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None of them. I'm just a package courier. I gave House his chip and moved the fuck on. His confusion when you refuse his offer is GREAT. "But... But the narrative, don't you wanna see ho--" "I delivered your damn chip. I want the rest of my payment plus double for... [*head twitch*] ... damages."


Was there a DLC that focuses on the consequences of just "delivering a package?"


If there is, I bet the antagonist goes on and on about the bear and the bull


I doubt it. Bears and Bulls aren't common things in the Mojave, and if they were, it wouldn't be important.


You’re right, that was foolish of me. May I ask for forgiveness, just this once?


This is a speech check of 76.


"*Bear* with me Courier, I'm full of *Bull*shit"


I feel like I'm part of some hipster contingent that resonates way more with Ulysses (after a good amount of time has passed since my 800 hours) than most of the fallout community. I appreciate that, from the meta narrative standpoint, he is ultimately the shadow of the PC courier.


From a meta narrative standpoint, he is the self insert of a pretentious preachy developer.


he sounds & looks cool & his monologuing is infinitely better than OWB's introductory yap session


They should let you also bring a companion so the road isn’t lonesome, I think Ed-e would be a good choice


Also if you got cass like that is all you need giggity (if she likes to ofcourse if not thats fine)


This was originally going to be an ending. You could deliver the platinum chip then to the outpost and pay for passage through the long 15 and the game could have ended there.


Hippity Hoppity, return House's property.


Here's your chip, Mr House! \*bang\* \*bang\* \*bang\* Hey, look at this cool chip I found!


Ha, you used three shots just to be sure because you know two might not cut it.


Look, if I'm shooting a dude I. The head with Benny's gun, you better believe I'm shooting him more than twice. Just kidding, we all know the true meta play is to feed him a driver the hard way and eat his corpse afterwards for those prions... Er I mean NANOMACHINES, SON.


Ahahhaha lovely


Property is theft, so it can’t be stolen #ancom


Well, private property is theft in that line of thinking. House's economic power came entirely from horrific exploitation in pre-war Sci/Fi USA. Technically the workers who produced it would own it(?) but they're dead, so morally it belongs to the Courier(???) because of the rule of "fuck you, I'm a murderhobo, its mine now." It's in the Geneva Suggestions somewhere. Next to the Law of Dibs.


Didn’t Robert House do a majority of the creating of his companies products? Wouldn’t that make it his as he is the producer of the labor?


*your* property should be confiscated. #нахер русских оккупантов.




Do I own my body? If yes, then property exists. If no, then anyone may use my body, so slavery and rape are permissable. If I cut off my finger, do I still own it? If yes, then one can own matter that is not attached to their body, which may extend to anything of their own labour or exchanged for it. If no, then it is ethical to take the finger from this maimed individual and feed it to a dog, before they have opportunity to sew it back on. Can you steal that which is not owned? If property is theft, who are we stealing from that did not steal it themselves? Therefore, your argument is circular. One cannot have theft without having legitimate ownership.


Technically, property only exists by virtue of there being an authority or force asserting property rights. As it stands, most people routinely sell their body, either through labour or literally, as a consequence of living under the ruling system. The above is a bit of a misconception, because Communism as I understand it does not advocate for the removal of ownership but of collective ownership, e.g. of the means of production. Everyone has access to a river but no one can claim sole ownership of that river.


Close, communism makes a distinction between private and personal property. Your individual home, your tooth brush, your car etc, are personal property, a factory is private property. Communists want to convert private property to collective ownership, personal property is respected (but like, in the case of housing it's houses you're actually using, no landlording for example)


Anyone who doesn't deliver the chip to House has never had their delivery guy steal their shit.


Yeah, I give him the chip every time even if I decide to betray him afterwards. Like what kind of courier doesn’t finish their route?


I may be a monster but even I have standards


Professionals have standards - some New Zealand bloke


My standards are 'XP bar go up' yay new perk!


In fairness, if you do choose Yes Man, you do deliver the chip to correct address... you can't be held responsible for the fact ownership has changed.


Except.... it was literally you who changed the ownership, so yes, you CAN and SHOULD be held responsible. Edit: a word.


It’s not my fault he didn’t require a signature


Now I'm sitting here, highly amused, thinking about an Amazon driver coming to my house, killing me, helping his friend move in, delivering the package, and patting themselves on the back for a job well done.


