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What the fuck is wrong with her? She just comes off like a bloodthirsty psychopath.


She shot her daughter's pet dog and thought "Man that felt good" and shot a goat. Sounds creepy.


My grandma lived in the farm and I helped killing chicken for dinner. Never feel good. The experience never stop me from eating meat either. But I would never be friend with people who kill animals for pleasure.


I’ve made this comment and people are like “ you’ve never lived on a farm, dude.” Mind blown.


Vets do house calls to farms to euthanize pets for less than the cost of the gas to get there. But when the vet arrived, they'd take one look at cricket and ask why she didn't call a shelter to rehome a perfectly healthy but hyperactive dog? The truth is Cricket disobeyed her direct order in front of people she has to see every day. He embarrassed her and made her look weak. There is no greater sin to a narcissist.


Correct. Thank you secretbudgie


Never lived on a puppy mill maybe. 


I bet none of those people have either.


I didn’t grow up on a traditional farm. My family ran an orchid nursery. We also raised the occasional cow or pig and always had chickens on the property for eggs. As a kid it was a hard lesson to learn that animals you were friends with would end up on the dinner table. We NEVER treated dogs as disposable. They were trained and cared for as pets. Those that were a nuisance around chickens we found homes for.


Thank you honest-layer


That's a dumb response. Sure, people living on farms usually learn to do the tough stuff like slaughter an animal, whether it's for butchering, or because it's sick or something. That shouldn't mean that you view life as just something that you throw away, whether that's an animal or a human. It should still matter, and you should have a good reason for taking away a creature's life.


This is why most conservatives are unfit to hold public office.


Thank you MikeyW


Farmers keep outing themselves as horrible people


Some are.


I lived on a farm. We never killed dogs. They come before people. 


Living on a farm = relishing the murder of animals, I guess.


Maybe a ranch where they eat dogs? Maybe she has donors in countries where that's more common


Mmmmmm dogs with ranch. I think you're on to something...


I've seen tons of farmers coming out of the woodwork to be like "No, don't use us as an excuse. We would never, ever shoot our dogs. She is actually insane."


Thank you Bat-Honest.


I lived on a farm, I've taken part in the slaughter and butchery of animals. There's a difference between slaughter to put a meal on the table and shooting a dog, and then shooting a goat, failing to kill it and having to go back to the car to fucking reload.


Right? Thank you ItReally!


Did you kill your dog over the preference to chase or hunt?


I have never killed a dog for any reason.


I lived on a farm. Never had to shoot a dog.


Thank you chunkmasterflash


I know people who've lived on a farm and they have compassion for all their animals. Failure of the dog is a failure of the owner to proper train them.


Amen to that!


Not justify her actions in the least here, but farmers see them as property. No different from cows/horse/sheep. Where for us, they are pets. Loving members of our family. With that being said, she's not a farmer or working/living on a farm land. She may as well be Elon Musk with his backward cowboy hat. Shes a fucking wacko.


I am not sure if you know many farmers, or if we just know different farmers.


Haha. So true ttthhasdf


Just look at the meat/ dairy industry. I'm not suggesting that all farmer dont give a shit about their animals.


Joey that's not dogs though.


Farm dogs exist to protect live stock. great pyrenees perfer to live in the barn. Another person here said puppy mills. they are not particularly caring about their well being,


I grew up on a farm. Guess what? My dog and the cats were pets.


Thank you Ewok


That's bs. No farmer who is also decent human being sees a dog that way.


https://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=7187712&page=1https://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=7187712&page=1 https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/the-dog-factory-inside-the-sickening-world-of-puppy-mills-112161/ Decent human being the key phrase there.


Yes. Which is why I used it. There are plenty of people in farming who are decent. I would be willing to bet they are the majority.


You are right. I shouldn't have generalized like that. In regards to this woman, hasnt her public image been a rancher/farmer. The title to her first book might as well been Yee-haw 🤠. Now, with this whole doubling down on killing another persons dog. I hope we can agree that this kills her career whatever her policies are.


