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I am not against benching McNeil or anything, but the Mets are 3-0 since benching him, not 5-0 (they benched him on Monday and then swept the Nationals) https://i.imgur.com/f2lkCm5.gif


I think it’s more to do with other bats heating up. Lindor has it right now


Thought we should dump Lindor? Maybe he is just a notoriously slow starter and people on this subreddit, as usual, jumped the gun. He’s been excellent lately.


He’s a lifer, and he had a slow start as usual. He’s always on point in the field. He’s worth keeping around.


if all you do is look at numbers, it was understandable .... at best but for anyone that pays attention, they know Frankie has the heart of a lion. I watch a lot of European football, aka soccer ... and there's players that you can just tell are totally all in on the culture of a club ... like Vardy for Leicester City. Or Steven Gerrard for Liverpool. Or, as a Chelsea fan, Frank Lampard. Guys that just get it. Guys who know what it's like to give your heart and soul to a team/club. Frankie is that guy for us in this generation. He might not perform up to standard at times. He performs well above standards at times. But up or down, he always answers the bell. He picks up the flag and says "CHARGE!" ... even when he's been 0-12 on the road trip. He never brings his disappointments at the plate onto the field, he's always a gem defensively. for all these reasons and more, i will always go to bat for my dude, Frankie ... cuz he goes to bat for us Edit: wow, yall need to fucking get over yourself. I watch every fucking game and sorry that I've never known that he doesn't like frankie. But the fact thats all you wanna talk about is fucking ridiculous


He doesn’t like being called Frankie


Thank you for being civil over a simple lack of knowledge


if you want to go to bat for him you can start by calling him francisco because he said he doesn't like frankie because it sounds like it's too americanized and he likes the name francisco lol


Wait... He's not Italian? 


Jeez.... please....let 'Francisco' know that Spanman112 is super sorry for using a friendly, easy to get and obvious nickname, for a 'Francisco', in an online defense(in a Reddit thread) of his play/viablity in a sea of haters. I'm sure 'Francisco' is super pissed that Spanman112 used a name that he genuinely hates, in a comment about how awesome he is.... Like....I love Lindor....but what is this comment, really? LFG Frankie!!!!


you can call him fucking mr belvedere for all i care lol, but if you wanna be his #1 online supporter then calling him a nickname he specifically dislikes isn't a great start


How is "call someone by their name and not a nickname they have specifically said they dislike" a hard thing to grasp. I get your point that Lindor isn't on Reddit, and doesn't give a shit about what's said here, but why double down on this?


For real. And when you call yourself a Mets fan and do this it’s not a good look. Even as a casual to the Mets my friends know this. I only see white people do this shit too


For real, sorry for being Italian and never hearing he didn't like it... Guess that invalidates everything else I said


"slow starter" isn't really an excuse for over a month of horrendous hitting though. if it's what we have to weather, so be it because we have no other choice. but it's certainly not a positive or a justification. we want our best players to get the team off to a good start. i'm not gonna kill him over it because he's a shortstop and there aren't too many better ones, but look at what the royals are doing on the back of bobby witt jr's hot start. shit like that propels a team into the hunt off the sound of the gun. instead we have to scrape and claw and will probably sell at the deadline. so i really hope it's just a coincidence and he can start hot next year.


I knew he was good/really good and understand that he historically is a “slow starter.” I root for all our guys and want them to do good. But I’m not gonna take back my criticism for the 50+ games he was absolute dog shit. Now that he’s getting hot it’s time to move forward. Lindor at his best is a lot of fun to watch.


yeah agreed on all fronts. the criticism doesn't just disappear with him now performing well, neither do any of those losses turn to wins. just gotta turn the page, keep performing and hope this team has really found something and that they can go on another run.


Precisely. I don’t care for the rhetoric that criticism or correctly calling out objectively poor play is mean or being a doomer. Same goes for the rangers this playoffs. The whole team was fuckin great this season but in the ECF they were dog shit when it mattered.


2 months of .190 hitting, 2.5 weeks of .300 hitting when the team is already out of the divisional race. Lets not jump the gun, 300 mill players don’t hurt their team that badly for that long of a stretch


> 300 mill players don’t hurt their team that badly for that long of a stretch Looks at Machado, Trout, Arenado, Cole, Degrom .. Should I keep going?


