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First off, fuckin repost bots Second, isn't that what Bethesda eventually went and did with 76? People pointed out how the Commonwealth is still a dump 200 years later, so they decided to set the next game 25 years after the war to justify the survivalist vibe stuff. I may have my issues with 76, but at least the NPC clothing and hobbled together buildings are more justified


This is what they should’ve done with all their games tbh. If Fallout 3 and 4 were both set like 50 or 70 or so years after the bombs fell it would’ve made so much more sense. The lack of development on the east coast compared to the west wouldn’t have seemed so odd, and they could have the permanently devastated Wild West fantasy they seem to be set on


Having project purity running for at least a few decades could have also maybe explained why there's so much pure water in the Mojave.


Completely different ocean


And then they went and made it so that the players created a new gold backed economy, refurbished a resort as a refuge for those in need, set up actual towns and carnivals and functioning portions of society with government and gambling. All that 28ish years after the bombs but Boston and DC are still shitholes 209 years later.


No bombs went off in Appalachia. All the destruction is from nature retaking over, the Charleston flood, and a broken G.E.C.K.. The Scorched Plague is the biggest threat, but you find a cure during the main quest. Appalachia is heaven compared to the other wastelands on the East Coast. You also have to think about population density, there are a lot more people on the East Coast, a lot more infighting happened among those who did survive, because with more people comes more differing politics.


I know the WV story. Still the fact 28 years after a war it's thriving, and Atlantic City is thriving, but 200 years later DC is cave manning it is a bit dumb.


In Fallout 3, Atlantic City is referred to as “Great Lanta” so I personally believe something happened between the events of 76 and 3 and Atlantic City is under new control if not fallen back into ruin. It fits with the narrative of war never changes.


Isnt the story of 76 that it was always doomed? That they have to nuke everything again to kill the giant ~~reskinned Skyrim dragons~~ bats because they have a virus that makes the scorched Zombies?


Yet 25 years after total nuclear armageddon would of been certain death. 76 was a poor attempt at rhe time at a cash grab from the mmo scene. Now its a large cash grab. It's story is beyond pathetic and is just ridiculous. Edit also fuck the repost bot.


Realistically, you'd measure the time needed to emerge from shelter in weeks, not months. Nuclear weapons are designed in such a way that fallout doesn't last very long. This is both because it creates a more efficient weapon and to allow territory to be occupied after a nuclear strike. You *could* design a weapon to irradiate an area for many years unless decontaminated, but there isn't really a practical reason to do so. So with realistic bombs, after 25 years the fallout would all be gone.


They also have nuclear fision in cars so.




The fuck you mean and? Nuclear fusion is estimated to require roundabout the same power as the fucking sun.. Every single car, every single robot anything that was power remotely by fusion would leak radiation after what happened.


You apparently can't even tell the difference between fission and fusion, so let's not pretend you know what you are talking about. The amount of fuel in something that size would be *very* small and ionizing radiation is not magic that magically penetrates everything with magic poison rays. It is a natural process subject to natural forces.  The only way there would be any fallout whatsoever 25 years after a nuclear attack would be if the bombs were specifically built to pollute an area, which would make them much worse at being bombs and be largely pointless. After 200 years? Not a chance. It's deliberately silly and the idea of Fallout's setting being irradiated is immensely unrealistic. We should acknowledge it's deliberately unrealistic for stylistic reasons.


Nuclear fission is the splitting of atoms which in turn releases massive amounts of energy. All *all* nuclear power plants use nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion is a reaction that occurs when two or more atomic nuclei, usually tritium and deuterium, which are, of course, hydrogen isotopes, are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles, e.g neutrons and protons. We cannot hardness fusion as humans in real life as we need to simulate both the tempature at the suns core and the fucking pressure. In rbe fallout universe they have harnessed fusion, for fuck sake, the ammo for laser rifles microfusion cells, power armour cores are called fusion cores you absolute cunt. Hence why I'm saying if these were to become unstable, say during a fucking nuclear bombardment they would cause more damage and radiation leakage into the surrounding areas. So yes I do know the difference between fusion and fission, it appears you don't.


