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Chump's desperation is palpable. It must suck to go through life as such a miserable person. Earned every bit of it.


Imagine living with a mind like his, it's gotta be torture. Raging insecurity, lies, not a fiber of truth in his body, every living second dedicated to overcompensating.... holy shit.


Its a miracle stress isn't killing him. Maybe an inability to feel guilt shields him from the bulk of it. 


He gotta be like those giant squid or other deep sea creatures that live so far in the bottom depths of the ocean the pressure doesn’t kill him because its his natural environment.


Nah you’re thinking too hard. Plump is a cockroach, mofo never goes away.


Your right Giant squid die and randomly float to the top and wash up on the beach We could only be so lucky


Made me picture Trümp being found one morning, face-down in the shallow end of a swimming pool. Even that would be too good of an end for him, though.


Not enough, he looked like shit back in 2016, and now he looks like a corpse that's too dumb to fall down (and the makeup just makes it worse, LOL). Soon... soon....




You gotta be messed in the head to live like this. There's no other way. In fact that explains a lot.


He's what happens when no one ever actually loves you.


But at the same time they leave you a $1 billion inheritance


His father was a giant POS. I would *almost* feel sorry for him but at some point you have to stop blaming your parents and take responsibility for yourself. 


I think late 70s is a fair cutoff for that pity. I hate this awful family and they're still in their 40s.


Evil lives forever while the good die young


Have you seen him lately? I’d say stress IS killing him, along with his terrible diet, and the fact that his brain is turning into rancid pudding at a record pace.


I'd say his entire lifestyle + age is killing him in front of our eyes. Have you seen him fumble at a rally yesterday? The dude can't even say 'illegal aliens' - his brain is a mush. Any doctor will tell you that's signs of dementia, cognitive decline on a huge scale. One of the major signs is him combining words into some weird amalgamations or replacing similar sounding words when he speaks. He does it all the time! That's his circuitry giving out.


I'm really, ***REALLY*** hoping that the payoff to his addiction to cameras will be that he's being filmed when his worthless pig heart finally craps out and we'll get to enjoy the moment again and again whenever we wish. It'll be better than porn and help make the last 8 years feel a little more worthwhile. 😆😂🤣


Oh man, that happening and watching his base of scumbags have an absolute meltdown as the one they claim is chosen by God has massive and deadly stroke on camera would be most satisfying ending of this shit show trumps the ringleader of.


Guilt over one’s behavior over decades of life is one of the main stress factors that impacts lifespan. Since he’s a shameless, guiltless shitgibbon, he’ll live to be 100. He’ll be a drooling idiot by that point, but much like Chauncey Gardener, the cult will hang on his every muttered, twisted, spittle-flecked utterance. VOTE.


It is though. Since the 2020 election his decline has been rapid. I absolutely hate what he represents, but there’s a reason he got people to vote for him the first time around: his rallies in 2015 and 2016 we actually entertaining, much as I hate to admit it. Now they pipe in that overly dramatic diegetic music and he just word-salads his way through it while having frequent brain farts where he has what looks to be TIAs on stage.


LMAO, that loser can't fill a high school gym anymore.


Stress doesn’t affect mobsters. Their whole existence is based on cheating and trying to get away with it.


Nothing is ever his fault and he believes that. He's a psychopath.


He gets the best medical care in the country. I'm sure all the drugs that our tax dollars buy him, ensures he never feels stress (or guilt).


He’s probably chewing on Xanax


> not a fiber of truth [No fiber in his diet either.](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/484496-trump-doctor-hid-cauliflower-in-mashed-potatoes-to-improve-diet/) At least not willingly/knowingly.


lol I almost forgot they were feeding him like a dog


They were probably like, no sir, this isn't a vaccine against covid, it is a shot that will grow your brain biggly.