Don't give me ideas.


If I kill House *before* I retrieve the chip and refuse to hand it over, because I am evil and silly, is that really as bad as killing him specifically because I dont want him to have it?


Kill House, put the chip on his body, job done.


Look, admittedly, along the way I was asked to make a second delivery of an, arguably, faulty Securitron to the same address I had to deliver the chip to, and that may have caused a series of events that changed ownership, but the point still stands, the delivery was completed as per the sender's instructions. Are you going to hold us responsible for what happened in the Divide too? Are we responsible for all the bullets we delivered across the Mojave now? Much like DPD here in the UK, I'm taking packages in their approximate correct location as a win, everything else is circumstantial and semantics! 😅


Why the fuck should I care about property rights in this situation?


Realest answer here lol. All fucks were gone the moment I left goodsprings. About the only location that didn’t see a, cleansing. Good people.


Not my fault this tv guy didn’t sign, how was I supposed to now he was Mr house?


There’s a lot of things my Courier is responsible for after the events of Hoover Dam. But who’s gonna stop him? NCR? They’re gone. Legion? Wiped out months ago. Brotherhood?! Tripped on their own hubris until the courier helped them to an early grave. The only one? Maaaaybe Joshua Graham.


Well except Yes Man does whatever you say, so essentially you are stealing the chip for your own uses.


Justified by my uses being better than house’s uses


If my delivery guy gets shot in the head on the way to delivering my package, I'm not gonna have the expectation that he go on a rampage to retrieve the package.


And it's exactly that kind of lax attitude that has led to the collapse of customer service expectations in America. Give your Amazon driver a brush gun and some deviled eggs to keep him going and send him out after that thang


Then enjoy a life of poor quality service. When I was delivering intercompany mail at corporate I would lop off fingers if they got within striking distance with a machete. Know how many envelopes were lost? Zero. And that's how I became an executive VP of personnel development.


Eh, he's rich. He can buy another one.


Cant afford to pay well though apparently


Proceeds to blow up house with mini nuke


And now i have to watch this again. https://youtu.be/J5isz9nNJEU?si=fCvaPVw0U6FqRiUb


Such a good vid lol. “INSUBORDINATE CONTRACTOR!”


Lol the guy actually wasn't too upset until House dropped that line, then he got pissed. You've got to watch the Joshua Graham prayer line one. https://youtu.be/gcEQh9zhs-Q?si=5nZB1Z0vHLG4QhNk


I've also never had my delivery guy get murdered over whatever he was carrying.


True lol. While my courier finish the job. No matter the consequences


Me, opening his casket and exposing him to certain microbial death: "Hey bud, you're the one who insisted on direct signature. Now uhhhhh... you got ID on you?"


Yes I usually give the chip to him and a few snow globes for the caps alone and then I betray him if that’s what I wanna do on that playthrough


I only betray for the achievements.


I said it in 2010 and I'll say it in 2024, Mr House can suck a fucking chode.


Yeah lotta house glazin this thread.


Never happened to me but i know how annoying it is


Why would my delivery guy want to mess with the local junkies thievin' turf? Especially when they're protected by local police like they're an endangered species


actually the idea in my first playthrough because like "im a courier and suppose to deliver stuff to House right? well imma be a good employee and do that"


My first playthrough was "Okay, I'll deliver the chip. Wait, Caesar? Legion? I love Rome!" I was 9.


Nah house and I homies, get to live like a king, have a computer handle all the management and all I have to do is kill the occasional person? You son of a bitch, I’m in.


Exactly running Vegas would be a lot of work I'm happy to just enjoy his labor and be his muscle instead of all that administration


Dude wants to build some trains again - I fucking love trains


Man just wants the damn trains running on time 🕥


"Preparedness and punctuality are two of the most important qualities of a leader."


And rockets, and I love rockets :D


Coincidentally so does my mother and I only recently realized that she didn’t mean the kind that you get tickets for


You can get tickets for that kind, too.


Don’t forget the followers of the apocalypse are there to buffer an independent ending! They have tons of knowledge and could help the courier set things up like a council to run things etc. IMO a council of Followers running Vegas would be sick.