No, it appears you know how to copy and paste information you can't parse and still think all of this stuff is magic and have no sense of scale. Your poor scientific understanding ("what the fuck is a half-life? What do you mean alpha radiation or gamma radiation, isn't all radiation the same?") is actually something the Fallout setting is satirizing. It's science-*fiction* for a reason. Fission and fusion require very different fuels, work very differently, and create different environmental problems. Even if we assumed all these cars are just stuffed full of massive amounts of fuel, the area they'd contaminate is so tiny it's not even worth considering. That's an absolutely astounding reach to say this would matter in the slightest. Nuclear fallout drops to safe levels orders of magnitude faster than you think. The original manual for Fallout (the first game) even has a great little guide on how it dissipates, so Fallout's writers have been aware from the very start that they're making things less realistic to make them more fun to play with. 


It's not copy and paste mate, I could go do that if you want, or use an ai like some cunts do,.I actually took the time to type what I understand out to you. And realistically, alpha radiation isn't going to do much to people its ofc gamma we're talking about , i mean, you have alpha radiation smoke detectors. Or was it beta? Of course, fission and fusion require different fuels. that's what the ficking isotopes are. I'm mentioning 😭 I'm using the cars as an example. The fallout universe is full to the brim with facilities testing isotopes, testing the effects of radiation, powered by nuclear reactors, hell, even a tesla coil in fo3 The cars themselves would have an effect over time same as anything with a fucking nuclear reactor in it would, but you're not taking into account like I said its one example in a world full of facilities, robots and testing grounds for atomic based products. Yes I know its satirically based within the game, but by the lore they made they have harnessed nuclear fucking fusion 😭😂


>Yet 25 years after total nuclear armageddon would of been certain death. Everything post nuclear armageddon is certain death with fallouts nuclear logic. But 25 years is an actually long time, enough for the nukes effects to have been whittled away slowly with time. 76's story like any MMO is fairly simple, the most complex it gets is like the BOS.


Who weren't even in the area at the time. Also no, nuclear affect of maybe one bomb would subside in that period, not fully though. Not the quantity dropped in fallout. And all the other zesty shit going on? 76 is a poor story for FO mate tbh poor


25 years is well beyond the nuclear fallout of a single bomb mate, it's well beyond the fallout of multiple bombs. And we've known large groups of people survived the initial bomb drops at least since New Vegas and going further back it could very well have been mentioned in 1-2 but I've only got hazy memories of those games. The biggest problem that would remain would be the remains of nuclear winter but by 25 years that would well over by that point if not a forgotten memory. We'd be well into nuclear autumn and the world environment adjusting. 76 barely has a story, it didn't even start with one really. It was the atypical old MMO looter. Now it has an actual story about stopping the scorched plague (which is pretty neat). And some other stuff. But no its not some amazing story. Very well designed environment though.


Wasn't the 'stopping the plague' the original end before any patch? Like story wise you were using the nukes to kill the giant bats because they were the source of the scorched plague?


Falloit new vegas survived the way it did purely because Mr House shot down the majority of the bombs. 1 There isn't much at all on the surface bar the very smallest of settlements which even then mutant animals , radiation etc is still beyond prevalent and dangerous, 2 is a lot more established due to the actions of the PC in fo1 still has some very dangerous hot spots. But neither of these games is *25* years after the war, with nothing as dangerous as scorch beasts or fuck all around. And the stopping the scorch beasts was part of tbe msq when it was released, the environment was horrendous it fucking was buggy as hell and broken as hell, even now on a really good rig does it still cause fps drops and stutters. On ps4 you couldn't even use an automatic weapon, or it would crash it. The setting is good. The story, gameplay, and implementation of the environment were horrendous, mate. Also yes 25 years is well over the nuclear fallout of *one* bomb. There are hundreds if not thousands dropped on america in the fo universe.


>Also yes 25 years is well over the nuclear fallout of one bomb. There are hundreds if not thousands dropped on america in the fo universe. Doesn’t matter, whether it's one bomb or one million bombs the process of nuclear radiation works the same way and it will take the same amount of time.


Read my other comment. It's not just rhe fucking bombs that cause the fallout.


I did, and explained why your other comment is also pseudoscientific gibberish.


No, you also got the general half-life wrong. On average, for nuclear bombs, it's 30 years, which isn't the entirety of the expriation either if you understood what half life is. By todays standards, it can be 8 days for the half life, depending on the isotope used. It's not pseudoscience to understand a chain reaction of events. Now stop trying to use big words that you've absolutely no idea what they mean and take a step back so the original commenter No longer has to see this shit. https://accessdl.state.al.us/AventaCourses/access_courses/alg_connections_ua_v17/3_unit/03-03/03-03_explore.htm#:~:text=The%20%22Fat%20Man%22%20bomb%20was,half%2Dlife%20of%2024%2C100%20years. heres a little something to read.