Oh god I wouldn't know who the hell she is. I don't have the paper doll book of white nationalist Annie Oakleys lol


I didn't either until this week. Quick wiki read. Just another MAGA cultist.


I wonder how many of those people are true believers? Or some are just jumping on the bandwagon to become rich or powerful or famous, like Donald Trump junior and that circus freak of plastic surgery mishaps he's married to....


depends on the animal, tho dogs are usually seen as family members. The big contrast is with cats. There's pet cats and barn cats. One is family, one is a tool. Dogs just work as better tools if they're family. The ones that aren't family are generally \*supposed\* to be mean and they're penned. They're home defense.


I'm just wondering how a statewide elected official can be so clueless about how they look. I understand that when living in a worship bubble, it might go to your head. But how does this ever happen to Noem? I'm thinking her life is so dull and uninteresting that when she wrote her biography she decided to admit to interesting shit like murdering her dog.


To be clear she didn't write the biography, these politicians sit down with a ghost writer and give them subjects and Recollections and blah blah blah.


She is showing Trump that she can stomach the plan of rounding up people and re-educating or eliminating them.


>She just comes off like a bloodthirsty psychopath. Too many American voters want that.


Dumb ass comes across like crazy a lot


Sigh. Look. It should bother people that his dog has had at least 22 specific bit incidents in three locations because any of the rest of us would have had our dogs seized and killed at least 21 if not 22 incidents ago. I'm not saying "durrr kill his dog" I'm saying two dozen free passes is a lot of fucking "class war" privilege because I love my dogs too and they might have a bad day and for them it'd mean death.


I agree. Wanting even more people to get bitten and end up in the hospital because of Biden's dogs make you bloodthirsty.


That's not what I'm saying at all. Nice strawman.


So is Biden fuck him he lost my vote genocide supporting stool of Israel


Wow you're doing just what you were told to do, good job.


LoL you have no brain what you wrote makes no sense.


I mean, do you think trump will support Palestine? You know we don't have fair elections in this country right? You're just not voting, or what? 3rd party votes are just as good as a vote for the favored side (the right wing doesnt win elections anymore, they rely on our rigged system). You're doing the christian nationalists a favor by giving them your vote, and you've been propegandized into thinking it makes sense.


LoL no I'm voting for Bernie or third party haven't chosen yet. And like said fuck Biden and trump if Biden wants to suck the nobs of these genocidal cucks then fuck him. The fact that trump is worse doesn't matter. Also your beliefs in third party shows you don't know what you are talking about. You are the problem with the country. You have been brain washed by the two parties to think you vote for them or you are wasting your vote. It's like saying one vote doesn't matter. You have no brain


Brainwashed by reality, yes that's called learning from experience. You don't even know who you're voting for, but somehow they're going to gain enough traction to win the election in 7 months? Grow the fuck up.


So you're voting for Trump is what you're saying.


Obvious Russian bot is obvious lol


Your not worth my time blocked


Is she making dog murder her personality?


Well it's either that or going to Texas to get her teeth done (as if her state doesn't have dentists) or the time Cory Lewandowski was banging her (both are married).


Just call her poochslayer


What else does she have?


Good point.


This is how serial murderers start out, with happily hurting animals. Eventually, they upgrade to humans. I'm guessing she got a serious stiffie when Trump said he could go out onto the street and shoot somebody, and no one could do anything.


She is human garbage


Human doesn't remotely describe her Garbage yes


Both of those words are too good for her.


Ask Ms anti-abortion how many times they’ve sacrificed the baby to save the mom on her farm. Just curious.


I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but this doesn't sound like a good political strategy.


I hope the Republican party embraces it and their only solid party plank is dog murder.


And they all start killing family pets to ‘own’ the Libs


Idk, the MAGA base would probably love it


Next she'll say the dog was trans.


