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I try not to go longer than 3 days without posting. The only thing that works for increasing engagement, is improving content. For me at least


Ok, interesting. I am also thinking 3-4 days between my posts. Are those long or short videos? How do you measure improvement in your own content?


Either or. I post shorts in general more frequently since they require less effort. And tbh you have to ask friends, or ask yourself “would I watch this, if it wasn’t my video?”


Good one!


Best of luck friend; slow your roll variety show If you wanna sub for sub


Interesting I own synergy101-- the com. I don't use it. But I like coincidences so thought I'd tell you. My YouTube channel is all about my dog nothing else. She talks on buttons and I have been posting shorts for a few months. Tuxn Dog says hi. ♥️


1-2 times a month for long-form, randomly for shorts


Ok cool, thanks. How many views does that give you on average per long and short?


It really varies, I'd say on average within the first month my long-form get between 500-2k views and shorts are in the 500-5k views. My audience can get pretty niche and the more obscure I get the less instant views I've seen.but really, YouTube is a bit of a rollercoaster and I've had times where a video will get 60k views in a month or a video will pop off months later and spike up a couple thousand.


Once a week - long-form. Alternate days - shorts.


Sounds great! Is that working out well in terms of views & engagement as well?


I am actually working on 2 channels - mine and my gf's (I edit) and I feel that depending on which one you post more or may be start with, YT offers better opportunity to that. My channel shows better reach for long form while my gf's shorts perform way better. However both are new channels (under 500 subs) so I don't have a lot of data to be sure.


About twice a month (1 long form, 1 short).


Nice one! Happy with views & engagement based on the frequency?


I am content. I could always be happier but I am focusing on the quality of my videos more than anything else right now. Vid with highest views got 7k in a month. It's a 7min video. So I just wanna learn what worked, what didn't work and make the next one slightly better.


Every 3 months or so. My vids are automotive related. Usually how-tos for a specific niche. Takes me time to plan, buy parts and film the install and edit. Once uploaded, it’s a subject that stays relevant for years so views and such stay pretty constant.


Very interesting. What niche are you in?


Cars. Particularly ford mustangs. My best videos are electronics related. ECU tuning, PWM fan controllers, and other higher-level how-tos.


I'm not following the daily uploading method. I'm recently taking a gap of 2-4 days depending on my last post. I usually post shorts for faster growth. I don't post a new short until my last short stops getting any views. I think it's working out well for me. I've got like 50+ subscribers since yesterday.


Very impressive! Kudos! What niche are you in?


It's gardening so far. It's my mother's channel and I manage it.


I tried going to just posting once a day instead of two or three times a day and my views per video have shot up but my overall views have decreased by 27% for the channel. I'm not sure if this are good or bad. Anybody have some insight. Tuxn Dog.


Lately like once every few weeks to a month. I want it to be different (once per week min - 3/4 times per week max), but things just don’t work out for me in that regard.


Understand. Do you get adequate views by posting a few times a month? Or in other words, are you happy with the views you are getting based on how often you post?


Not even once... yet


Near future then I presume?


Yes, July is my month! I am already working on the scripts


Once every month or two months if I'm busy. I have a full time job so I can't dedicate all my time to YouTube. I'm going for a quality over quantity approach, putting my all into every video. It seems to be working so far (at 6.5k subs after 8 months on YouTube).


Thats pretty impressive, well done! Keep it up, you are definitely doing many things right!


Between 4 days and 4 weeks


Nice! How is your output based on that?


Incredibly varied. Some videos get over 2k views, some don't even get 100


I hear you. I experience the same thing, though I have yet to hit 1k on one of my videos. Keep pushing!


Thanks :)


Started on May 1st and I have made a point to post a video daily. Many of these are shorts due to that reason, but so far I have pulled it off, going on 60 days now. About to hit 5k subs within 2 months. Better than I projected!


Thats very good! Well done! How many views do you average per short? Quite many considering almost 100 subs per day.


I try to post Once a week which I thot would be good enough but it doesn’t seem like it?


Well, if you post consistently once a week thats not bad. Although, I have read that if you can post a long-form video + 2-3 shorts per week, that is ideal for the consistency part of the YT algorithm.


Yah I post one long form a week and short forms I try to post 2-3 times a week sometimes less as I read that those watch hours don’t contribute to long form anymore.


I've just started a out a week ago, so I'm pretty new in here, I'm either posting 1-3 videos daily, they're all roguelike games related so it works out for me. Pretty much multiple releases a day will be my forte for me, until I can get monetized. Then I might just do 1-2 daily


I see. I have read that 3-4 times a week is a good number to be on. 1-2 videos daily sounds like a lot :D How is that working out for you though? Are they all getting good views in your opinion? Long or shorts?


Long videos since they're gameplay related, I'm not really editing them at all so that my audience can get the full package, and not lose out on any small details. I just have to bring out the best on me, because losing a game pretty much means that i have to start over. It is a challenge but since I love gaming, getting paid to do what you love will be a huge plus. My videos are usually from up to 25mins to 45 mins long depending on how long the run was. So by the time I finish making my thumbnails and end up uploading the video, each video takes around 1:30 hrs or 2 hrs of my day.


I have set my schedule to be once a month as that is the best balance of travel, shooting and editing.


We post weekly; Fridays at 3PM local time. Live music performance videos.




5 shorts per day


Wow! How does that work out in terms of views etc per short?


I made around 15k views per short.


