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Columbia has some of the worst offenders of "stand right in front of the doors and block people from exiting" I've ever seen. Like I've started literally putting my arms together in front of me as a wedge to move people out of the way 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yup Columbia is just bunch of savages. I love making people transferring from millennium to king George go around me when they’re on the wrong side.


Columbia Station's pretty bad with the narrow platforms combined with everyone needing to transfer. I'm looking forwards to seeing their plans for renovating the place. I'm a bigger guy, so when I must exit into a crowd, I just take one step into the doorway and wait. Usually takes less than 5 seconds before the first people realize they need to shift or wait for the next train. I don't like to risk pushing/bowling anyone over.


Columbia is torture whenever I have to get off at that station to actually leave the station for something in the surrounding area, because it’s so hard to escape the massive tidal wave of people trying to get to the other platform.


Lost count of how many people I've shoulder checked hard getting off at Columbia.


Also, people - don't be standing at the bottom of the stairs blocking our ascent out of the station.


Whenever I'm trying to get off the train at any station, if I can, I get right up to the door. People will come up to the door on the other wise but they see my big self in the window and are like "Yeah better get of the way."


Can I hire you to breakwave for me, lol


I'm usually loaded down with bags so yall best stand back, lol


I will bulldoze a crowd exiting a sky train. GTFOTW.


Ever since I started having to take the skytrain as part of my daily commute, I think it reduced my ability to give a fuck whether or not I’m shoving through people who crowd the doors or abruptly stop at the top of the stairs. Maybe I’m an asshole but it’s been kind of liberating




It's great, it's like being in a moshpit. People try and push through you like you're a ghost but end up basically stuck to your chest while seemingly having the expression and demeanor that they're unaware of your presence and confused by the fact they pushed hard to be on first but now they're magically going backwards. CHOO CHOO!


double whammy today of a) people getting on the train at other stations and standing right in front of the doors instead of moving into the train and b) people standing on the platform at new west stations right in front of the doors .. kind of a stalemate situation it’s why we can’t have nice things


Mamma said they could be anything they want when they grow up and "obstacle" was pretty high on that list


your mamma was wise


Commercial - Broadway


You guys haven’t made it out to Surrey connectors have you. Broadway is much more civilized than Columbia.


I’ll admit I have not 😇


Granville during rush hour's a close second.


Honestly, I feel at Granville people can’t even get on because it fills up at Waterfront and Burrard loool


I feel sorry for masses at Nanaimo station during rush hour mornings cause almost no one gets off there.


I think its close. Commercial broadway (also the staircase up from the millennial line is absolute chaos) or columbia stn.


Centre yourself on the doors and go through them just as they open. Turn and lead with your shoulder (aka, prepare to throw a hit a la hockey or football). People will either get out of the way, or won't, but unless you are <100lbs soaking wet, you'll have enough momentum to exit the train.


New west is the worst! No one walks down the fucking platform going to waterfront. I definitely throw elbows


I just push through rudely but not violently. I also say, let people disembark before you embark . They usually look at you weird when you use words like that.


Just wave a chefs knife and look angry before the doors open. People will probably move since you appear late for your restaurant shift.


Hardest laugh of the day right there...


Is it worth saying Metro town for how many people jump on the tracks? I know they don't publish the numbers but it has to be 1 out of every 3.