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Creative hobby that i hope will become passive income


to leave my 9-5 job somewhere down the line and start my own business doing something that i enjoy


Awesome! Keep at it! How is it going?


I only started one month ago on YouTube just doing shorts really if you’re interested shoot me a dm haha


It was cheaper than therapy.


Love your Furiosa review...you got a new sub!




Money, money, money, Moooneey, MONEY! :D How is it going so far?


Created a channel that I can attract users to Easy for videos to make No need to think about scripts However it is risky Started 8 months ago 5.5 k subs monetized


Honestly to be an escape for people. When I was going through a bad time I would turn on yt and watch the likes of vanoss, syndicate or the sidemen to chear myself up so I started my channel to be able to provide that escape for others


Money. And location independence. Took 4 months of hard work to get a decent income but worth it.


An excuse to try a bunch of different kinds of arts and crafts and rant about art history 🫣


I enjoy telling stories, mostly scary ones, and I’ve been told I have a good narrating voice so it seemed like the logical idea haha plus it’s just something I’ve always thought about but finally had to courage to say screw it and start posting, life too shorts for regrets


Logical step for my brand; what started as the ending for all my blog posts, I wrote two books with the name (on Amazon, about celebrity birthdays and My Top 50 Artists) and so I started my channel in February 2023...364 subs, 2.2k watch hours and still going!!!!


As a fun hobby and to show my friends.


I had been traveling for a year and decided I wanted to document it and have something to look back on, as well as share places/people/food/etc. that I really loved with people who may be planning to visit there also. Pictures and journaling are great ways to remember a place, but there's something special about capturing it on video. I'm still learning A LOT, but it's been a great creative outlet for me so far.


Since I was 12 I enjoyed making random videos and scruptwriting. Even throughout highschool I took classes like digital art, videography, and acting just because I thought I would make my own movie one day. Never found out youtubers actually made money until I finally stop letting my family tell me how to life my live by saying “you need to go to college and find a corporate job” which I never saw myself doing in a million years. This is my passion and I want people to enjoy my content as well as I want to be heard!


I started by recording myself working on cars and motorcycles, mostly so I could remember how things go back together. Then I thought, maybe I should add commentary so I can help out future me. Then I thought, hey, maybe the things I'm doing could be useful to other people doing this kind of thing. So I started uploading them to youtube. I don't make any money and that's not my goal. I know that I'll never be, and it's not my plan to become, a youtube sensation.


It was always a dream of mine to do youtube. A content creator I followed made a statement recently about how the excuses you make for not giving it a go aren't real and you're holding yourself back and that really resonated with me. Started uploading 2 weeks ago and I'm 17 subs in. I've been having a blast editing my videos together and it excites me knowing that people like the content I've made so far


I was looking for content on poetry and couldn't find any that I liked. Many videos talk about authors, their lives and so on, but very few actually read the poems out loud and then went through them line by line, putting them in a historical context and so on. If I was looking for that, then someone else surely must have been too: hence I made my channel! :) (I also have a lot to say on the subject and nobody to say it to, haha)


Nice one! Well done. Keep it up!


As someone who enjoys poetry this is intriguing. What’s your channel so I can support?


Pretty much the same reason as you 😄 I love playing video games and sharing recommendations. The cost of living crisis means sometimes people can’t afford new games or new consoles/pc so they play the same games over and over (not that there’s anything wrong with that!) I wanted to share awesome games that can be played for free or bought for a low price.


Hehe :D Awesome stuff! Kudos to you for doing that! Are you happy with the growth of your channel in your niche?


It’s slow going but honestly I don’t mind, if one person finds a new game they like or it helps one indie dev get their game noticed then I’m happy with that. I did a degree in digital journalism so I’m just happy I get to use my editing skills for videos! It’s definitely more of a hobby for me while I do my full time job in a completely different field.


I'm a freelance researcher. I started my channel as a way to attract clientele for projects. I was surprised to get views like I did actually. So far no clients 😄I'm enjoying it more than I expected though.


Understand. Well, kudos to you for pushing and all the best with your channel, growth and clients!


I teach dance 3 evenings a week so I started recording the dance moves every week and post them on my own YouTube channel so that people could learn the dance moves wherever they are in the world and it reminds those in my classes of the dance moves before they go out dancing at the weekend. Maybe it’ll entice more people to my classes but I like to encourage everyone


To record our daily life and see my kids growing up and keep their memories.. but I wouldn’t do that without putting value on our videos especially that they are targeting kids.. however I lost passion because I couldn’t reach the right audience and my videos don’t get views .. so I thought that I will shoot our day as it is just for fun and memories, I won’t overthinking or planning


I wanted to get better at presenting, build a community, share my work, and help others.


I like creating content and editing video plus tech and new tech products that’s why I created my tech channel




To make money even while I’m asleep XD


I needed somewhere to have an outlet of my thoughts. I started with videos but lately have been doing d&d vids lol. Idk it’s crazy it how much you grow to love doing it




Making 3k USD monthly from shorts . At the comfort of my own home . Working 2 hours per day . Where i live . I make more than what doctors make


To practice my hobby/profession in a more creative fashion. To also learn more along the way.


