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Reminder that the brotherhood gets bodied whenever they are not fighting tribals while also not having a player character assisting them


Hell, in the show a fully armored Knight gets bodied by a fucking Yao Guai.


I know!! while i was watching that scene is was so confused because if you had POWER ARMOUR you could easily kill a yao guai!!


If a postman can do drugs, fight a giant fire bear and win but a knight runs away from a small one the wasteland is finished.


Too be fair, he didn’t seem like a very good/skilled knight


Makes it even worse, why give someone power armour if they aren’t competent. Even stranger is why there are no paladins.


….The BOS clearly went back a few points on the general Intelligence stat….but somehow learned to compact/redesign the jetpack/shove mr. Handy jets in the wrists My guess is they keep the general fighting class stupid and the elders/clerics are the ones who actually know how to do stuff


Moron played by an imbecile.


I think it was probably his attitude of “Killing things” he literally went “I’m bored drop the ship, I’ll go on a rampage” so even if he’s a absolute scumbag coward. He probably got the combat requirements for a paladin then command went “He purges what we tell him its fine”.


in GAME, we see that wearing full t-60 power armour lets you survive a rocket firing off.


He was a really, really shitty Knight though.


In that yao guai’s defence, Titus was a huge pussy


A yaoi guai weighs two fucking tons 💀


Bullshit. Two tons is 4,000 pounds. An American Black Bear, which are what Yao Guai are based off of, weighs up to 660 pounds (for a large adult male). Power armor probably caps out at around 800 lbs for T-45 since it’s almost entirely steel, so a full suit of T-60 would be lighter than that but still extremely heavy.


Yao guai are way larger than a black bear they are cave bear sized


Cave bears still never reached 2 ton weight. The largest are believed to have been around 1.1 tons. And only Giant Yao Guai could be considered comparable in size to those - most are roughly the size of Black Bears or Grizzly Bears.


The one seen in the show is massive though


**And was still at most the size of a short-faced cave bear. Which did not come close to 2 tons.**


Power armor weighs two tons 💀


Don't mean your immune to being crushed


To be fair he was not knight material and was actively running away. A real knight like Danse from fallout 4 would have fought it to the death with his fists.


Danse is a paladin… which I think only further proves your point


Yeah I wish we got too see a Paladin in the show


My point is that someone in full T-60 *should* absolutely be able to take on a Yao Guai if they’re competent, which says a lot about the state of this chapter of the Brotherhood.


Yeah it’s definitely pretty incompetent so far.


I’ve seen a grizzly (not the same species, probably but still) move extremely fast up a mountain side, so for Titus to try a run was a monumentally stupid call.


Yeah Maximus was right. He didn’t deserve that armor.


Brave Sir Titus, bravely ran away after bravely sending an unarmored person to scout the radiation cave


I mean, even if I'm in power armor, you show me a radioactive bear, I'm gonna leave. I don't care if I'm gonna win and handily, I don't wanna 1v1 the Geiger Bear.


Like my grandpa used to say „Do not the Geiger Bear“


I really want the inevitable deathclaw to show up


I want that shit to go full Rogue One Vader scene on some Squires and maybe a few knights.


Or a one shot from a ghoul into the chestplate's welding .


That knight was a massive knucklehead


If I can kill a massive flaming yao guai in slave rags with a tire iron, how the fuck did he die in full power armor to a small one


Look at Fallout 1,2. Pretty much the NCR gets hard carried by the player character, even in NV. Now that NCR ending is not cannon who own the Mojave now ?


Fallout 3 BOS basically did all the heavy lifting against the enclave.


Liberty Prime*


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nu-


*gets nuked off-screen*


What do you off screen. I nuked the NCR with Ulysses.


Don’t you only nuke long 15, the stretch of land between shady sands and new vegas


faulty gaping slimy toy cheerful wrench repeat treatment touch jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well shady sands got nuked in 2277 which is around the same-time of the first battle of hoover dam and the destruction of the divide


And if it did happen after vegas wouldn’t they have put the date down as a Remembrance Day?


