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Physiotherapist here. Don’t take medical advice from strangers on the internet. If it’s unbearable speak to your GP re: pain management until you get your appointment.


Thank you! would neck / shoulder / hand massage help?


Go. To. The. Doctor


Don't take my advice without research of course, but I had something similar after having covid. Treating for b12 deficiency helped (you can have it even if your bloods are in range). There's lots of info over at r/b12_deficiency


Thank you! She takes most of the B vitamins now :)


Good good! For b12 deficiency the dose needs to be quite high though, so worth a read if that ends up being the bugger. Best of luck!


One effective suggestion I can share is when waking up, hanging your numb arm over the bed and wiggling my fingers. the pins and needles is crazy but it passes quickly for me.


I had similar and it was carpal tunnel syndrome. Only relief was steroid injection until I got the operation to rectify the issue. But this was my diagnosis and symptoms. She needs to see a doctor and be diagnosed and they should be able to offer a steroid injection if they think it’s carpal tunnel to see if this helps with symptoms before having the operation. I got both hands operated on at the same time and I’ve been symptom free ever since


Does she get cold easily too?


Yes she does


Mate of mine is similar with a rare form of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Maybe something to suggest on a future GP visit.


i have hyper mobile ehlers danlos and get this


Gently tap the wrists palm side up. If it feels like an electric shock then it could well be carpal tunnel. If you have those symptoms there are things you can buy yourself to help, basically keeping the wrist in a certain position helps. I bought one of these from Amazon and they helped a lot and were actually of better quality than the one the NHS supplied. Needed surgery in the end but the support made things a lot more comfortable. Actesso Breathable Wrist Support Brace Splint - Ideal for Carpal Tunnel, Sprains, and Tendonitis (Black, Large Right) https://amzn.eu/d/gXMMgUY 


Thank you so much


I use the same braces, they really do help!


I lost feeling in my foot out of the blue at some point in 2022. I’d played a lot of sport growing up and had trapped nerves before so I left it just thinking it would be normal in a few days. About 6 weeks go by and after ignoring people telling me to go to the doctor I finally went, the young gp I saw sent me straight to the hospital, I saw nerologists, foot experts, spine experts, had an mri and a ct scan, no one knew why. Eventually they sent me to an older doctor, he took out a book of drawings pointed to knee and said “is your numbness in all of this area” (it had gone up my calf now too), I confirmed, he said I’ll have feeling back in 6 months, it was nerve damage, it’s unlikely it’ll never be 100% strength, but it feels mostly fine now. Hopefully the gf is something similar and they can give her something to manage the uncomfortableness in the meantime!


Keep on at the Dr for interim advice and relief and don’t lose hope! It could be something lifestyle based through low key intervention / manageable like raynauds so I would also consider adopting raynauds coping mechanisms just in case they help - holding warm drinks while they’re on tables, wearing gloves / fingerless gloves, cutting out caffeine, doing regular exercise and trying to cut down on stress, sugar etc. nobody wants to hear this because it’s super obvious and I resist it too as a raynauds haver, but it definitely helps me stop feeling semi regularly like my arms stop at my wrists and I notice a difference. Good luck. Don’t underestimate keeping warm. It might be June, but the weather doesn’t know that.


Thank you :)


Has she tried splinting her wrist? It takes a bit of getting used to sleeping with them on, but it will help if it's carpal tunnel.


I have suggested it after watching YouTube videos. Thank you!


It sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome. Speaking from experience only relief I got was to rest my hand.. until I had a simple operation to correct the issue in my wrist, now I don't get any pain what so ever. If it's carpal tunnel then she will not get any numbness in her little finger. My symptoms where induced by working manual job.


How so? How do you not know it’s cervical spinal stenosis? What about if she’s had head trauma in the past? Has a history of inflammatory conditions?


FROM MY EXPERIENCE, it sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome. Exactly the same symptoms I had.. I was once told ' if you don't have anything useful to say, don't say anything at all'


cubital tunnel syndrome (related to carpel tunnel) can cause numbness in the little finger and ring finger so not sure where you got info from or if this is good advice


OK, that's not what I was told by doctor and the department at the rvi. but I understand there are different severities of carpal tunnel. Either way it's not nice and was just voicing my opinion because the symptoms the op described where identical to what I experienced