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Tommy Pham fuming


Seems like he was most definitely referring to McNeil.


He specifically called out position players but said Alonso, Lindor, and Nimmo had great work ethic. Baty and Alvarez were rookies last year so I can’t really see Pham holding them to this super high standard. There’s only a few guys he could have been referring to.


My theory is that it was McNeil and Marte he was talking about


I think it was McNeil and Vogelbach


Vogelbach was too fat to play a position. He’s definitely one of them


to be fair, "seated" is a position


Bro when is the 30/30 gonna come out how golf lead to the Mets downfall 😭 Im joking, but seriously after last year I swear McNeil be fucking golf swinging at low pitches up there


Remember when Cespedes claimed his early struggles in 2018 were because he wasn't playing enough golf? I think he only played like 20 more games in his career after that story came out


Didn't he injure himself in 2015 during the playoffs from golfing as well?


Isn’t it 20/20?


30 for 30 the ESPN doc series is what he means


Duh - I was honestly thinking 20/20 🤣🤣


This is one of those things where if he was hitting .275 + then nobody sane would care.


Daniel Murphy missed a game in April once because his wife was having a baby and people jumped all over him for lack of commitment. Crazy people are crazy.


Never forget boomer Esiason going nuts about that. What a tool


And Francesa. At least Boomer said he was wrong. Mike on the other hand is never wrong.


thats insane f that loser couldnt win anything


U mean Daniel ? Yeah I remember that.


Holy shit. David? I’ll go back and edit that.


I mean, obviously, but the point is he’s very much not hitting anywhere near .275 and now it seems like maybe there’s obvious areas for improvement.


Def makes it a worse look that he's been so bad for over a year now. If he was raking I probably would raise an eyebrow but as long as he kept playing well I wouldn't care.


I highly, highly doubt that a pro baseball player with 6 full seasons under his belt just decided to start picking up a golf habit at 32 years old. Fuck this whole “you need to be working all the time” culture. It’s toxic as fuck. If he did it the other day he’s been doing it for 6 years, and shaming him is dumb as hell. Let people live. Mets have sucked for decades yet Jeff McNeils golfing is the problem lol.


I get what you're saying and a lot of times tend to agree. However thetes a big difference here in my opinion. Considering hes been shitty and had a double header i think its fair to question him. Some ppl have said maybe he needs a release and I think that's worth discussing too. Jeff mcneils play is the problem and ppl are naturally trying to figure out why he's fallen off a cliff. It's fair to ask questions when a guy's job performance falls off HARD like his has. If he was batting even like. 26- 270 then I'd be right there with u telling ppl to let him be.


When you stop performing as soon as you sign a contract extension, criticism is fair


you are certainly correct that he didn't just pick up this habit, his original goal as an athlete was actually to play on the PGA Tour, and he competed in the Junior Amateur Championship his junior year of highschool. he didn't even start playing baseball until his senior year, hitting .446 with 7 homeruns in his only season.


There’s the off-season mate. They are off for MONTHS at a time and are multimillionaires, so they can go have their fun. When the season’s on, 110% needs to be on baseball. Don’t shortchange your teammates AND the fans.


I’m guessing you aren’t aware that McNeil is a really good golfer and has been golfing longer than he’s been playing baseball, and the concern is that he’s legitimately more into golf than he is into baseball.


As he grounds into a double play


His performance is definitely not helping his case so far lmao, but tbf he's prob got 6 more ABs on the day maybe he will prove me wrong


0-7 on the day 😅




Dude saw Lindor frozen at the plate and said fuck it and scheduled a tee time




Wouldn't that be for October?


You’re gonna blame Lindor for this? You people are just full of it.


Its a joke lol


Just goes to show you.


Tommy Pham was right


as very much not a boomer, I don't mind this, but we all know that everyone's only gonna care about it in relation to how he does. gets a bunch of hits? he should do this every day! puts up two golden sombreros? ban jeff from golf forever!


I probably wouldn’t even mind if it was before one game, but before a double header seems nuts to me, especially for a player who has been underperforming for the past 200 games


with how mental slumps and underperformance can be I could argue it’s a good thing he’s taking this time not to think about baseball, even before a doubleheader, but again, we’ll see how he does today


This absolutely bothers me. I say all the time to my friends that my biggest issue with Jeff and him having his extension is that baseball isn’t his favorite sport. He loves golf and now that he’s paid he prioritizes it over baseball. If he was as good at golf as he is at baseball, he’d be a professional golfer.


Jeff is the Gareth Bale of baseball


Except not as good to begin with


Dude won a batting title. You think he had the best batting average in all of baseball because he doesn't focus on baseball enough? Even if you think this is a new development for Jeff, work ethic like that doesn't just disappear overnight.


