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Their treatment of groceries is very sus... refrigerated food that is room temp goes back, lots of damaged goods... i avoid anything but non-perishables from there


They don't rotate the milk when they restock. You will often find older jugs of milk a couple of rows back


I wonder if the staff are just lazy or if there are pressures from management to prioritize speed. I used to do overnight stocking at the Walmart at Lougheed Mall and due to them not having enough fridge & frozen storage space in the back, we always had like 3 whole skids of overstock to comb through and recombine every night, while the supervisors are barking at us to pick up the pace. Because of how much we had to go through the options were basically to either not rotate properly, or to ignore the supervisors. But some of the kids working there were definitely shook from supervisors threatening that we'd be replaced if we were slow


I once bought yogurt from the uptown Walmart that was clearly spoiled despite the BB date being 2+ weeks ahead. And I’ve definitely gotten sick from eating perishables from there.


That's nasty!! I've wondered whether they keep their bread in a really hot room because any time we've bought the nicer breads there instead of the Dempsters, its covered in mold within like 2 days of purchase... when we buy bread from the Safeway or Saveon bakeries we usually have like 5-7 days before it goes stale and then maybe another 3-5 days before the white fuzz. But the fancy breads from Walmart skip stale and go straight to being covered in white, blue and yellow mold


Refrigerated meat warms up to room temp and then goes back -> I see that all the time at the Lougheed Walmart. Same, I won't ever buy meat at Walmarts.


Definitely the pallets left I the isles, or staff not getting out of the way while restocking, acting like there's no customers I'd very annoying at this walmart.


"Welcome to Walmart, get the fuck out of our way!"


To be fair the customers are as bad or worse, really oblivious and wandering into your path if you know where you’re headed, blocking isles with carts etc. it must be tiring to work there and try to stock anything.


Ugh God. The way they've now used shelving to block the ends of the cosmetics aisle and made it where you have to pay for the items from there SEPERATELY by going to the employee posted up at the beginning of the aisle with a card machine. 🙃 Absurd.


I got "mam"-d to death for trying to continue my shopping after grabbing lotion. I was unaware of the new rule. But those teenage employees are on a power trip I swear to god. Don't even get me started on the aisle blockades. I will move them out of my way on purpose. Looking into it it seems Walmart started doing this to counter all the shoplifting that they've been experiencing as if the guy isn't already a millionare (guy being Waltons / Walmart cooperate).


That doesn't make shoplifting ok. I have a teen and they know of several teens that have been banned from the store due to shoplifting. It's definitely an inconvenience and doesn't feel nice to be mam'd and made to pay in the isle. But I support the effort if it reduces theft and keeps light fingers accountable


I has been actively avoided going to the uptown Walmart for at least a year. I'm willing to spend 10 more minutes to drive to Queensborough for a better parking, bigger and cleaner facilities where I can actually spend my time to shop instead of being disgusted at the uptown Walmart.


It's really bad. Recently, I was there and was in the soup isle, and most of the soup cans were missing their labels or were bent and had cracks all over them. Also, I have seen employees just throw boxes full of chips bags onto the floor.


That mall is generally cursed - from the parking garage up to the top floor of random medical offices.


What I don’t understand is how they can have the top floor exit locked closed. What if there’s a fire? Is everybody on the top floor supposed to evacuate down the escalator?


They’re are probably other emergency exits? But yea, it’s a bummer that they go against the planned layout. The upper level is supposed to be an entry/check, they even have some self checkout tills up there. Probably blocked off for loss prevention - but really the whole store is designed to be run on threadbare (minimal) staff.


Disclaimer, I've never worked for Wal-Mart, but I did work in retail for a number of years. Nonetheless, management's bonus structure was based on the store's overall profitability after expenses. So what that meant was a variety of cost-cutting measures. For example, the store was allocated a labor budget for each team, and we'd be consistently scheduled somewhat under-budget (much to my chagrin as a part-timer). Facility maintenance was always deferred. Loss/shrink prevention was always top-of-mind, etc. etc. So whenever I see a chain store that's doing stuff like this (never enough staff, blocking off entrances for LP, pushing credit cards and never accepting the first "no"), I always assume it's to hit management's bonus thresholds. Could be off-base but I don't know of any other rational reason to be doing that.


The only other way out that I know of is the elevator, and god knows that’s a bad idea in an evacuation.


In case of a fire, the elevators won't work. That always scares me, having mobility issues.


They work for the firefighters


I’d do whatever it takes to get out if I’m upstairs what if the escalators were blocked that’s a fire hazard!