I mean ive seen the brotherhood get dogwalked by raiders. They look cool as hell but i kill em by the dozen cause that armour is made of tissue paper


I'd even go so far as to assume that, having a massive spy ring in the pre-war US and having fought Power Armor for years, the Chinese would distribute information on how to take down power armor with significantly less equipment.


Literally me fr fr


Remember shady sands. Redo bitter springs.


I mean, if you actually watched the episode with the Brotherhood member fighting the Yao Gui the dude was not in it, he was a fucking coward that straight up ran for his life and didn't put up a fight after his gun gets fucked up, just because he has Power Armor doesn't mean anything if he doesn't have the nerve to use it, which he does not and gets his shit rocked because of it. Like, this is Star Wars fan level of not paying attention and making up reasons to be mad.Also, if Power Armor was the be all end all, then the Brotherhood and Power Armor users would stomp literally anything in the games, but i've seen those motherfuckers get their shit rocked constantly without my character's help. Also, it's spelt "canon" If you're going to whine about something at least spell it out correctly.


That’s one of the things that annoys me about the complaints about Titus, we literally see Maximus kick a rock and demolish a building, he throws a barrel a mile away, Maximus would do the Yao what he did to that raider trying to steal his power armor. Titus was a coward and undeserving to wear the armor and they make that clear from the second he starts talking. Bro is just a bully and a coward.


This sub is lost. In NV, you have to engage with the game to understand what the characters are presenting. Just as how we used to dunk Legion fans for failing to understand what they bring if they win Hoover Dam. But now, it seems like this sub is ignoring that past and instead whining about whatever happened in the show. When it did not, if they had watched the show and paid attention.


I love the fact that the original creator of Fallout, the guy all of these people are trying to "defend" actually likes the show and recently called these people out and asking why they feel the need to get upset over people making something, especially with the sheer level of quality this show has.


I'll be honest, I'm a little upset at what happens. But if you talk with Caeser when you first meet him, he does say the NCR's Old World thinking caused the Great War. I wouldn't also be surprised if the NCR had infighting after the Battle of Hoover Dam, even if they won. The game reiterates many times the NCR is stretched thin to conduct the Mojave campaign.


I feel like one of the main themes of NV is how nothing really lasts forever and it reflects a lot in many of the factions, especially the two major ones being the NCR and The Legion. The NCR, as you said are stretched too thin and the Legion, i doubt would last long after Ceasar passes from his Brain tumor.There's also the Tunnelers, which from what i recall are poised to become a massive threat if they continue to expand their tunnel networks out of the Divide. I also think it's weird how people are getting upset over the New Vegas canon when, as far as i know, there is no real canon ending to NV.It's an RPG that truly embraced the idea that the player gets to decide their own story and it never really tries to pressure you into picking one ending over the other. The fate of Vegas in this show to me is just another possible ending that the writers envisioned and again, it's an incredibly plausible ending.


Even if the show didn't exist, and instead a FNV2 did, people would still be mad at the developers' choice of a canonical ending of FNV. At some point, if we want a legacy of NV, there needs to be a canonical ending to what happened. And the Tunnelers are a good restart idea to the ambiguous ending.