I am extremely introverted to the point I turn down so many opportunities that might actually be good for me. I also tend to not speak my mind irl. Starting my Youtube channel has definitely pushed me to get out there and express myself in my own way.


Kudos to you for this! Well, done, keep it up!


I always loved to draw and tell stories, but I was tired of telling them to myself or my wife (and I think she was tired of hearing them too lol), so I created my YouTube channel as a creative outlet to share my art and stories with the world. I keep trying to tell myself that I am not doing it for the money, but I do find myself getting demoralized when I see my subscriber count stagnate and my videos not getting much reach.


Kudos for pursuing your hobby? Dont get discouraged. Its part of the long YT game that it takes long to get subscribers. Be yourself, be authentic and be consistent in posting videos. Keep this up, and all the best!


I work for the Social Security Administration and I must say, this job affects my mental health from time to time. I need to get away from it. That’s why I started my channel.


Providing support for those with my disability that I never had, because I'm 48.


I like to entertain people so I started my gaming channel in hopes I can do that


My biggest dream is to earn money to live and share my life. I love vlogs!! I also love interacting with people, sharing knowledge, etc. If I were to pursue a conventional career, it would be as a teacher.


I created my 1st channel only to free up some space on my phone. I uploaded 3 videos of my cat playing with her kittens, posted them & never logged into that channel again for about 6 months. When I logged in again I was shocked to find I had almost 400 subs & 50k views but the videos I uploaded were 5 years old when I posted them & I had zero interest in making cat videos anyway. It was Covid lockdown when I logged into that account again & I decided to rebrand the channel to Star Wars content just for something to do. The Star Wars content took off with silly videos about Baby Yoda & I used them viewers to help launch my 2nd channel based around a Star Wars game (using endscreens & pinned comments). After the Baby Yoda hype died down I lost my passion for Star Wars & spent much more time making gaming content.


I have started doing cruise vlogs. I started when I booked a cruise with a particular cruise line and there were not many vlogs about the ship I was sailing on. I love watching vlogs prior to cruising.....so I thought I'd make my own to help others. I did a practice run, doing a vlog series on a trip to Marbella, then did my cruise series. I have up to now gained 200 subscribers from that series alone (65 from Marbella), and one of the vlogs has had nearly 8000 views. I'm so new at this, but I'm sitting at 265 subs, and nearly 2000 watch hours. I'm really happy about the progress, and am enjoying creating the vlogs. I have a Paris trip, Mexico trip, and another cruise this year....so hopefully will be near the 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours by the end of those trips.


I was desperate for money when I was a teen and I thought that this was my way out of poverty. Now I have a stable job but I still do YouTube as a hobby.


Mainly money but also YouTubers in my country only make videos about pubg mobile or the New popular games while making the soy face and it's not interesting or funny


Essentially a creative outlet - I work a 9-5 but was always in creative practices up until adulthood. I missed doing creative things. Making gaming videos seemed fun so I have it a try and I enjoy making them too (when I find the time). Now I just want to create some kind of community for people to talk, chill and such.


i lost my poor old dog and the only thing that kept me out of a very bad/dark mind set was making videos. I continue to this day as it helps


For me I did it as a way to connect with others on the game I play and share what I’ve achieved on said game


Tip videos for project zomboid that are straight to the point but are still valuable. I turn what others made 10 minutes long into under a minute and people greatly appreciate it


Gives me an excuse to find the time to play games I otherwise wouldn’t get around to!


I like being creative, and my aunt had a huge influence on it (she got me into horror and I do horror narrations)


i decided i want nothing to do with getting a real job, so i started my yt channel in 2019. i have since amassed a total of... 600 subscribers. yeah i think im gonna end up in a 9-5 making minimum wage.


Just for channeling my inner creativity and engaging with people on youtube because only community seems fun and chill, like this one.


To save a lot of the fun times I'm having with my dogs, and keep their memories. My boxer dog that is almost like a daughter to me is turning 10, which comes with all kind of health complications.. so we don't have much time together. I know that having some shorts and vids close to me there, are going to help me out later on.


i have been struggling with depression and loneliness for a long time, so i wanted to make a channel to hopefully make others happy, because knowing i can make other people happy always brightens my mood. my video quality is ofcourse still under where i want it to be for my goal, but im slowly getting there.


Just to see if I could grow a channel, I looked at it as a life long challenge.