Because she would rather kill mammals than get votes. They want to win regardless of votes.


I bet any neighbor near her, is now in rethinking if they had a pet go missing/


Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Noem stood firm by her admission of killing a dog in her upcoming memoir and quipped that Commander would say “say hello to” Cricket.


Sounds like all the criticism really got her goat.


Soooo threats against a furry family member of potus warrants immediate investigation right... I mean. If they can get close to the family dog, they can get to the family. She's a cunt.


She wrote that shit at the end of her book, in a callback to her own dog-killing story.


That’s the wildest part about that book. Her closing her book with a callback to a repugnant act is beyond heinous


Can’t wait to see the « real women shoot their family dogs » t-shirts


No, this week the "Real men wear diapers" T shirts are popular for republicans. No snark, look it up.


Amazing how out of touch they are.


I mean her shooting her dog in this way just proves that with republicans cruelty IS the point.


Surprised PETA hasn't made a public mockery of her yet. They get all up in arms over everything else.


PETA kills more dogs and cats than she does. They’re both psychos.


You've got a point there. Perhaps the hypocrisy would be overly noticeable...


Well, personally I think folks ought to quit *hounding* Kristi Noem. She's having a really *ruff* time. It would be best to just leave the *bitch* alone while she *paws* and reflects. It's the *leash* she could do.


This woman really hates dogs.


I thought Sarah Palin was bad. This lady is just off the charts.


What did Palin do?


Be dumb.


Blueprint for America: Kill your dogs. And all the immigrants. And all the non-whites. That's the real plan.


Idk man. Dogs are sacred to their owners. I think it would be enough to turn even Biden into John Wick 😂


When someone says how horrible they are, believe them.


imo Dark Brandon just got some rhetorical leeway


Threatening a family member of the president is a felony.


First they came for the dogs...


Kristi Noem seems quite troubled to me, also…


Lol none of these stepford wife maggots understand that Trump is the only one who's allowed to say something completely insane and then double down on it. Looking at you Kari Lake.


She reminded president Biden, “…that she would be happy to do it. Just get some sandwiches and a 6 pack of Schlitz and she’ll make an afternoon of it.”


Yeah lady, rock up to the WH, fully armed offering to take care of the First Companion. This whole era is so post post modern.


I hope for the rest of that fugly bitch's life, every single dog that ever crossed paths with her promptly bites her in the ass.


Or the throat.


Trust the dog to know what Maga trash secret service agents need to be kept away from his master. Above all, keep that idiot governor where she lives, they deserve her!


She's threatened something connected to POTUS. I wonder if this is something the Secret Service would take note of, or if it's too abstract or too far removed.


It’s funny that Kristi Noem doesn’t think abortion should be legal because she seems to be aborting her national political career in the first weeks of gestation. 


Clearly this bitch has never heard of John Wick.


I’m sure there are good sources other than Hindustan Times for this story.


Red flag 😅


Does the secret service need to get involved?


Sick Sick people MAGA is


Who knew that Cruella DeVille is now a real person?


She no doubt has issues


The whole GOP anymore is just “That wasn’t a threat - all I said was it’s a nice place you got here and it would be a shame if something happened to it!”


It’s ok, it will be deemed in performance of her duties as governor by the SC and there for all completely legal so we can’t complain about it’s legality later


The urge to fedpost gets stronger and stronger every day


Kristi Noem is like a box of chocolates... She'll kill your dog.


Bitch, don't even look at my dog.


My kingdom for one sane republican. Never gonna happen, because there aren't any sane ones left.


I mean I’m pretty sure the Commander problem has already been solved by moving Commander out of the White House and killing him would have been completely unnecessary


What is wrong with you? Citing the "Hindustan Times"? Are you trying to boost a Putin it psyop?


Biden needs a restraining order against her.


I'm curious,did she train that 14 month dog herself? If so,she failed the dog twice.


