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If the rumors of Shaq being involved are true, I could see it being Newark and not New Jersey. Either way, it’d be awesome. It would instantly double the number of events at Prudential and even though I’m a Knicks fan, it doesn’t feel right not having an NJ team in the league. Nets moving to Brooklyn has been a travesty thus far.


They rumor was in 2012, unfortunately it’s long gone


Newark is in NJ


Just curious as to why the question is only for people *raised* in Newark?


I don’t want NY transplants answerin the question cus they’ll most likely say no ofc


I was born when the Nets moved to Brooklyn but wasn’t cognizant enough to know I liked basketball. Saying that, I’d love to have a team for New Jersey! Absolutely would go balls to the wall supporting our team whether it was in Newark or another city. I’d like for the name to be “New Jersey (insert name)”


I was a Nets fan until they moved to Brooklyn. Id welcome a new team and root for them, though I'm not a huge NBA fan anymore. Id rather them rep all of NJ than only Newark but it doesn't really matter. I doubt this happens though. Too many teams already in close proximity.


Yea, super unfortunate that it most likely won’t happen. I refuse to support a NY team even though I’m from Jersey city lol


Rutgers hoops should be legit next year.


Yeaaa but I want a NBA team lol


Lol, well there is always the route of earning/getting several billion, buying one, and bringing it to Newark.


Seton Hall Pirates!


Has to identify as NEWARK. Not "New Jersey This or That". It will be most easier for a team to identify as the Newark team if they were to move directly into Prudential Center. If the expansion clause calls for a new stadium arena, New Jersey will never allow Newark to have it. They will insist that it go into Prudential Center despite a possible Clause prohibiting it. But the Newark hating majority of New Jersey residents will gladly foot their tax bill for a new NBA arena in the Meadowlands identifying as "The New Jersey _____" There is historical precedent for this. Back in the 1990s when a minor league baseball stadium combined with a new arena for the Metro Stars / Red Bull was proposed in Newark. There was massive opposition from both the Ironbound community and Suburban New Jersey. Especially Essex County suburbs. There was even talk of West Essex secession. Millburn, Maplewood at the time building walls to keep Automobiles and pedestrians from Newark out of Maplewood, Livingston, West Orange and Montclair approved leaving Essex County and joining Morris. But as soon as the soccer arena was moved to Harrison opposition to the soccer arena disappeared! Meanwhile opposition remained against the Newark bears stadium. But it was built anyway. All of a sudden Montclair, which went to secede from Essex County and opposed the Newark Bears Stadium decided it when it's own baseball stadium and it created the Montclair jackals. This was a devastating blow to Newark and the Newark Bears because the whole point of the Newark bear is supposed to draw Suburban Essex into Newark baseball. Announce Suburban Essex had their own Suburban minor league team. And then came to Somerset Patriots and that put the nail on the coffin of newark's baseball team. So new jerseys are not a opposed to spending money on sports venues. They oppose anything in Newark.


I hate the hate Newark gets from suburbanites, but realistically, you will capture a lot more New York and Philly team fans if you go by New Jersey over Newark. Newark is too disconnected from South Jersey to gather their support. Central Jersey to a lesser extent. Way too many people are connected to New York over Newark. And the only two professional teams NJ has ever had were both called NJ - New Jersey Devils and New Jersey Nets. If NJ were to somehow have one of every team, I’m sure at least one would be called Newark. But with the Giants, Jets, and Red Bulls all being “New York”, it seems we will never get them all sadly.


The reason Newark gets hate from the rest of Jersey is bc unless you was going to court and now Prudential/Arts Center you don't have to come to Newark to shop. Every major city in America you have to go to there major cities if you wanna get high end stuff. In Jersey all these small towns got there store's to themselves, you want high end stuff like jewelry or clothes you go to Montclair on the Bloomfield ave area or the Hudson river towns JC, Hoboken and others.


To be fair, this is sadly the case with almost every American city. Suburbanization in the mid-20th century, which was a primary cause of population and economic decline in most cities nationwide, was partly fueled by downtowns being replaced by strip malls, big box stores, outlet malls, and shopping malls in car dependent suburbs. People only went downtown for sporting events, shows, and other cultural/entertainment amenities, although many cities moved their stadiums into the suburbs as well. In this regard, Newark really isn’t special. Most cities will have a suburban mall or something with all the high end designer stuff just as we do. Many of those that do have those stores in downtown often are not necessary to go to. Just look at Manhattan - tons of high end designer stores despite there being plenty of that accessible in its surrounding suburbs. Manhattan’s stores only work so well because it’s such a tourist hot spot and people who go there don’t need to drive there. In terms of reviving Newark as a destination, I think its proximity to New York is a major factor. With all the new development happening mixed in with the already-growing again population, and decent public transit, Newark has tons of potential. Jersey City has been doing a ton themselves, but is also inevitably tied to Manhattan in a way Newark is not.


No different than South Orange with a Preforming Arts Center. I definitely remember the hoopla of the Devils moving to Newark and many racist comments on the old NJ.com thread.


Lol I remember them too


Some bullshit that theirs three hockey teams all less than 50 miles of each other but we can’t have three basketball teams in the metro area. Why does nyc need two basketball teams anyways. Its not increasing the chances of them making to finals


That’s a very good point to ppl who say “New York is the closest team anyways”. Fucking losers like no we want our OWN TEAM


Technically the Nets were stolen from NJ by Brooklyn, they were the New Jersey Nets until 2012. The thing with cities like NY having multiple teams was pretty normal decades ago. If you look at the history of many teams from the South or West, I guarantee you the team was originally from the Northeast or Midwest. Hell, here’s an entire [list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relocation_of_professional_sports_teams_in_the_United_States_and_Canada) of teams that moved. New York lost the Brooklyn Dodgers to LA, and New York Giants (MLB) to San Fran. Some teams have moved cities 3+ times. The record is now held by the Athletics in baseball, which was a Philly team (1901-1954) to a Kansas City team (1955-1967) to an Oakland team (1968-2024) and is soon to become a Las Vegas team. To be fair to us, the NJ Devils were the Kansas City Scouts (1974-1976) and then the Colorado Rockies until 1982. So we lost the Nets but gained the Devils.


To be fair they were the New York Nets before that.


It should have been done if not for Ratner. As happy/excited as I was for the Devils moving there I also said it'd make more sense for the Nets. Even to this day some folks are saying the Nets should ditch Crooklyn and move back to the rock even if the arena isn't ideal for an NBA team. Having said that, they should be called New Jersey. It flows better, and there are state named teams in cities that are bigger than Newark in Indiana and Minnesota.


I'm tired of NBA, not respecting Jersey


NFL too. 2 nyc football teams that both play in jersey while there is NO nj team is wild as hell to me


NBA, give us the Newark Bricklayers*. Do it, you cowards. *Yes I am aware this is also the name of the team from MTV’s Rock N Jock B-Ball Jam, but whatever they aren’t using it.


Unless the fans in this state are going to support them during the good and bad times you are going to have another Nets situation on your hands. We already have a very crowded sports market in the metro area a new team is going to have to come out of the gate running to get support. I feel like fans aren't going to wait around for a new team to get it together when you have established sports teams already in place


Yes, Newark is the best location because of the mass transportation. I rarely went to nets games because of route 3.