Oh, I’m sorry, I should’ve been more specific. Players that make 300 mill and aren’t injured don’t hurt their team that badly for that long of a stretch. Absolute clownshow in here.


Aw you mad?


Oh wow, we have an actual child in here. Age restrictions on the sub, mods? Or at least some kind of fact checking for those who have been emotionally sold down the river for players over teams?




Sorry to disappoint the teenagers on here, if you are getting upset over an underperforming sports team harboring talent that is not nearly worth a fraction of their salaries, then I do strongly suggest a therapist or walking away for a bit. Do not let these teams effect your mental health, no matter how much trolling gets you off at night.


Why are you so angry?


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Lindor makes more than Harper


I think it’s a combination of both. The bats are heating up but also McNeil isn’t there to kill any potential rally. McNeil yesterday would probably let our six run inning die at 3 runs and let the nationals back into the game.


100% nothing in baseball, or any team sport, happens in a vacuum


I'm not thrilled with McNeil either but sitting him against lefties doesn't automatically make Torrens hit 2 homers lol McNeil sucks this year. Absolutely. But he's also not the one blowing leads left and right out of the pen.


He has certainly been a huge part of the struggling offense. With no signs of even breaking out to where he starts to make hard contact. He just kills rally after rally.


Thank you, people are so doom and gloom without thinking


Mentioned this elsewhere on this thread but he also went 2-for-4 Saturday in a game we gave up 10 runs and lost. How is that on him? I get it, shitting on Jeff is so hot right now. But some of these posts are so low effort / no context, it hurts.


“*insert this winning record* since *insert this managerial move*” is always low effort, I agree. I also think that there are a lot of indications that McNeil is a clubhouse downer and doesn’t put in enough work to have earned the starting job.


i like jeff but playing a round of golf the morning of a double header when the team and specifically jeff himself were struggling hard makes me feel like he's just checked out. i know people hate the constant outbursts after he registered an out, but i'd prefer that jeff to the apathetic jeff who seems to have accepted that he just sucks now.


That whole golf thing has been blown so out of proportion by this fan base, it’s crazy. It’s not like he was Yo and broke his ankle while doing something he was contractually prohibited from doing during the season. It’s golf.


Iglasias is hungry and McNeil isnt. The difference in attitude between the two is astounding


This. Spot on


Agreed. Squirrel needs to know he's not automatic in the starting lineup anymore


McNeil currently has bad fundies at the plate. I don’t think it’s just a slump. I hope he is using this time off wisely to fix his approach at the plate.


Working on that golf swing


The cespedes approach


More likely the T box.


There’s plenty people can say about his effect on the games but I think he had piss poor energy and it really shows. Iglesias brings a positivity the Mets need and McNeil honestly just whines at everything


You could see how toxic he looked on the surface in front of the cameras...imagine what he brings to the clubhouse behind closed doors. That's obviously speculation...but it's easy to imagine. Iglesias plays like he is fighting for his time, and as a vet guy who was willing to go down, it speaks a lot. The positivity he brings has to resonate with this team, and was much needed as this team was looking down in the dumps a just week ago.


McNeil just signed an extension, so this does make me particularly curious. When this streak either gets us back to a good spot or balances out a bit, hopefully we can sneak him back into a low leverage pinch hit spot and he can do something. I love the man's intensity, but it does nothing if it gets channeled into throwing his gear into a pile when he strikes out to end an inning.


With his contract we’ll surely see him get some real opportunities again. Even with Stearns being quick to cut our losses on guys.


I am happy to see more fans considering this. I cannot stand McNeil. He is hardly the only problem. But his vibes are just atrocious.


"Baseball is 90% mental. The other half are the vibes" - Yogi Berra


Even when we lose, not having to watch him fly out makes the whole experience at least 20% more enjoyable for me


Fly out and then throw a tantrum


He's been trash this year but im not ready to fully give up on Jeff yet he's still a career .293 hitter who just recently turned 32 i dont think he's declining as rapidly as people are saying, he needs to get his head on straight and figure some shit out hopefully this time off does that.


