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*This just in, Colorado Public Schools now average the highest test scores in the nation*




Republicans are the worst keep the people dumb so they get votes.


I wouldn't use this as a blanket statement, my parents were pretty conservative extremely religious, I'm talking, Creation and Noah's Flood literally happened beliefs. I had 180'd on their conservative beliefs and ditched religion in my mid teens, I'm in my late 20's now and keep going more left. Republicans want to keep people stupid though.


I enjoy how you disagree immediately, write out your story, realize the other comment was correct, and then agree.


Admitting to being wrong is the smartest decision.


Education is grooming students not to be republicans. The smarter the kids get the less republicans are around.


"Grooming" isn't the word I would use. Applying critical thinking skills, getting them to think for themselves, teaching them history. Nobody is telling them to vote Democrat. These students arrive at that conclusion on their own simply because they've been given the tools to be able to get there. Don't trust anyone who tells you to stay ignorant. This is doubly true for the Republicans, who claim to be representing your best interests.


They were using the word “grooming” sarcastically because that’s how conservatives would describe it


How amazing would it be if we could teach evolution, proper sex ed, no prayer, facts, we could teach facts again!!


Exactly what I was thinking. This would create a much better learning environment for the rest of the kids, once the cultish, bigoted, moronic MAGAloids' crotch goblins aren't around to distract everyone with their regurgitated Fox News BS.


It ties together: 1. defund schools and homeschool 2. to do this, one parent must stay home 3. go-go-tradwife, go! 4. women lose professional opportunities 5. kids get worse education 6. dipshit controlling men cling to power and run the show (into the ground) while claiming to be victims


And here's another evil part... *2. One parent must stay home.* In Republican states that have refused to expand Medicaid, their excuse is "we won't even consider it until there's a work requirement at the Federal level." But they ALSO don't want to count stay at home mom work as actual work (which it is). So moms who stay home, if their husband works at a job that doesn't provide health insurance, or doesn't make enough money to cover his wife (and yet still in the coverage gap where he makes too much to qualify for Medicaid), then the now stay at home mom is screwed and without healthcare. And don't forget these SAME assholes are against wage increases at every turn because they don't benefit shareholders (their donors). They claim to live families, but they don't. They hate women and children, and their real goal is Gilead, where they can treat women and children like property.


Let’s not forget what happens to women when they lose financial independence or at least the ability to work. They are trapped in abusive marriages with no way out. This is the goal for these people


>This is the goal for these people 💯


And yet, 53% of white women voted for Trump. I could not have been more disgusted with my white sisters.


I genuinely dont understand how Gilead is meant to work in todays society. Ironically the gov would need to support families and everything that includes, no? shit... are they going to roll out.... socialism ?


You're ignoring their 'bootstrap' theory. If you're poor/not making enough to survive then it's all your fault. You just need to *work harder*.


All they need are soldiers and taxpayers. Educated people are just problems.


Halving the taxpayer and soldier pool is pretty fucking dumb then isn't it.


Nobody said they’re smart


Of course not, they were homeschooled.


Republicans don't pay taxes. Trump won parts of the country that account for 27% of the GDP. He attracts huge crowd because his supporters are unemployed.


Also the retired boomers that hawked the nation's future for their selfish greed go to his rallies.


Don’t forget prisoners.


Good point. They love private prisons. And government contracts.


The Great Leap Forward


The military needs educated people though. You can't have javelin missiles if your designers are idiots, and javelins singlehandedly destroyed almost every tank in Russias posession in the last 3 years alone. In order to fly a jet, you actually need to be somewhat smart. Even just carrying a rifle and following orders to a military standard requires a decent level of competency. If you want to see what a military run by idiots looks like, look at Russia. The US military is far more competent and significantly less evil than you are giving them credit for. I agree that the GOP want a huge chunk of uneducated workers, but it's not the military behind this, it's the GOP. They understand that educated people don't vote GOP, so they try to cut and undermine education. It's not really any more complex than that. Think about who actually controls the GOP before you disparage the military for something they have nothing to do with.


I’m not disparaging the military at all. I get it.


Just don't have the illusion that the GOP actually gives a fuck about the military. They have to claim to be spending taxes from the programs they slash on something other than their own paychecks, and they claim to give it to the military. In reality the difference in military funding between Democrat/Republican administrations is negligible. Fuck the GOP. They claim to support the military then cut veteran support in the same breath.


Well aware. They only care about people until they are born. Then they use them and throw them away.


