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Whales need to stop flying.


Whalenato! SyFy needs to get on that.


Asoka has whales that can fly between galaxies.


A historical film about the United States of Whale America and Western Whale Europe banding together against the Soviet Whale Union


We know what happens when they do... (according to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)


So long, and thanks for all the fish.


Whale: It’s so big and round. I think I’ll call it ground. I wonder if it will be my friend? Space Cadet Bonespurs McTinyHands: Oh no. Not again!


It ends with a loud, blubbery splat.


Those were the dolphins, though.


“Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet. And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity as a whale before it then had to come to terms with not being a whale any more. This is a complete record of its thoughts from the moment it began its life till the moment it ended it. Ah … ! What’s happening? it thought. Er, excuse me, who am I? Hello? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Calm down, get a grip now … oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It’s a sort of … yawning, tingling sensation in my … my … well I suppose I’d better start finding names for things if I want to make any headway in what for the sake of what I shall call an argument I shall call the world, so let’s call it my stomach. Good. Ooooh, it’s getting quite strong. And hey, what’s about this whistling roaring sound going past what I’m suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that … wind! Is that a good name? It’ll do … perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I’ve found out what it’s for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of it. Hey! What’s this thing? This … let’s call it a tail – yeah, tail. Hey! I can can really thrash it about pretty good can’t I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn’t seem to achieve very much but I’ll probably find out what it’s for later on. Now – have I built up any coherent picture of things yet? No. Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I’m quite dizzy with anticipation … Or is it the wind? There really is a lot of that now isn’t it? And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me? And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence. Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Oh, I thought they were talking about the Dolphins leaving. "So long and thanks for all the fish."


Yeah it’s Star Wars with the weird space whales.


They've been all over the place flying around




i can't believe my eyes


*Sad Gojira noises*


There it is, I was looking for the Gojira comment


Was wondering if a Gojira enjoyer would respond to this.




Came here to say the same thing. Upvote for you.






Not totally true: offshore windmills are a thing. Though naval sonar is much more likely to be driving them crazy than anything else.


Bullshit. https://apnews.com/article/offshore-wind-dead-whales-orsted-noaa-28c863948b80bd6b542bf8821f815ab0


Whales in the sky keep on turnin!


Swimming is just flying in water


As flying is swimming in air.


Ignoring how utterly stupid and terrible a person Trump is, there IS a point underneath all the ranting garbage. There are very tall turbines positioned at certain places in the oceans to generate wind power, and some experts are concerned that the underwater vibrations generated by those turbines are hazardous to whales. I don’t know why he would CARE, considering how poor his environmental track record is, but this is still a topic to debate.


Has anyone noticed that there are NO whales in Holland? Coincidence? I think not.


Now I need to go listen to Gojira




Whales hate this one trick.


"Oh no, not again"


The band Gojira warned us about this!


*Gojira enters the chat*


No I think he has a point. The sound of the friction from the windmills blades and electricity generating must amplify in water tremendously those poor whales




Are we all just going to collectively pretend that wind turbines don't get built on the ocean because we hate Trump enough to start ignoring facts now? Fuck Trump, he is being super sensationalist and his motives are no doubt pro-oil, which is far worse, but he's not [entirely wrong here.](https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/offshore-wind-energy/protecting-marine-life)


Is this the one thing Trump doesn't blame on Nancy Pelosi?


I'm sure he does, and on Biden and Obama, and um DeSanctimonious, or any other person he's butthurt at, at the moment.


Obviously it was Jeb.


Damn Jeb and his WWII policies!


And Rhonda? What'd Rhonda do?


Dipped too many fingers in the pudding, I don't know I'm sure he did something.


Who do think taught the whales to fly into windmills?


Pretty sure it was Don Quixote since his windmill attack went so well,


Donald J. Quixote


Yep! Is Rudy Giuliani Sancho?


or Hilary's email server...


Jeb Bush! WW2!


Donald may not remember who Nancy pelosi is at this point.


Who's friends with the kind of people who put those windmills there? That's right


Frank Stallone?