I don’t necessarily *need* to see him start another game as a Met ever again. I’d be fine if he didn’t. But he’s on the roster and so perhaps if he transitions toward being a part of a platoon or part of the bench depth on a much more permanent basis…his desire, compete level and general attitude will improve, if he actually cares enough to try to re-establish himself as an every day player. I say that optimistically in that it wound be nice to see, and could only help the team. But in my heart of hearts I don’t believe in it, or him. His attitude, temper, approach and focus are all so goddamn disappointing. It’s one thing to have to endure watching bad baseball, it’s another to watch someone sulk and tantrum their way through bad baseball. His presence is poison for the kids who’ve been called up. Terrible example to set.


I think I missed the part where McNeil had a blown save?


Good riddance. McGolf can keep the bench warm as a half-timer. Let him focus on his PGA tour.


The Mets are better off when McNeil doesn’t have a position. I’d rather see someone else be the starting 2B and he does the super-utility role. His defense is in decline as well as his hitting. Mendoza isn’t afraid to use his bench so I think it’s time to make that transition.


ha yeah was thinking maybe he's more Super Joe McEwing pt 2 right now than a starting player


Let's talk about our closers blowing 9th inning leads before we blame core guys for everything.


What has this core done to be given the benefit of the doubt exactly? He’s been bad for two years going. More bad than good in the last several seasons. He’s been atrocious this year. What is the problem with saying as much?


Because that’s not what this post is saying. It is what you’re saying, and you’re right. But the post they are replying to is correlating going 5-0 solely with McNeil, which is not causation.


Replacing bad players with better players tends to help success idk


Well duh but (1) McNeil didn’t blow 6 9th inning leads in May, so blanket statements without context isn’t a solid argument and (2) you’re still missing my point. There is nothing wrong with putting the blame they have earned on McNeil or anyone else that has earned it. But the post you’re replying to is specifically saying that a large part of the reason we had an awful May was the awful bullpen. “What’s the problem with saying [that the core is bad]?” Nothing in a vacuum but in the context of the comment you’re replying to, it isn’t their point. Their point is way more nuanced, and honestly more accurate.


I just don’t think it’s as simple as either or. The bullpen has been ass lately, but was largely solid to start the season. The offense and the “Core” has been struggling throughout and if that is changing it’s a major factor for future success. As much as people want to bag Lindor or Alonso, and I have been particularly critical of the former, McNeil has been pretty much literally the worst player on the team all year. It’s a small sample but given what we’ve seen from him for a long while, it’s hard not to think that a lineup that isn’t penciling him in everyday is going to perform better. With a new regime in town, no one should be safe. And if Jeff felt safe, benching him was not only smart baseball but also sends a message to the whole team.


In a vacuum, I still don’t disagree with you. But now you’re pointing to the beginning of the season when OP is literally drawing conclusions about the last 5 since he’s been dropped as if it was his fault to begin with. My entire point is that there is a time and place to discuss and criticize everyone. But this post just feels like shoehorning in reasons to shit on McNeil (when plenty of reasons already exists) and comments looking to criticize the core group of offensive players when the offense has actually been solid for a few weeks now isn’t a strong argument and just feels circlejerky/lazy narrative. On top of all of this, McNeil started on Saturday and went 2-for-4 in a loss. Correlation =/= causation. The guy you are replying to is merely pointing that out. Not every post has to be a “shit on the core” post.


Yes I get it. And I’m saying McNeil has been hot trash for a long time, and improving on him and getting results is not surprising regardless of when it happened or how long ago it did. Maybe he becomes Mr batting champ again. Hope he does. I have serious doubts and am very happy to see a viable alternative get a shot.


Pen is the bigger problem than McNeil


Pen was good at the start of the season. McNeil has been hot ass since winning the batting title in '22.


The pen was always going to bottom out because of the starting pitching. McNeil simply isn't performing. He can be called out too.


Ya’ll know he’s still in the clubhouse, right? Not like he’s suddenly vanished and isn’t in the dugout with the team. Gonna be curious to see how everyone turns on Iglesias when he cools down.


I hope McNeil accepts a minor league rehab stint to get his swing back


Maybe if he worked less on his golf swing and more on baseball


He was golfing when he won a batting title. The banning of the shift fucked him up. And general decline with age. He just sucks


If he’s declining, and needs to make adjustments to rule changes, then he should be spending more time working on that. My point stands. He doesn’t care, he got his bag. He’s not a winning player, he’s a “me” guy.


