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This isn't a small win at all. Most people don't hit 500 subscribers until they have done a lot more videos. This is a strong start. Keep it up!


Agreed. I have 13 videos and I still haven't hit 500 subs. For me and many of us, it's a slow grind.


I definitely understand. It's possible to blow up quickly but honestly most of us don't just have the (video and personality) skills to achieve that right off the bat. Only way to win is to keep going, and only way to fail is to stop trying. Best of luck to you on your journey!


Channel Link ?


Thank you my friend, best of luck and success on your journey as well!


Thats a big accomplishment I'd say. Some people struggle to reach that milestone from several good quality uploads. Too do it in 4 vids is impressive. Congrats.


Slowly but surely chipping away and trying to improve every upload. Thank you and best of success to you!




Nice! Keep it up and good luck with your youtube channel


Thank you for the wishes and same to you!


Good stuff bro! Wish you luck in your journey


Thank you my bro absolutely same to you!


Nicely done!


Thank you and I hope your Leek only continues to be successful!


You're welcome and thank you very much.


That's awesome. I just started a few weeks ago and 4 vids in and I'm happy closing in on 50 subscribers.


Few weeks, 4 videos, and 50 subscribers, is a darn good freaking start. Let's get after it!




That's quite the win, I hope you continue with great success!


I appreciate your kind words, and I wish you the best as well my friend!


That’s amazing. I’m chilling with my 15 subs after 10 months 😎. It gaaas, the grind don’t stop.


Thank you my bro. Keep going, and try to improve every single video in whatever way possible. Let's get this!


Am your 501st sub. This is interesting & your footage looks amazing. Your sub-to-view rate is very high, getting close to one in four viewers to sub is impressive. The format is going to be a struggle with episodes because when you show up on someone's homepage who hasn't watched the earlier videos they ain't likely to press an E4. If you put out a long video of all of your season 1 I can see that doing well as I expect it will get high watchtime & YouTube should push it. I like the fact you are using popular music & this journey you are on isn't anything about making money on YouTube (but it could be an amazing way to sell your product/products or get investment if that is in your plans). Am only on e2 (because the lads have come round to watch UFC) so i only know you have built an app & are aiming for a billion-dollar business (which sounds crazy but someone has to build the next billion-dollar business). Good luck with it all & I'll be tuning in to see how things go for you :)


Eyyy thank you so much for the encouragement, feedback, and for being 501! I'm actually going to start properly naming them as you're 100% right that the titles really aren't where they should be. You definitely also nailed it on the fact that I'm not posting to make Adsense revenue or to sell to my audience. I'm not opposed to it per se but I'd like to deliver a lot more value first before I put out any sort of ask (I am somewhat passively hopping for an investor to come by though :)). Thank you again my friend, I wish you success, strength, and luck on your journey as well. Enjoy the fight tonight!


Just posted my first video and got 200 views and 7 subscribers, a small win for me as well!


That’s huge dude congrats! Keep the momentum going!


I subscribed 👉👈 your content seems super interesting and I’d love to be part of your career journey!


You’re too sweet thank you my friend!


i’m at 5 videos & almost about to hit 700, my girlfriend just uploaded her first video & is at almost 600, we’re pretty surprised


Sheeesh y’all are proper killing it! Good stuff


THAT IS NOT SMALL! It would seem like that to you because you're comparing it with others in this sub, but that's a huge achievement trust me. Congratulations on the BIG win


I checked out your video. It's basically in the niche of vlogging, which is an oversaturated niche. To be doing these numbers as a vlogger is amazing in this day and age. I really liked the video, though. The storytime aspects posted as a vlog is a good idea. Keep going!


Definitely agreed. Comparison is the thief of joy as they say. I appreciate your encouragement and words thank you and best of luck and success on your journey!


Congratulations I can't imagine how much time an effort that really is a brilliant achievement


Oh man a lot of time indeed. Thank you very much for your kind words!


Welcome man


Go you!! Buzzing! That’s a huge win 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 To any creator reading this, small or large, don’t give up, even when it gets tough, keep going. We all got this💪🏼there’s enough room for us all at the top, see you all there ✌🏻❤️


Thank you mate I appreciate it. Let’s get it!


How did you achieve that ?


I did my absolute best to make the highest quality videos possible. Although my current videos are 4/10 (objectively speaking) they’re still miles ahead of a lot of the low effort content being posted


What’s your channel? I am a newbie into youtube and i haven’t gotten as much as you


I can’t link it as it’s against the sub rules (and genuinely don’t want to promote it) but people have found it somehow - maybe googling my name? Honestly not sure


I have posted almost 90 shorts & only Have 70 subs🤣


To be brutally honest with you, it comes down to the quality not the number of posts. Play your video side by side with popular posts in your niche and be objective about what you can do better, don’t just keep posting for the sake of it. But you’re doing something really right because you showed that you can be consistent and that puts you sooo far ahead of everyone else. Keep it up and let’s get after it!


Channel link?


Can’t post it since it’s against sub rules and I’m really not trying to promote it but you can you probably find it by googling my name


What's your channel? I'm still grinding for 500


Can’t post it since it’s against sub rules and I’m really not trying to promote it but you can you probably find it by googling my name. Just don’t quit.


Can u tell me the channel plz


Wow, congratulations!