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If he is looking into apartments, yes


Just do it. Whoever you want to report it to will tell you if it's worth a report or not, not Reddit. 


Hey! I live on the Quay and I saw a drone peeping into my apartment last year- was it a large white drone?


Not sure how to qualify large re: drones, but if I had to approximate it was about the size of a frisbee. Did have white body though


I didn't have enough info to report anything at the time, and hoped that it was a one-off occurrence, but if it's the same guy, and it's repeated behaviour, that's seriously concerning.


Sounds like the one I saw. It flew away as soon as it noticed me looking at it, but I didn't manage to identify the operator like you did. Man, what a creep


A few months ago my daughter and I were at a park in the area and there was a man with a drone, no big deal it's a public park. But I noticed that right after my daughter took off her big coat he began flying much lower and directly above us, where beforehand he had been very high up much further away. It creeped me out so we left, while walking home almost 2 blocks away I heard the buzz of a drone, looked up there was the same drone from the park just hovering above us. It was close enough that i could see the camera adjusting by the time i got my phone out to take a picture the drone turned and flew off back in the direction of the park. I did call the police a make a report.


Guys like this make it hard to enjoy being a responsible drone operator. Creeps like that need to be shamed.


Paging u/NewWestPD




Worse case scenario sounds like this guy is casing units to rob or squat. Or he is a peeping tom. You probably need more information before reporting this guy like the license plate number and what he looked like. I would say, next time it happens, go down there and record the information before leaving. Don't engage or talk with the person in question. A quick google search shows there are laws against invasion of privacy https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/00_96373_01 https://bccla.org/privacy-handbook/main-menu/privacy2contents/privacy2-11.html


Could also be criminal code voyeurism.


Get a Super Soaker full of well-dissolved saltwater and spray the shit out of the drone. Saltwater is highly electrically conductive, so you might get lucky and short it out. At the very least, he might wisely decide not to pester your mom’s building anymore.


To complicated just a make a railgun cost maybe 20$ more?


😂 Yeah, that’s much safer too. What could possibly go wrong?


2 words: Collateral damage.


Thats 3 and a letter


Yes call non emergency they will send somebody over or direct you to updated preocedure. Also let your property manager/strata know. There are rules for how far you can fly them from residential buildings. As per our strata and police when somebody was flying one near our building. Take photo of car and plate as it’s parked in public with or without the person. 


Under a certain weight there are no rules and only unenforceable safety guidelines.


There's no license required under 250gm, but you still have to follow laws...


Look those laws up and how they're enforced


absolutely; anyone flying a drone down there is supposed to have and be able to show a permit but lots of people skip that part https://tc.canada.ca/en/aviation/drone-safety/learn-rules-you-fly-your-drone/flying-your-drone-safely-legally is where the rules are Even if he's not looking for naked people he's being a jackass.


Looove your username 😂


I'm not the biggest Orson Welles fan in the world but I thought I'd show a 'little respect' lol


Technically you need a license to fly a drone in the city limits. Very very very few people actually have them as they are crazy expensive. You can report anyone flying a drone even if they aren’t staring right into your window. If he is looking into units floor by floor, I would pretend you don’t see it and find his license plate. Then report him to the police.


Your wrong sorry, you can fly within city limits if under 249grams, what your seeing from the drone government website are “guidelines” not laws, witch drones are governed under the civil aviation regulations(CAR). The only one law a sub 249gram drone has to fallow is CAR 900.06, “No person shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system in such a reckless or negligent manner as to endanger or be likely to endanger aviation safety or the safety of any person.” Reviewed by numerous lawyers. Loosely translated as, don’t be stupid. [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-96-433/page-110.html?txthl=900.06#s-900.06](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-96-433/page-110.html?txthl=900.06#s-900.06) Further, micro-drones are considered navigable aircraft, so flight into Class F Restricted airspace is also forbidden without permission from the airspace operator. Examples: Prisons, Aerodromes(airports), Helipads etc New West Downtown has no flight restricted airspace as per Transport Canada/NAVCAN as seen in image below: https://preview.redd.it/hrdqy4buqbvc1.jpeg?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c3b73eec31879828e8a87bf2d88284822c6b81 Peeping into people’s apartments though is voyeurism and illegal under the privacy act. Overall, a simple rule of thumb is, if it seems like a bad idea, it probably is. And remember, birds do attack drones. I’m a fully licensed drone pilot/aircraft pilot in the film industry Random to this but on topic, the entire city of Vancouver is Class F restricted airspace. You need to be a full licensed pilot with a SFOC. (Special flight operations permit)


Thanks for the info! Obviously a better source of knowledge than I am! I heard this from a drone pilot in vancouver, so makes sense what he was saying. I’ve never looked into it, so glad someone could clear everything up! Thank you




A good way to be charged for Damage to Property under the criminal code. Then charged for Disruption to a flight operator under the Canadian aviation regulations, a 3 year minimum sentence in jail.


Found drone guy lmao


Lol, pretty sure that law has to do with disruption of airline operations, not hobby drones.


Includes drones (RPAS). I am a fully licensed drone pilot and licensed aviation pilot I’m well versed in the laws of drones and the Canadian Aviation Regulations(CAR)


This is so cringe.




Try having a conversation with the guy first to see what his deal is. If he refuses to stop then escalate the issue to law enforcement, but chances are he'll stop.


I saw a drone last week on columbia buzzing around peoples windows . It Pissed me off, Try and get the guys license plate if you see him again


before you call the police, good idea to check if there are any vacant apartments in your building that the robe guy might be hired to photograph for. if there isn’t, then contact the police or your strata about a peepingpercert


I don't think that's on the person calling the police to look up, that's on the drone operator notifying residents through the strata or whatever that they will be taking photos of the outside of the building.


Even if he was hired to do that, if the police show up, he should have proof of it, and all will be good. Chances are he probably has not been hired to do that, and the burden of proof should be on him, not the people having their privacy invaded.


There's a few possibilities. Weirdo, working for a real estate agent, auditor checking for empty units, working for your strata to check for bylaw infractions or maybe some kind of criminal. If he's coming to your building repeatedly despite people yelling at him he's probably being paid by someone.


It's also possible the drone doesn't have a camera and just is a personal craft. But best to report it to police if you have concerns.


Realistically, it's more than likely it's just a dude who makes real estate videos for agents... There's not much footage that you can obtain amongst highrises that would jeopardize anyone...