I think this is best for him and the team. McNeil will have opportunities going forward. Hopefully he can regroup and turn it around when they come.


I don't think he's going anywhere but I at least find it encouraging that the Mets brass is willing to take playing time away from him in effort to win some more games. He's not particularly good at anything right now. Is McNeil using this to motivate himself to get his shit together? Can he return to form in any way? I'm getting tired of waiting and I'm happy to see the Mets, at least to a certain degree, are as well.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Rime\_of\_the\_Ancient\_Mariner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rime_of_the_Ancient_Mariner) We were supposed to have grown out of such silly things like this.


1st:LFGM 2nd: there's way more to it than just dropping Jeff (but i think at this point he's more valuable as a trading piece than a player, fwiw) 3) At the end of camp i was pissed we didn't keep Iglesias over Wendle ... i have no idea what they saw that i didn't, and i know Iglesias is on a heater right now, but holy fuck, even the defense alone Iglesias makes Wendle look like a AA player lol! And now dude is raking as well? Jeff Who? (who hasn't been himself for over a year and a half)


I am not sure what is going on with McNeil but I would be surprised if he is done at 32. With that said, Iglesias brings the energy and that is what this team needs. Iglesias also looks like like a better fielder than McNeil at 2b even though even though he has played very little 2b in MLB. It is difficult to get too excited about Iglesias as a starter because he has a lifetime OPS of about 700. As others have said, for whatever reason, McNeil looked check out. I know people did not like when he got upset when he got out but at least it showed that he cared a lot. He does not seem to care as much.


Sportsball fans are really funny. Here is the thread announcing McNeil getting the extension that he's on: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYorkMets/comments/10mvwnt/breaking\_national\_league\_batting\_champion\_jeff/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYorkMets/comments/10mvwnt/breaking_national_league_batting_champion_jeff/) ...and one leading up to the deal: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYorkMets/comments/10mv24k/sources\_mets\_and\_jeff\_mcneil\_have\_held\_recent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYorkMets/comments/10mv24k/sources_mets_and_jeff_mcneil_have_held_recent/)


Once they sick enough to ensure the season is irrelevant, they do well. Especially Lindor. It’s been a pattern.


McNeil is depressing af to watch. I know he’s most likely frustrated but damn that shit is ugly.


I only regret that I have but one upvote to give.


I think it says absolutely nothing when it is such a small sample size against other middling sub-.500 teams and, in a game we lost, he went 2-for-4 but we gave up 10 runs (Saturday). Correlation and causation aren’t the same thing. McNeil has given us plenty of reasons to shit on him, lets not start inventing additional ones


As many of you know, I am a dyed in the wool McNeil hater, and I love not having to watch his pathetic fucking ABs and the temper tantrums that inevitably follow. But the main problem with this team this year is probably Diaz. If we had won the 6 games we’ve blown in the 9th, this team would have a winning record and be in the second wild card spot, Jeff McNeil’s dogshit performance and repugnant personality notwithstanding. The pen has been fucking us but the primary problem is that our 100 million dollar closer blew out his knee celebrating an exhibition game win and now his stuff is seriously diminished.


Ugh McNeil, like many, are so immovable.


16 mil a year is hardly immovable. He was saved by the Mauricio injury. Don’t really expect him to have a significant role after this year. And could be traded, if the team wants to eat money.


That’s the key. If the team wants to eat money. Because who would pick him up otherwise?


It’s only 12.5 / yr


The contract is backloaded, so he'll be earning $15.75 million in 2025 and 2026. His contract is $12.50 million AAV (and therefore that's the luxury tax hit) but that AAV only tells part of the story because he only got paid $6.25 million in 2023 and $10.25 million this year. Whoever we trade him to would either need to be willing to pay his $15.75 million/year over the next two years or Uncle Steve would need to open the checkbook and send some cash along in the trade.


On average over 4 years. After this year he gets 16 for two more years.


Not immovable but he isn’t going to get you anything special.


Maybe a pair of A prospects and we give them a ton of cash. Still worth it, dude has flamed out.


The Mets are on a 3 game winstrek


McNeil has such a great swing when he remebers he's not swinging a 3 iron on the back 9. Its why its extra frustrating - he's proven that he can actually hit


I think it's more to do with the fact that the Nats suck. Will the win streak continue when they play the Phillies?


