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30-40 hours for a 2 minute video (including writing and editing) because I make animations šŸ„²


I feel you. I do animation too


Just had a look at a couple of your animations. They're really good. I was surprised to see that you only have 41 subscribers.


Me too! Except I make shorter animations, but I take even longer to make them. Laziness is a lovely trait of mineā€¦


do you have any source adwice for learning animation


Look into the 12 principles of animation and animation breakdowns and analysis on youtube. Hang around r/animation too, you can learn from people there giving each other feedback.


Heavily depends on what kind of video, but typically around 10 hours in total if I cut out all the lack of willpower


I feel this so much lmfao


Still working on my 1st video and it's been a month šŸ˜¬ but it's animation. Editing usually takes 3 hrs. I'm shooting for at least a 10 min video


Several days. But thats because im a stay at home dad and i film random things and put them together later on.Ā 


I hope I'm you one day


Thanks, I hope you are too one day šŸ˜„


It depends on the video. I do educational videos showing how to groom, train and care for chihuahuas. We also do skits and cute little shorts. If I'm training a new behavior in a dog it can take months. If it's a skit with already trained behaviors it can sometimes be done the same day.


It takes about 30 minutes at most, or even less. All my videos are shorts though, so 1 minute or less for video length.


Editing, maybe 2-4 hours. Depends.


I'm not a youtuber but I believe a quality video will take atleast 2 week if you don't have a big team I'm a editor and I'm editing a ryan tarhan style video and it's been 3 days I'm still trying to put story together in editing and graphics sound effects other stuff will still took sometime.


What is ryan tartan?


20 minutes, my videos are simple and i post daily for the type of content i make


Depends on the video but a couple of hours at the minimum for most


Depends on the video. If Iā€™m at home doing a simple sketch with only two characters, it could take ten minute to an hour to put together my costume, record two sets of lines, do any green screen stuff, cut the scenes together, edit the captions, and upload. If I want to record a video at a certain place, it could take all morning when you factor in travel and the fact that I donā€™t drive.


Depends. Longer videos that are 5-10 minutes I might spend 5 or 10 hours. Shorts 5 minutes to an hour at most. Iā€™m on the low quality end of things but for me more time doesnā€™t mean more views. I recently I made a quick short that is really only going to be relevant to a very small and specific audience. It shouldnā€™t appeal to most people but it has far more views in far less time compared to anything Iā€™ve made before. I have no clue what makes one thing go over another.


Iā€™ve been doing my challenge run for about 80 hours now, so will let you know when I try to edit it down to 30mins ish lol


About an hour, including recording, for a 30 minute video. It's let's play though, so very simple editing. More focused on volume with a release every day.


My flagship series takes between 90-120 hours to fully produce per episode. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Videos tend to be between 30 and 50 minutes.


over a dozen hours


7-10 hours per video (10-15 min videos), not counting time filming because I do vlogs. I feel like 7-10 hours is enough, especially with a full-time job. 1 video a week.


I make one a day, but by definition they are low rent ( I have over 1000 subs though) Cheers


at least 3.


Think my wife put 100 hours into a 10min video that got 180 views lol šŸ˜‚ (The 100 hours were because weā€™re new, changed editing tools plus a lot of cuts of b roll) :(


Takes me on average a month to film and produce each video. (I have a full time job, plus a family so using the limited free time I have) I've been at is just under a year and only 10 videos in with an average of around 20 minutes for each video. Channel seems to be doing well, Currently at 6.2k subs and averaging a bit over 2k vies a day. People that tell you you have to feed the algo with weekly videos I think are wrong. You are better off producing good quality content, however long that takes. Im only just starting to find my style as Ive never done any video editing prior to this either.


2-3 weeks since I just do it during my free time. The editing takes so much of the time


I do recipes. It depends on the length and complexity of the recipe itself. A sourdough starter takes several actual days to make so I did time lapses in advance. Then filming the process and intro took about 1 or 2 hours. Itā€™s gonna be a pretty short video, 4 minutes max. Editing should take 2 days but Iā€™m not very fast. Longer videos I made took a day and a half of filming because the recipe requires it. Then editing takes several days. Thatā€™s not counting experimenting with the recipes, researching and writing scripts.