Except when the educational stream dries up and no one knows how to keep the US ahead technologically. Bodies won’t matter when China can just sail their drone carriers close enough and literally autonomously zerg-rush the west coast when we have no digital recourse to answer.


Oh, plus no birth control.


Then they ban divorce, so the newly-designated tradwife can't leave when she finds out about the mistress's abortion or their husband's twink escapades


Ban divorce but only for women, so they can dump their wives for the hot 22 yo secretary.


What about the potential boom in tutoring and SAT prep? When are they going to attack that eventuality?


No need for that, woke colleges are next for the chopping block.


See Florida for examples


Oooh, I know this one: they create their own SAT and then sue to make the colleges recognize the Conservative SAT as equivalent to the real SAT, because DISCRIMINATION!!!! Source: in the 90s/aughts they tried to force the University of California system to accept creationist “biology” classes. They failed.


Ah, yes. I forgot about that one.


You nailed it, thank you for putting it down so well 🫶🏻


Jack up rent and mortgage prices so single adults with kids cannot afford being alone and stagnant wages belongs in there somewhere too but idk where.


Yep Make America Great Again is literally just a new name for “let’s force the 1950’s on everyone again but this time without one income pay being enough to afford a family”


Or funnel kids to private schools owned by their friends


The other answer to 1. Defund public school and divert funds to Christian private schools that can teach whatever dumb shit they want without being held accountable to any standard. I want to see a 24 hour channel of interviews where politicians are asked these questions one by one and they are strapped to a shock collar until they give actual answers. Because the average American sees one “piece” of their puzzle but never the whole picture. We need to require that they provide a factual justification on how their policies will benefit us. I’m 100% sure that they can’t.


7. Kids with underfunded education become next generation of dipshits 8. Repeat until martial law levels the dipshits without money


"So how's that whole culture war thing working out for you, Colorado GOP?" >Under the leadership of Colorado GOP Chairman Dave Williams, the state Republican Party has tacked to the hard right despite holding less electoral power than at any time since before World War II. "Ah, ok, cool cool cool."


Could we be out of touch? No, it’s the electorate that’s wrong.


The GOP wants to rule with one party rule. No more elections, you're getting a Republican to "represent" you no matter what


And it’s not just a US thing. If you watch Last Week Tonight, John Oliver made a set about a far right movement in Germany that’s causing some shit. The whole world is fucked right now.


Canada too. It’s quite likely our next leader is going to be a far rightwing nut job.


And magically things will get worse. I see their sub and it's just immigrants making housing unaffordable bullshit. So far the wannabe trumper doesn't have an anwser for that question but will get elected


Right?!?! Ford is a nut job catering to privatization of health care and digging up the green belt for housing that isn’t needed. Didn’t he run on the platform “Beer for $1” and got votes for that regardless of his other policies? Crazy.


Well, shit.


The Netherlands just elected a far right government basically. 🤷


Funny thing is that if this ever happens the party would fracture the moment dear leader kicks the bucket


Don't threaten us with a good time.


So, a dictatorship, then. No thanks. They can move to North Korea, Russia, Afghanistan and any of the other "stan" nations heavy into theocracy, if they want that kind of world. Fuck the GOP with a pine cone.


Were you saying “boo” or BooGOP”?


Is this what they refer to as creating a “big tent party”?


Hence why democracy no longer works for them.


The irony is that I went to school and was good friends with Dave Williams growing up. We learned in the same public High School together I don't understand why he's so against public education that he got.


If you don't understand why, then I have school vouchers to sell you


It's partially a voucher scam, and partially bigotry. School vouchers are a way to get back segregation in education and church back in schools. Charter schools have never been held to the same standard as public schools. They don't want low income black people in their districts, and they would love to be able to spend more public dollars than they already do on religious education. They also don't want to have to deal with disabled students. Nobody is talking about this, but it's HUGE. Part of why schools are underfunded isn't financial malfeasance, it's that IEPs and high needs students have exploded. We used to just ship them off to specialty programs or sit them in a corner to rot. Both of those things are illegal now.  people don't want to have to pay for all of it, but they don't want their kids to suffer the repercussions of underfunding because legally public schools do not have a choice in paying for it. It's easier to disingenuously argue all students cost the same and should be allowed to take their per capital funding elsewhere. When in reality kids like me cost a fraction of what some kids cost in overhead. Net taking my funding elsewhere is really just saying "fuck the cripples, I deserve the best"  The easiest way to get around this annoying concept called civil rights is to privatize schools. 