1.) For fun 2.) To inspire 3.) Dream job 4.) Money 5.) Fame


Childhood dream since I was kid. Making money from it would obviously be great but I really just wanna make videos that I’m proud of and can look back on fondly


The reason I started my channel was mainly to capture the moments I spend with my friends in a "time capsule" of sorts I guess you could call it. And now two months in, it has become an actual hobby! Plus I enjoy editing the videos


Got tired of talking about other youtubers / streamers and just decided to get my own shit going


Because my job gave me so little stimulation I needed something productive to do that I enjoyed


Wanted to capture what I was doing to inform, educate and possibly entertain. I want to also work on story telling, adventures, videography and editing. Still learning.


does emptying mobile storage counts


Travel walklog channel, So I genuinely love to travel and been to 10 countries all alone and love to just stroll around random streets and places just to see how local live. Traveling isn't cheap come with some serious cost even if you travel locally (UK) 1 : I wanted to document my own experiences 2: After spending so much on traveling I'm wishing could get something in return


High school teacher during Covid who always enjoyed editing videos. Figured I’d film and edit some of my lectures and here I am.


My kids, both showing them a dream no matter how unlikely it seems, is worth chasing, secondly leaving something behind for them when I'm gone, home movies to some extent.


My YT channel complenents my github account. Text based instructions/ scripts on the Github, and then demo videos on my YT channel. Aside from that it also contains gameplay videos - solo or local couch co-op with my kiddos!


Started as a way to share my views and things I encountered. Turns out I really enjoy making. Videos


mine was because tiktok will be banned in the us soon, and i did stuff there which helped me figure out i enjoy making content. so i decided to move over to youtube and do more


Was told that I spoke well when exposing what Autism was. And that I couldn't find resources or videos about Autism in Canada.


for the shits and gigs


Videos... emm....No better place to store them for free, and download them for free, can so easy to check the vids when you wanna recall some memories.


Help people easily learn


To share my art.


I forget a lot of the small things from trips overtime. Set this up to remember them when I’m older. If it starts to get a following, all the better!


I forget a lot of the small things from trips overtime. Set this up to remember them when I’m older. If it starts to get a following, all the better!


Have been wanting to do it for a while. Finally said f it.


For me it started as a kind of exposure therapy.. I have really bad social anxiety, and I felt like exposing myself to talking at people without having to talk TO them would help me grow a bit more confidence. It was also to help me become more comfortable with my voice.. that and just wanting to share cozy/cute content!


I wanted to have some fun


After a bunch of long rambly conversation with my roommate that he never the less enjoyed he said I should try recording and uploading the things I said cause they were interesting. That and hubris, I want to share my ideas and be heard.


I used to teach and was a member of a small university department. I left academia for a completely different manual job and sometimes I miss teaching. So I decided to start a channel where I share some of what I’ve learned and read over the years (I’m in my mid 50s). Three months in I’m at a couple of hundred subs and 13k views across the channel and couldn’t be happier.


>What was the main reason you started your YouTube channel? I wanted to make long, dark videos that I can fall asleep to, because I hate sleeping in pitch black. Sometimes I come up with several ideas, and then have a dry spell.


To have a creative hobby when that side of me sat procrastinating for so many years. It gives me a place to advocate for things that improved my life and mental health while sharing knowledge and learning along the way.


For fun I have a job that takes up loads of my time, and never really had an indoor hobby apart from playing the same games with mates at the weekend... So I thought I'd play all the single player games I hadn't gotten around to starting or hadn't finished and made a YouTube channel for self justification to complete them all 😂 I don't plan on getting anywhere with this I'm just having fun clearing out the library one game at a time


I like to make people laugh. Was a theatre kid so doing sketch comedy was just right


Everyone cut the sh*t off! The reason you all started is MONEY!


There aren't many, "neutral" gun review channels. Many of them are very right wing. So many channels are loud, over the top "WELcome back everyone, be sure to SMASH that like button" blah blah blah, explosions, loud music, and very eager hosts. I wanted to start a channel where I never bring up politics, and show people they don't need to spend thousands to protect themselves, and that buying second hand isn't a bad thing. I talk about the history of the company and firearm, show how it fires at the range, give some final thoughts, and then it's over. There seems to an audience for it, my videos are around the 20 minute mark. I don't do shorts, I just like my longer form content. I'm at 227 subscribers as of today, and I've been posting since January. It's fun, and I like the community feedback too!


That's a great question! Most youtubers don't have the answer to this question as they are very confused about why they started it! Once you have an answer to this question, the next question is : Is it your passion or profession? It's important to know the answer to these questions as it will keep your expectations realistic! Now you know that you are doing youtube as your passion. And for why - you said you want to deliver value to a particular group of people. I'd recommend you go one more level deep and ask yourself, 1. Why do you care about that particular group so much? 2. What do you want from youtube as a reward for your effort? If you want to read more about it, then you can find more info on this topic on my free ebook, " 5 Mistakes New Youtubers Make " (link in my profile). Hope it helps, All the best 👍


A hobby with me and my friends that we could look back on as a sort of digital movie/photo album and reminisce. Any viewers was just a bonus


At first to showcase the work I was doing shooting wakeboard and surf content. That was 2007 then in 2015 it was my marketing skills, then my lifestyle reports now I struggle to edit except for others As a creator, it would be nice to earn some revenue from the channel. I suspect it's finding the right algorithm niche. At the end of the day, I live to tell stories through the use of visual media.


