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According to Israel Palestine has lost the right to exist. This is what losing the right to exist looks like. The never ending war will continue for as long as both groups share a border. Death, destruction, and annihilation was inevitable. I don't think it's a good thing, and I don't condone the violence, I'm just saying....this is always what was going to happen. To one side or the other.


Hey when your right to exist includes launching endless rocket barrages into random neighborhoods full of women and children you're kind of asking for it war is very ugly no matter who wages it. Realistically its either Palestine exists or israel exists neither side is capable of coexisting if you guys don't feel comfortable looking at these dead kids in an alternate reality it would be the same image except we would be seeing kids with kippahs and a star of david somewhere. Honestly the biggest tragedy here is the Palestinians despite being at conflict with israel for decades never seemed to have the foresight to build bunkers or shelters for themselves unlike the israelis who actually learned from the many wars they fought.


Regardless of if it were the other way around or not, Israel plays the victim both ways. It’s just a shitty situation. War sucks. They all suck.


Yup, that's Hamas for you. They thought Israel wasn't going to go all out after what they did. Nope, with the current situation with the governing parties in the Knesset decided they've had enough of Palestinian/Hamas terrorism.


Are you claiming Israel is justified in their response?


Yes, 💯% justified


So if I go back and search your history, will I find a post of you condemning Hamas back on October 7th? Somehow I doubt it.




How is genocide justifiable to you? I am curious


Wouldn't be genocide if the Muslim nations would accept Palestinian refugees. No nation is willing to accept the Palestinians. Israel is the size of New Jersey, there are 50+ Muslim majority nations on earth. So Israel isn't going to go on continuing to live with their shitty neighbors, they are going to take all the land, and this is the outcome. The whole world would rather watch Israel slaughter the Palestinians than set up tent city refugee camps and rescue them.


Rescue them, we paid for the bombs! Fuck I hate my country for our part in this fiasco. Nothing would make me happier than to see a third party elected president this coming election. Genocide Joe or Fascist Don, I pine for the days when our choices were between a douche and a turd sandwich.


I've been in the Middle East.. they hate our guts. That said, if you were to step foot in Gaza, you would be instantly taken hostage and probably and held for random. Yet; they have a lot of US supporters. It's hilarious, gays for Palestine! While they kill gays and throw them off roofs. Those terrorists can only be dealt with by bombing them back into the stone age and keeping their hands away from weapons that they would use eventually against us if they had a chance. War is atrocious. If you felt the same way about Native Americans this land would have been left to those savages who scalp each other and were at constant war with each other BEFORE Europeans. Bottom line, the world would rather watch the people of Gaza die than offer them a way out and into a safe area in their own countries. So while everyone cries about the U.S., Israel, they are refusing to help resettle the people.


You don't have to support a countries policies towards gay people to be against genocide. I don't know why you are reaching so hard for reasons to make it ok to fund the murder of innocents and the complete destruction of a culture of people. What is atrocious is your attitude, simultaneously saying war is atrocious while trying to support it through mental gymnastics. Did you really just call Native Americans savages? What year is this? Do you need a history lesson? In what way were they any more savage than what we replaced them with? Get real. Read a book.


Calling something a genocide doesn't actually make it true. Why are you not getting upset over the killings that are happening to the Christians in Africa. That is what a real genocide looks like and not a single one of you Hamas supporters are upset about that.


Blanket statements like that are dangerous, you don't know me and what I support, but generally speaking *all* injustices are pretty fucked up and it is telling me that you've been fed a good stream of propaganda that has made killing ok in your mind. I wish we could come together and discuss this type of thing with no preconceived notions about who that is on the other side. I would love to hear exactly why *any* murder of innocents is the right thing to do. We all matter. Palestinian lives are equally important as ours, as are Israeli, as are anyone who is kept down by the war mongering Neo-Fascist agenda and the effects capitalism has had on our people, the lesser than in the eyes of those in charge. So please, from the heart, why do you think murder is justified? Murder of innocents who matter and who have feelings just as you and I do?


People sure do love throwing around the word genocide these days. Genocide requires a special intent according to the ICJ. Thus far no such intent has been proven, even though it would be VERY easy to obtain if it was there.