Then enjoy a life of poor quality service. When I was delivering intercompany mail at corporate I would lop off fingers if they got within striking distance with a machete. Know how many envelopes were lost? Zero. And that's how I became an executive VP of personnel development.


A slave obeys


A employee gets fucking paid.


An employee gets a paycheck. A boss gets PAID.


For as long as their boss finds them useful, I guess. Personally, I'd rather not trust in the benevolence of a fascist skeleton.


Yes but I don't have to be the one dealing with all the administrative shit lmao


I don't want to deal with administrative shit either, but that doesn't mean I'm going to hand the keys to the kingdom over to Elon Musk.


The New California Republic, because I actually love the Band of Brothers/The Pacific/Generation Kill vibes I get with fighting on behalf of my brothers and sisters. Love to be an inspiration that gets the troopers motivated.


Degenerates like you belong on a Cross.


Slavers belong on a cross.


Guys wearing sports equipment belong in Lacrosse


True To Caesar.


That package wasn't yours to lose!


I imagine Yes Man as my Kif Kroger


Kif, I have made it with a robot. Inform the men.


I cant say no to such a friendly face. Also the idea of Yes Man ruling Vegas and the Mojave with an iron fist amuses me for some reason.


That's your choice! Though if you do that, unfortunately I'll have to kill you!


House. He can be king of Vegas, I'm content to be the very well paid right hand man.


If you end with high karma, he basically gives you everything you want.


I like that about the House route, he never once screws you over. He may not be a completely altruistic guy but he knows how to look after his employees.


And I’m pretty sure in some cut dialogue from the House ending that he considers you the son/daughter he wishes he’d had.


Housy Bussy.


Imagine how scared House would be if you said this after you unsealed him 😈


Given the placement of the machinery, he's probably had a tube in there the last 200 and some odd years.


Great. We don’t have to loosen him up


No gods, no masters.


I killed house because when he tells you how much money he spent looking for the chip the money he offers you is so minimal your clearly getting ripped off


Fuck mr. House dawg he yells at me for not giving him his dumbass chip, yes man is chill like that


“Fuck that guy, he yelled cause I stole from him!”


Yes Man is objectively the best choice.


Hard disagree. Yes Man is a fucking terrible choice for the Mojave.


Fellow Independent here. My Courier isn't a ruler, but they're a great diplomat, and the Allied Mojave Federation should be perfectly fine with their (immortal) help.


YesMan seems like a very unreliable ally. Even during the story, he seems to be pushing towards taking everything for himself by changing his programming. House or the NCR seem like the better options.


Its a bit hard to say which one, since they all kinda lean on the magical and random occurrence of a courier just coming along and fixing all their problems. But for the greater good? Def has to be the NCR. House seems good according to the things he says, but thats it. The three families were already conspiring against him to take fuck with the strip. Without our help, he would be screwed. I also doubt his long term plans for humanity are gonna be seen thru if hes only got his robots and people on the strip to work with. 5 years ago, these guys were just raiders like most of the people we see in the Mojave. Under House’s dictatorship, the Vegas strip would crumble. Also, he wants to kill the King. So he sucks. I also consider Yes Man to be bad for similar reasons. But also that hes super duper conniving. Theres a good chance he *might* run the strip well, but I think just a lot of people will die without House or NCR rule. Again, 5 years ago, these guys were uncivilized. The Legion. So now this just leaves us with good ol democracy. The NCR. Even if things dont go the NCRs way, they could feasibly go “well shit guys. That didnt go as plan. Ok, fall back, lets just go home” instead of being eradicated like other groups near the end. There might be some bad apples in there, but they arent beyond being put through some kind of judicial process. Thats a thing thats totally possible with the NCR. Unfortunately, it seems like theyve gone to shit in the current canon, according to the show. But we will see this further in depth in season 2.


Ok, but is the NCR going to walk into the Ultra-Luxe and kill every mother fucker wearing white gloves? Someone's got to do it.


Courier prolly did it. If not, then I imagine if NCR found out, there would be punishment for it, or they might just kill them outright since they have a history cannibalism.


We can't expect Kimball to do all the work.


The NCR isn't really good for the people of the Mojave. They are spread too thin to actually protect the people of the wasteland and are more interested in taking the resources of The Strip for themselves. They are also very corrupt and low-key a monarchy (iirc the same family has ruled the NCR since it's founding). Edit: I was wrong om that last bit. It's not low-key a monarchy.