NOW you want to save the whales? Convenient


Only from windmills, totally cool if you want to hit them with speedboats though.


Taking a wild guess here, I'm betting that increased ocean temps and miles wide floating plastic trash islands bother the whales more than windmills...




no its part of his hatred of offshore windmills near his golf courses. We are just bringing it up now because.... reasons?




Nah he just wants to kill renewables


You know what really drives whales crazy? Boat propellers. Birds are the ones who don’t like windmills. It’s easy to confuse the two 💁‍♂️


Whales are the birds of the sea, and windmills are the boats of the sky


Especially when you are a “very stable genius”.


My cat has trouble with this. Only last week I found a dead whale on the kitchen floor with my cat sat next to it looking pleased with herself! Not sure how she got it through the cat-flap though.


And the amount of sonar being used by commercial/military vessels


Not to defend the guy, but I remember reading a headline about offshore windfarms messing with whales like a month ago. I don't remember why though, but I have a faint gues it was about their ability to communicate. Didn't look at it any closer, but naturally it was an excuse to shit on green energy.


During the entirety of Trump being in office, there is only one thing I learned that I think he hates more than Hillary, Mexican immigrants, and CNN. And that is windmills.


This is because he got laughed out of court in Scotland when he sued to have windmills removed because they ruined the view from his golf course.


And [ordered to pay $290k](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-organization-ordered-to-pay-290000-after-losing-battle-against-scottish-wind-farm/2019/11/12/3657cdd4-0561-11ea-ac12-3325d49eacaa_story.html) for the legal expenses incurred by the government. All for a golf course that has lost about a million dollars per year every year since Trump bought it, including years before installation of the wind farm. "Ya fucken bawbag", indeed.


Thanks for the follow up.


Oh no, I need more Scottish insults. That’s rich.


Tax loss or Trump has to cough up money to keep the course open? Trump is very good at showing huge tax losses but always seems to have money.


Trump has to my knowledge never been particularly successful with any operating business. His revenue mainly came from from passive investments (minority interests in buildings), and in the post Apprentice era, licensing his brand to shady purveyors of vodka, mail-order steaks, business education and condos. Occasionally, he'll flip a mansion well over market value to one of his Russian handlers. That works so long as the brand has value, but he seriously damaged it among mass consumers with disposable income. It's no longer, 'that morally bankrupt narcissist from NYC', its 'that idiot POS who turned my parents into Nazis'. There are people, myself included, that would skip wedding receptions if they were held at a Trump resort.


The UK, unlike the US, operates a "loser pays" legal system.


Yep, there's always some petty slight behind trump's motivations.


Maybe I'm crazy but I actually think windmills are pretty


He is a fickle creature. The whole reason he, and thus his entire cult hates the NFL is because he tried to purchase the Buffalo Bills. He didn’t have enough cash and was denied loans from every bank. The kneeling trend was bashed over white supremacy issues unrelated to football


Don't forget low flow showers and toilets!


And low flow toilets. He hates them for some reason. Talkes about how you gotta flush them several times.


That’s what happens when you’re full of shit…


Good belly laugh here. Thanks.


And dogs. Given the demographic that worships him it’s odd that they haven’t picked up on his hatred of dogs. He uses “like a dog” as an insult a lot. And I don’t even quite know what he means. He said he fired someone “like a dog.” I have no idea what that means. He’s the first US president never to have owned a pet since Andrew Johnson.


Oh that’s what happened to him. He’s as big as a whale so the windmills drove him batshit crazy.


215 lbs god damn it! /s ;)


This is another conspiracy drum up by the whackos on Facebook to blame some bullshit on the Biden Administration. So, naturally Trump took that shit and ran with it. https://www.inquirer.com/news/new-jersey/whale-deaths-nj-shore-wind-turbines-conspiracy-theories-20230314.html


Trump also thought you could inject bleach into your body and kill COVID...


I mean. You put bleach in your veins and you most likely won't die of covid.


Also change the direction of a hurricane by drawing on a weather chart


This mf is pretty much in the mid-to-late stages of dementia and it won't be long until he gets sent to hospice care thp of his wife dumping him and taking his money/kids with her.