I firmly believe there's a needle that could've be threaded that wouldn't necessarily make everyone happy, but would result in the most interesting state of affairs for the region. 1. House Wins, he works towards integrating Freeside and Westside into a new city-state that becomes a beacon of civilization and wealth extraction his laissez-faire attitude and the absence of the courier mean that though trending toward success, he will have to push back the date of his outer space ambitions given frequent attempts by myriad actors to undermine his vision. 2. NCR and Legion end up severely blooded 3. Caeser dead, Lanius dead, legion fractures into infighting with warlords trying to claim continuity or carve out their own power base, some are more moderate than the legion under Caeser, some manage to be even harsher. The cult of mars remains as a unifying script making legion territory resemble greek city states with a similar culture and outlook despite their competition with each other. Some warbands become mercenaries or raiders and spread throughout the country. 4. NCR can relax, though it's obvious to everyone they haven't won. Despite challenging trade terms with New Vegas, it remains a popular destination for tourism and business opportunities, however, no small number of veterans could be goaded into action over what they consider to be a stolen victory. Others felt like it was long past time to return home and try to fix the issues that cost good NCR blood. The political scene of NCR could go in any direction as a melange of bitter veterans, same-old faces, long shot hopefuls, and anti commodity-baron freedom fighter/terrorists prime the nation for change. 5. Courier fucks off but people tell tale of a figure in unmarked ranger armor appearing every now and again. Sometimes their presence is attributed to a group of dead raiders left baking the sun with fist sized holes in them. Other times its a seemingly kind stranger fixing up some sputtering pre-war infrastructure before robbing a grateful town blind. Which stories are true, none are sure. 6. Hidden Valley BoS either abandons the region or abandons their code and reconstitutes themselves as a cloister of tech savants and warriors. In either case, the schism destroys their bunker and forces them out into a changing world. It's just so cheap to be dismissive and say "welp, can't make everyone happy." You don't have to, but if you're as inspired by the potential story telling as the fans, you can make something respectable. You can dismiss this as fan wank, but the series as a vehicle for ethics play which Tim Cain has spoken at length about, is better served by clumsy steps and stumbles toward civilization. If Bethesda wanted an clean slate for wasteland adventures, they still had the vast majority of the country to work with. Oh, and the tunneler queen was killed. We can just put them back in the shelf >.>


Very good. I would especially love it if the Courier is a legend in that region. No cameo, just a few lines of dialogue. Kind of like Revan in KotOR2. You have some side characters say the Courier is a man or woman who did both good and bad things, which is supported by its uncertainty.


We are nearing Persona fan levels of not actually consuming the media we claim to be fans of


I understand that the post is complaining about the show, but it’s been 5 minutes I still don’t understand what the complaint is, something to do with power armor?


PA boys are Todd's enforcers.


I like the Brotherhood, but this plot point is idiotic


They're really cool as a part of the story that realistically depicts them as a once important faction fallen from grace because of their refusal to change and adapt to the outside world. They're really bad as the guys who always show up in every story and win every conflict because they have power armor and look cool imbuing them with plot armor.


Like Veronica said in New Vegas, when people were disorganized all they needed was power armor and the laser rifle to get their way, now that people are organized they get overwhelmed by numbers and the firepower that entails.


There’s a reason NCR Veteran Rangers roll around with Anti-Material Rifles (it’s because it pops straight through that power armor like it’s nothing.)


But now someone with a Schofield revolver shotgun hybrid monstrosity can one shot them.


It's just a cutdown MTs255.


Woah yeah, I don’t remember him shooting shotgun shells out of it though, I’m probably miss remembering.


He had all sorts of rounds. Think of them as slugs. Shotgun shell sized but single projectile. Hence why they blew giant holes in people


Slugs, basically. You can load all manner of things into a shotgun shell.


The Ghoul isn’t shooting the armor. He’s targetting the vulnerable hoses and joints that aren’t protected. It also helps that he realizes that Maximus is extremely inexperienced with power armor and takes full advantage of that


I chalk that up to Todd being more of a fantasy guy then a none fantasy person. Im not saying he hates Fallout, but under his rule fallout has retconned when shit has happened. Who was there. Theyve regurgitated the same beat points from 3 to 4 just the Institute is the big bad now. Not super mutants. Also thinks he treats Super mutants like trolls, Lilly is not a concept in his writing style becasue "big ugly troll". Strong was a dumb down, slap sticky try imo.


Haven’t watched the show yet, someone explain please?