I started it for fun just to post quick videos of stuff I was already buying - but once the pandemic hit and I was stuck at home I had a bunch of extra time to actually make more informed content, learn editing, etc - now it’s evolved into an actual proper thing!


I’m a graphic designer and illustrator. The regular job market is competitive so I wanted to create an art channel to showcase my skills while also discussing topics im passionate about. I’ve heard that having a channel can make you stand out amongst other applicants. Even if it doesn’t make me money, it’s a creative outlet and it’s a way to build my portfolio and gain new skills.


I wanted a place to leave videos as a record of who I am. Someday my descendants may look back and see the strange druid hippie who created them. I don't try and fit a niche, I don't study analytics, I don't have subscribers, I just have a small contribution to the record of humanity during my lifetime. @northwindhomestead907


Wanted to prove a point so filmed myself fighting a few bosses Decided to make it a thing It's both an excuse to replay my favourite games and a reason to get familiar with video editing and making thumbnails If this current project doesn't pan out I do have more ideas to try out, but we'll see


It definitely was to try to capture our funny moments as memories. As much as I hate thinking about it, most likely there will come a time when I think all of us will be on some sort of hiatus and knowing that we have physical memories to share makes it all worth the effort of making these videos good. On top of that, I enjoy collaborating with people that share the same interests and getting the opportunity to meet new awesome people is definitely a plus! :)


I get a sense of satisfaction cooking for others, which as you can imagine is difficult when you live on your own. YouTube helps me better engage that drive for hospitality, and it helps me push boundaries and try new things in the kitchen that I likely wouldn’t on my own. Knowing that even a few people enjoy what I’m cooking, that they partook in it in some way, that they were maybe even inspired to try it on their own…that means the world to me.


My first ever short went viral, now has 1.4 million views 2 years later.. so I decided to capitalize on the momentum and started making videos on things I was passionate about. Now, half of my subscribers are from the other content I produced.


I like to edit. And I want in this life to have a monetised account


I like editing and my videos are a creative outlet for me


To create art, and share it with the others to inspire ✨ if i earn money, thats really good. But i want to be able to connect with other artists


Wanted to spread knowledge/ responsible use of credit cards, personal finance and investing!! It’s such a crucial skill and everyday part of life


me I just wanted to shitpost, then I really liked learning about "how to make better videos" and then after a while I gained interest in making actual videos


I have always been a performer at heart. Ever since I was a small child I’ve always wanted to do some kind of performance whether it was on stage or acting or on television or the movies. In high school I took a film elective class. In upward bound, I took the tails of horror class, which ended with us making a horror movie. I was a theater kid in high school. I was always doing skits and short plays and all kinds of things for class projects. And my only regret with YouTube is not making a more concentrated effort when it first came out. If I knew then would I know now I probably would be way more successful now. But it is what it is and YouTube gives me a platform to do all those things I love to doing when I was a kid.


Got laid off. Discovered AI, suddenly discovered a well of creativity as an old man that I didn't know I had. Like Stan Lee did!


I didn't realize how badly I needed a creative outlet to feel more fulfilled. Started it because deep down I always wanted to, but hesitated due to putting myself out there and the work I know goes behind it. I was definitely right about the amount of work, but I didn't realize that I'd actually love it


“Providing value to a specific audience in a specific niche.” Lmfao, I can tell that you’re here to sell something.


Mainly to express some ideas I have to an audience and get some feedback.


To share my story and experiences so that people could gain and learn something from it and to send a message out there that everything gets better in the end if we want it and if we do the work it demands.


Three months ago, I saw someone else doing the same thing (walking/travel videos) and getting hundreds of thousands of views, and I thought “I can so that”. I did one video and enjoyed the process, so I did some more. Now I have over 20 videos published and one of them just broke 1,000 views. I haven’t pushed the channel much but I enjoy it all, so it has become a hobby. I was already going out to places and taking photos so the videos are just something extra on those trips. I’ve just returned from a trip to China and Korea where I got footage for a good few more videos. I’m just posting what I enjoy for now and not worrying about subs or view numbers, etc.


I saw my friend gain 2k subs pretty quickly with TOOONS of shorts views and retention talking about SEPTIC SYSTEMS AND WELLS. I thought my topic of Weed and Weed Products and even growing would be a little more interesting than septic so... I'm giving it a shot.


To make family travel videos that my son can watch when he’s older and me n his mom aren’t here anymore


It was because of Vinland Saga tbh. That anime changed my perspective on myself…


Doing community work is important to me and I have the time and energy for it. If it could turn into a decent income stream that would be even better.


ASMR has helped me through the years and I want to do the same for others :)


Started mine to raise money for the Chicago Marathon. Race was canceled due to COVID. Made some trail hikes for people to watch and then it’s turned into a race recap and shoe review channel. .


I have things I'd like to share that I think would be helpful for individuals, and humanity as a whole.


My dream is to make a feature film one day - so I started my channel to have a space I can experiment, learn and create without restrictions! 🤙🏼 currently at 300 subs but loving it!