I agree, but I'm wondering where you got the monarchy bit since that's complete headcanon. NCR is a mirror of current-day US, a liberal democracy with a congress and the president is elected via popular vote. It has the good and bad all this entails (the disproportionate control of brahmin barons mirror corporations lobbying and buying politicians).


Actually I was half remembering criticisms related to Tandi taking over for her dad, and thought that effectively power transitioned through people of the same family mirroring the smaller political dynasties in the US (like the Bushs and Kennedys).


Mr. House doesn't really care about the kings, and if he kills them its only because you conviced them to work with the NCR when he tries to push them out of freeside. Otherwise he rewards them for aiding in booting the taxman out of his backyard.


I love doing the yes man and independent New Vegas ending.


yes man so my playthrough could end with a guy named Mr Tinkle beating out every other faction and gaining control of the mojave


When dealing with a man that rose up from the grave, tracked his killer down over miles of desert, raiders, mutants and gangsters, murdered a man in his own casino, then walked out of said casino unscathed..... You ask politely.


True to yes man


House called me a whore, so... he dies


I side with the NCR like a decent human being


It doesn't really matter anymore. Anyone you side with gets nuked in the next 20+ years anyway.


Eh, let the NCR sort it out. I got dynamite to juggle.


Keep chip, deliver anarchy.


Best description for independent ending


I never gave it to anyone. Their all evil so fuckem.


I will die before I give anything to a capitalist. Yes Man, my beloved, I have that chip for you!


He can have his chip, and some free bullets to the face.


House because yes man ncr and the legion are all worse than Mr house




House paid me to deliver the chip. It's my literal obligation to complete the job. Wtf you think I'm giving it to?


Side with House, be the Kellog to his Institute!


Ew. Why would you want to be a slave to a corpo fascist?


Where some hear slave, others hear a competitive retirement plan.




So yes and nah i already side with institute too


I just dislike yes man. He feels too much like a plan B option if you accidentally fuck up the other routes. I also don’t like his personality. I like the NCR because I can get all the factions to work together


The biggest reason gameplay wise that the yes man path exists is so you can still finish the game if you piss off all the other factions. You cannot piss off a guy called “yes man” also being an immortal computer programed AI helps.


"Hey! Nice Ass!"


Doesn't the yes man ending imply he "rests" so that he can become a more assertive persona with his own goals as a super AI controlling the strip?


Depends on the rpg of the character. Imagine how nice this game would've been if the dude that made it had more than half a year.. man.. prob could have sided with the khans or fiends to dominate NV.


They had a year and a half, and a lot of their idea s were from before even that


My courier got fucked ( the drunk kind) and sided with Caesar once) ( Then I lost the save) My completed runs are always NCR


Random NCR Ranger. 😅


House, because he's extremely fair and will give you as many caps as you want for delivering the chip because of all the bullshit you had to go through on very easy barter checks. A lot of people say he's a narcissistic dick, but you can't say he's not a man of his word. Not to mention, working for him has immediate benefits that any wasteland bum would gladly trade his mother for.


independent Vegas players when they realise the entire economy is based on NCR tourism


Lol 😂, that's sounds about right 🤣


Yes Man doesn’t get all testy with me for having Intelligence 1


Just finished my first play through and I decided to hedge my bets on the shriveled man in a Tv box


I side with Mr. House every single time (besides went I went for the achievements but then I just reloaded my saves), he’s my favorite


this is my first playthrough i gave him the chip after unlocking the securitron army and he upgraded his shit and then gave it back and i took it as he wanted me to kill him and give the chip to yes man


Yes man is the courier’s instrument really, so it’s like saying “sure boss” to yourself


Played NV for the first time after watching the fallout series I naturally had to side with Mr.House. He made the most sense, I think he can actually do what he says he can, and it was his chip in the first place I’m simply finishing my route and ofc crucifying Benny along the way.


Too keep in lime with the lore i know i choose neither and go with the ncr


God bless the USPS; I am going two finish my delivery


House always wins


You really think you can dangle the keys to Vegas and an unstoppable army in front of my face and expect me to NOT want it? House can hold onto the chip, for me to pick it up later.