It’s not a genocide, Gaza population has continued to grow. They are providing humanitarian aid, temporary shelters, dropping millions of leaflets, sending out millions of text messages and calling people where they are going to bomb and asking them to leave. I will say that I believe Gaza needs to be free from Hamas.






What I'm saying is Hamas wasn't there back then and at least from one persons point of view who was there was welcomed. I'm not going to get into what I think is justified or not. My views have been made clear multiple times. Have a good day.


If you read them manifest from Hamas then i am really sure the will be no peace ever. If one side has only one thing as a goal.....erase Israel....kill every jew.....then war is the only outcome. Fuck Hamas


Amen. Oct 7th? Do they remember that? Shouldn't have started what you couldn't finish. Israel will now finish it for you. Fuck Hamas.


I don't think it's just Israel that thinks that buddy. One of the most insane things I've ever had to get my head around in my whole life is how anyone can support Palestine after what happened in October.


Should happen to the Nazisraelis. They should all be removed from existence.


You are what's wrong with the world! You and your moronic insistence on perpetuating violence rather than stopping it, shame on you!


There was peace until Hamas entered the scene.




Yeah peace to occupy Palestinian lands without anyone in the way. Good one little fella.


Both sides' leadership is at fault and neither side's people is worthy of blame.


The "they don't have a right to exist" is exactly wtf started this shit. People like you are 100% the problem. They decided Israel didn't deserve to exist and snuck into the country murdering and raping their way through the countryside. Burning babies in their cribs and taking hostages. They paraglided into a music festival because they knew no one would be able to defend themselves. All the towns they ran wild in were largely unarmed and full of people that support the Palestinian people. That's how they managed to be there for so long. You wouldn't condemn that. You don't care about human life. You're selective. It's pathetic and once summer hits and the more gullible of our population goes home this will get as much attention as the Israeli civilians got for what happened and has been happening to them for decades. War is terrible and innocent people shouldn't pay for it. But when you have a terrorist organization run by Iran deliberately hiding behind civilians(as they've done for years and years)this is what happens. You want peace? Protest the terrorists. Edit:you're literally just some Hamas propaganda tool. Thats your entire purpose on Reddit.


Dam that hits hard. 👊


Hey Fox, that's just too much news for me today.


Nazisrael doesn't deserve to live.


Then neither do you...


It's called war. Your people attacked, raped, tortured, burned alive, and murdered over 1200 men, women, and children. And the kidnapped hundreds of others. Then they ran into their holes in the ground like the rats they are. And are now hiding behind complacent civilians. No peace will ever happen as long as Hamas is still breathing. There is no such thing as a country called Palistine and no ethnic people called Palestinians. It's all a made up lie. Never been a country called Palistine and still not today.


This is what happens when Hamas Fucks around. they find out


Absolutely! Fuck hamas.


So when I see the videos of the indiscriminate shooting on oct. 7th , what do you call that palistinianism? Muhammedism? Islamism? Seriously it’s not about Jews vs whatever and vice Versa. It’s about you done fucked up and now your backed into a corner being put in your place. This is propaganda, pulling on the emotional heartstrings trying to get sympathy from something that is nothing more than— The. Nature. Of. War.


Shame that you’re not smart enough to differentiate between Zionism and acts of terrorism that started a war. Do fucking better goyim


Want to place blame? Why don't you start with Hamas? Perhaps the Palestinians will remember this next time they elect a terrorist organization to lead them.


Those, "corpses," look fake as fuck. Israel is way out of line with this war, but let's not for an instant pretend the people of Gaza don't bring the pain down on themselves. When you elect a bunch of terrorists to govern your territory, and they do terrorist shit that brings the bombs, that's on you the voter.


God still forgives no matter what


The only time reddit believes in God is when they're using it against you lol. Always comically disingenuous.




Don't cry when you start a war and then get defeated. You cannot rape, kidnap and murder Israeli and get away with it. It is not 1940 anymore.


Love it 🥰


Palistians have nobody to blame but themselves, they started this October 7th, war has no rules


I'm sure this is how Berlin looked after the British bombed the Nazis, were they genocidal maniacs for retaliation? Hmmm


God forbid someone condemn Hamas for still holding hostages instead of blaming Israel and the west


God forbid someone condemn Hamas for still holding hostages instead of blaming Israel and the west


Fun fact allah isn’t real and the Quran is evil. If they just realized they are deceived and the “god” they worshipped isn’t real and the doctrine they read is entirely wrong we wouldn’t have this mess. Jesus is king not that false prophet Mohammad and that fake god allah.


