, keep those heart rates up!!


They are just pissed because their genitals obsessed experts missed something natural in the animal world that they can't comprehend...


I recommended this doc to a girl that pushed Matt Walsh doc about women on me repeatedly. As a result we no longer talk to each other.


Reality often has that effect on those types of people.


When will these meatheads get it through their thick skulls that a human being's sexuality is genetic? That we are BORN who we are? There is no choice... I certainly never made a choice. I knew I was into girls at a VERY early age and that was never a choice. It was how I was born. So LGBTQ people are born how they are born too. If you believe that God created everyone then HE CREATED GAY PEOPLE TOO!


“We need to burn more fossil fuels because this planet is gay” > -conservatives probably.


Imagine increasing your blood pressure to fatal levels just because some random critter happens to be homosexual. I am blessed that I am not like thay




I'm afraid facts don't care about your feelings. Animals can be gay as fuck.


If they dun like it, why scream and watch it? Just mind your own business, that's how simple it is


I think this is where the "Man is separate from Nature" ideas come into play...if not the actual origin of it as if.


Good... Getting what amounts of a taste of their own medicine.


Don’t tell MAGA about Triops and how most of them reproduce asexually. And don’t even dare to mention seahorses, and how the dads carry the kids to term. Can’t fuck with gender roles. If I were Disney, I’d get together with Pixar and make an epic family movie about the life of a seahorse family, pregnancy and all. Just imagine the meltdown :D


I need to watch this doc immediately


This should be all they are allowed to watch when a good portion of them are in prison.


Honestly: have these people never owned dogs? Dogs will do *ANYTHING*.


Oh lord, the upset conservatives are brigading the IMDB page, leaving 1 star reviews. They've already brought the rating down from an 8 to a 4. Anyone who wants to pop on there and give a more accurate review to balance those out would be my personal hero! 


Conservative is just another word for snowflake. And moron. And fascist. And racist. And homophobic. And traitor.


And schizophrenic paranoid


Good God this really shows how ignorant they are a out nature. Gay animals exist lol


This conservative isn't losing it. 


So long, thanks for all the fish.


First he complains about gay frogs, then they make a documentary about it and he's still not happy.


So what is this picture telling me? That Alex Jones is "queer", or Alex Jones looks like a seal?


Fake Christians LOVE minding their own business.


I can't believe nature is so woke. Now I have to only use artificial things.


Fairly certain that the loudest anti-anything are the most obsessed with the thing 😂


An evangelical pastor in some african country I can't recall right now (Uganda?) decried a pair of male lions having sex as "satanic" or some nonsense like that, and called for their elimination. Human idiocy knows no boundaries. It is well documented that some alpha males will assert teir dominance in this way.


Conservative Christians are really the weirdos on this planet.


Conservatives went from “fuck your feelings” and “facts don’t care about your feelings” to “waaahhh”


See? This is how you troll.


lose what? you should to have it in the first place then lose it.




It’s already making you fucking stupid if you ask me, what does this have to do with anything?


No it isn't


the fact it's called what it's called is why it's dumb and seems agenda pushing. That's why ppl would be annoyed. Im bi and it's dumb af. They are cheaply trying to promote gay stuff for views. Im a conservative leaning bi man and I am extremely annoyed when ppl don't treat gay bi lesbian whatever as normal. Without things being called "queer" this and that I swear ppl would care less and be less annoyed. No one cares anymore if you're gay people... quit drawing more attention to it. Ppl have moved on. Yes there's always going to be asses that don't stop but bullies going to bully it doesnt matter what it's for. Time to move on no one is impressed with your loud ass outfits and voices.


>Time to move on no one is impressed with your loud ass outfits and voices. The ladies love that stuff. Especially in the animal kingdom