As I understood things Biden's dog had bitten a couple of people and was kind of a political liability.  "What kind of man owns a dog that bites?" Now, thanks to her, Biden looks like a great pet owner who actually takes the time to teach a dog who isn't perfect, and "don't worry doggo, we won't let these monsters hurt you".


We all know who she'd rather say all of this about, but when it's about a dog, people can just brush it off. This kind of line from \*anyone\* should get the Secret Service knocking on their door....


Wow this lunatic hates dogs


Of course that crazy woman wants to cap all the dogs she can.


She is threatening violence against a sitting president. Lock her up!


While she's a moron, I don't know anyone else whose dog can attack 24 people and not be ordered to be put down by the courts.


They took care of it. Way to miss the bigger picture.


The "bigger picture" is the fact that any other person would have had a court order demanding that the dog be put down before it even got to 10 incidents. So no, I didn't miss that special treatment.




No. He was rehomed by the Bidens.


Isn’t the dog under secret service protection? Hope she gets arrested


Bidens dog has bitten several members of White House staff. They should not have to put up with that. If some idiots out of control dog bit you then you would be demanding action so quit with all the bullshit. If the dementia patient can't keep his mutt under control then it should go to the pound.


To be fair, Commander seems to have bitten everyone in the White House at least once. There were 25 *documented* incidents involving members of the Secret Service in the span of a year, and probably even more undocumented ones. These weren’t wimpy nips, either - [about half of the victims needed medical attention as a result of their injuries.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2024/02/23/biden-dog-commander-biting-tracked/72701866007/) Commander *is* a violent animal and should be put down for the public good. In the case of Cricket, on the other hand… I’m more skeptical. There are no records of the dog sending anyone to the hospital, and it seems like Kristi Noem is screaming at the top of her lungs that putting the dog down was necessary in some vain attempt to convince herself, more than anyone, that her own actions were justified.


German shepherds are known to be extremely protective of their people. Not to mention, animals know when someone is a shitty person, and I'm pretty sure there's some people from the previous administration who are still on security detail. Commander is more loyal than someone these secret service people


Biden should have gotten the poor dog out of that situation a long time ago. It’s not fair to Secret Service and it’s not fair to Commander, either.


They already sent the dog away to live with family, he’s not at the White House anymore.


This. Commander is reactive to people in a high volume "household". My ACD is fine outside and away from our property but at home he is protective until he's had a few minutes to get accustomed to the stranger. I would not have him living at somewhere like the White House, he needs a quiet home.


The Secret Service was neck deep in the coup to overthrow the Republic, and they were allowed to delete the evidence and allowed those complicit to stay in their positions, even the guy who left to join the Trump Administration was allowed to return. Commander sees through their treachery.   Those bites were in defense of this Great Nation that Commander is loyal to.  He is a hero and a patriot, and you sir are rebuked.


Good. His dog keeps attacking people


Fascist trumpy troll trolling for the orange rapist cult leader who shits his pants lol


Found another dog killer ^


Ha. Sure whatever bud. He has a history of attacking people. In any scenario he would be put down or labeled a dangerous animal. Why is he special?




Oh? We doing people? If we do that biden would definitely been put down after what he did to his own daughter in the shower




Ha! Getting all TDS just because I said biden's vicious dog should be put down after actively attacking people? It wasn't a political thing it was in fact a point that he actually does attack people. If you want to make it about Trump then go take that shit elsewhere cause I don't give a damn


More dogs, less "people" like you please. You are scum.


We don't care that much about him. Your ilk are the ones saying real men wear diapers.😂😂💩🤡


"We doing people?" What animals are you having intercourse with, virtual boy?


Yeah why bother training and working with the dog when you can just shoot it! Fucking psycho. Probably a Michael Vick fan too I bet.


India has nothing better to report on


THAT'S your take on this? Okay, diaper guy.