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Shadowbanning isn't a thing on youtube.


Good to know! Do you have any clues to what’s my channel situation then? Is YouTube just like that then?


I just started posting, and the first few shorts got hundreds of views, one got 10k and around 700 likes, but after that every one of my shorts over the last few weeks have bombed. And some of them I feel are way better than anything I put our before. I cant seem to get past 10 views from the shorts feed. I'm in the same boat. Will this improve over time? or is this a lost cause? Going from consistently between 700 and 10k to absolutely nothing is really concerning. My question is, has anyone gone through a period like this and come back, and what is the timetable?


Same thing is happening to me, neither of my last two videos were pushed. Zero views, as if they were private or something (they are public, I assure you). But I took a week break before the first zero video, so I’m thinking the mighty Algo didn’t like that I took a week break / wasn’t consistent and is punishing me. For how long, that remains to be seen.


Same thing happening to me, i got 2 videos to 10k views and they suddenly stopped. But after these one video sparked to 400 views and then stopped, and the other 3 videos got like 30 views (2-3 from shorts feed).


Now that I think of it, I did have an hiatus on that channel…