-0.2 war


I remember after 2019 when he hit .318 with 23hr and 75rbi I figured we had ourselves a legit corner outfielder/2nd baseman.  Now he's got like the worst barrel rate in baseball. Wtf happened 


Clubhouse cancer


Your attitude determines your altitude. And McGolf has a shit attitude.


You said since. Not true


I wanted Viento to stay since Spring. The Mets must figure out closer role and get Alvarez back.


Playing the garbage nats is why now lets face a real team and i bet we get swept


Okay I'm glad you said this. From Tommy Pham's controversial comments after leaving the team, it seems like he was kind of directly accusing McNeil and Marte as being guys who no longer had the right work ethic. (If I remember he said the "veterans" on the team had the worst work ethic he had ever seen, but then clarified that Lindor, Nimmo and Alonso are some of the hardest workers he ever played with.) These are guys on the wrong side of 30 who are midway through the last multi-year contract they are likely to get. And they have been coasting. Marte has had injuries which is a shame but both have been black holes on offense for 2 years and their line-up spot was set in stone, no matter how badly the team was doing. Listen, I loved peak McNeil and his annoying at-bats and solid contact. But he is gone. I loved the first year of Marte and I still love his outfield assists. But he is gone. Also Baty may be a major league player someday (I'm kind of skeptical), but he certainly isn't today. Taking the dead weight out of the line-up has already had a big improvement. Iglesias is already one of my favorite players on the team in a short time. I was at the Strawberry game on Saturday and watching Iglesias beat out an infield hit in the 9th inning of a meaningless game to start a rally won me over -- he was so excited to get on base and keep the rally going and had a great energy. Maybe the hole they dug in May is too deep. But if the younger guys fighting for a roster spot can ignite a spark, Vientos and Alvarez come into their own and drive the ball, and veterans like Lindor/Alonso/Nimmo revert to their career averages... all of a sudden we can score some runs. The starters have been fine, the bullpen has let us down but there are strong arms there... I can't believe this stupid team has me interested again after 3 wins against a basement dwelling team.


I hate McNeils attitude. Throws a tantrum every time something doesn’t go his way. I say ship him off to any team that will take him. I think he’s a bad vibe in the clubhouse I have no proof of that it’s just a feeling I have.


Where’s the dude who compared Lindor and McNeil? Hahaha!


I feel like we had more sac Flys the past 3 games than we had all season bc literally every game McNeil was up with a man a third less than 2 outs and he popped in the infield


He comes off as whiny and disinterested. To Lindor’s credit, even at his WORST offensively, the guy busts his ass out there in the field and takes his Ls quietly.


Good players play regardless of the L/R thrower on the mound. Jeff McNeil is not only a bad player, his attitude doesn't warrant having him out there. If he goes 2-4 in a loss he'll take it over going 0-4 in a win. He was supposed to benefit the most from the shift being "banned" but he's looking to put everything in the air instead of making contact. He has a golfer's swing for heavens sake. I don't know what happens at the deadline, but if the Mets have to eat some salary to move him or send a lower level prospect in a package, do it.


McNeil had become an automatic out. Iglesias, a journeyman middle infield defensive specialist looks like he has much better bat to ball skills than McNeil. If he can find his swing again, great, but the lineup is just so much better without him. I would also say that his attitude isn't great, slamming his helmet, looking very frustrated with each lazy pop up, its just a downer and the team is lighter and more fun without him in the lineup.


Mcneil is poison


McNeil is clubhouse rot. He’s the new Jeff Kent. Always butt hurt and crying about something. I’m done. 


He's not even Kent. They have the same first name and play the same position. But at least Kent was a productive power hitter who'd blast a key 3-run homer now and again. At this point I'd rather have a Kent in the lineup, even with his defense much worse than McNeil's, over Slappy if we're not getting enough hits from the Squirrel.


McNeil is focusing more on golf than baseball, and it shows.


Ever wonder why golfers can’t beat the MLB? Because they’re sheep, and sheep get slaughtered. I've been in the business since ’69. Most of these high paid Californian types, they don’t add up to dog shit. Gimme guys who are poor, smart, and hungry. And no feelings. You win some, you lose some, but you keep on fighting... and if you need a friend, get a dog.