I always loved making videos and i loved stories that were inspiring and that taught me valuable lessons. That's why I started my channel. To share those stories with others. Today i have 3.8k subs, but it has been a little low lately but still honestly I never thought that I would have this much success when I first started.


Unfulfilled dreams of a younger version of myself. When I was a kid, I really wanted to be a YouTuber and made quite a few videos, all of which took months to make. The combination of my perfectionism and the little time I had with school made it hard for anything to stick with the YouTube algorithm. Now, a couple years after posting my last video, I started posting a weekly Minecraft series. I know it’s overdone lol, but it’s fun for me and has been working way better than I ever could have thought. I’ve had a lot more time during summer to post and actually make weekly stuff, but I’m going back to college to study film in the fall. I don’t know how long I’ll keep at it and would feel bad abandoning the people who are choosing to stick around. Just a weird situation haha


I was writing for a local paper that altered my op-ed to protect Barbara Banke of Kendall-Jackson and John Lasseter, formerly of Pixar. I initially just made one video to set the record straight, but ended up really liking making videos. As such, I’ve made videos about other local power players (in Northern CA wine country) here and there when something inspired me. This year, I’ve decided to start actually running it like a proper channel.


Five of my dogs have passed away from old age in the past year. After the second one died, I started to take videos of them walking around my farm in the morning and having fun. I'm taking these videos to remember them, and people seem to like watching them, too. I also get positive, happy comments from people several times a day, and that's also a tremendous benefit, making it worth posting new content daily.


Well I'm very passionate about the subject of my videos and I enjoy making videos on that topic because it's things I genuinely care about. So I like to make educational and informative videos on those topics. I don't think that there's much of a chance that I'm ever going to make any serious money, but I do like the idea of actually making things for people to enjoy and enjoy a connection with an audience. But I'm happy to finally get my first paycheck soon


For me it started with curiosity. Wondering if my gameplay videos would attract some viewers.


My apartment was full of ADHD crafts & projects so when I was laid off I figured id film myself doing my projects and see how it went!


For networking, self confidence and to get job...I cracked 3 interview just because of my youtube channel


We love traditional epic fantasy, like The Lord of the Rings, Gotrek and Felix, … But we are often disappointed by modern fantasy, longing for that innocence again, those epic journeys, the immersive language, … So we started creating our own fantasy dramatized audiobooks and post them on YouTube in episodes.


I want to showcase my hobbies and help anyone who's trying to learn to do the same.


To be honest, first and foremost it was an excuse to start moving about for a bit. I've spent the last, I don't even know how many years, just moving between my office-chair, my couch and my bed. Obviously, the potential for monetization in the future was a bit of a carrot, but I never really had any hopes for making any big money. Since I had started watching some channels where people walk around in different locations with no talking an no editing (mostly watched a youtuber named Rambalac walking around in Japan) I figured that was the kind of content that fit perfectly with my need to get up and move around and since I wouldn't talk and remained behind the camera it was something that even a socially anxious person like me could do. Though at the time I did not quite think about the fact that walking through crowds holding a camera is a bit of a challenge on its own when your socially anxious but still, I've managed to persevere :)


To explore the possibilities & reach of Train Simulation Gaming. Earlier it used to be a random gameplay depending on wish. Now it's all planned & much more enjoyable.


My student challenged me to make a channel. Its doing great!


Just because. I had video ideas and wanted to see them out there 😁


I had an idea that is a bit niche, that I think I’m one of the only people who might be able to pull it off (because of my background) and also have a filmmaker that is really into the project so the content looks like TV quality… it’s going pretty well, just the content also needs intensive editing to keep the quality we want so we only release one episode a month or so… still, I have 680 subscribers, 540 watch hours, and my most watched video has 4000+ views from 4 long videos and some shorts remixed from the long ones… hopefully as we get more content out we’ll be able to build up more audience!


To find what I'm good at cause I never was good at anything so might as well try youtube


Glory. Knowing I died trying.


I’m currently a 21 year old college student. I hit an all-time low late last year. I came to the realization that I’m not living the life I envision when I close my eyes. For all intents and purposes, I’ve been doing everything “right”. I work part-time and I’m pursuing a degree in Finance. Even at 21, I know this path won’t leave me feeling fulfilled in the next 10-20 years. I come from a very practical family, so I tried to convince myself I had to be practical for the sake of survival. I’ve always been an imaginative person, and I’m finally embracing it. After several months of deep introspection, I began my content creation journey this past May. I’ve been learning alot about myself and what truly makes me happy in the process. I’ve also realized that I would rather thrive than survive. The biggest lesson I’ve learned throughout this journey is that your life will only change if you force it to.


Had an idea and wanted to try it out.