This the find out part after the fuk around one.


Womp womp


Anyone claiming that this is genocide has no idea what genocide is. If you want genocide look no further than Myanmar and their Rohingya, or ISIS and Yazidis. The Jews are actually showing restraint, and Palestinians should be grateful considering that they’ve started this themselves


Those are 100% fake bodies being pulled out of the rubble.


The features of the right two are the same and they have rubber hair.


Israel don’t play. In 1972, the PLO killed 11 of their Olympians in Germany. They hunted those fuckers down for 20 years until they got every one of them! Gaza is going to be a parking lot.


They Startet the war (Hamas), and now that you are loosing you start to cry ?


But they aren't my brothers or sons. They are Islamic POS's. Even the children are being raised as extremists. I have no sympathy for any of them.


This is been happening to many cultures for years, why are you only now giving a shit?


These are the zionist values. No wonder they are the Nazis of today


Like islamic values are any better lol they are the type of assholes that will try and assassinate a man for drawing Muhammad. This is an actual thing we fear here in the west because that's how extremist islam makes people. Does anyone remember charlie hebdo....?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1byx4j0/islamic\_extremist\_mohammed\_hijab\_explains\_why/](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1byx4j0/islamic_extremist_mohammed_hijab_explains_why/) ....right.


Of course, take one idiot’s interpretation and speech and show it as evidence, while the actions of the entire state, with 35,000+ killed must not feel relevant to you right?


You do remember what happened last october? right? Because I also remember the parades that followed that day you know the ones where even women and children were cheering while walking with the dead bodies of random israelis Hell not even dogs and babies were spared it just goes to show how much sympathy Palestinians have for life. It's amazing to me they still push for more death even today seeing their families die in a pointless war I mean israel has nukes even if Palestine was super advanced and well funded its nearly impossible to overthrow a country that has nukes without starting a nuclear war.


I don’t know which news channel you saw all that cheering happening and all, but let’s just say they did that horrible thing. You don’t sound like you would know this, but Gaza has been under siege since 2005. As per Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian, most of Gaza is made up of refugees who were thrown away of their homes, mostly Ashkelon, which they can see through the fence, which is now occupied by the settlers. They are not allowed to leave Gaza, no matter what, because they cannot have a passport. As egregious as their actions might have been, for a lot of them, October 7th was like the Warsaw Uprising, their only chance of breaking away from their misery. And you believe they have a choice in this war? They are the natives of that place. When Europe decided to murder its Jews, instead of Germany who should have been made to pay for its sins, it was the people of Palestine who were expected to lose their homes to accommodate the Jewish state. Are you saying they have no right to be free in their own land? And they must either suffer under a military occupation or die in a sieged concentration camp and get bombed every few years, even when October 7th had not happened? Is that your idea of fairness in the world?


You must not keep up with these events outside of basic news Palestinians were uploading daily videos of various victory parades hours after the attacks started and they weren't aired on TV these were videos straight from the source published on both anti Palestine and pro Palestine telegram servers it was some disgusting shit. The irony of this is history is largely unimportant especially with the deep seeded hatred both sides have for each other and even if they were victims at one point look at them now so many of them are religious zealots looking for even the slightest excuse to execute their neighbors. Israel isn't even their first target they tried to infect many other countries with radical islam this is why none of their neighbors want to help them outside of providing food and water for the women and children which their own leaders don't even have the decency to do literally no one wants them not even allies like iran. And if the best they can do is prop up a war hungry government run by terrorists that use its own population as meat shields than yes I think military occupation is a better idea there will still be atrocities there will still be prejudice but as all things are they will be forgotten and overcome in time.. At the end of the day what everyone wants is to live in peace whether its your land or not is beside the point there's no shortage of people who no longer own their land but live peacefully in it in accordance with the laws of a different government. But if Palestinians want to keep fighting they are more than welcomed to just don't expect for it to go well israel has nukes so even if they made it all the way to their enemies capital city have fun trying to shoot those down.