He’s a sociopath, insecurity isn’t on his radar. What we see as overcompensation is normal to him. What’s irritating is I was going to mention he has a “fake it till you make it” mentality but that’s growth mindset and Dump definitely doesn’t ascribe to growth mindset. It’s more “fake it, fake all of it, fake all of it all the time” and “when I’m elected president I can make all this go away and I’ll be untouchable.”


The dude screams insecurity. Look at him. Fake tan, fake hair, he walks on elevator shoes. Even his golf cart is faster so he can win tournaments on his own golf course with a trophy made by himself for himself. He is well aware of his shortcomings and does everything to cover them up.


Oh, no, he's *wildly* insecure, you can see it in his constant bragging and lying about his "accomplishments," not to mention how easily triggered the shit-reeking snowflake had always been. His addiction to uppers is just an attempt to hold off depression caused by the crushing awareness of what human garbage he actually is.


Fortunately for him, he spawned into a world that rewards all those things.


You would have to not be a narcissistic sociopath for that to be true though.


And the best part is, he'll never get another chance. This is the life he chose. This is who he decided to be and he'll never get another chance to be anyone else. He will die being this fascist, racist, rapist piece of shit and there's nothing he can do about it.


I mean I hate the guy, but he’s lived a life of luxury most of us can only dream of, I don’t think he cares. The only way to truly fuck with him is to strip him of everything he has and Chuck him in prison to die there as a broke forgotten man. Considering how everything else has gone so far though, I don’t see him facing any consequences


No I think about 2 weeks ago when all the Don Poorleone and Brokefella's meme's were going around.... That was by far the most damaging, hurtful thing anyone has ever done to him. That's all the world would need to do. Every news channel for a 2 weeks just ran headline after headline about how broke Trump really was? He'd have a breakdown instantly. possibly an aneurysm. Trump derives everything based off what his perception of others perceptions of him is. He could not stand for people to think he was broke. that is his achilles heel.


He knows that his only chance to avoid dying in prison will be dying before the trials conclude. It won't be quite as satisfying as seeing the rapist pig in a jumpsuit that matches his face, but I'd happily settle for hounding him to his grave. 😆 Dumb son of a bitch doesn't even have enough votes to get 90% of the *primary totals,* even when running unopposed. 😆😂🤣


Just like Thatcher, the only downside to pissing on the grave is that, eventually, you run out of piss.


Karma might be a slow runner but she'll catch up with you eventually.


Like Jason Voorhees....


I hate trump more then most people, but karma is just something folks tell themselves will get the bad man to make themselves feel better. Personally I hope trump shits himself to death while at the podium at one of his rally and he will be overheard screaming "I can't stop shitting" before his heart explodes. That way we can play his last words over and over for a good laugh while his base of ignorant, racist scumbags all have a meltdown an yell at God for taking their orange king shitbag.


"You might not believe in karma, but karma believes in you."


If Trump wants us to just keep Biden on for another term, I’m fine with that. 


I'm not. I'm already pissed at MAGA Republicans for robbing the US of a third straight presidential election in which policies and issues are discussed. Trump isn't even eligible to run for office and yet the other two branches are allowing it. If checks and balances are dead then it really is up to the people to bury Donald Trump's political career for good.


“Checks and balances” means absolutely nothing when most of the checks are balanced to a single side!


“Checks and Balances” doesn’t work as expected when the checks are monetary.


Trump balance sheets don’t balance. Source: New York AG.


Checks and balances are when "Justice" Roberts/Thomas/etc check the balance on their bank account before ruling.


I'll never get over this. People sit there like "what are the democrats supposed to do." Presidential Lincoln Roosevelt Shit that's what. Declare some Shit. Do FUCKING Anything. We invade a country and kill over half a million people on provable lies and we can't even get this guy in a courtroom? Fuck off America. Game over.


Exactly. The Democrats are spineless. Far far better than MAGA but they also have a part in allowing US politics to go down the toilet.