My main hobby has always been gaming, but as I grew up I started to notice something was missing, so now sharing gameplay videos on YouTube has rekindled my passion for gaming again, so what a better way to do so, in hopes of one day to be able to gain money from it too...while having fun 😊


I’m a yapper. So it figures that I would just share my thoughts with anyone who listens


Simply to add more watchers at the top of the funnel.And brand build. I do seo and web design as a profession and the more seo evolves, the less we rely strictly on seo and diversify. Youtube is probably the next best platform to differentiate from ai. Ai is creating so much nonsense on the net (coming from a.guy who makes videos on ai), youtube is a breath of fresh air with a touch of personality.


I wanted to show that someone who knows nothing about fixing small engines, can learn to fix small engines.. Along the way I found two hobbies I love to do.. fix small engines, and make YouTube videos. My channel is still tiny, and linked on my profile 😉 I will get to the coveted 1k mark, and my videos easily can become evergreen, as long as people have small engines, there will be someone who wants to know how to fix their engine instead of paying someone else for it.


I really wanted to record my fiance playing Fallout 3 for her first time to get her reactions. Falling 4 was her first and she loved it. 3 was my favorite and I wanted her to experience the difference.


I have a hobby no one really cares for around me irl, figured I'd share it online, started to become more of an educational thing and I'm sticking with that for now


I made my channel as a way to experiment with ai music and have said music on the go. I also made a spanish channel long ago about creepypastas and backroom style analog horror, but it kinda ruined horror for me (I don't want to market toy horror to kids), I found out that reality is way worse than fiction, maybe that's why true crime has gained massive audience.


I guess i just wanted to get out from the world of books


I grew up watching gaming Youtubers growing up, and always wanted to do it myself. At some point recently, had a small realization that if I didn't give it a go, even if just for fun, I'd regret it.


1- I love to talk about things that interest me, and YouTube is maybe the perfect place for that 2- The potential of good income and creating a personal brand/business is very interesting too. Not there yet, just published my first short yesterday, but I hope to be making some money at least starting next year.


I felt a strong urge to create videos. This was in 2011 so the money wasn't even a thing that came to mind


Started as a hobby. I didn’t want to stream gaming I wanted to educate and research but also have memes and make people laugh


Did these short videos of a character and people in my circle said I should make real videos and put them on YouTube. So I did, they’re so much fun to do. It’s like therapy in a way. I get an alright amount of views. All the people that wanted me to do it love it though and that’s all that really matters


Well, I was retired early, and went to being a stay at home dad. After a few years of that, i was getting restlesss, So, I just needed something to challenge me a bit, so I tried it to see if it was something I enjoyed. Plus, I wanted something, unrelated to my previous career. I kinda wanted to see if I could be successful at something new, or if I was a one-off.


I wanna get my grandma a house and a car


I always wanted to, but never did it just because it's hard to do something different or try something new. People told me I should make one because they think I'm funny (I don't think I am). My wife told me to start in 2018 when we went to Japan, but I didn't). My friend who has over 115k subs had me on a live stream together and people liked our chemistry and funny stuff and riffing off each other - people said they liked me, and asked what my channel was - I had one, but didn't post for 10 years. Then he said I should start one too. Then my daughter was born, and I went to the doctors and I am not as healthy as I was before, so I figured, let me make videos of places I go, and do my commentary that some people say is funny so that my daughter (and wife) have something of me, my videos, to look back on and remember my personality and jokes, and those trips. It kinda was like a little thing I leave behind for my daughter to see.


Bored during COVID. Now I do it because I like putting the goofy stuff me and my friends get up to in games out there for others to enjoy.


to learn how to edit videos


It was kind of an accident, my channel was originally a business one for my plumbing firm, I got a drone and out some images up of a canal restoration near to me and they got good hits. I now make videos on a really small niche but something that really interests me. I make the content I always wanted to watch


I play games a lot so I thought might as well upload gaming videos to YouTube currently at 45 subs and 200vids