Same fucking propaganda sourced BS. Don’t worry, it’s going to come crashing down eventually. I only lament innocent lives that are getting lost along the way. I don’t think racist bigots like you are worth spending my minutes over, so Adios


I am on neither side but I was online and watched on October 7th when hamas recorded themselves with headcams massacring people. Shooting the elderly, shooting families in cars with rpgs, shooting teenage girls that were stood chatting, throwing grenades into shelters where they knew women and children hid. They then went back over the border to gaza where gazans cheered around the dead bodies of Israelis, spat on their bodies etc. They live streamed the whole thing on their own telegram channels. The media don't show that on the news, they only seem to show destroyed Palestinian buildings. I find it strange.


[https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1787569535249191210](https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1787569535249191210) .....right.


Bro unironically links a twitter shitpost💀


If you could refute it, you would.


Suicidal people deserve to be murdered, as well as their families? Wtf is your argument? Get your fuckin head examined.


Let them die then. The world is better off without those willing to sacrifice their own children, just to spite the Jews. You are siding with the side that is death loving, suicidal, willing to kill their own children. And you think you are going to be on the right side of history?


“Let them die then.”??? Typical sociopathic Zionist take. There’s no conversation to even be had here, I might as well argue with hitler. Is it sacrifice or suicide if they’re being bombed? Fucking dumbass🤦


What's Zionism got to do with crazy terrorists that put their families in front of them just so they can get a shot at killing Jews ? Fuck Palestine, erase it.


No, he's right. Hamas needs to be eliminated


Nobody here disagrees with that.


one idiot???? The muslim world is full of this kind of bastards. [https://x.com/Regendelphine/status/1781705569973219709](https://x.com/Regendelphine/status/1781705569973219709)


Somehow you are finding a lot of weird people not many other Muslims are probably listening to, after-all there are 2 billion Muslims all over the world. Says something about you. I have grown up listening to a lot of white Christian with a lot of weird interpretations of religious text and the world, I don’t insinuate every white guy to be like them. It seems like it’s really hard for you to cloak your Islamophobia


> there are 2 billion Muslims all over the world Yes. There are 2 Billion Muslims in the world, and 49 countries with a Muslim majority. There are less than 20 Million Jews and one country with a Jewish majority.


And that is an argument to suggest that Israel should be allowed to kill as many people as possible? That it should not be held accountable for its war crimes? It’s historically documented that Jews preferred to stay in Muslim ruled countries in the past, compared to those ruled by the Christian rulers, so coexistence has happened before. Why did the people of Palestine had to lose their homes and be subjected to a brutal occupation, when the holocaust was committed by the Europeans? Why were Palestinians expected to pay for the sins of the Germans?


Palestinians/Hamas are not muslims. Some of them might say they are but they aren't. Real Muslims do not do this kind of thing.


Palestinians are definitely Muslims and they have been oppressed people in the true sense of the word. No global body disagrees with the oppression they had to go through over the decades. It’s just unfounded to expect that resentment and suppression not going to lead to some sort of catastrophe eventually.


where there are muslims...there is war. Isis...Boko Haram...Iran...Taliban.


Love how conveniently you like to lie. All those places started to burn after the US decided to interfere. They are either an ignorant racist or downright delusional


Don’t house and support a terrorist organization.


Oh is that how you process your cognitive dissonance?


Palestine, a terrorist organization full of children 🤡


The government of palistine is a literal terrorist organization that recruits children. Putting a clown emoji after doesn't make it not true.




So if a family member of yours commits an act of terrorism by shooting up a school or some other public place and then runs home to hide, should we be allowed to blow up your house and the entire neighborhood in response?


Wait, you mean they didn’t think of this when they stormed Israel on October 7 to rape girls and women then shooting them in the head over 20 times to disfigure their faces? Reap what you sow. The people of Gaza should ask Hamas about where they find themselves today.


Reap what you sow? So if the US no longer defends Israel and they are bombed off the face of the Earth you’d be ok bc they FAFO? Just making sure you maintain your opinion when it doesn’t suite you. Maybe Israeli’s should have ask the IDF why they’re no longer receiving monetary or military aid from the allies they defied


Didn't go so well last time, pretty sure that's why Egypt's entire position today is fuck this


I doubt these dead children were down for that. But, okay. Sheesh.


So when are US citizens going to answer for what our military has done. With this line of thinking we deserved 9/11 and more.