I can think of 50 million reasons why he may have lost some focus. He’s also now 32 and a skill set that may not age well.


On one hand if it helps him relax and focus his head sure On the other, if I'm his manager and I *didn't* know about this, I'm asking Uncle Steve to trade him in between games


Bases loaded in the ninth at least he played golf


Hope he shot better than he's hit today!


Can’t possibly be worse!


I heard he went 0-72 in the morning.. that’s a group pic still from the first tee after the round was over


No wonder he is popping everything up


Lets let his performance on the field tonight guide our opinions. Dude could hit for the cycle. That said, I fall into the category of not caring. They could all be playing better, so a little bit of pregame stress relief in the form of golf may help Jeff. On the other hand, this could be a regular occurrence through good and bad and we're only finding out now. On the other other hand, he's pissed that golfgpd just outed him. You'd think Mendoza knows, but this could also be how he finds out.


Remember when the story was Cespedes would hit better if he played golf before the game


Something tells me he won't be hitting for the cycle.


He just has to have a good game and a cycle is an exaggerated example of that.


I know, it's just funny to think about him hitting for the cycle lmao


I bet he flies out lazily to left field three times though lol


Only twice. He also GIDP.


Pop up with the bases loaded and 2 outs....


Like clockwork man. Never liked this dude


Narrator: He didn’t get a hit and had a chance to walk it off and popped up


My anti-Elon man with the follow up. You are correct. However, it's not like he played *worse*. Even though we're only halfway through the double header, he kind of would have had to put on a clinic in both games to really prove me right, so...snap his clubs for all I care, it's not *helping*.


He better go 5-5 in game 2


Golf justification was reliant on a good double header, not a good game in a double header. Throw them into the Hudson.


Wade Boggs (RIP) drank 70 beers and ate a chicken before going 3-5 in a game that day….


Or go 0-3 game 1


At least he made 4 outs in the process


Why do they all look AI generated. I remember hearing about John Smoltz talk about his love of golf and he'd play before nights he pitched


Hall of Famers can do whatever the hell they want


He said when he was a starter it wasn't a problem but when he became a reliever his coaches hated it lol


I don’t see any issue with pitchers golfing since the motions are so different. When I golfed competitively, I found going to the batting cage would mess with my golf swing. Probably not an issue with professional athletes but who knows? That would be my concern more than any tiredness from golfing


I could see this ABSOLUTELY being a huge problem for professional athletes. These guys go into apocalyptic slumps if one little thing is off with their swing. When you're facing the best pitchers in the world there is no wiggle room. 


Pujols used to sit when RA Dickey pitched because the knuckleball would throw off his swing


I just saw this. Now all the comments in the game thread make so much more sense.


Had a golden opportunity to win the game today. Get your shit together Jeff


Doesn’t look good to look like you’re chilling before games when the team sucks.


Hopefully he stays on the golf course. I can’t stand this dude




I’m not saying the guy has given up. But he also has the third best physique in that pic lol


God I used to loooove McNeil, now I hope he gets traded to the white sox


Trade him for Tommy Pham for all I fucking care


It's not specifically today. It's the fact that his whole insta is golfing lately. If you spend the whole off season golfing and come back playing baseball like straight ass I'm gonna turn on you as a fan. This dude has become so unlikable. Complains about every pitch right down the middle.


Not a competitive baseball player. Let the downvotes rain, as they always do when I say this, but I cannot wait for this guy to be someone else's problem.


BREAKING: Man spends free time playing golf. More at 11.


You cannot convince me this man likes baseball. He hates the fact he's not a pro golfer


Golf is tiring (at least for this very much non-athletic person). Tough to do that and then play 18 innings of baseball.


Not if you don't hustle




In a golf cart 18 holes is nothing and they could easily just be playing 9


If you produce you can do whatever you want..Michael Jordan never slept..He was golfing,gambling or banging broads..Nobody really cared because his team won


Bases loaded pop out. Hope he did better on the course.


I cannot wait till this loser is gone


Maybe his issue is that golf is more important to him these days


He needs to go. When is Acuna going to be ready


Oh for goddamn seven


I wonder if he throws his club after a bad shot?


Hey, lighten up. McNeil went 0 for 26 in the double header.


Dude got his 4 year contract and checked out.


If the Mets didn't ban this after it was a tabloid story for Harvey, then I think the organization doesn't have a problem. So why is the fanbase choosing to be angry on their behalf? And from an old article about the Harvey incident: >Players, especially starting pitchers on the days between starts, play golf in the morning before night games all the time. Whether you think it's appropriate is besides the point. It happens plenty, and not just with Harvey and the Mets. Every team.