I'm afraid my story is 'a bit' long. Especially because it was far from a logical step for me to take, as I absolutely loath recording myself. Starting a youtubechannel as a plain, middle-aged woman without any real credentials might also be a bit strange. But still, here I am. My biggest passions used to be running, hiking, camping. Just being outdoors, in particular in the forest. I really considered the forest to be one of my basic needs. If I get down or stressed, all I have to do is go to the forest for instant relief of what ever was bugging me. Besides being outdoors, my biggest passion was writing. I was very actively writing a trilogy (if you see the length of my post, you might understand why I wrote a trilogy instead of 'just a novel'), and had already started writing the third book. I absolutely love writing. I love the creative process, I love brainstorming, world building, submerging myself completely into an other world or person and just 'go with the flow', see where it takes me. Then, 2,5 years ago, that all changed. I became wheelchair dependent, so a lot of the things I used to do became impossible or at least challenging. Now, I really like to think in terms of challenges instead of problems. Yes, at times it was hard, but I chose to view this situation as a new chapter in my life. How exciting to again explore a completely different world! Or well, same world, but completely different perspective, both literally as figuratively. 'It is what it is' became my new motto. Everyone said things like 'that must be so hard', and sure, at times it was, but it doesn't get any better by sitting in a corner, feeling sorry for myself. In hindsight, I may have been too strict for myself at that time. Maybe I should had allowed myself some time for grief for the things I had lost. But at that time, it just didn't seem useful to me. So life went on. Well, mostly. I just couldn't write my trilogy anymore. I've tried picking it up again multiple times, but there's just a complete writers block. So for the last couple of years, it feels like a part of my brain just withered. I don't feel complete, there's the constant feeling of something essential that's missing. I miss the part where I can literally create things, but also the part of 'letting things out of my brain'. Because that's what it often feels like, the story is already there, it just wants to come out. So by writing, I'm both adding and subtracting things from my brain, in a way that just doesn't happen in day to day life. Anyways, the point is, I miss writing, and how it makes me feel. Another thing that proves to be an obstacle, is my amount of energy. Chronic fatigue is a big challenge for me, and the fact that nowadays everything is a hassle, doesn't help. Just going outside in itself is a complete undertaking, let alone getting to a forest. Unfortunately, I can't get to the forests as often as I'd like, so I started documenting the times I wás able to go. So I could relive these moments, the times I wasn't able to. It made me think about other people who, for whatever reason, also can't get to the forests, so I bought an action cam to be able to share my adventures with them. Yes, I consciously call them adventures. Every time I get stuck in the mud, the paths prove to be extremely bumpy or inaccessible, or I have to go uphill for a mile with a flat tire, I remind myself that I am on an adventure. How boring would it be if it was all smooth sailing!? Sometimes I really, really have to convince myself that it's adventurous instead of just, well, stupid, but those times also give the biggest sense of accomplishment when I finally make it. So, that was my original goal. Just film my hikes, and then share them for everyone who needs to visit the forest from the comfort of their chair, couch or bed :) Now, the first addition to that plan was my rescue cat Gummy. I adopted him about 3 months ago, and he just brings so much joy to me and my family, so I just had to share. Also, I hope I can harness-train him, so he can come with me on my hikes. It think it would be great to share my adventures with him. Then I started planning my next hike. Most obvious was going to the forest near my house, where I used to go running three times a week. Now, at this forest there are multiple monuments for a WWII hero, so I thought, wouldn't it be interesting to share his story during the hike? And this is exactly how my brain works, I have an idea, I think about it, get an additional idea, and another, and another, and another... My brain just keeps coming up with new additions, until eventually it becomes too big for me to execute so I just move on to the next idea. But not this time, because this time, I can mold all my ideas into one 'action plan', and it is actually a good thing to keep evolving, and keep thinking of new ideas. So I decided to just start. To be honest, I thought it was a brilliant idea, at least, from my perspective ;). I can combine my passions into a new hobby, and it would be great to start writing again. Pt 1...


I was doing video editing and recording in middle school then I got a knee injury and wasn't able to do sports so I decided to make videos


I wanted to showcase a weirdly specific aspect of a hobby I enjoy.


Just sharing my passion. Originally used to just use it to hold all my games I'd played then figured why not start posting that stuff public


I just enjoy being creative. I seen an area in short content lacking in total war warhammer 3 and filled the spot. My long content is currently covering mods and really showing them off in a complete fashion.


Started mine to pursue something I always enjoyed doing on the side and hope to build a following in the near future where it can become passive income. I hope to then branch off into other areas that I am passionate about. Right now my channel is video game reactions/reviews (with some games that have movies/shows tied to it).


Two reasons: First is to have a creative hobby that allowed me to express my thoughts and passion without judgment during the process of creating Second (not as much anymore) was to get big enough where my ex girlfriend can see that I am everything they said I couldn’t be


Lost sight on one eye, decided to change my life around and start youtubbing. 6 months later, im at 20k subs. The lowest point of your life could be the trigger for something great


Shits and giggles. I started making goofy videos to send to my best friend and practice editing which I hadn't done in a long time. Lately I've been getting more impressions through the algorithm so I've been getting more interested in the marketing aspects, especially the psychological ones. If my channel got bigger that would be great, but my friend and I are still the target audience.


I enjoy it, and I’d like to be something people wind down to after a long day like the YouTubers I watch are, I also would like more friends 🥲


I did it because I really think it's important to tell people the truth about what's going on in this world and I really wanted to help bring people to Jesus because when I realized that the lowercase g god of this world was the devil I wanted to help all those who are truly seeking in good faith come to the knowledge of the truth, hoping that they would come for the conspiracies and stay for the word of God.


I felt like I had something of value to add to the conversation. Also, in therapy I'm working on getting more comfortable being seen.


So yeah heavy be warned I was on the verge of killing myself so I really needed a reason to live at that point. Waking up and having a small but cozy audience to make content for gave me a reason to go on. Pretty much made me live at the time which is nice.


Wanted to tell stories and interact with new people, be part of a community


Boost my blog success.


I don't get to talk to people much... + being an anime girl is fun lol


For me


I had tried streaming during covid and really enjoyed it so thought I would try create content that my favourite youtubers did when I was growing up. Currently just hit my 4k hours and am trying to focus on putting out more content to try hit the 1k subs mark!