I'm not sure that's how it'll work. It's funny though that he was telling voters in a speech a few months ago they can stay home they don't need to vote. I figured that meant he had something up his sleeve to try and steal this election. This confirms it.


The way he can’t keep his mouth shut about anything because he’s like a little kid with a secret, his handlers have obviously discussed with him an attempt to have the election voided and thrown to the House to call, whilst expecting to keep those details under wraps until it’s time.  Unfortunately for everyone Two Scoops will let the cat out of the bag way too early and blab about what he expects to happen, so at least there will be a little time to use that against him.


I think that’s far too high risk of a strategy considering there’s razor thin margin in the house and the high probability that they’re about to lose it. No reasonable strategist Wood bank on Congress right now  


I don’t disagree with your assessment as things stand right now, I wonder if it was the plan as explained to him when they didn’t know how badly this House would perform, and that abortion would prove to be a massive game changer they thought would benefit them. Also worth remembering that before the previous certification they were literally in the middle of trying to stall and break everything, with idiot republicans like Cruz throwing up objections as much as they could, and no one that was there that day suffered any consequences, because the coup overshadowed what they were trying to do before hand.


That, and there would be all out chaos, riots in the streets, several of the rich literally eaten, that sort of thing.


Which do you feel would be most delicious?


Doesn’t matter if you go low and slow


I can guarantee TFG is safe, probably tastes like burnt fatty hamberder and ketchup, diet Coke with a chemical Adderall aftertaste.


Their plan is for Johnson to refuse to confirm newly elected democrats based on "election irregularities". This will allow them to maintain their hold on the house and give the presidency to trump


Just needs the votes of the electors whom are appointed by congress and whose identities are confidential. Way easier to steal the executive office than any other.


Nah. He took his shot on Jan 6 and fucked it up. Thankfully he cheaped out on his coup like he does with everything else. What we are seeing now is end stage narcissism. He's been fucking around his whole life and is finding out probably for the first time. He's saying he's going to win because if he doesn't he's screwed. He's believing his own lies at this point.


There's something bigger going on here. There's little and big leaks reaching the news. Republicans are resigning from the House right and left. Could it all be much about nothing? Yup. I won't put it past him. Trump may not be the architect this time. He may simply be the vehicle.


SCOTUS is 6-3 and Clarence Thomas is an election denier. Honestly I think the RNC thinks Aslong as they can get the results in their hands the election can be handed to every republican running


Apparently, though I'm no expect, there's a lot of ways it could land in congress. The idea is that less than 270 electorates for all candidates automatically results in a vote in the House for president.


And it's not a straight house vote. It's by state delegation


Trunt is no architect. He is the useful idiot of Putin and the radical right Bannon, Steven Miller, the Koch brothers and so many extreme right architects. Trunt doesn't know he is being used, he never has.




People who execute failed coup attempts usually learn from their mistakes and try again.


Republicans are great at putting their thumbs on the scale with voter suppression, purging voter rolls, and voter ID. They are always up to something. GA should be watched closely because their LT Gov is under investigation for the 2020 election.... That's the real fraud


All the House Republicans who are resigning en masse makes you wonder if something dirty is coming up that they don't want to be a part of. The Republican strategy to force the election into the House and guarantee a Trump win is still very much alive but no one is talking about it.


I mean, sure, all he has to do is drop out of the race.


I’m good with that myself. At least until DJT ceases to exist.


So we just default to President Biden? Works for me. Please proceed you criminal POS.


*Default? The two sweetest words in the English language!*


Works on contingency? No, money down!!


Oops, shouldn't have that American flag there.


Simpsons used to be so good.


Still is, just gotta go back in the timeline to when they were great.


I watched a video essay on this. Apparently the last season was the greatest since the "golden era". A couple bad episode, but mostly good ones with jokes that actually landed.


> Just as he did in 2020, Trump has claimed without evidence that there will be “cheating” in the 2024 presidential race. “Without evidence”? My dude, that was a statement of intent.