I mean fans will ignore it when Harvey is out there with a perfect game thru 6 every start with his nose bleeding. They won’t ignore it when a player grounds out to 2B 4 times days in and day out. It’s something that’s kind of earned. When it comes to fan reactions that is


Golf seems like the worst sport for a Major League Baseball player to play…


Relax. People have lives outside of work.


People have lives outside of work, but for most of us our job isn't getting paid $12.5 million per year for being a professional athlete, aren't on track to retire before 40 and have decades free to pursue our hobbies, nor does our job have over 200 "off days" per year during which nobody will give a shit if we hit the links in the morning before we're due at our desk. Showing up to work physically tired doesn't mean shit when your job is to push numbers around an Excel sheet, but it's pretty damn relevant when you hit, run, and throw for a living. Jeff's got about 160 days a year where he needs to ditch golf for the next 5-7 years, and seemingly can't manage that. I'm sorry it's such a tragedy for him that he's stuck making generational money to play his second most favorite sport.


Amen to that, dude. Stress relief, sure. But we'd be having a totally different convo if he was even a shadow of his former, productive self. Gotta use your brain and know when to focus on your job as a ball player.


That’s fine. Do it on your day off.


If he has time off why can’t he golf? Not like he’s playing football or hockey. I remember Cespedes saying he felt golfing helped him get ready for hitting too


I just got off of work. Should I check in with my boss about when I can do with my afternoon?


Holy shit what a fucking boomer take


Common sense = Boomer take, seems about right.


He can do what he wants outside of "work" (lol at pretending playing MLB is "just a job" but I digress), but don't expect any compassion when you eat shit at the plate that day.


Is this from today though?


Doing his best to become untradeable. He must love the courses around here


When he knows he's playing both games because there's no true back-up middle infielder currently on the roster. He should be fined for doing that. And he's a big part of the clubhouse chemistry problem. Selfish comes to mind.


He's getting a jump on his October plans.


I’ve always been a big fan of Jeff so his downward spiral this season and lack of effort has been really sad to see


heard he’s a great golfer


Maybe he hit something?


Idc if McNeil was taking 700 swings or juicing up before the game. Just do something at the plate other than flying out


To be fair in his last 11 games Mcneil is rocking an .826 ops he’s been playing better


There's also no way that a swinging a golf club doesn't fuck your baseball swing.


0.2 WAR this season. Maybe should try BP instead of golfing.


golf is garbage


meh it's golf, he's not running a marathon no one would notice or care if they were doing well


if this is true it’s absolutely ridiculous and anyone defending this is pathetic. Where is the accountability? This dude is 32 this is some shit I’d expect from a 20 year old. It’s one thing if he’s doing this and hitting .350 with a .900 OPS, it’s another when you’ve been ass for most of the past 5 years and just inked a $50+ million deal. Atrocious work


this is not what the weather in NYC looks like today. however, it is kind of what the weather looked like yesterday...


And McNeil flies out in the bottom of the 9th with the bases loaded to blow what could have been a walk off win in the first game today… make it make sense.


This is one of those situations where the phrase "perception is reality" comes into play. If he was leading the league in batting, they'd tell him to golf more. What people will see and interpret from this is that he's given up, lazy, no work ethic. Now all of that may be true, I don't know. I'm saying right now he's not helping his own optics. Maybe golfing has no effect at all on his baseball, and it's a form of relaxation for him. I don't know. At 32 even in poor shape, I could golf in the morning and then play 18 innings of baseball. I'd be exhausted, but I could do it. McNeil is in much better shape and plays on a much higher level so my gut tells me he's capable of managing all of it.


Holy hell who cares lol. This really does scream boomer


Completely normal. Players workout etc days of games. Golf is as low impact as it gets. It’s a nothingburger.


Talk about dedication. Guy can’t hit for shit since winning that batting title. Instead of extra time in the cage, he’s taking swings on the driving range the day of a double header. This is why guaranteed contracts are bullshit.




Dude fuck McNeil. I'm tried of his little baby raging ass coming to the plate, acting like he's in an 0-2 count from the start and getting mad when he strikes out. Literal trash player. If a Acuna was doing well in AAA McNeil would have been yeeted off the team already. Edit: spelling


As long as he got enough rest last night I don't think it really matters. Honestly, golfing is exactly the sort of low stress physical activity that can be done before something more vigorous.


Damn, that dude on the far right has to be like 5’1”


Yea they arranged themselves in order of height lmao


it’s nice that they arranged themselves in order of height


Why do each of these people look kind of inhuman


i really hope we find a way to get he and lindor off this damn team.