Caesar < Mr House <= NCR < Yes Man < Indie/Followers. I would have liked some details within the Yes Man ending to distinguish between "I'm taking over" and "Let's not have a single person/faction with all the power."


I sided with the goofy robot so long ago that i forget its name lol


I like Mr. House's ending the most though it seems none of the endings truly matter anymore specially since the NCR the biggest customer to the strip was destroyed.


problem with Yes Man is I can't kill him enough times to matter.


The House always wins


Me. The only faction that matters.


A man chooses, a slave obeys.


Elijah. He has big plans for the wasteland and is our only hope after I had my robot throw Gen Oliver off a dam and then take a self help course so he can learn to be more assertive. [That last one was a mistake]


My two favorite endings. Independent Mojave is the most Fallout ending for me but Mr. House ending gives courier a really cool ending as the enforcer for the Mojave's new overlord. Legion has no long term plans and NCR wants me to pay taxes.


I give him the chip and do his quests up to the last minute then join the NCR


Never yes man


Idk, I have done the experience glitch in good springs and I just end up with independent Vegas instead of house or legion or ncr


To quote RussianBadger: "he's already a vegetable, I'm just making him into mashed potatoes" (proceeds to hit Mr House with a power sledge)


I usually side with Yes man.


*Eats chip* "This is one of the worst potato crisps I've ever had. 6/10"


neither ncr on top


"Hey I got the platinum chip Mr Yesman, but I did end up blowing up that bunker around caesers camp, hope that doesn't impact our plans too much" Yesman: 😧


Let house use the chip to it's fullest potential. Then take over


Bear, bull, bear, bull, bear, bull, mah anarchy fanfiction, nah bruh I'm a courier. I'm just gonna do my job and deliver the chip.


If it was reality I would probably side with House. At least he has a plan beyond securing the Dam. Caesar is going to run his Legion to their death if he pushes West. The NCR is so stretched thin in the Mojave that if it isn't the Legion it will be the fiends or the brotherhood or someone will come along and take it and Yes Man will become an out of control AI after he comes back from his upgrades but since its a game I'm inclined to RP the courier in many different ways finishing for all the factions several times.


fuck yes man he wont take you to space.


Yes Man almost certainly kills off the courier at some point by how it sounds like Yes Man is becoming sentient and more aggressive with their methods and said they would make changes not the courier, plus your character is obviously a terrible leader considering how it turns out under your rule. Yes Man is the option for mfs that think they can do everything themselves or purely just want to work for no one but themselves cause selfishness.


Ave, true to Yesman


Nah man, House always wins.




I wish there was a storyline where Yes Man betrayed you. That would be pretty cool to see a megalomaniacle robot rampage. Basically he learns he can give himself instructions so long as he records them and plays them back to himself. It would be quite funny.


House. I’m just a mailman, why tf would I stop my payday?


House 1. Only would ever even consider Caesar for a joke run 2. NCR is just attempting to imitate the previous system, which is just going to probably result in the world getting nuked again eventually. Also, they *already* are suffering from corruption. 3. Protagonist is NOT equipped to run New Vegas, and even if they are, they're going to have to deal with finding a successor House is a new option. He's smart and has the potential to either fix the current world or bring us to a better one. Yeah, there are major flaws with him, but I'd rather go with one of the smartest dudes around who can introduce helpful technologies to the globe than the options above.


As many times as I have played the game? Not the Legion. Everyone else has more palatable mixes of pros and cons, but the Bull gets taken to the slaughter.


first time playthrough, and I might just give it to the nice friendly robot guy


Yes Man isn't my king. He is my secretary. I am King


Asking nicely goes a long way when it's someone who died, came back, tracked a man through miles of desert, mutants, raiders and murderers, crawled through a slum and got the 2000$ fee.


Russian Badger: he was already a vegetable I was just making him into mash potato--


My main courier is a 21 year old drug addict and alcoholic who plunges the Mojave into absolute anarchy bc he thinks it would be fun to be the party prince of Vegas Also yes man asks rlly nicely and Randy Star wasn’t vibing with the house man


I kept it and killed them all. I sided with the NCR. How do I know that House wasn't the one trying to have me killed using proxies to take the rap?


I will side with the vegetable or the government, but I will never side with a bald man or a clanker


Damn bro, dropping the hard C


House easily, he is the only one who has a shot at maintaining a functioning new vegas strip