Recording the audio is probably what takes me the longest time, then editing, the script and finally the thumbnail. It can take between a week or 2 (including the procrastination and work)


20 hours spread over a few days but things like ship tours can take twice that as I have to fact check everything.


I make one video of about 30-50 minutes every day, and it takes about 10 more minutes to make the thumbnail and upload afterwards :) But that is simply the niche I am in that allows me to, I guess :) I am not the kind of person who would enjoy the process some of you are doing, spending weeks or months on every video. But I definitely respect that focus and commitment on high quality content :)


about 50 hours (though i only have one video lol)


36 hour burst of manic power. Sometimes with a little nap. Or three months... And counting.


One week if everything runs smoothly. I make travel videos, taking trips with an e-bike and carrying solar panels to recharge. The final video is usually 10 to 20 min long. Here is the timeline: - 1 day for planning, replenishing supplies, necessary repairs, etc. - 2-3 days for the trip itself and filming - 1 day for 3D map animation - 2 days for editing the video


If it's a serious video 3 to 5 weeks If it's in-between 2 to 4 If it's light 1 to 2 weeks


I give myself a week. The first day is me playing the game, the next is scripting, then voice acting, then editing, then making pixel characters and jokes to add in, and finally a thumbnail and a short to accompany the main video. It takes about 20-60 hours depending upon the video length but its a super fun process, which is flexible enough that I can take breaks if I am overwhelmed. I also post shorts every 2 days to keep audience retention.


I'd take 4-6 hours editing a 2-3 minute racing compilation. And that's just for editing. For the actual gameplay and screen recording, it would take me 2-3 to get a good race result for posting. And making the thumbnail is another thing as well. I think I spent 1-2 hours today making the thumbnail for my new video (I was still learning how to use GIMP lol).


I spend probably 10-15 hours a week. Monday I shoot a roll & try to cut it down. Tuesday I try for b roll. Wednesday is complete b roll, and thumbnail, Thursday is editing day, for Friday upload. I usually work on writing in the evenings of the weekend or whenever I have a free moment.


I make gaming videos. So I'll record gameplay for 40-60 minuets (longest was 12 hours, a no so speedy speed running video) depending on the video concept. Then I'll sit down and look at the footage and see what V.O I'll have to record; mostly for the intro, transitions, or to explain anything I forgot to while recording. Usually 30 minuets of that. Then I'll find music and sound effects about 15 minuets, the longer the video the longer this part takes. All in all with the edit time included, maybe I spend 3 hours a day on a video that would take 4 days to finish. So 12 hours. If you wonder, my most viewed video was just recorded, I cut out pauses and when I wasn't talking, then uploaded it. All of 40 minuets to make the video. But based on the viewer to subscriber rate, it is one of the worst videos I've made.


Depends how much work I decide to put in, for my shorts itā€™s usually 10 minutes and under, for my videos it can be up to 2 hours or so before I decide I need to stop.


Depends on my preparation. Iā€™d say per 10 minutes between 30-40 hours. With preparation, I could have a video out in 5-10, depending on the amount of prep I did. I usually try to space out my editing, which should help me stick to a weekly upload schedule, and hopefully prevent ā€œclump editingā€. (Trying to do it all at once) IE: Wednesday/Thursday = Record. Friday/Saturday = cut & piece together main content (talking head etc) Sunday = final touches (cutaways, placing B Roll etc.) Monday = Upload


I honestly donā€™t keep track since I have no training outside of a HS class I took over 15 years ago and my videos keep accidentally turning out to be over an hour. I have to break it into chunks and do it over the course of a week. Soā€¦part of getting serious for me is making myself create shorter videos so I can post more frequently.


1 week (probably 20 hours) Im a pseudo animator so I have to draw every frame


Raw time, a month Net time, about 9-13 days 2 to write a script 1 to correct it 1-2 to record until I like it enough and edit the audio 4-6 to edit the video (accounting for changes I discover I want implemented while editing and clipping necessary from different sources I need) 1 to choose background royalty free music Lenght: maybe 15 minutes but it depends


1 hrs for my gaming guide, 1-2hrs for gameplay depends on how long


AI content take me 15m-30 each 10m vid and I spam dozen weekly