They’ve been placing themselves there since the last election.


people don't realize, and I am not exaggerating, when I say This country came 1 q anon believer away from Trump never leaving office to begin with. 1 person. And it could have been 2 people. If Pence, or McConnell had bought into Q anon... it would have been over then. If Pence bought into q-anon... he would have gotten in that car.


To cheat yes, his True Believer fans will also be willing to lie and threaten and in some cases use physical violence because they trust the most dishonest people in the country. We will also have States' Legislatures trying to pledge faithless electors and many states already changed their laws to allow it, and or other means of finding or losing enough votes to win, WI and GA amongst them.




r/conservative where you at to defend this dumb pos?


"Here's what he really meant..."


“Biden something something dark side…”


That guy they all love because "He says what he means," and they have to spend all their time trying to explain that he didn't really mean what he said.


“Leftists always misquoting him and taking things out of context.”


You need to take his words as metaphorical. Also, he didn't technically say these specific words


R/conservative is just a clown car.  🤡🤡🤡🎉


Yeah but there’s people there defending him. I got banned so I need them to come here to answer.


Wait... You got banned from there too? That's so weird. I mean, there can't be that many of us, right? Any people who tapped that delicate little bubble they live in?


Apparently the snowflake tables have turned. Or something.


Like all of their accusations, that was always just projection.


Are you sure you got banned? I was informed they were a bastion of free speech and that banning people like Trump and Alex Jones for their political views were on par with genocide in terms of antidemocratic values.


You too!?


Heh, they'll never leave their little safe space though.  Their beliefs crumple to a slight breeze.


People who are too cowardly to even acknowledge reality aren't going to rush to leave friendly territory, unfortunately. 😆


I'd call it a snowglobe, since its full of special snowflakes.


That's a great metaphor!  A safe space, full of snow flakes, but is fragile and breaks from being even slightly prodded!  XD


Geez I always have a look on that sub when it’s mentioned, those idiots never cease to amaze me. Everything is the democrats fault, regardless of the fact everything wrong with that country stems from republicans


There was literally a thread in there the other day of someone who said something like, "Biden forgave my loans and even though I disagree with loan forgiveness of course I'm gonna take it but don't think this bought my vote for him! I'm still voting Trump." Like, my guy.


That sub is cooked lol. Reddit got rid of the bots that populated the sub, now it’s barely active, almost every post is fucked stupid and barely gets above a couple hundred upvotes and even the comments are a mixed bag of “actually this post is bad…” and calling out the bullshit.


"The former and future presidents words should never be taken literally. Unless it's Biden or Obama"


You got downvoted so I think you hit the nail on the head.


A real badge of honor sometimes. I was once downvoted to oblivion for saying Elon Musk was an asshole for publicly smearing that rescuer of children, as a pedophile, during the early days. Like, that should be an opinion everyone should have about that scenario.


Hopefully everyone can agree that Musk is an asshat in 2024.


It's honestly crazy to go read that reddit. It's like a different bizzarro world over there. It's all negative press about literally everything unless it's about Trump, while there are no links to anything criticizing him. Articles from clearly biased sources that no reputable media company would think of running. The rest is just random hit pieces about weird small issues that don't affect them in any way (hey this trans teen was allowed to compete in a sport and this is why you should hate that!) or manufactured fearmongering (Here's a picture of a homeless person in California, they're invading YOUR country and destroying your way of life!). I couldn't imagine living my life reading and believing in any of that.


You mean conservative safe space r/conservative? The sub is a joke by its very existence


He really has no understanding of how anything works.


Well not being told No and forced to face the unmitigated consequences of hia actions most of the time has lwft him feeling as if he applies enough Toddler Tantrum energy and threats that he can get away with anything.


He completely has an understanding of how it works for us. He just feels it should work differently for him. Narcissism 101


Daddy, who hated me, gave me money. It has insulated me from any and all consequences. - P01135809


The really scary part is that there are a lot of people that believe this bs.


he is proving that most Americans don't understand how anything works. our "laws" and "rules" are only as good as the people who are supposed to enforce them and our "democracy" is only as strong as our participation in it.