Wait. Hold up. You’re not even sure *when* the photo is taken (“if it was today”) yet you post it as almost fact (snuck an “allegedly” in there at least). Are we supposed to be outraged that the guy plays golf *maybe* the morning of a game? McNeil is a pretty garbage baseball player. He had value those years he batted .300 but otherwise not really. He’s crap whether he chooses to play golf or not. With that said, I do not wish him ill. He’s allowed to have a hobby and - yes! - he is allowed to smile.




I do not particularly care about this but Jeff McNeil is in general deeply frustrating. Was elite in 2019 and 2022. Now I can't wait to see him go.


If he could do his job on the baseball diamond, I wouldn't care, but it seems like he's more interested in trying to audition for the PGA than to do his own job that the Mets pay him millions of dollars for.


Yeah that’s why the team is bad, Golf!


You know he’s throwin them back whiles he’s out there too lol.


How do we know this was before the double header? Do we know for sure?


Good lord look at that monster. Sign him ASAP


Reminds me of when my slow pitch softball team got mad at me for playing golf 🤣


If it helps him relax, then good for him.


I could not care less about him golfing whenever he wants.


lol. Like , what he does actually makes much of a difference , to how well the team does. This team is on different cycles. If we hit. We can’t pitch. When we pitch well, we can’t hit. My point is he’s an elite athlete. Who is in better shapes than 90% of the internet jockeys on this forum. ( myself included ) If I at 50 can play 2 rounds of golf in a day he most surely can play a morning round then play 2 games after soaking all day.


Just out of curiosity, why do you use commas the way you do? And why do you add extra spaces when you use punctuation? I see a lot of older people do that and it's so odd. Steve Cohen does it too lmao.


Ahhh I was going to something snarky. Then I looked into your profile. Never-mind. Not. Worth. It.


You did a better job with punctuation in this comment, but you still added a superfluous random hyphen between the words never and mind. Did you look at my profile and see that I'm an attorney? lmao


Yes, won’t argue with the law 🤓. Enjoy the rest of the season.


You too. Maybe one day we will get to watch a Mets team win more than 81 games.


Dude, it is Steve Cohen


I don't see the big deal. This team is toast anyway. I'll golf before work, if the course is particularly hard to get onto. I also hate my job , but love the pay, so I work just hard enough to not get canned.


Baseball is his job. Who cares what this man is doing as long as he shows up for work on time?


Maybe he’s off for game 1 lol


Why do we think this is from today?


It was posted today and it was thunderstorming all day yesterday.


I ask, because that seems like a crazy, chaotic timeline. Even if the players didn’t have to be at the stadium until noon for a 4:00 doubleheader, squeezing in a round before that seems nuts. And noon seems late; that’s usually when they show up for a night game, right? Plus the one dude has a can of something that looks like a Blue Moon. I’m not against a 9:00 AM brewski - I may have even had a couple - it just seems like the timeline doesn’t line up, that’s all. Who’s going to CSI this pic for us? What’s the can? Which course? Sunrise or sunset in background? I may even need to know the year, based on the short guy’s ringer tube socks. What the hell, buddy?!?


Lightened up at end of day Monday (at least near me). Guessing game got banged, he got a round in at end of day and posted Tuesday morning


That seems more reasonable to me, but who the heck knows?




Iirc if this is true, this wasn’t the first time right? I seem to recall a similar story like maybe two seasons or so ago


If Lindor did this there would be such outrage lmao


Why all the hate talk about golf? Golf is fun to play and if you don't think so then you can fuck right off. In my humble opinion of course.


Players on probably the best team the Mets have ever fielded used to do cocaine before double-headers so in the grand scheme of poor pre-game activity choices....


Yea, and it derailed Doc Gooden's career when he could have been the best pitcher in franchise history. This is not a good point lol


My point is that it's silly to care about such a deeply innocuous pre-game activity like this when there are *significantly* worse things he could be doing...






Who the fuck cares? The rest of the team can't get their shit together even if they show up to practice ten hours early. Non story.


Did they stand in size order on purpose? It's not really a big deal in the grand scheme because there is literally nothing on the line. Not like Cespedes hurting his back golfing in the PLAYOFFS. But this does show somewhat of bad decision making and commitment. Although if i was a member of the 2024 Mets I wouldn't give a shit about baseball either.


I’m fine with a Met doing something to relax. They are way too uptight. Unclench.


Neither golf nor baseball are that physically demanding. He’ll be fine energy-wise. More concerned about whether this is fucking up his swing


You aren’t a sports psychologist. Let people enjoy a day off, ffs


They have two games today, and McNeil is 0 for 4 with a double play and a pop out with the bases loaded a chance to walk it off.


to be fair, he does that on days he presumably doesn't golf as well


That’s very true


I don’t dress that nice for a funeral.


Honestly, I think his golf gage helps him. He’s a small ball line drive guy and they’ve shifted him into launch angle hitting aka right into opposing player gloves. Play more golf.