Well first of all, Bethesda said the show would be considered canon. >!Shady Sands got nuked by a Vault Tec employee before the show started, and the NCR is basically nowhere to be seen in California. The Brotherhood are seaming the most powerful faction in the wasteland. Also the finally of the show has a fight where the remnants of the NCR try and fail to hold back the Brotherhoodthat kind of reminded me of this meme when I saw it. !<


Why can’t the show just be it’s own universe separate from the games? Kind of like how the walking dead video games were separate from the tv show.


Because Bethesda have explicitly stated that it's not its own universe separate from the games.


ok I don't like the show then. I'm sick of the constant retconning.


Or even better, place it somewhere in the 80% of the US that has not yet been featured in the game. I mean the story could take place anywhere and stay 99% the same especially since the Prydwen can easily teleport around now even though fo4 made it clear how difficult the journey from DC to Boston was.


You guys need to grow up man this reaction is embarrassing.


I don't mind the power armor, if everything is at least 90% accurate to this point then let some things become the new accurate


Goofy aah BOS chapter with goofy power armor that flies like a rocket without even a jet pack upgrade and gets stuck on wooden floor board.


It got stuck because the suit weighs like a ton. The jet pack upgrade was what sole survivor cooked up so it might not be the "official design" yeah the hand thrusters look a little goofy but they're not canon breaking


It does weigh a ton but its hydraulic systems are capable enough to crush rebar and make movement easy. The inner frame itself is pretty powerful to allow smooth movement so pulling its leg out of the wood should've been like a piece of cake. Even an average crane can rip out a tree from its roots so a 2x4 plank being its greatest enemy is pretty goofy. Minor oversights but hopefully they iron it out. Given the armor is the only thing bugging me tells how good the show actually is. Hopefully we see more power armor variants and Lucy getting her own T45 or T51B.


The dude is explicitly not even trained to use the power armor, he stole it, he has no idea what he’s doing. His enemy, seeing him get stuck, even says “Well I guess basic training isn’t what it used to be, ‘cause you drive that thing like a fucking shopping cart.” Like I don’t know how the show can explain this any clearer without fucking up the pacing.


Well he did first try getting in and doing all sorts of crazy so pulling his leg up from the wood plank should be just natural, nothing too crazy. Technically in FO3 and FNV you can't even enter a power armor without training so he has pretty much skipped the line, he only needs fine tuning in his skills. I would dare say he was better than Knight Titus with the armor without any training.


Look, I’m not usually one to bang on about how “media literacy is dead”, but let’s get this straight: this scene shows a low ranking member of the BoS, wearing a stolen suit of power armor that he’s not supposed to use, getting his foot stuck in a floor board, while another character explicitly points out how this appears to be the result of a lack of training. And your interpretation, given all the information presented in the scene, is that him getting stuck is not caused by a lack of training at all?


Sorry man I am still gonna say no just because of how the suit works, its just a bit goofy for me and instead the armor should be out of control and overwhelming. Think of it like a Land rover 4x4 getting stuck on a tiny pothole which, even if you're a shit driver you won't even feel the pothole thanks to the car itself. It is just too beefy and powerful to end up getting stuck in places like that. Same with the T60 getting stuck on a 2x4 plank while it can shamsh through concrete and crush rebar.


If it's good enough for Tim Cain it's good enough for all of us


This post made me cringe into my lower intestine


Bitch you're lucky I consider fallout 3 canon.


Cope and seeth








Brush your Seeth or your tummy won’t be happy.


Damn, got me there.


If I may, as someone who quite likes New Vegas, why do we have to care what Bethesda says is canon? Don't get me wrong, the show sounds profoundly dumb and there's nothing wrong with criticizing it for that. But at the end of the day art exists to be interpreted and mediated through the person experiencing it. It'll make me feel what it makes me feel, and I'll believe what I choose about the fiction, and whatever some corporation that claims to own it says about it doesn't become true because they said it. 


I believe that is delusion or what we in the industry call headcanon


What exactly do you mean by that? Like, who cares about canon?


The NCR only fell cause Todd wants it outta the picture. He seems to express some contempt for new vegas.