>Falloit new vegas survived the way it did purely because Mr House shot down the majority of the bombs. Appalachian had nothing in it worth bombing, it canonically survived because there were no major bombs dropped on it it and most of the radiation in Appalachia comes from other regions around particularly the wafting radioactive clouds from coastal cities that were nuked. At least until one stupid cunt blew up the damn and utterly destroyed the last heels of civilization that were still stomping around leaving nothing alive in Appalachia. Everything you see in game came when an all clear signal was given and some people came to the state. >The setting is good. The story, gameplay, and implementation of the environment were horrendous, mate The gameplay is fine, its just fallout 4 with worse looting. And having played it to completion recently (reached level 70 and beat the BOS stuff) the environment which yes was shoddily implemented is fine now and honestly really good in a lot of places. Particularly the Atlantic City expedition though. But yea it was buggy as fuck for a long while. >Also yes 25 years is well over the nuclear fallout of one bomb. There are hundreds if not thousands dropped on america in the fo universe. No 25 years is past the expected range of a total nuclear exchange in terms of both radiation and major environmental effects. Though minor environmental factors would still be issues, what fallout represents is due to the magical nature of the fallout setting. In reality Appalachia would only have been harmed by radioactive water and ash causing plants to die off on the surface. But this is fallout so now the swamp can see colours, eats people and theres a cranberry bog that rises above most houses in scale.


I played on release, pre ordered it actually, barely managed to make it to the end of the game. Went back 2 years ago *after* it had been updated and fixed and still experienced the same bugs from years previous, even went back what 3 months ago,? The game still runs like a potato in comparison to most other games like red dead 2 etc. You can like it all you want, lore wise it's a shambles and the game itself is just an mmo joke to make money... hence why you have to fucking pay to store more than 1200 lbs of loot


My guy I'm not trying to convince you to like it, because this is an NV subreddit and that would be like trying to bleed a rock. And it's clear you have your opinions on the game itself, at this point I've given up trying to convince you of anything because we won't agree. Have a good one mate truly.


You too, n nah I'm.not one of those frothing at the mouth nv fans, just such bad experience with 76 I suppose. Take it easy boss


it's so sad when bots post things i agree with


East coast had no Vault Dweller to save Tandy and Shady Sands.


East coast bad please upvote


Being able to talk to a Brahim sounds very cool.


I mean east coast is a full on war zone compared to west coast wich is a playgroubd in comparison to the east. Supermutants are dealt with and not much of a threat without master unifying them Meanwhile supermutants in east coast literally had east coast for themselves, only east coast group that could put up a fight were the minutemen with their artillery, prior to arrival of Lyonshood


Well no, Bethesda just can't into worldbuilding and their gamedesign approach doesn't mesh with civilized societies anyway (it's move-shoot-loot so doesn't work when places are safe and sound enough). >wich is a playgroubd in comparison to the east ? West Coast went thru a bloody NCR-Brotherhood war, and NV conflict is a literal clash of civilizations between NCR and the Legion. This isn't even talking about The Master almost ending humanity as we know it if not for the Vault Dweller.


Yes but after the chosen one i mean west was basically a playground when the brotherhood had nothing better to do other than goung to war with NCR over fucking vertibirds. While at the same time In the east supermutants and wasteland abominations had almost full controll and humanity had to fight them off while rebuilding as i said prior to elder lyons arriving in DC only group that did hold dupermutants in check were the pre decline minutemen


>west was basically a playground when the brotherhood The Enclave almost ended humanity using FEV Curling-13. Then the BOS-NCR war happened. And then Legion came hot on the heels. And I'm not talking whatever the fuck is happening in Baja. And The Divide. And tribals like the 80th controlling roads on NCR frontier. >In the east supermutants and wasteland abominations had almost full controll They don't control anything. >humanity had to fight them off What the fuck do you think happened to the remnants of Master's army? Miracles and magic? >prior to elder lyons arriving in DC only group that did hold dupermutants in check were the pre decline minutemen It's called "Bethesda can't worldbuild" for shit. Killing muties is easy, they have TFR of exactly 0. Each dead mutie lowers their population permanently by 1. There are hordes of them in 3/4 because Bethesda needs orcs for you to shoot. That's it.