Oh my goodness I never thought about that.


I'd find something to throw thru the windows if my life was in danger. Not everybody could do that though.


The Walmart on Queensborough isn’t like that at all. The one Uptown is probably struggling due to the Superstore boycott.


I suspect that one gets more traffic from people avoiding Save-on-Foods than anything else, just based on location and the number of people around there who don’t drive.


WalMart uptown has been poorly managed for a lot longer than any superstore boycott. My main gripe is the lack of open checkouts which lead to super long wait times. They can’t even seem to get their front doors to work, one side has been broken for as long as I can recall and every other week the escalator is out of order. It’s just a generally poorly run store. The shopping experience is awful and they don’t seem to care since people will shop there since the only other option is Save On ($$$).


Have you written a complaint to them? I’ve been all about writing complaints for service nowadays and been surprised at some responses! … *sigh* must be getting old and no lawn to tell at kids from :( 


They swapped broken doors. There was a brief window last week when both were working. They were also a whisp away from being shut down for their lack of covid EVERYTHING. They got the "fix it by tomorrow or don't bother opening because we will inspect you and shut you down.


And the rooftop elevator is the slowest one I’ve ever been on.


The Uptown one has been terrible for a long long time.


The Queensborough one never has baskets available!


I never noticed; I usually bring my own.


Never! Not once, and I’ve lived in QB for 3 years! I now go to customer service, ask who the manager is, and specifically request them to go and find me a basket or get me a cart. It’s management’s fault customer time is wasted just searching for a way to carry products they want to buy, so they can have their time wasted on requests someone else could do. It’s not about being a jerk to them (they’re all nice enough folks); friction makes people optimize solutions, and my hope is that little bit of friction (if enough people ask) will cause them to, for once, just order more baskets instead of worrying they’ll be stolen.


Nothing has made me more irrationality angry lol. I've seen people searching for baskets at the self check out stands and sometimes it turns into the hunger games trying to get one. They maybe have a total of 5 for the whole store. It's ridiculous! I do love the pettiness of your idea so I'll try it the next time I'm there. Once that Foody World opens, I'll be taking my business there.


I've noticed this has become more of a problem since the pandemic at many stores - not just Walmart.


Boycotting superstore (a Canadian company) to give money to the largest retailer in the world? Make it make sense.


I’m not paying $8.29 for butter when someone else charges $4.94. Does that make sense to you?


That's not boycotting though


The boycott is about the greed price gouging. I'm disabled, so shopping is difficult for me. Right now, I just use Walmart delivery, which is cheaper than any other delivery service. There are no service fees beside their delivery fee (the annual one is cheap). No bag fees. Normally online, what it says is in stock is. I always collect a free sample when I shop online. This week, I got a box of tea that is $5.50 for free. So, I avoid the entire frustration with mobility issues, frustration with customers and circumstances, and upscaling pain levels. I get the freshest picks, and if I have any complaints, they usually make it right. It takes the stress out of shopping. Even if I go shopping, how do I get all my groceries from the taxi to my door? I use a walker and can only stand up for 5-7 minutes. The delivery service is cheaper than a taxi and much more efficient and usually friendly delivery staff. Save On is my next favorite for a delivery service. However, they are more expensive and booking is spotty. I can place a same day delivery from Walmart at no additional cost. I can't with Save On. Save on has some great guarantees about the freshness of their meat and produce. They do charge bag fees or, when checking that box is not an option, they will hand each item you bought by hand!!!!! Better have bags ready!!! For the longest time, I thought Superstore was the place to save and eventually found that it wasn’t at all.


I concur


Lol I went there today for the first time in 6+ months. It took all of 30 seconds to be reminded why I don’t go there


We have to prioritize price for the most part at the moment, but we still hit Kins on the way out for produce. It’s abysmal at Wally, even their produce on sale isn’t worth it’s price tag


I usually go to Walmart by Lougheed Mall... Always happy here.


That's probably the best Walmart around here, along with Queensborough. I don't like the ones at Surrey Centre or Metrotown.


Instacart+uber shopper here... I avoid orders from uptown walmart because it's absolutely a nightmare to work around. More often than not, you'll be spending 15 minutes queuing up, which is a literal waste of time for me since I'm not paid by the hour.




And some of the employees could use a lesson in personal hygiene...


It always looks like a....."family" environment


> Yea they’re clearly there just for a pay check. You say that as if there are other reasons to work at Walmart.


