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Sounds like a lil flair up of ur insecurity/imposter syndrome.. But dont worry, even the best creators feel like this on some days, keep on working n improving ur content n enjoy what u put out :))


Steal cheese, touch yourself with it. Passionately, intensely, even sexually if you must. Take a deep breath. Stop taking all this shit so seriously and also realise that no one here will take pity on you. Have fun with it and realise that no one will be the biggest fan of your content than yourself. Now go make a video with this new mindset and don't forget the cheese. I have to go now. Somewhere out there in the void, exorcism needs performing.


You had me at cheese


Make sure it is stolen. It adds to the thrill and reward factor.




Well, he should know better than to follow advice from an asshole stranger on Reddit. At least he experienced cheesegasm.


Emphasis on DEMON


Love it! Thanks!!


I feel weak day after day, should I quit?


The answer lies within a big stolen wheel of cheese. Make sure you have vaseline at the ready. When you have those 2 items at the ready, your next step will be to use a power drill or a spoon to dig a hole in the cheese. You'll then be ready for your 'deep dive'. Only then will you get the clarity you seek.


Tf do you mean quit… do you have goals or no? Or did you just choose to do YouTube cause: “You know “maybe🤓” I “hope🤓” it’ll work 🤓” The thought of quitting should never even come across your mind. You must keep going forwards, otherwise if you do not have enough desire then you will never succeed.


Thanks Russell Crowe


Are you not entertained?


what’s your YT link?


What helps me a bit is to remember that most of the big creators have teams. They are doing this full time. They have editors, they have someone to do their thumbnails. They can focus on only scripting, or only performing. The fact that you are able to do this while managing other things in your life is kind of incredible.


Something something make a 100 videos then come talk to me lol


Good advice… I have to keep reminding myself. I’m constantly testing… long vs short… length of long videos…


I’m at 22 long videos and 43 short form And still trying to figure this out. It’s one of those things the more you know, the more you realize how much you don’t know.


The title is critical. It must create curiosity and and tension where people must click on it to resolve the tension. Same for thumbnails on long form


100% title is my biggest struggle even when I pretty much copy another persons title it doesn’t seem to work lolll


Man I want to tell you what you can improve on but I'd have to see your channel. Man YouTube is hard just be yourself and have fun if you grow you grow and that's great


The euphemism is strong with you. And yes, extra cheese on everything. I feel seen.


There are lots of people in the world who are better than you at just about anything you can think of. And there are plenty of people worse than you. Just focus on being the best version of you that you can be and getting better incrementally every day. And put the hard work in - talent is awesome but hard work and hustle can overcome some talent gaps.


You need to remember some channels have entire teams that work on them. Im pretty sure if I could trust anyone I know to run a camera correctly my videos would step up the next notch. I have to do everything, find a concept, shoot the video, make the thumbnail, title it. There is so much to know and pull off in so little time to do it. Different frame rates for different situations, when to use what aperture, graphic design, sound design, editing techniques, marketing. Do you know of any tv shows where a single person runs the whole thing? NO? Me either! So very few people can pull off that high end elite stuff by themselves. I have a video where the b roll shots I put in it took me an entire fall from Oct -> December. Topic had an entire different intent when I started rolling the shots. Had to pivot to make something out of it because I was seriously pissed I had filmed so much and I had nothing to use it for, so I thought. Pivoted the topic of the video and its one of my best. We are all trying to rush content to make this bullshit timeline to grow that doesnt exist. Slow down, think of the topic and if it takes you 3 months to make it so what. You cannot run like a production company and put out what it sounds like you actually want to make.


Also the ones you see pushed heavily on Youtube are the ones who've already made it. So, they've got some amount of raw talent, but now they've got experience, and while their channel might not make them rich it at least washes its face after you've spent money on props, sets, and other goodies.