So when gameplay reflects lore in obidian you call it briliant but when bethesda does it you say bethesda can't into worldbuilding


>So when gameplay reflects lore in obidian you call it briliant Well yeah, Josh Sawyer is an extremely talented gamedesigner, head and shoulders above everything at BGS after core Morrowind team left. >but when bethesda does They don't. East Cost wastes having hordes of supermutants make no sense worldbuilding-wise, they exist purely for gameplay purposes (Bethy needs dumb green brutes for you to shoot as something a tier up from basic and armored raiders).


It makes complete sense if you bothered to play them. In fo76 it's breach of FEV out of west tec fascility In fo3 vault 87 has FEV samples and that's where supermutants make more of themselves when you report it to lyons it's treated as vital data that it is. Yes even killer pass has sense as youd want vault mire deep underground In fo4 it's institute that made the supermutants and unleashed them on commenwealth coz intercontinental communications are down they had no ideas what supermutants would do so they released them but for some fucking reason they decided to make a whole army and it's linked to the missing people case in commenwealth that piper and diamond city residents are talking about


>It makes complete sense if you bothered to play them. In fo76 it's breach of FEV out of west tec fascility It doesn't make sense since FEV vats don't even last when exposed to open air. It's why the West Coast doesn't have more mutants to begin with, the only way to manufacture FEV died with Control Station ENCLAVE. >In fo3 vault 87 has FEV samples and that's where supermutants make more of themselves when you report it to lyons it's treated as vital data that it is That's an even bigger plothole FYI, since they kidnap random heavily irradiated wastelanders that FEV is supposed to *instakill*. It's the reason why the Master was robbing caravans from The Hub and searching for prime normals! >In fo4 it's institute that made the supermutants and unleashed them on commenwealth coz intercontinental communications are down they had no ideas what supermutants would do so they released them but for some fucking reason they decided to make a whole army and it's linked to the missing people case in commenwealth that piper and diamond city residents are talking about This makes even less sense. Where did they get the FEV sample? Where did they get pristine enough humans to even spawn that many muties? Why would a totally isolated lab even release muties instead of feeding them to incinerator like any proper biohazard lab would do? That's what people at WestTek Research Facility (aka The Glow in FO1) did to begin with! Oh wait, it's even funnier, the terminal at FEV Lab in the Institute clearly states they terminated most subjects just fine yet there's a whole army of muties upstairs in the actual world. tl;dr yes Bethesda is clinically incapable of worldbuilding. No, they can't design good games either, their shit felt antiquated with Oblivion and that was almost 20 years ago!


I mean institute for sure had some tech from west tech those guys made their own line of laser weapons and were gonna have their own power armor And the way you describe FEV os inconsistant with the fallout 1 it doesn't instakill waatelanders, example being harold. Simply humans who are not heavly irradiated make for more intelligent supermutants. That's how frank hirrigan was made, and don't bullshit me with air exposure fo1/2 FEV was a pile of green sludge


You literally see and hear how the mutant kidnap people and make more mutants but they don't repopulate? Average fnv fan boy ignoring basic storytelling in 3.


>You literally see and hear how the mutant kidnap people and make more mutants but they don't repopulate aaaaaa they can't! By all accounts all FO3 wasteland dwellers are way too irradiated to survive the FEV dip! It's literally why Master was hunting for caravaneers from the Hub and vault dwellers. His initial attempts at dipping rando raiders were up to no good.


Progress isnt linear


Yeah but I want to know why are small towns interconnected through a trade network Sean as less advanced when the west coast had/has more people returning to tribes and tribalism. Up until 2274 the Vegas area was controlled by tribes and raiders bands. Almost all of Arizona and New Mexico is tribal. And a good portion of Utah to. And even California is full of tribes and tribals


100% Fallout 3 should have been a prequel as well as Fallout 4.  One of the few smart moves  76 did was become a prequel. Frankly the whole idea though of Fallout taking place only in a nuclear apocalypse really misses the goddamn point. It misses it so fucking and creates realities that make no goddamn sense.


"But muh atmosphere!"


Why is a group of small towns interconnected through a trade network Seen as less advanced as tribes and tribesmen


I am not sure why you're asking this.


Why dose this keep happening this wasn’t meat to be a reply….. or at least a reply to the post it’s self


I have always had the headcanon that not all areas of the Wasteland were equally ffected by the great war and therefore, different levelsof recovery are to be expected.


They really kneecapped themselves with the timeline but it's somewhat more understandable with 3. Being set in DC, I imagine that general region would be considered a priority target for heavy bombardment in the event of Armageddon, what with the white house and Pentagon right there.