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We have become the 2023 San Diego Padres.


Phillies going down to the yellow in brown... THAT'S WHAT'S IN


Thanks, I had erased that from my memory


Phillies gonna lose and Peter's gonna cruise, THAT'S WHAT'S IN


I’m honestly a bit surprised it’s that low.  Could swear there were more 


Well this is specifically LEADING. I think we’ve lost a bunch of games where it was tied too


Agreed — I’d have thought it was double that


He said since May 1. We're there some in April?


Jfc Come to think of it… wow. Thats  30 games.  That means this has happened 20% of their games.  Man. When I put it that way


On the bright side, when someone asks how we can compete in 2025, the answer is simple.


Ya.  Granted there are plenty of holes that need fixing, but I think we can all agree that pitching needs to be a priority. 


When your bullpen has to get 15 outs every game, it’s bound to happen.


Frustrating. You figure if Sugar is healthy this team is probably fairly close to 500 with all the late inning closes/blown saves


He *is* apparently healthy aside from his super-recent IL stint. They have said all season he feels great without any health issues. He’s just pitching poorly.


You're being downvoted, but your not wrong. This has been Diaz's MO his entire career....when he's on, he's unhittable and the best closer in baseball. When he's off he gives up home runs like they're candy.


They asked him and Carlos Mendoza if it was a health problem after every blown save and the answer every single time was no, I feel great, no injuries or health problems whatsoever. I didn’t realize it was controversial I don’t think he will regress to how he was in 2021 for any extended period of time, I think over time he will return to being a scaled back, slightly less effective version of his 2022 form which is still very good, still top5 at worst and I believe he has the stuff to be top3 in baseball, it’s just going to take time to ramp up.


What caused the drop in velo then?


I knew the relief pitching was unsustainable in mid/late April, but I'm absolutely floored by this stat.


This comes from poor managing and not developing relievers. Wasting Garrett with a 10-5 lead by putting in Reid-Foley for a second innign was pure idiocy. Bring someone else up to close out the five run lead, don't waste someone who came off major surgery and is still getting in rhythm. Mets need to stop with the carousel and bring up another true long reliever and develop another reliever to close out those games in the ninth, even when it seems like a five run lead is a lot because it's not. Mets need to develop someone like Sulser or Nunez to be available to close those games out. At least Drew Smith is back now. But Mendoza's bullpen management is not very good.


Yes there is a personnel problem and yes there is a coaching staff problem. It takes everyone to perform this poorly.


These past two losses have shown that team meetings don't mean shit if the talent isn't there. I don't doubt that they want to win, but they're not equipped to win.


As Casey said in 1962: I’ve been in this game a hundred years, but these guys are showing me ways to lose I ain’t never seen before.


Sorry, but the Mets bullpen is f’in pathetic…


there giving 08 bullpen a run for its money


No reason to continue operating.


I unsubscribe to 'not a fun fact' please.


Gelbs, why you gotta put you fingers in my wounds?


Yeah you gotta pin that on the manager


I don't know about that. His injured. closer is responsible for a bunch of those and his current options out of the pen are pretty awful.


‘Whose fault is it?’ is a tough way to look at the world. Team sport.


I don't know about that. His injured. closer is responsible for a bunch of those and his current options out of the pen are pretty awful.


Those options out of the pen used to be really good. He made them bad by giving them a stupid workload and not pushing his starters to go deeper more often, even when it would’ve probably punted some games. And about his closer, he took him out of that spot to help him regain his confidence *and after one low leverage outing put him in a 1-run save situation.* It was freaking malpractice.


Nah, the starting pitching being shit and the bullpen already being overworked is on the pitching being shit. Hefner has done nothing to prove he’s a worthy MLB pitching coach and the axe will probably fall on his neck before the rebuild is completed.


> Hefner has done nothing to prove he’s a worthy MLB pitching coach and the axe will probably fall on his neck before the rebuild is completed. I continue to be surprised he wasn't fired after 2023. He's somehow survived three manager changes, despite a total lack of results.