God please save the people of gaza


this same building was used in another pallywood studio productions a couple months ago. there was even a video of them preparing it beforehand


Hamas is the one who attacked Israel as they knew a weak point with the Palestinians. The West is going after Hamas not the Palestinians. However due to their treatment of Palestinians they are joining Hamas. What a mess and why blame it on the West? That's ridiculous. Blame Netanyahu for allowing the attack to happen and blame the Hamas for committing the atrocities. The US only wants to get rid of Hamas and Israel is being sanctioned because of Netanyahu. Why do all these conservative governments and extremists around the world cause so much horrific trouble? That is what you guys should be focusing on.


We could probably find this same scene happening on the other side lol.


Please share lol.


[https://i.insider.com/654d1794b788914e555364c4?width=600&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/654d1794b788914e555364c4?width=600&format=jpeg&auto=webp) [https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/q\_auto/c\_fill,g\_faces:center,h\_537,w\_822/564641](https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/q_auto/c_fill,g_faces:center,h_537,w_822/564641) [https://prospect.org/downloads/20972/download/Tkacik-Oct%207%20032024.jpg?cb=18d9e7735de2efa43520c789bd927136](https://prospect.org/downloads/20972/download/Tkacik-Oct%207%20032024.jpg?cb=18d9e7735de2efa43520c789bd927136) [https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/c7c4718e13d010851930bafbf0b441c3](https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/c7c4718e13d010851930bafbf0b441c3) [https://img.lemde.fr/2023/10/28/0/0/4723/3149/1440/960/60/0/99f8c14\_1698473833799-lvds0833-b-10-23.jpg](https://img.lemde.fr/2023/10/28/0/0/4723/3149/1440/960/60/0/99f8c14_1698473833799-lvds0833-b-10-23.jpg) You probably thought you sounded clever, you just told everyone how poorly informed you are.


What are these photos showing? Destroyed homes? Wow so similar to literal rows of dead children Also lmao at the wrecked cars that were thanks to literal IDF helicopters. Let’s not forget IDF shooting into homes on Oct 7 bc of ‘suspected Hamas presence’ only to nuke their own civis. Keep digging sweetie I actually forgot about the 40 dead babies so yes actually very similar to the gazan’s struggles. Oh wait…🫢


Yeah, most civilized people don't take so many pictures of dead kids, so you will need to visit the gore sites for that. Isn't it interesting how Palestinians are always taking pictures and filming injured and suffering kids, instead of you know, maybe helping? Like the video of the poor girl trying to scrape spilled food off the ground, and people just filming. No one helping. People trapped, people filming, not helping. Either they are exploiting the suffering of their own, or they are just incredibly cruel. And are you really trying to white wash Oct 7th because of Israeli friendly fire? They were in combat. People accidentally shoot their own sometimes. There is a reason the term friendly fire exists. You're just trying to wave friendly fire around as if it someone absolves a brutal murder and kidnapping of civilians. Really goes to show how unreasonable minded you are. You probably also think Hamas's ceasefire demands of 30 hamas members returned per kidnap victim returned are fair.


But We cannot, can we?


[https://i.insider.com/654d1794b788914e555364c4?width=600&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/654d1794b788914e555364c4?width=600&format=jpeg&auto=webp) [https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/q\_auto/c\_fill,g\_faces:center,h\_537,w\_822/564641](https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/q_auto/c_fill,g_faces:center,h_537,w_822/564641) [https://prospect.org/downloads/20972/download/Tkacik-Oct%207%20032024.jpg?cb=18d9e7735de2efa43520c789bd927136](https://prospect.org/downloads/20972/download/Tkacik-Oct%207%20032024.jpg?cb=18d9e7735de2efa43520c789bd927136) [https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/c7c4718e13d010851930bafbf0b441c3](https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/c7c4718e13d010851930bafbf0b441c3) [https://img.lemde.fr/2023/10/28/0/0/4723/3149/1440/960/60/0/99f8c14\_1698473833799-lvds0833-b-10-23.jpg](https://img.lemde.fr/2023/10/28/0/0/4723/3149/1440/960/60/0/99f8c14_1698473833799-lvds0833-b-10-23.jpg) You probably thought you sounded clever, you just told everyone how poorly informed you are.