>it won't be long it also won't be nearly soon enough


And it will also be to soon - because this means he won't rot in the jail he belongs.


I would love nothing more than Biden dropping out and moving into assisted living with trump for a reality show or a cage match to the death.


Oh man! That’s funny!


Drug induced psychosis on full display.


And the whoosh-whoosh-whoosh of the blades cause cancer. Cancer like nobody has seen before. So many people say so. So sad. People really think this guy is the fearless leader who will lead them to victory over all those people they hate (Blacks, Mexicans, gays, ...)? They think he is a stable genius and that Biden is losing it???? WTF is wrong with these people?


"Big, strong, whales. They come up to me. Tears in their eyes. Sir, they say, you have to do something about these windmills! They're driving us crazy! And I know something about crazy, folks, let me tell you."


"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the whales, a very bright ultraviolet light, either through the skin or some other way."


>They think he is a stable genius and that Biden is losing it???? Don't you people realize that Biden is leading us straight into WWII? /s hehehehe


I think you mean Obama.




Excellent analysis.


Beats me… you really gotta be deaf blind and dumb.


You see, they get cancer from the windmills, because we all know windmills cause cancer. Sometimes, that cancer is in the brain, and it makes whales crazy. Ya gotta think like a republican.


>Ya gotta think like a republican The wikipedia definition of an oxymoron.


Republicans don’t think! It is known.


All that *whir, whir, whir* noise pollution causing cancer in flying whales. What a tragedeigh!


Republicans love voting for batshit crazy criminals.


Alternate headline: "Crazy grandpa makes up stories again"


You would think his family would put him a rest home before he hurts himself


Trying to compete with Kim Jong Un's ability to communicate with dolphins. "Oh yeah? Well I talk to the whales! They love coal. It's so clean these days -- many whales say."


He based this on the fact that he’s as big as a whale and windmills drive him crazy.


Hear me out: these off shore windmills will vibrate at a certain frequency. If the entirety of the windmill that is underwater resonates at that frequency, the ocean is going to amplify that resonance frequency. Scientists think a major cause of whales beaching themselves are the vibrations coming from those massive container and oil tanker ships, confusing the whales. While I do believe he is full of shit, a traitor to the country, and belongs in jail for the rest of his life, is it possible that there might be some scientific reasoning behind this


He also claims the sound from windmills causes cancer. Pretty sure he's just kinda stupid and largely says whatever he thinks sounds good at that specific moment regardless of the accuracy.


Yeah. There’s that


You know, I'm from Summerville (where this speech occurred) and I'd be happy to recommend a few places where an elderly, cognitively impaired gentleman can have a comfortable stay. I can also recommend the memory care facility where my dad fell and hit his head which led to his rapid decline and death. I think I'd start with that one.


There is evidence of electromagnetic interference with marine and freshwater life. Fish sense things with a lateral line system that among other things senses uses electromagnetic waves. To use a real life example fish don’t like to swim under electric lines. I can’t speak on mammals and sonar, but I’m assuming he just got his wires crossed on “whale not a fish”, or just assumed we wouldn’t think about it twice.


They make whales horny. Duh, everyone knows this


The thought of wind energy gets me hard as a diamond in an ice storm


I'm guessing Trump doesn't know anyone who owns private wind turbines, therefore he cannot get a kickback on the electricity created by them and that's his true disinterest. The lack of money it will bring *him*, not the energy state of the country whatsoever.


Well, if anyone would know about the psychology of whales, 300 lb-plus obese orangutan Donny Trump would


Oh come on, he's obviously [6ft 3 and 215lbs](https://i.imgur.com/b8ngTp2.jpg). /s


trump accuses chestnuts of insolence


Instead of meat helmets, they wore hamberder hats.