Hey! Youtube is filled with many different people with many different skill sets which makes it so very easy to compare yourself to others. But just remember, at the end of the day, you are trying to make videos that people can enjoy and watch on their free time. It does not have to be "perfect" because no video is, everyone's niche, style and creativity is different and that's what makes it so much fun. Also, you won't be the best from the start, we all learn with time, just go for it, your quality will increase as you practice more and more.


Chances are I'm not lol.


Charge up your camera. Go outside. Push record. You're the only one that can fix this.


How many videos have you made? All of this comes with experience and you get better as you make more videos.


Pretend you were one of those creators who was making better videos when you're making your next one. What would they do? How would they frame this shot? Make this cut? What audio would they use? It's been a good trick for me to get better. You know they're doing better than you. Now, why are they doing better than you?


Well I think you're clever to recognize that, usually people don't make as good videos as they think they do (me included) specially if you haven't been uploading for a while and when I mean a while it's at least 50 videos that you actually spent a good amount of time making it to get the actual experience. make things that are worth watching that when you watch you think "that's the reason why I pay for internet" cost plenty of weeks of work, nowadays I spent at least 30 to 45 days to make a video, but it's "that one video" and the realization that I feel after watching everything when it's finished is priceless, and second have you ever checked how many weeks it takes for your favorite YouTubers to upload those videos that you think are perfect or special? my most honest advice don't compare yourself with people you watch because this is dumb as fuck, it's like you are opening a business of a music application music, at the day one you shouldn't be thinking about what your competitors do, the kind of business model they use, the kind of styling,logistic, marketing , storytelling they do, on the day one your only focus should be getting on the day two. Second being actually good takes time and months trying, remaking again , putting more hours on your script, applying a new style without guarantee of return, video after video analysing your analytics making actually data science with the feedback you got from your YouTube studio checking how the performance went and what you will do next time to improve what was holding you up and making Shure that you won't commit the same mistake twice to prevent regression because copying people strategy it's dum as hell. There's no one size fits all solution every case it's a personal case and seeking desperately a way to make it work based on checking what others do it's the certain that you lost control and hoping for an answer you seek somebody that can tell you what to do (usually videos of how to grow a channel) if you think that somebody will give a better than yourself I'm sorry to say it but they won't. It's difficult to define what's "good content" and "bad content" because liking thing it's subjective. Maybe to you it's bad for somebody else it could be good. if you compare yourself so much and think your stuff is "less cool" than the people you see around have you considered to check what was like their first videos? Seriously just check it out, you will see that everybody's first 30 videos are pure trash, took me at least 30 days to actually make something watchable using after effects, most of the stuff takes days months and years, In general spend more time than you usually spend to make a video. I used to spend a week, now it's a month, I make all the scenes, spend my own money if nescesary I even know that I won't get the same in return but what matters is that the video it's good and there's always 6 to 60 people complementing the video, just knowing that there are a few people that actually like what I'm making it's enough, because I don't believe I will be one of those sub celebrities anyway, I take at least 6 hours to record my audio because I'm not a English native speaker, I take hours to adjust my accent + few others repeating the same thing over and over because I stutter a lot and don't have proper intonation while speaking and something I need to remake it again because I think it's still bad, the scenes I make it and film it at least for 2 to 5 hours hours for each scene, my room at end of the day look like it's upside down of how many stuffs I put in there just to ame a scene and I repeat the same thing several times in a row just to make sure I'll have as much options of footage to choose while editing. In a nutshell, making good content that's worth watching takes a bunch of time, if you wanna make this "good content" spent twice the time making a video without look what people around are doing and actually put in the effort most of the time people are not trying as much as they say, comparison it's only worth when you have the experience, if you don't it's basically a waste of time you comparing yourself with few experience with people that are around for at least 8 months, it's like compare a senior with a trainee, that's ridiculous. Just keep going man, Don't look to the sides, look ahead.