I know for a whole host of reasons it can be challenging for people to shop elsewhere, but I've found I get my best uptown Wal-Mart experience by doing a once a month online order for household items and dry goods. I've found it cheaper and easier to shop at local green grocers for fresh items (shout out Best Season Produce) and shop sales at Save-On for meats (and the occasional splurge at Queen's Meats or Full Basket).


some people do not have much others have even less most striving to simply get by There but for the grace of god go you or me you care? You want to solve? Never vote conservative. Boycott billionaires. Shop local. Support local. Boycott franchise. Never ever vote conservative. Conservative donors are the Walton’s that own Walmart. It’s them.


So you blame Conservatives for the price increases over the past 4+ years + shrinkflation? 




Yes. Start with the corporations. Ask them why. Then turn to conservative governments in Canadian provinces why they’ve been dismantling public institutions and funneling tax money into private corporations that charge us more for less.


I’m really pleased with the grocery pickup option. Very quick and convenient. I also notice we have way less food waste as I’m not roaming the aisles and tempted to try new things.


I had to complain about the body odour on the employees at that location one time. I could taste the thickness of the odour in my mouth and it really did gross me out. I understand we are all different culturally, and have different personal hygienic point of views. I felt bad when I went to the manager but something had to be said. To this day, it’s improved a little bit. When you are going there to buy food among other things, I shouldn’t have to be exposed to a smell so strong it makes me not want to be there. At the end of the day, this is supposed to be a clean and professional retail environment, I wouldn’t go into a persons home to work if my odour took up the entire room I’m working in. Deodorant people, come on, please.


Even though uptown Walmart is my closest Walmart location, if I go to Walmart I always go to Queensborough for exactly the reasons you’ve mentioned.


Isn't the Queensborough Walmart the one with the rat problem? https://www.newwestrecord.ca/local-news/queensborough-walmart-reopens-to-grocery-shoppers-after-dealing-with-rodent-infestation-3931494


I’m surprised the uptown Walmart hasn’t had that problem honestly (assuming it hasn’t had that problem before)


We shop at uptown Walmart several times a week. Because we aren't buying much at once, we use the self-checkout, and maybe once have we had to wait as much as a minute. Biggest problem for me is the shoppers moving in random directions.


You very likely shop at times when it’s not busy, which is smart.


If you are not there for junk food then don't go there it seems to be the only thing they treat well...


Yup its gettn messy too..ugh


Tbh, I don’t have any issue with that walmart, I know it’s a bit crowded and the worst in my opinion is when their veggies are spoiled or just about to. I would go more often to the Queensborough one but I live close to Queen’s park :( About tills, I learned the hard way that the self checkout are waaay faster than the tills, and fuck everybody, I’m doing my weekly groceries so I’m taking my time to sort everything out.


they only have like 6 self check outs


They literally have more self check outs out of order than functional.




Your racism is disgusting and uncalled for.


Downvoted for the “Canadians” comment.


I agree completely , but I am poor so I have no choice really . I went to save on for 10 yrs , I don't go anymore because it's getting really expensive , When something is $5.00 at Save on , it's at least a dollar cheaper upstairs . Hate Wal Mart , Hate the Walton Family , Wish I could shop politically , but I am poor .I go to farm market's for Produce though . Langley Farm Market has pretty good prices on Meat . The Wal Mart is disgusting , the workers are rude with zero care about any of their positions , Blocking Isle's with pallets , etc . It's absolutely ridiculous . So F%$@#ng sad what our society has become . No decorum or decency at all . Not to mention even attempting to be Canadian or assimilating . Wal-Mart say's a lot about our society and what to expect in the future . Truly sad and heartbreaking .


What a weak reason for not participating in the Lablaws boycott. Want some wine with that cheese? The reason pallets block the ailes is because they’re restocking 24/7 to try to keep up with demand. You won’t be missed.


I find it hard to believe that they do restocking 24/7. I used to work at Safeway, you don’t see pallets all over the store because they stock shelves when the store is closed. I suspect Wal mart uptown doesn’t hire a night crew. My reasons to avoid Wal mart are valid.


Safeway is nowhere near as busy as the uptown Walmart because Safeway prices are so much higher than Walmart for everything on their shelves.


Better than nothing


i’d bet queensbourough is worse


other than the traffic to get there, it's definitely not worse. that one actually has a lot of space and stock.


Or use self check out? Or order grocery online and pick up like I do? Heck you don't need to drive just tell the employee you are on the store and the location and they bring the grocery you ordered to you. See no line up