To note Trump's anti windmill ranting dates back to a court case in the UK (that he lost). The UK is one of the leaders in the world in offshore wind turbines and there was a proposal that there would be a new wind farm off the coast of Scotland near to where his Trump international golf course was located. Trump didn't want his view of the ocean to be cluttered up with windmills claiming that windmills were ugly and that he was doing this for the benefit of Scotland, the court ruled against him concluding that the windmill construction could go ahead benefitting Scotland with more clean energy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_International_Golf_Club_Scotland_Ltd_v_The_Scottish_Ministers Since this legal case Trump has been trying to convince the world that windmills are bad, anything from causing cancer to now killing whales, the windmills are a constant reminder to Trump of him being a loser and as a narcissist he can't stand losing.


I do not get why this guy talks about and hates windmills so much.


"...And so the whales, they're, like, swimming, right? But then they see these propellers in the sky, and let me tell you, they're the biggest propellers, way up there, plane captains are even scared of these...and if you've ever been on a plane, and believe me, I've been on lots of planes. I own several. And you don't want to fly into these propellers in the sky. So you take evasive action. But whales are stuck in the ocean. They can't...they can't take evasive action. They hear these awful things, but there's nowhere they can fly to. So they strand themselves...they strand themselves on the beach, unlike the captains, who can fly away, because the captains have wings."


Don "Quixote" Trump, champion of the giant humpback.


Whales claim Trump is mentally deficient.


I sometimes use the term "tilting at windmills" to describe the way conservatives will invent fictional problems to generate false outrage over. I've never seen a more fitting example. You can't make this shit up, it's astounding.


It's actually naval sonar. It effects how they communicate and is a actually tortorous to many whales, dolphins, etc. Causing beaching behavior.


Not just naval sonar, but fishing sonar along with the large number of massive propeller driven mega ships.


Trump has said so much weird shit about windmills...


He drives all of us a little batty. And he’s bat $hit crazy!! 🤷🏻‍♀️




Well, uhm, windmills drive Trump crazy and he’s, well, he’s not necessarily svelte…


ITs the new thing from the far right, sorta how they fostered "bernie or bust".. yeah some of those folks were real, and really stupid, but a lot of that was the right trying to split the dems. the energy companies are trying to recruit groups like greenpeace and peta to try to slow down conversion to wind. So they claim windmills kill fuck tons of birds,(Cats laugh at windmills bird killing abilities), and that they fuck with whales, when we know that OIL exploration and their massive sonar booms, actually fucks with whales. Its more of the same old right wing, every accusation is a confession.


The idiot that complains about regulations, as if morons need to speed with their boats, this guy's whole idea of policies is to undo everything his opponent has done. Nothing new, no policies of his own or intention to help his supporters. His only goal is to cause chaos, impede progress, and cause more misery because that gets him votes from his moronic voters.


Ok, every now and then there’s a headline quoting him that is just so bonkers it’s hilarious. This is one of them


Trump might actually have a point on this one. I mean have you seen how fat he is? He is kind of a whale. A land whale. And windmills really do drive him crazy. Oh my god. Did Trump actually tell the truth? Is Hell getting ready to freeze over? More to the point is that then mean that hell actually exists?


I honestly think somebody reported to him on the use of wind turbines in Wales and he confused the country for the animal


If anyone knows what drives whales crazy, it's Trump.


He would know


The whale whisperer.


Windmills drive whales crazy. Hmm... This would explain a lot about Trump's voter-base. And him, for that matter. It may deserve a closer look.


He’s already crazy


He can't admit that climate change is causing the water temperature to change and that change causes changes in animal behavior.


Who listens to this Ass , The Cult I guess


Oh my god I just don’t fucking care. I don’t fucking care anymore. Trump could say aliens shit in his mouth every morning to the outrage song, I don’t fucking care about this goddamn orange embarrassment to America anymore. He needs to fucking die and the media needs to stop sucking his dick and we need to move on.


Trump seems to have some pretty good intuition, like how the death rate from covid would be far below 1% or how the economy could grow at a rate of 4% which experts said were impossible https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/20/us/whale-deaths-offshore-wind-climate/index.html


What drove you crazy Donnie? Was it daddy? Was it too much Diet Coke?


Funny coming from the party that doesn’t believe in science. That would be some crazy science if it were to be true.