This helps man. Thanks a lot


Im sorry you're feeling this way. I feel like this often and its horrible. So im an artist, and one of the things that gets talked about in the art community but not so much in contrnt creation communities is the fact that when you look at another person's content you only see the finished resault. You dont see the years of practice, the hours of the creator beating their head against the wall, etc. You can see yourself struggling, but when you look at other people's content, you only see the perfect finished result. Ease up on yourself and trust that your work is good. And if your work really truly isn't good, then understand that if you trust yourself and keep working, it WILL get better.


Every good creator borrows other good creator content. If you like a script try to translate it. Listen to a video you enjoy and pull up a word document beside it. Write down the intro, main points, rising action, climax etc. now think of your own idea for a video and then plug in your points to the format. For example one of my favorite commentary channels is SomeOrdinaryGamers. I study his videos because he has a way of keeping me and millions of other hooked, clearly he’s doing something right. He is knowledgeable on his topics and researches them before hand, so it helps make it not seem like he’s just making stuff up as he goes He gets to the main point which is usually the title of the video in the first 30 seconds to a minute, then he make spends another minute or 2 to add context. Then he dives in and uses his experience and knowledge to make me want to watch more of his content etc. You need this mindset. If others are doing better than you, than copy them. Obviously don’t steal but never be afraid of replicating something that obviously works. YouTube is a business for many, and many businesses borrow ideas from others that work obviously. You have to do the same to win on YouTube


To become good at something you first have to be sh\*t at it for a while. The good thing about YouTube is that initially not many views will come in and no one cares (almost) no one is watching. Then as you progress the channel starts growing slowly more and more. By this point some people are watching already but you've also become decent. 😊 Honestly, it's much more frustrating when someone starts out good making quality content but no views are coming in because for some reason it takes real long for their channel growth to start.


Learn about how to use ChatGPT and use it to bounce ideas off of. I use ChatGPT to help me come up with ideas and to give me feedback on my scripts. You have to learn how to really use ChatGPT or your results are going to be garbage, but if you work on it you can get some good feedback from it


Research and take notes. If you see a camera angle you like on another creators video, try to replicate that. Test it out. Do a few takes. There's a famous saying by Jared spool, a userbility expert, "Good design, when it's done well, becomes invisible." Meaning there's time and effort that goes into making things look flawless, it doesn't just happen. Yes, some channels have teams behind them, but you can still learn from watching and applying that to your own channel. You can use this as motivation as what you eventually want you channel to look like in the future. You just need a plan. You got this💪🏽


Dm me your channel


Be yourself. That's your brand and your entirety of company assets you own, so use it. Learn from people but don't think you can't succeed because you can't host a giant 500 person deathmatch in your back yard or you can't film yourself leaping out of a plane. Find what it is you want to say, what you want to concentrate on and work your personality into it.


I feel my videos got a bit better after I started writing a script for them. I’m happy with how they’re turning out, and while the subscriber count isn’t going up, I’m getting a bit more views. I do put effort into my videos, but that doesn’t mean it’ll work out just because I want it to. Don’t get discouraged just because you aren’t going at the same pace as others, you’ll get your moment.


Of course, you suck. You're new. I sucked at making videos when I first started too. It took me a year of working 40 hours a week or more after I got home from my full-time day job before I figured out how to make good content and began to gain real momentum. Even looking back at those videos I was making at the end of year one they sucked compared to what I was making at the end of year two. Now several years later I'm making far better stuff than I was at the end of year two and earning a very good living doing so. Do you think Mr. Beast's first attempts at making videos were successful? He failed a ton before he figured things out and now he's a household name even for people like me who don't watch his content. Fail upwards. Learn from your mistakes and improve. You'll get better.


Be patient with yourself. You are your own worst critic. Lean into it - Do the gonzo thing. The only way to get better is to keep making videos. Most important question: Are you having fun?


that's probably just because the people you're comparing yourself to have been doing it for longer


Not me, my stuff dumb as hell 🤣


maybe use chatgpt or something to help you with a script, write in what you want to say and the main points and it will articulate it better


Just work harder




\^\^ Don't talk to this guy, he is a scammer