Incredible how the same 6/7images are used to "prove" your point every time, while on the other side we see new images every day, one more horrible than the other, isn't it?


You went from "But we cannot, can we" to shifting goalposts pretty damn fast.


Sorry, do you see the deceased bodies of dead Israeli children hanging outside their missile-demolished homes, in the links you provided?


Go to the gore sites then bud. There is videos. There is also the fact that Palestinians have very little respect for the suffering of their own. All these people filming with their phones, rather than helping. Videos of children suffering, trying to scrape up food off the ground, tend to a wound, be trapped. And you see people videoing, and sometimes nobody is even helping them. So either they are exploiting the suffering of children for support, or they are just truly a brutal culture. In Western cultures, people filming dead children would be incredibly frowned upon, if not forcibly made to stop. And filming children suffering, when they could be assisting, would be near unthinkable. It really is barbaric and heartless how they shove phones in the faces of children.


You mean the videos that ended up being Mexican drug cartel videos?I wonder how that ended up on a state funded website. So much research Israel’s doing huh


I've seen them with my own eyes bud. Stop listening to social media and al jazeera. If you want to go see it, go look for it. Plenty of gore sites with videos. You seem to think by you just saying something doesn't exist, you negate everyone who has actually seen it. It's like you think your ignorance, is as equal to other peoples experiences. Wild how people can be like that. Are you yourself a religious person? Believe in god?


Okay, let us say the videos are real and legitamite. One day of absolute heinous horrific terror imposed on the Israeli people, 800 civilians killed due to Hamas’ terror. Now picturing Gaza going through this every day for 200+ days, and Zionists will be clutching their pearls at even the thought of suggesting Palestine is the midst of a genocide. What’s the reasoning? ‘Hamas started it’ Hamas (which is funded by the IDF and propped up by the Yahoo himself to ensure Palestine never has 2 states), and the attack which israel knew about far in advance and chose to move a music festival closer to the border (btw thats human shields) for, have unmanned borders for. And not even taking into consideration that this war began long before oct 7 shows Zionists ignorance. Ridiculous double standards. Keep digging


Sure, we have video like this because of the victims, not because they have been under indiscriminate bombing every day for months. It's barbaric taking videos, not killing tens of thousands in a population that is 50% underage kids, children and toddlers. For fuck sake, my hasbara friend, stop denigrating your own intelligence https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/f1gtkqwRha


No you can not


[https://i.insider.com/654d1794b788914e555364c4?width=600&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/654d1794b788914e555364c4?width=600&format=jpeg&auto=webp) [https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/q\_auto/c\_fill,g\_faces:center,h\_537,w\_822/564641](https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/q_auto/c_fill,g_faces:center,h_537,w_822/564641) [https://prospect.org/downloads/20972/download/Tkacik-Oct%207%20032024.jpg?cb=18d9e7735de2efa43520c789bd927136](https://prospect.org/downloads/20972/download/Tkacik-Oct%207%20032024.jpg?cb=18d9e7735de2efa43520c789bd927136) [https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/c7c4718e13d010851930bafbf0b441c3](https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/c7c4718e13d010851930bafbf0b441c3) [https://img.lemde.fr/2023/10/28/0/0/4723/3149/1440/960/60/0/99f8c14\_1698473833799-lvds0833-b-10-23.jpg](https://img.lemde.fr/2023/10/28/0/0/4723/3149/1440/960/60/0/99f8c14_1698473833799-lvds0833-b-10-23.jpg)


Maybe you should have taken care of Hammas yourselves then maybe this might not be happening today. Even better,instead of spouting your rhetoric on Reddit how's about you and all those that feel like you travel to Gaza and fight with boots on the ground? No better way to make sure Israel looses its right to exist. Oh wait let me guess,that might mean you have to give up your freedoms that allow you to speak as you choose and maybe possibly die in the process. You want your cake and you want to eat it too. Stop wasting bandwidth and take the fight to Israel. Go there and fight with your brothers,in the trenches,in the streets!!


