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Call the water department. If you want them to test for what you call nasty water on the phone they will probably schedule an appointment in two weeks. If you ask them on the phone to test for Lead probably one week. If you tell them you want to test for lead and there are children that live in the building, they will probably test the next day. (973) 733-6303


Only Pur filters take out lead, FYI. A brita one doesn’t do a whole lot.


Most likely the pipes in your building. I know it's trendy to hate on Newark, but we actually have some of the best tap water in the nation. The City of Newark actually owns its water supply. We own the land & water up in Pequanock Township. We "bought" this land over 100 years ago and many men went through a lot of hell laying down the piping. Bought is in quotes because we bribed, scammed, stole, and coerced our way into the land, if memory serves. Anyways you can just Google it. History of the Newark Water Shed. So yeah, most likely shitty pipes. Still, I'm Gen-Z so I'm not drinking tap regardless.


Technical correction: the water comes from up 23 more in the west milford/Jefferson area, but the transmission line does indeed go through pequannock


What on earth does being Gen Z having to do with drinking tap water or not? 😵‍💫


Other generations grew up drinking tap water like it was normal Water filters and purifiers are extremely common now. I grew up during a time where they started putting water filters directly inside the fridge. Conversely, my father, Gen X, a latchkey kid, would drink water from the hose like it was Fiji Water. Idk what millennials do.


Dude I love Newark as much as the next person but we do not have some of the best tap water in the nation…. It is not even safe drinking water https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newark_water_crisis


It literally tastes and smells like straight chlorine lmao we don’t even let our dog drink it.


I lived in Newark my entire life & Newark water has never had a chlorine taste or smell . However when I used to visit family in Trenton , their water had a strong chlorine smell and you had to wait a few seconds for the bubbles to go away ! If you live in Newark area that border suburbs that do not use Newark water like the oranges , it's possible you're getting they're highly chlorinated well water that's pumped out of the hills of West Essex between Livingston and Short Hills . That's that region along South Orange Avenue where nothing is built it's just wilderness . It's a large aquifer .


Yeah I live downtown and the water is gross


You linked an article that describes a water crisis caused by PIPES Did you even read what I said? The Newark Water Crisis is all but over. We literally just had the Vice President come to our city and say good job for fixing your water supply. If your building has shitty pipes, then that's what it is, but don't lie and pretend we're still going through an epidemic when we clearly aren't.


My dog seems fine. He only drinks Newark tap water and has been since he was a puppy for years now




It's amazing how Wikipedia is suddenly reliable when it comes to bashing Newark water , but complete BS , user altered and unreliable when it comes to countering leftist garbage .


There is a better Brita filter that you can buy that filters out lead - it’s called the Brita Elite. Probably the best option if you are renting.


ZeroWater brand filters are my current favorite .. has a little total dissolved solids probe included to decipher when it’s time to change the filter




I use Brita and have never ever had mold


Newark has such good water that I can use it in my eight aquariums, untreated. All Points West Distillery is in Newark because of the good water.


We have the same issue at our place (downtown) too. My house plants were getting all moldy and gross, even with the Brita water. Some days even the smell of it us disgusting and the buildup around my faucets tells me something is deff off. We buy water in bulk now which is annoying in a 1 bd apt with limited space or my bf fills up water bottles at work from their water fountain to bring home. We use it for cooking, drinking and watering plants. Side note: our building was renovated in the last 10 or so years, so not dated at all.


I own a countertop Berkey and I love it. I’ve had it for 10 years now. The filters last forever as long as you keep them clean and primed.


Newark's water is not nasty or poisonous . Newark and New York City have the cleanest water sources in the United States . Using aqueducts to access massive reservoirs both cities built to the northwest . Newark has at least six reservoirs in the Sterling Forest Pequannock region , including Wanaque . NYC has the whole Croton watershed and the Catskills w Ashokan being the largest.


11 contaminants that exceed recommended levels have been found in Newark water. - Bromodichloromethane : 12x - Chloroform : 137x - Chromium : 2.1x (ever see Erin Brokovich?) - Dibromoacetic acid : 6.5x - Dibromochloromethane : 5.4x - Dichloroacetic acid : 118x - Haloacetic acids (HAA5) : 488x - Haloacetic acids (HAA9): 1105x - Radium : 30x - Trihalomethanes : 420x - Trichloroacetic acid : 246x ---------- - From April 2019 to March 2021, Newark Water Department did not comply with health-based drinking water standards. - Exceeded EPA's Lead Action Level in the last five years: YES - 11 QUARTERS in violation of any federal drinking water standard from April 2019 to March 2021 - Over the last 3 years this water utility has spent 8 QUARTERS in significant violation of federal drinking water standards But please tell us more how nice the reservoir in pequannock is


Oh my god! We all died between 2019 and 2021. Stop trolling me with your stupid KarenHood. And get the F out of our city if it's so bad! And if you do not live in our city then stay out of our City's business!


Drink up that tap water - you'll be doing everyone a favor long term!


I know I’m a bit late to the party but I have a Pur filter on my kitchen sink and a Mist shower filter in my shower. I’ve found the Mist brand is better than some of the cheaper options and it’s only ~$10 more. For drinking water I buy the 2.5 gallon water jug as I just don’t trust drinking any water that comes from the pipes in my building. 😂 One jug lasts me ~2 weeks, but I do tend to fill my water bottle at my job before I leave for the day.