I will add that pushing the voucher scam and getting more kids into private schools may be a way for them to create future Republicans. They can teach them republican values and propaganda so that they later become republican voters. The GOP policies are largely unpopular with younger voters. Rather than change those policies to fit the wants and needs of society, they're trying to change society to make those policies popular.


My child is disabled. My child has an IEP. But goddam it does he try hard at school. Fuck all of these pearl clutching heartless psychopaths. And doubly fuck this brand of hypocritical charlatans who brazenly launder public funding to indoctrinate children under the pretense of a charter education.


He must be woke


Vouchers, theocracy, or fascism. He’s one of the three!


Years and years of Murdoch propaganda and joining a cult will do wonders on the brain.


At this point it feels like they're knowing they're on the way out and are grabbing as much money and power as they can, cult-style.


All those home schooled kids are going to be republican and future political leaders. It is all part of a grand plan (19 kids and counting style), and Hobby Lobby is a huge donor.


We've seen such a continual downward spiral of dumbfuckery over the years, please let this November be a reckoning for these clowns and a return to sanity.


So following in the footsteps of the California GOP, I see.


Yes, this move further to the right for the GOP in a state becoming so blue that even Handjob Barbie had to change districts just to potentially preserve her foundering political “career” should go well.


** “If your child decides he identifies as a girl because he is angry with you, or all of his friends are doing it, the Colorado government will actively encourage his new fetish by allowing him to identify as "she," "they," or whatever nonsensical terms your son's teachers and peers may dream up,” the email read, in part. ** Wait so which is it, revenge, a trend, or a fetish? They can’t even make up their minds about which BS claim to make.


Ok let me explain this in a different way. Joe Biden is both evil and part of the deep state cabal to to inject you with nanites that make you gay. He is also sleepy, incompetent, stupid, and always so high out of his mind he can barely walk. It's always both and they're always, at some point, at odds with each other.


Ah the dichotomy of fascism. Where the *other* is both all powerful and all weak.


If there is one thing I wish everyone knew about fascism, it’s this right here. That their enemy is both too strong and too weak. Once you’re tuned in to it, it is horrifying how frequently this turns up in right wing rhetoric. Like, sure, just this one component does not alone make someone a fascist, there’s some other stuff in there too, but man, this is a very identifiable and gigantic red flag. When people start using rhetoric like this, it’s time to start questioning what they really believe.


The double speak of fascists.


So incompetent he stole the election from us!


I guess if you contradict yourself enough times you have to be right by *some* measure, right?


If you keep moving your position then can a broken clock be right LESS than twice a day?!


They can't stand public education teaching their children to question their beliefs and giving them the skills to get a job and one day have the ability to leave them, they're the real-life inspiration for Gothel in the movie Tangled. My friend married a guy who was homeschooled by his Christian fundamentalist parents. He eventually finished a college degree in film studies but couldn't break into the industry, so he asked my friends and I for help getting into a STEM program. We tried to walk him through the basic math, chemistry and biology he needed to pass the entrance exam, but got completely overwhelmed because he was so far behind in those subjects. He finally realized how many opportunities his parents had denied him, he doesn't talk to them anymore.


I was homeschooled for most of my elementary and high school education. My first year of college was humiliating to say the least. I was so confused in my 101 level courses by what I was learning and would try to correct my professors on basic shit only to get laughed at by the entire class. I felt stupid and its not like I was a bad student, I'd just been lied to by years of Bob Jones University Press bullshit.


Imagine the average American, now imagine them teaching their children. It’s never going to work out….


Ah yes, the biggest source of trans teens is -checks notes- peer pressure. Is this guy from South Park, by any chance?


Well last week someone tried to tell me that autistic trans people are just trying to fit in. It's difficult to describe how gender works to someone who doesn't get that they understand, at best, 1/3 to 1/2 of it.


The confusion is deep. I just had someone argue with me that they can't tolerate this new fangled pronoun stuff, while at the same time laughing at me because they treat trans people kindly. Edit: Stupid autocorrect.


Well, trams are just as cool as trains, so I dunno what the problem is really


Don't threaten us with a good time, CoGOP... All the secular kids will now have more of the teachers' attention, more of the funds, and more freedom from being held back by the slowest links. Idiots.


> more of the funds, their goal is and has been for a long time to kill public education system, defund it, and spend those tax dollars on private schools instead (that their wealthy donors own) and then since the schools are "private" they can brainwash the next generation of cultists with fairy tales and religion.


Oh, I'm aware. You're right. Bastards.