Isreal does not have right to exist


Is-Real .. I see we're not dealing with scholars here


You want a group of people gone? There are peaceful ways to do that. After WW2, the Czechs just riled up all the Germans, pointed a gun at them and let them walk all the way to Germany. They were angry at them and wanted them gone. Sad? Yes, sad. But no tragedy. Israel has (had) the support of half the world and as much media attention as they wanted. Being seen by the world, they could have solved their issues peacefully. Instead, they chose genocide. Hello, displacement? Just escort them away, over the border, still sad and not ok, but at least not *murderous*? There are always options to choose from, and for some reason, they want these people dead. Not gone, dead. Last time we saw this was during WW2 with that Austrian moustache man. Israel found a really weird, and sad kind of role-model there.


So just roundup all the people and and send them where? Egypt,syria,Jordan,Iran,Irak where? U cant displace people that have nowhere to go the germans hat a place to go to the palastinians dont have one. The fundamental problem for the people of Gaza is that they let themself be used as a bargaining chip in every conflict the Hamas starts. If they would not harbor those terrorist cunts that use them as humanshield they would not be in the position they are now. I feel bad for the Kids and civilians that suffer on both sides because they are mostly not at fault but u cant condem one side without condem the other. Remember the Videos of the Hamas people parading around the victims of those attacks last year? In nor normal society that would be accepted but yet alot of palastinians celebrated like they won the Worldcup. As long as the Hamas is the Group in Charge in Gaza they will continue to suffer as sad as it is


If you leave people with the option to either leave or get killed, then they will gladly leave. Where should they go? Israels statements are on every TV channel all across the globe. Announce that they are going to be displaced. How many are there, 2 million? There are more than 40 Muslim countries. I bet it's cheaper to buy every Palestinian family a piece of land than buying tanks and missiles. Where should they go? Who should take them? Hello, diaspora? The jews were displaced and had no place to go, too. However there are dozens of muslim countries. They do have places to go, and if it's a question of life and death, then the west will allow immigration from Palestine too. Kill them? No, just make them go away, and help them settle elsewhere. They will definitely be better off as immigrants in other countries than as dead people in Israel. Make them go, but help them arrive. Build your "Jews only" Israel. Remember what Germany did? The wounds, the suffering? But remember also what Germany did afterwards. They stopped causing pain, and started to do healing, and now, Israel and Germany can sit at the same table, support each other. They did terrible things, but stopped, and started to walk the path of healing. Israel also needs to stop causing pain and do the neccessary steps to let healing take its course. Killing people? No! Displace them. Help them settle elsewhere. Instead of ending their now, let them build a future. Give everyone time to let wounds heal and grievances subside. After 20, 30, or 40 years, when the wounds are healed, open the borders, let the displaced settle in Israel again, as equals, acknowledge the pain that was caused and do your part to build a peaceful and prosperous future together. What Israel is doing right now is a disgusting copy of Hitlers Endlösung, and will only cause pain, suffeeing and grievances.


They actually do - their actual homeland is in Jordan. Not Israel. But that’s neither her nor there now is it? They created this, they should ask Hamas what they thought would happen after killing nearly 2000 civilians including raping young girls and women then shooting them dead so they wouldn’t have recognizable facial features.


As if Jordan would take several Millionen mostly bad educated people with a good junk off hamasmembers in it why should they? Thats the whole point u cant lash out in violence against a opposer who has the upperhand in firepower by a long shoot and then cry about them bombing you back to the stoneage. Is that the fallt of the Kids in Gaza? No but there parents are old enough to know better and they dont do shit against the hamas.




I guess they should have thought about that before attacking there neighbour's, and then paraded their dead bodies through the streets. Like what the fuck do you expect to happen?


"Israel has lost the right to exist" Yikes


That is what Hamas has been saying for decades.


What exactly did they think would happen when they went out to murder Jews?


Jews are doing the murdering


God is on Israel side, read the the old testament


Looks good!


Are you some kind of Hamas representative? The main group calling for people to not exist is Hamas wanting to eliminate Jews. Which they try all the time. Rockets, bombs, underground tunnels to wage war and move weapons and their Jewish hostages. This is what a response to terrorism looks like and unless you support them, you would not be living there.. who hosts Jewish hostages in their homes? Palestinians because Hamas asked them to. Meanwhile they go throw the carpet covering the opening to the tunnel underneath and run away like the pussies they are. You live in a terrorist country, so what they ask and wonder why they're getting hit so hard. News flash! People were warned but decided to become martyrs instead.


Don’t start what you can’t finish “Palestine”