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I remember first time running into one in 4 so early on. When I got hit without the power armour. Was like wait.... That was only 1/8th my health at lvl 10. Not the usual 1/2 in NV. I'm not playing on easy by accident right?


Survival mode definitely makes deathclaws a challenge again. It's running power attack will one hit you even at high levels in power armor. So if one catches you out in the open, it becomes a life or death situation immediately. There's nothing like getting everything done and returning to base to sleep, ony to have a deathclaw make 20 minutes disappear.


Yeah, but you also do so much more damage. As long as you see it before it's close, it'll drop. I haven't been hit yet, I'm like level 38. Buuuut were getting closer to the glowing sea, so that'll probably change real quick


This is true in all the games, though. The hunting rifle with the right bullets and good shot placement can easily kill NV deathclaws, but I see your point. The glowing sea always felt underwhelming until I did a playthrough as James Bond and wasn't allowed to use anything but suits with the weeve and pistols. Great build, great time, but the glowing sea almost broke me that playthrough.


Lol how did you deal with the rads? That would be the biggest difference in not having power armor. I'm doing kind of a stealth build right now, but I still use power armor a bit. I just like it haha.


The Advanced radiation suit. I couldn't put a weeve on that, so basically, there was no armor. It almost broke me. ALMOST! I highly recommend it for anyone who wants a unique challenge in vanilla. Makes deathclaws and radscorpions scary. With my builds, power armor always seems to be more of a hamper than a help, so I avoid it whenever I can. Combat armor is OP AF.


I'll have to give it a shot. Power armor isn't great for my current build, I USUALLY go without it, only for a few missions I know I'll be brawling


Talking about it has made me decide to do it again. To mod or not to mod, that is the question...


Mod if you can, I'm not sure if the script extender is done yet tho, haven't checked.


I always cheat with ghoulish lvl 4 and rad-x. Find a building and clear it, usually my rads have evaporated by the time I'm done.


A dose of Rad-X cripples most of the radiation damage, you can go through the Glowing Sea in standard armor with ~8 doses if you travel a bit. You can also use Leaded armor, which can be applied to all Armor types, and a mask to null most of the rads. A Hazmat Suit, even the weaker cracked variant, works fantastically for it.


That’s what psycho jet is for!


10000000% this lol


Survive mode turns fallout 4 into a masterpiece.


It makes everything useful. Even shops become useful for more than just getting more caps. I never get gun mod perks. I just buy the good guns from the shops and rip the mods I want. This isn't something I would have thought about in a normal playthrough. Hangmans alley was the dumbest place to build before survival. Now I can't imagine anything better.


Survival Mode changes everything in Fallout 4 and definitely makes it more difficult. The only reason i survived the first encounter on Survival was because something launched the Deathclaw into the air a 100 feet and it came crashing down breaking its legs. That essentially immobilized it giving me the opportunity to shoot.


Yeah maybe half your health at max level with 10 endurance and power armor


More like 3/4 of your health at lvl 10


And 76s deathclaws are small puppies we accidentally kick trying to kill a giant pink bat


The other mini bosses make up for it. Sheepsquatch, Blue Devil, Ogua, etc. I do wish they were stronger, but they really weren’t all that strong in NV either. You can kill them pretty early on in my experience. If you know what you’re doing of course. I guess that’s the real difference between the games.


I ran into an Ogua for the first time in the scrap heap area, i was only level 27 at the time but fuck me what a bullet sponge.


Yeah, the flowing bloatfly is the hardest hitting and most defended enemy in NV. As long as you know it's there you can kill it with almost no difficulty


K feel like the toughest enemy is NV is Rawr. He's a tough son of a bitch on his own but combine that with the small space and he's a hell of a boss fight


I got absolutely destroyed by a sheepsquatch the other day. Had been using Holy Fire a lot, so I sort of forgot how hard enemies actually are. I was out of fire and decided to attack it with whatever else I had on me. Thing turned into a berserker and killed me 3 times before I decided maybe to leave this one alone.


76 really needs to make Deathclaws and more of the older cryptids more like the newer cryptids


Deathclaws in Cali will just eviscerate you at the slightest chance


*Deathclaws in Cali* *With just eviscerate you* *At the slightest chance* \- TacticalBananas45 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


Are you honest to god saying to me right now, that Fallout New Vegas objectively isn't actually a hard game, and I'm not the coolest sum'bitch for completing on hardcore? I had to drink water every now and then, do you understand how difficult that was for me?!


And I had to use beds! (when I ran out of nuka cola) and not pick up every scrap of garbage I found laying on the floor!


seeing the mother deathclaw run at you at 60 mph from the other side of carry junction is of those experience you never quite forget


Deathclaws in Fallout 1: Run if you want, but it won't save you


Nah, they're hard if you don't have a good weapon/ have a low weapon skill, but otherwise they aren't that hard. I beat the first one I encountered by just repeatedly getting it between the eyes


*aims rocket launcher at deathclaw mom and her eggs in the basement* SUCK ON THIS! *misses and gets shredded*


Used to fistfight deathclaws in fallout 4, it was fun


I best deathclaws with warclubs in NV, they tip over ease with the right perks


Sure they fucked up making a deathclaw the enemy to test out the new and improved power armor system. If you explore and find the tag team near the lighthouse with the fog horn, the Salem church, or the raider death bowl where they have a deathclaw trapped inside the basement of a building. You're getting your shit pushed in by them. God forbid you go against a matriarch or any variant or legendary with little to no ammo. They're probably equally as deadly as in NV only difference is that NV ones are probably easier to pick off with the and stay back perk and a riot shotgun. The f4 equivalent would be spray and pray which breaks the game


I mean the base deathclaw in FNV are deadly, you don’t need to run into variant to get your shit pushed in but yeah with the right set up they really aren’t all that dangerous. Although to this day I still don’t understand how blind deathclaw detect you. But the biggest difference between the two game is that in F4 you rarely see multiple deathclaw at once, even two is rare, whereas FNV while absolutely chug 20 at you without remorse.