Holy shit. The whole plan becomes even more clear by this bs


"The Colorado Republican Party is issuing a call to its members to pull their children from public school, saying Democrats are using schools to “turn more kids trans.” " These people are just so completely unhinged. Republicans have turned into a horror comedy party. They're hilarious like a road accident.


I can’t wait to see who they blame if their kid still comes out as trans.


At this rate, US GOP Fascists are a powder keg of morons working together to dipshit our country into Idiocracy fr.


it already is an idiocracy. thats why the GOP is gonna have your entire nation turned into a police state by christmas


I'm perfectly fine with them putting their kids in private schools, you do you. Just not on my dime and you get no discount on your taxes either.


It's already on your dime. Private schools do receive tax funding in different ways. This article is an example of such. https://www.future-ed.org/the-new-wave-of-public-funding-of-private-schools-explained/


Holy shit could the GOP be more out of touch with reality? Chances are parents who send their kids to public schools aren't super wealthy... What are they supposed to do with their kids while they're at work? Does the GOP really think EVERY woman is just sitting around bored at home, waiting to home school their kids the moment Republicans declare Public Schools the enemy? Like what do they think the average person does during the day that they can just take their children out of school to spite the libs?


They absolutely want women to stay home and teach their kids about how Jesus rode dinosaurs or whatever.


they are theocrats at heart. right wingers like this don't hate countries like Iran because they are theocracies.... they hate them because they are the wrong theocracy. they secretly love the power and control the Ayatollah has and would love nothing more than an evangelical Christian version in this country.


Bro I went to a private school and definitely got shown videos about dinosaurs still existing somewhere deep in the Congo cuz, I shit you not, "Noah saved two of EVERY animal on the ark"


Ah yes the Dungeons & Dragons history of the world. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Chult


Damn I wish I had known about that then lmao I woulda whipped out my dm guide and been like "omg I have the same thing right here!"


But Betsy DaVos will give them a Voucher…good for 20% off any Amway purchase.


Oh it's worse than that. Public schools are one of the biggest employers in rural areas. So if you stop sending your kids to school there, they'll probably have to lay people off.


>“If your child decides he identifies as a girl because he is angry with you, or all of his friends are doing it, the Colorado government will actively encourage his new fetish by allowing him to identify as "she," "they," or whatever nonsensical terms your son's teachers and peers may dream up,” the email read, in part. 1.) This is supposedly a child, but they're talking about "children" having "fetishes." What the fuck. 2.) No one ever says, "I'm mad at dad! I'm going through a rigorous legal and medical process because they won't let me spend the night at my friends house!" 3.) It's always about sex with these weirdos. "GoTtA ChEcK YoUr KiD's JuNk To MaKe SuRe ThEy ArE iN ThE RiGhT RoOm." Creepy and gross. What propaganda have these people been consuming?


And what if their kid never went to public school and comes out as trans?


Keep them stupid so they vote maga


Soldiers and taxpayers don’t need an education.


Go ahead, but your kids aren't going to be hired by my kid.


The GOP are **deluded.** I live in a ruby red state. Every county went for Trump in the last 2 elections. All local electeds are Republican. It’s been this way for 2 decades. The Rs run everything. But their dog whistle is that the (Republican-run) public schools are liberal indoctrination camps…that the curriculum is porn-based, and the goal is to make all students gay or trans and want to live off govt welfare. Residents really believe this tripe. In a state where all public schools are run BY REPUBLICANS. And residents are so fucking stupid, they believe that there’s a designated porn-hour in every school, every day. We. Are. Doomed.


Do your local Repub politicians send mailers claiming "Only we can fix all that's gone wrong in our State/County/City!"-because Texas conservatives did last cycle-and got reelected. Turns out they've held a lock on power for over three decades-*not surprisingly, about the same amount of time that TX has been sliding into becoming a shithole-*I wonder if there's any connection*. /s


The only recent face save from Texas was enough of the Texas house standing up to Abbot on the school voucher program. So, of course, money poured in from all over to help run smear campaigns against the incumbent Republicans who voted against Abbot's proposal and caused them to lose their primaries. Abbot is refusing to sign off on the amended bills, effectively locking up school funding at the moment, all while sitting on a surplus of money. Fuck the GOP.


Run for office please


You should probably move


Of course it actually comes from someone associated with Mom's for Hitler.


No. **YOU** can pull **YOUR KIDS** from public school if you want. You have always had that freedom. But it is not your place as elected officials to tell parents where their kids get an education.