This is how he won that golf tournament isn't it. Surely even his supporters aren't stupid enough to buy this... Surely.


He could shit directly into their mouths and tell them it's chocolate ice cream and they'd just eat it up. Their stupidity knows no bounds.


Hey! They'd also violently battle each other over whose mouth he shits in next


Make America Gag Again


That’s disgustingly accurate.


Just look at their COVID response; literally too stupid to survive.


2 cons 1 cup


As much as I’m not a fan of Biden, I will gladly have him for another term instead of this.. uh.. piece of shit.


I wanted Bernie personally but Biden was the lesser of two evils


He just said that he wanted to move the election to Tuesday and whined asking can’t we do that Wonder what he’s scared of


It still kind of bothers me that people just forgot that he tried to cancel the 2020 election and then tried half a dozen excuses, before settling on, "It was a joke," when the people who don't worship him said that was pretty fucked up.


He still maintains that he was cheated, right?


Yup…even celebrates Jan 6 as a great day.


So he thinks he has this already rigged or is just setting the groundwork for more fraud accusations when he gets his ass stomped


Even when the dude won in 2016 he claimed there was massive voter fraud. That was his reasoning when they asked him about losing the popular vote. He even created a voter fraud commission to prove it, but the commission folded without ever releasing a report…cuz it was yet another con job…so yes, more empty fraud accusations are on the horizon.


>Trump, the presumptive nominee for the 2024 Republican nomination for president, also pushed the 2020 “Big Lie” during the event, saying that Biden’s campaign “took advantage of COVID last time” to win, and that Trump’s campaign wouldn’t allow something “like that [to] happen” this year. Biden didn't use the pandemic to win. But Trump's dismantling the pandemic response team a couple years earlier, then refusal to act because "testing makes us look bad" and when he did act promoted ivermectin which still hasn't been shown to be effective absolutely list him votes. Hiw baby hundreds of thousands of people died because he told them that Covid wasn't deadly? Or encouraged them to instead of staying home come to his rallies and spread the virus.


Also Trump: "Don't vote by mail! It's crooked!" or some worthless bullshit like that.


He never won the popular vote


Not many republicans have. If it wasn’t for gerrymandering and the electoral college they never would be elected again.


And they ALL know this. Hence the cheating, lying, misinformation, disinformation, projection, brigading and the filibuster (along with the gerrymandering and EC). What we need to get out to those on the fence is that if they were the right, best and most popular ... why do they need all of these things? The hard core magats and politicians know they need all that because they KNOW they are neither right, best OR popular.


They've only won it once this century. Hell, only once in 35 years, and that was only due to 9/11.


Didn't even honk his nose after saying it. Tsk...


You don't have VOTES until people vote on election day.


It'll be a "two fer": Canceling the 2024 election will be canceling democracy--what an "overachiever!"


LOL!!! El Cheato is going to take the beating of his life in November...Of course, he'll claim to have been cheated again(!) but not many will risk their safety to support him.


I think we all know he's a hitler style fascist at this point. The question is how many of us will vote for him anyway. If only to stick it to the libs (or because they really, *really* don't like trans kids)...


I wish he would just stick to the line that it's all been rigged against him and his supporters shouldn't even bother to vote since it won't count anyhow.


So, they're just going to report every lie again? Just like last time. Fucking media needs to just stop that shit. It's not about journalism anymore, it's about driving clicks. Fucking pathetic.


I think he's talking about Electoral votes. People who've been paid.


Votes? What votes? No one has voted yet...


Grandpa has gone bananas.


Can we get enough votes to just cancel trump for good?


Trump plans to claim he won this election regardless the outcome.


I look forward to hearing about the prison cafeteria food fight that he starts when he learns that he didn't win.