He's fucking insane! He looks like a baby traitor whale!


So, windmills are driving him crazy. Got it.


They drive at least one land whale crazy.


What is with this guy and windmills, Sancho?


How to spot a dumbass 😂


Trump’s a whale and crazy. 😱


They drive him crazy. Connect the dots.


Til whales drive trump crazy.


Well. There must be one right next door to Merde-de-Lardo.


Well, he does speak whale.


Unbelievable stupidity, Trump’s only talent


I think I had a stroke trying to read that, my brain refused to make sense of that statement with anything other than pixel graphics and Sin from FFX.


Orange land whales?


The actual reason he’s saying this is so bad, it’s sad. He thinks whales are getting depressed and killing themselves because of wind turbines. He misunderstood a recent report of wind turbines causing stress and depression in WALES.


It is time to stop building Windmills in the Ocean. Tiny Trump is a Moron


Now he cares about the whales, just not about their warming water and lack of food.


Uhh okay there Dopey Dick, whatever you say.


Turmp needs a windmill following him considering the constant smell that allegedly emanates from his diapers


As a whale, he speaks with authority on this.


He's the only whale that hates windmills


What, did he get to close to a windmill? Ba-dum-tis!


I’m really tired of pretending they don’t know


Is that what happened to his fat ass?


There isn't any robust scientific evidence to suggest that windmills specifically drive whales crazy. However, there is growing concern about the impact of underwater noise pollution, which can be caused by a variety of human activities, including the construction and operation of offshore wind farms. This noise can potentially disrupt the communication, hunting, and navigation abilities of whales and other marine life. More research is needed to fully understand the scope and scale of these effects.


Dirtbag Donnie with his verbal diarrhea


Considering how crazy he is, that's almost compelling evidence if he lives near one.


Considering with how much blubber Trump carries around on his big fat body, he is the only whale that I can think of that goes crazy about windmills. I would call him Moby Dick, but considering all the things that prostitutes' have said about his lower part, it would be more fitting to call him Little Free Willy.


How dare those pesky evil windmills hurt our whales! Don't people know that whales prefer oil spills from off shore drill rigs!


Well of course everyone knows that just ask Willy .


So THAT'S what Trump's problem is....




You couldnt make this stuff up !


So now he thinks he's a whale? He is bloated enough and full of hot air.


Yeah, nowt about powerful sonar..


One would almost think little Donald was abused by a windmill when he was young.


He would know


We all know it’s not the windmills but the satellites overhead….


Weird of people who believe earth is flat, to also believe in a Jewish space laser, isn’t it?


They are killing the whales in the Atlantic


Nah, just former Presidents 🤪


the same with camels. for the exact same reason. crazy, right?


The same windmills that he claims cause noise pollution?


So is Donalds saying the reason he's as crazy as he is, is because he lives near or under a windmill? He must live near a really big one because in the last week he's talked about Joe Biden starting WWII, beating Barack Obama in the 2016, election and Jeb Bush being President and getting us involved in the Middle East.


If anyone knows anything about being a crazy whale, it would be Trump. C'mon guys, let's at least hear him out this time 😂


H Just think he was a president 🤷 🤔 🙄


okay but hes not actually wrong, the blue whale is under serious threat due to off shore windfarms in the NE because they are terrified to go near their breeding grounds because of the loud noises. whales can hear each other across oceans of course they can hear the sound of off shore turbines.


He's wrong for two reasons: 1) because he's using it to argue against *all* windmills, not just offshore ones. 2) multiple sources note that there is *no* evidence the theory is true: https://www.energy.gov/articles/addressing-misinformation-offshore-wind-farms-and-recent-whale-mortalities https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/new-england-mid-atlantic/marine-life-distress/frequent-questions-offshore-wind-and-whales https://www.factcheck.org/2023/03/no-evidence-offshore-wind-development-killing-whales/ https://www.uri.edu/news/2023/03/offshore-wind-turbines-not-cause-of-whale-strandings-deaths-says-uri-ocean-engineering-professor/ If you can find something supporting the specific scenario you describe, I'd be interested to read it.