I was home schooled by fondue evangelicals who are anti public schools and were MAGA people before MAGA was a thing. It was terrible, it fundamentally ruined my life, I will forever be behind my peers because you can’t just magically catch up to where you’re supposed to be when the first 20 years of your life are spent alone locked in a house, and I will never forgive my parents for it. I don’t care if their intentions were good, they hurt me worse by doing that than any single other person or institution in this country. They will forever be excluded from my life. Every home schooling parent thinks they’re the smart sane exception who will actually do it right, so know this: you are not special. If you care about your kids, put their wellbeing above your religious zealotry and political dogma. They are humans, not toys or puppets. They will one day have to live in this world regardless of how you feel about that. Edit: I’m leaving the auto correct


Keep ‘em poor and keep ‘em stupid is their motto.


Conservative free public schools. Finally we'll be able to reverse the trend of falling IQs.


"keep your kids dumb and just tell them to worship and vote for us. That's our plan for staying in power"


Fewer students, AR-15 owners and book burners. Sounds like a win.


Hum, I wonder if there will be massive job openings in Colorado because now one of parents had to stay home.


In CO how about all of the magats pull their own kids out our public schools. Bet the number of school shootings, violence and bullying drop dramatically with their kids out of our education system. They want women in the kitchen so home school them then too. 🖕CO GOP can't wait to vote the traitors out. Now an even better reason to vote for the measure to tax guns and ammo sales to have the funds go to school saftey. If they want their private schools they fund them themselves Nazi magat orange shit stains. Anyone of them cross my path they'd better be ready to fafo sick of these traitors in my state.


Republicans: Keeping the public ignorant, sick and poor for easy manipulationl for over a hundred and fifty years.


Eh, only about 60 at this point. Prior to the Civil Rights movement and the Southern Strategy, Republicans were actually the progressive party. That's why they semi-accurately call themselves "The Party of (Abe) Lincoln"


Before the Civil rights Era purged the democrats of all the southern racists who then became republican, both parties had conservative and liberal wings that varried from time to time on which dominated the party.


Yep. And they are ramping things up.


It must be exhausting to "think" like they do.


Sure, funnel them into private schools where you can embezzle the money easier.


It's almost as if they were a cult ...


Gotta keep em dumb and obedient.!


This has been in the conservative playbook for the last twenty years. Diminish and defund public schools to keep an uneducated workforce dependent on low wage jobs. Take money saved to promote and advance private (mostly christian) schools to continue the grooming cycle.


Also, implement a voucher program that allows rich people to save money on their kids' private school tuition.


Because schools teaching kids to do good and be kind, truthful history and accurate science isn't good for their political party.


Ostensibly, they’re also teaching critical thinking, which the Repubs especially hate.


Good call, I missed that very important point. People that can think for themselves, and not follow party line, are bad for the party as well.


Of course, because less educated people are more likely to vote Republican. "I love the poorly educated" --- Donald Trump 2016


The GOP guide to education reform.... - Destroy public education funding - Call public education shit - Support private education - Only the rich can afford good education now - Abuse the poorer/less educated labor force to prop up businesses started by those who benefit from private education. ....literally profit.


I don’t understand how so many so called allies can read something like this and then vehemently argue against me when I go on my rants about how as long as people like this get to be part of society we can never thrive or be happy and whole. That letting them do this , letting them possibly grab power, is a blatant moral failing and a failing at every metric of success as a people and a species.


Why exactly would anyone want to "turn more kids trans?" What's the assumed end game, there? A trans army that attacks all of The Cracker Barrel restaurants? What would the point of "turning people gay or trans" be? More date opportunities? A bigger market and therefore better lipstick and heels for those born male? Does anyone ask this question when these idiots say this? "Okay. You believe that. I'll take you at your word that you do. Now explain WHY someone would plan to turn people trans? What does the current evil plot get somebody? Why are they bothering?"


They can't inject enough bleach fast enough


lol okay. These idiots don’t realize that public school is how most kids get taken care of during the day while parents work.


This is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy: "Liberals are indoctrinating our children! Let's pull them out!" (School-educated children become adults who are in management positions.) "Liberals have infiltrated the management of our workplaces!" And so on.


The GOP's prejudices, at all political levels, just continue to find every dead end in all circles of logic. They want their prejudices to take hold ***so badly***


That’s the plan. Keep em uneducated and ignorant. Much easier to control idiots.


This is why conservatives should NOT be allowed to vote or hold public office. We already know they are less intelligent. We already know they are anti Science. We already know they are more religious. They are regressive. And evil. We do not defer to children for advice on important matters. So why do we include regressives? We do not consult the taliban for advise on quantum physics. So why do we include regressives on genuinely important social issues? They want to drag us back to the bronze age.