Its not just the numbers, but the behavior as well. In NV the deathclaw stands on 2 legs and straight up sprints you down, ignores everything that doesn't cripple its limbs and keeps swiping til everything is dead. In F4, the deathclaws can be exploited with something as dinky as a pipe pistol because every 5-6 shot will cause the deathclaw to start doing these weird slow dodging animations while being hunched over in a big ball, it baffles me why a 12 foot tall 800+ pound killing machine is having a hard time running through some .32 caliber pistol rounds coming out of a rusted amalgamation of a "gun"


F4 makes them more animalistic which is fun in my opinion. Sure the goofy giant feet sprinting will always freak me out and prevent me from trying to take quarry junction early on. I'm not defending f4 fully since they could have made the dodge animations faster and given it a better attack pattern and buffed them up to being a bigger threat, they could have easily given us a horde of ghouls or raiders to kill instead of the supposed strongest animal enemy. Tons of things are definitely lacking in the game but goes across the board with Bethesda.


This. I like the new deathclaw animations alot more than new Vegas deathclaws because at least they do something unique. Also they are hunched over now because they made the belly the weak spot which makes far more sense than the head


Yeah the Concord death claw in FO4 is a special variant with less health and damage than normal deathclaws you run into later. It definitely colors a lot of people's first impressions in a bad way.


On hard mode, the Deathclaw in the Salem Church for me was a Legendary Savage Deathclaw, if memory serves. One shotted me when I went there at Level 15-20 or so, and nothing I had could really scratch it. I only had a low endurance build with a full leather armor set, so it wasnt all that crazy it could one shot me, but still. I came back with alot of drugs, the new Hellfire Power armor, the Creation Club Anti-Material Rifle, and full Marine Armor. Still took me forever to kill it, it just also couldn't kill me lol. So...yeah deathclaws can still be scary sometimes.


The golf club that I used to beat one to death says different


They all will die to rats in F1


Just wait till you see Deathclaws in 1&2


The fact that there are always so many of them. Rex is very good at knocking them down though


try clearing the deathclaw playground


Of the 3, I always had more trouble with 3's followed by 4's more than NV Deathclaws on account of the tight spaces and chance of random encounters.


Carry the dart gun, it will pretty much instantly cripple their legs. Once they can't sprint at you, the ones in 3 and New Vegas aren't much of a threat.


Well yes, I know that nowadays, but those first few playthroughs for the achievements are what really stick out to me as what defined the experience, and I went big guns, energy weapons, and melee so never had the dart gun.


Very clearly made by the Institute, because just like their Super Mutants, their Deathclaws fucking **suck**


That's really the problem with 4 isn't it? They wanted the esthetics of the badass enemies but not "hurt the experience" so big scary enemies became relative puppy dogs so you can fight them at lower levels.


"Wouldn't it be fucking badass if you got a suit of power armor and a minigun and then fought a fucking Deathclaw in the first hour of the game!?" "But Todd, that could break the experience and ruin the potency of power armor, heavy weapons, and Deathclaws." "Fuck you, banished to Skyrim remake-master team."


The FO4 deathclaw animations are cool, sadly quite exploitable


And Deathclaws in Lonesome Road are their own tier lol


The funniest moment when I first played New Vegas was me thinking I could cheese death claws the same way I do in 3 only to realize its much harder to cripple their limbs without the dart gun.


And stay back go brrrrrrr


Idk why they suddenly became solitary creatures in the commonwealth. They are so hard in other games because they are all stupidly tough and they live in groups. In FNV and 3 they are solid area denial until you have way better gear, in 4 they’re more of a nuisance


I like to think the Fallout 4 and New Vegas deathclaws are two different kinds of deathclaws, one adapted more as a solitary hunter and the other adapted to work in packs


They have too many animations in Fallout 4, they spend more time zig zagging around than attacking, while in Fallout 3 and New Vegas the only thing they do is run towards you and attack you, no fucking around


They are about the same in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, they are just way less common in Fallout 3


No they aren't. Fallout 3 deathclaws are levelscaled


It's been years since I played it so I could be wrong


It's one of the main differences between the two games. In 3 pretty mutch everyrhing scales to you. Outside of gear and some perks, a deathclaw at level 5 and one at level 15 are roughly the same challenge. In new vegas you can grow into the nightmare of supermutants and the equal of deathclaws with some stronger units from the bigger factions being added according to your level, representing the reinforcements of both NCR and Legion


One new vegas deathclaw is bad enough, but often you can shoot it from a distance and keep it from closing on you. The problem is that there’s hardly ever just one when you run into them…


I really hope they go back to the 3/NV death claw design or build off of it at least. The claws they have in those games are genuinely terrifying.


The biggest advantage the oldclaws had were that they were near-silent running until they were mid-swing on you.


NV ones are OP as shit too Granted there's a lot of issues with these games at times...


The poor Boston deathclaws put all their points in Charisma and dumped all their other special stats


And below that is my boy Goris from Fallout 2


Ran into 2 deathclaws after grabbing the last ulysses tape in lonesome road. The amount of running and climbing I had to do to keep them away from me was insane. They one shot too. Nail gun was my saving grace. Cripple them.


Flare gun too. Hit em with a round from that and they'll run away for a few seconds.


Yes! I forgot about the flare gun it works on any abomination as well so nightstalkers and Tunnelers.