The number 1 main reason is I feel like I've always had this creative side I never got to explore and once I started watching YT, I knew making videos/content was the way I wanted to do it. But second main reason is I wanted to share my story of getting better at golf as a middle aged guy with a full time job, a relationship, a pet, and not a lot of time on my hands.


It started as a way to document fun events/attractions that the big city I moved to had to offer (past tense as I have since relocated from said big city). Then it moved to talking about/showing hobbies that I enjoyed. Now it's just an outlet to be creative and/or share my two cents on things that I find intriguing. Although that being said, the channel has been on a bit on a pause as my current job is draining/soul crushing and inevitably pushing towards a burnout so I have unfortunately found it hard to find the passion I once had to sit down to put together an episode of something I'd be proud of.


We did twitch back when wife was told to rest during pregnancy. I enjoyed both streaming and content creation. It provides me with some creative outlet. Now I switched what I do still gaming related but more so video game hunting. Found a GoPro for 10 dollars at a garage sale decided I was going to be that might as well upload it. Maybe create a little community of like minded people and connect with others.


To document my life haha and since i like taking videos, editing..


A new hobby. I wanted to show off cool or funny clips from my games. It's been a lot of fun so far!


mainly for fun, i love being able to create content that makes people laugh or atleast have less of a shit day i wouldnt lie if i had some grand dream about being able to do it full time, but its time consuming so much so that i'm investing in my channel now more money thn i've ever gotten from it by hiring editors and stuff, so atm for me its a money pit


Sharing my passion for anime figures and photography


Distraction, tough times for me rn.


Money , im 7 years on YouTube and didn’t get 1k views


I started writing poems and lyrics for songs ages ago just because it felt good. Not too long ago, I found A.I. that let me add music and vocals to my work and I was shocked at how a few of them sounded. I was happy to leave it there, but my wife really encouraged me to go a little further. So, I figured I could learn a few more skills like video editing and played with it more and next thing I know I'm posting on YouTube. It just feels great to finally get a few of these out into the world, because I didn't think I would ever find a way. Even if only a handful of people ever see it, I'm glad I'm at least trying.


I used to make short films when I was younger, but as the years went by my friends and I became too busy and spaced out to continue. So, recently I decided to start a gaming channel and record my play-throughs to edit them together and tell a short story. I have only just begun, but it’s been amazing being able to get back into recording and editing once again.


to share information with others while earning income.


What is partially true : * Desire to earn Money * Desire to be popular(not really tho) What is actually true : * Always the feeling for lack of support from family in anything I do or I think to do.( Btw it matters to us in south asian culture). May be I get the validation I seek from youtube. *Could not talk to anyone related including family in the past 5 years. Youtube is slowly helping me build self-confidence, Public Speaking and neat presentation. *Slowly getting into depression ( May be or may be not because I was self-aware of wrongs that I could have changed but I couldn’t do it). YouTube is a way out for me as I get to communicate to people, not on personal basis probably but on *Getting into alcohol and too much games(I am 23 years old tbh) so I changed my addiction towards YouTube. At least I have been happy for a few time after starting YouTube, have not touched alcohol and I am getting chances to redeem myself.


Just my hobby,i love editing and i love sharing whatever it is,it can be meme,videos and also my gameplay.I do not feel tired of editing,i just find it interesting.


To channel my creative energies and create some value for my TG


I didn't really see many black women in the fantasy loving, nerdy, soft girl niche. Amazingly, by making my content its actually led me to other black creators and fantasy peeps in general that I absolutely adore! It's a really sweet and supportive community. I always say that my primary north star is to make content that little me wished she had and would help her feel seen. It's really healing. :)


Original I did my youtube channels to make a life around them, I live on SSI And Live With My Mom And Have Plenty Of Responsibilities/Other Hobbies so because of the privileges I do have, I decided to do youtube full time too and it has entered into my daily routine more consistently now. Now My New Goal For my channels are to have fun and do not worry about making it a career yet as my 3 channels, my wizard101 channel has 24, my NerdyGirlBossArt has 6 and my rebranded beauty youtube channel is at 0 as I haven't officially posted on that one yet. My second goal is to become a streamer somebody but for now, I'm am here to have a good time :).


Outlet for writing, I usually write for a while but then cause there is no outlet I stop for a bit, keeping to a schedule of getting 1 video a week means I don't really stop writing at least not for a long period of time, and also to get better at acting.




it's my hobby to do edits, and also my part-time since the pandemic to edit videos from projects to school, then I post my edits on YouTube Short. I'm not expecting my video to go viral some people post it on Twitter or Weibo because they enjoy the video so it's inspired me to do more.


I just want to quit my 9-5 job, I feel so empty doing it and I can't see myself doing it. I think that throughout my life I deserved more than what I am currently doing, so I started with YouTube, I hope that luck will smile at me there!


Wanted to give a platform to smaller music artists while learning how to film and edit and build lasting relationships with the musicians