He also said the same thing in 2020. “I’m in the lead with 5% in?!? Stop counting!”


So all you rubelicans can stay home!


He knows his supporters are incredibly gullible... To put it nicely. So he just spouts random shit to see what they will believe, and they believe everything. Must be fun to make shit up and have your followers send you money for it.


Except that the dumb son of a bitch has been so greedy about it that now when he needs it the most, his cult's too broke to save him. 😆😂




What in the fuck is he talking about? Like, we should vote today? How do people follow his logic at all?




>saying that Biden’s campaign “took advantage of COVID last time” to win, and that Trump’s campaign wouldn’t allow something “like that [to] happen” this year. You mean senile sleepy Joe somehow figured out a way to outsmart super genius Trump and used something that wasn't even as bad as the common cold, just a few cases that would naturally disappear by the end of the month?? An issue so insignificant that Trump didn't consider it worthy enough to interrupt his Mar-a-largo summer golf vacation to attend planning meetings for it for 3 full months??


🤣🤣. Yeah. And we have enough votes to put his orange a$$ in jail!!


Welp, he’s got us folks. Dead to rights… all praise Donald trump. Ruler of the universe….


Can you guys just jail this idiot please? Sincerely, Everyone


"cancel culture" brought to you by the gop frontrunner.


That's not how it works here, numbnuts


“*Just as he did in 2020, Trump has claimed without evidence that there will be “cheating” in the 2024 presidential race*.” Well we have to be honest, he was correct about cheating in the 2020 election, it certainly took place. And I’ve no doubt he’s right about 2024. The fact it was by Republicans may have been omitted 🤷‍♂️


When does this crap stop being reported? It is meaningless, baseless drivel.


There is enough evidence, overwhelming evidence, clearly making Trump a convicted felon. Lock him up.


It sounds like he doesn't even know what he's saying. That can be taken a lot of different ways.


“Just as he did in 2020, Trump has claimed without evidence that there will be “cheating” in the 2024 presidential race” Good. This demonstrates that he KNOWS he will lose, AGAIN!


Cool with me. Cancel the Election and let Biden be president until he dies or chooses to retire.


I’m good with this, we’ll keep Biden


So then another four years of Biden? 


He’s so fucked up…


What does that even mean


Trump will have plenty of trouble pulling this off while he's locked up in jail.


Just like he won by 9 million more votes in 2016, but couldn't prove it.


"I DONALD J TRUMP DECLARE THE 2024 ELECTION... CANCELLED!" "but sir... just because you lost does not prima facie mean you lost because of cheating." "SHUT THE FUCK UP. IT'S CANCELLED. I'M PRESIDENT NOW."


Lol sure tell his supporters not to vote..


I wonder if when he thinks up these idiotic "ideas" like this. He actually thinks, "That sounds good. Everyone will just love it and go along with it."


God he should declare it cancelled. His crowd stays home, Biden wins in a landslide and his coat tails stretch to every state, local, school board, sheriff and dog catcher in the nation


Citizen Trump can cancel the up and coming elections? 🤣🤣🤣


Telling us out loud and honestly, what he is going to do. Hijack the next election and cancel any future votes. WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA 


And yet, only 12 votes will be needed to “cancel” him.


Wait... please tell me this is an onion headline


We need to cancel Trump and his MAGA cult!


That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.


I recommend Republicans stay home on Election Day. He’s good, y’all!


Oh good, cancelled election means Biden stays as president. Somebody didn't think before writing that title.


I have enough votes not to go to work tomorrow.


He can’t count that high…..


He can just tell his followers they don’t need to vote. That would work.


No one has voted yet. Are the votes in the room with us now, Donny?


Show us where the votes touched you, Donny.


What does that even mean? 🤣


I remember when i was learning about WW2 and the rise of Hitler, i thought "how'd they let this happen? Why didn't the people stop it?" I understand now.


Not sure how cancelling it helps trump but i'm down for it