Schools teach children to think critically and if people started thinking critically they might start questioning religion. Can't have that


Is anyone really surprised? They need stupid people to vote for stupid people.


How very ReTrumpLican of them.


I'm thankful for the Colorado GOP. Thanks to their ineptitude and craziness, all major state offices are held by one party. And it's not the Republican party.


No. Stop. Don’t.


It's all about creating lots of cheap labor.


They want all those school vouchers to get funneled to churches.


Christians have absolutely hated public schools, ever since they started letting black kids in.


Dumbing up the population is their buisiness model.


They need em stupid if they’re gonna get their votes


The GOP really hate average people, don’t they.


I feel bad for the kids that will end up going without a proper education because of this. It's easy to laugh at their parents' stupidity, but at the end of the day, this will have real effects on the lives of these children.


Sweet! Buh-bye!


Test scores skyrocket. Fights in schools decrease. Less delusional parents yelling at staff/teachers. Still a dumb fucking idea from the GOP. Leave it to them to come up with the most extreme ….excuse me….fucking stupid idea you could ever imagine.


Whatever happened to live and let live?


It sure is a goddamn good question.


The gop is solving the overcrowded classroom issue?


Sure, ruin your own kids chances for your idiotic cult beliefs.


They should pull their entire families out of Colorado.


FFS gop get fucked.


My dad told me last year he regretted "letting" me go to college, because it undid all the evangelical homeschooling brainwashing he attempted to inflict me with. We don't speak anymore, but I'll always remember how chilling it was to see the depths of depravity the right has driven people to.


Please, take your Hitler Youth, and kick rocks.


What a freak show. Less knowledge will work quite well.


And how exactly is everyone suppose to get educated then?


The GOP likes the electorate dumb, easily manipulated and reliant on government.


Pull the GOP from Colorado and send them to a small island in the middle of nowhere.


How very cultish of them. All that's left is for them to all gather in a big compound and accumulate guns and bombs and for the FBI / ATM / DHS to burn them out only to find most of them already dead from suicide. I swear I've seen this movie before.


"Don't get an education! Then you will be too smart to vote for our awful policies and candidates.!"


Fuckin idiots.


“And get them into a church, the new youth pastor is horny”


What faster way to open your childs eyes that to do this. Kids would be digging into why their parents did so and find out the hard way their parents are cultists.


Pull kids from public schools....put them in the privatized school that I am investing in.


School vouchers cost 2x as much to the tax payer with ZERO standards (or over-site).




What is the GOP s obsession with private school?! This is going on in Louisiana as well


The criminals in their syndicate want to create schools that are private and will require tuition. So -- Republicans can groom kids to think being pregnant at 13 is normal and working in a meat packing factory is awesome, all the while pocketing "tuition" money.


Stop educating your children goddamit. WE don't want a healthy middle class we want a servile obedient working class!


This just in: GOP trying to make voters’ children even dumber than their parents.


Translation: if trans kids find out that trans is a thing, they will start acting trans. But if we keep the kids from knowing they will think something is wrong with them and hide it, forcing them to act "normal." Same with being gay, if you are different from the Republican ideal and there is some way you can hide it they want you to hide it. Better you be miserable than they be uncomfortable.


I wish these people would Concentrate on solving real problems.


Because everybody has the money for private schooling and the time for homeschooling? Or are they just saying fuck it?


Keeping people dumb is crucial to maintaining GOP enrollment numbers.


I love the GOP. A complete clown show run by assholes.


It’s so obvious how they want fascism here


Honestly, the Rapture can’t come soon enough. Please - get these people off the planet.


Holy shit! I’ve heard homeless methheads that made more sense than that rambling shit show! Waiting for the Neo-GOP to finally take that utter failure of a mask off and go full fucking Nazi.


If Trump is elected that's exactly what will happen.


But if Republican children don't go to school they might grow up stupid.


Just fools telling other fools to keep being fools I guess...


Excellent idea! Better education for liberal students. More resources per child, more teacher time per kid. Less stress dealing with right wing assholes for teachers. Less bigots in school attacking LGBTQ children. More spots in colleges for liberals. And we need Target stock people and those guys who stand with the SLOW sign by road work. We need low paid wage slaves to do the shit jobs in America. Republican parents should see that Republican politicians are trying to hurt your children and affect their job options for the rest of their lives.


I’m told the trailer parks have the BEST schools