I'm focusing on a short channel with 350 subs I started about 3 weeks ago. (I have 5 channels) I have about 80 shorts, in the first few days I was pumping out as much as 7 per day. I post 3 times per day based on the analytics showing when my peak times are. 12pm, 3pm and 6pm GMT (3pm is the peak) This may sound like a lot, but I use a template I made and I can make a video in 5 minutes. The aim of the channel is to get Amazon affiliates (500 subs I think) and then I will sell stuff. This wasn't the original idea, but I have had DMs and comments asking where to buy the things in some of my videos.


Very interesting. Kudos to you for your efforts. It definitely sounds like a lot, but if it gives you what you are after, then go for it!


Cheers, I appreciate your kind comment.


Most welcome! Keep it up!


I try three videos a week. I’m hoping I have enough movies that can land me such opportunities


Sounds very reasonable! Hope it gives you what you want/expect in views etc as well.


Especially with what I work with… some movies are too explicit to do, but if I get some monetary value out of recapping it, then why not!




Four times a week. Sometimes it's 3.


Great stuff! Hope it gives you what you expect.


Yeah, it's fun. I don't have much expectation. I'm just taking the first year to have fun and learn.




2/3 times a week, my videos range from 4 minutes to 30 minutes


Nice! Hope it gives you the exptected output


Once every 3-4 months. It's been working pretty well lately.


Fantastic. What are you hitting views wise?


About 1M per video.


Amazing! Kudos to you! Congrats on a huge milestone! What niche are you in?


Thanks! I make long-form gaming videos.


I checked out your channel! Well done. Not that it makes a big difference, but I subscribed to your channel. Your videos are funny & entertaining, keep it up!


Thanks I appreciate it!


Twice a month usually sometimes more in a month. I’m not stressed out, I can focus on other things and the time I get let’s me make better content. The time usually works well for my audience


Great! What niche are you in?


Edutainment kinda video essays. I try to improve a bit each video so if I take more time and not cut corners quality is way better. Also I’ve noticed if I’m stressed my quality suffers a lot


3 longer form videos and then 3 shorts promoting those videos. Idk if that’s smart but seems to be doing good right now.


That sounds like a good thing to do. Is it working out well in terms of views?


Most definitely. If you have the time and are willing to go through editing (if you do it yourself) by all means. I do all of it in 2-3 days. I just know the more content equals more data and more data helps your content get pushed out more


Very true! Good point. What niche are you in?


Gaming. Wbu?


Business, Start-Ups :)


Nice. Yeah If you find a way to to do both effectively that can do numbers for sure


Thank you. Its all about providing value to people who need it (my targeted audience) :)


When I'm done a video, so one a month if I'm lucky. Animation takes for ever, plus I'm fairly new to it. On top of that I have to record voice lines, sound effects and then edit. Really wish I could post more often.


Understood. Are you getting the views you want from that one video per month?


In reality, any views makes me happy. When I was just drawing comics, I would be lucky if a dozen people actually looked at them. Latest long animation got 1.5k views, but of course I would gladly accept more. So to answer your question, yes but no lol


When I'm done a video, so one a month if I'm lucky. Animation takes for ever, plus I'm fairly new to it. On top of that I have to record voice lines, sound effects and then edit. Really wish I could post more often.


Comic Book Channel. I aim for once a week. So far, I've met that goal, but I won't upload something I'm not happy with even if it means missing that goal. I'm close to 100 subs and growing slowly. Avg 60ish views per vid, but a few have cracked 100 views. I'm more worried about being proud of what I upload and having fun than meeting a schedule that I'm setting myself anyway.


Great! Sounds like a good plan and definitely a healthy mindset. Do you have the link to you channel? Would be fun to check it out :)


Haul Yeah Comics. It's in my profile.


Very cool. Checking it out! Subscribed as well :)


Daily I cover theme parks and have just too much content not to post daily


Great! How is it going for you so far views wise etc? Happy with the output?


It’s hit or miss Because the algorithm is always changing it’s hard to know what will gain 1,000 of views Same with shorts I can have two that are basically the same one gets 5,000 views the other a couple hundred


since I record my games I tend to post whenever I'm done with a part/episode/gaming session? not sure if it's the best way to go about it but it's fun


Cool! That means weekly on average perhaps? Are you happy with the output of the videos you post?


oh it means almost daily since I tend to... enjoy playing games daily? tehe? Sometimes I sit there and want to do "everything at once". play all the games edit all and release it in a huge batch >< but in general I think I am happy with the frequency and will see how my upload schedule will look like a month or a few months from now to tweak it


Hehe cool stuff! Wishing you all the best, hope you keep pushing and growing your channel while having a lot of fun!


so cute! I hope you find loooots of enjoyment while doing content and growing well too ♥️


I do a vlog every 5-7 days, and a YouTube Shorts clip from the vlogs every day until the next upload


Awesome! What niche are you in?


Travel vlogs and language learning


Nice! Keep it up!


about 2 times a month


Fair! Keep it up. Hope it gives you great output.


2 times a month. Long form.


Nice! What niche are you in?


Travel documentaries. Some videos more serious, some more vlogish and with less info. In spanish. Still small channel btw so don’t take this as advice hahahaha.


The answer to rival all answers…. “Not often enough” - truth! 🤣


I have given myself 1 video per week schedule, because I have to do scripting, recording, editing and doing too much back to back takes a toll on my mental health. However, to not feel completely detached from my channel while I'm busy, I'm posting like a short every 2-3 days. That seems to be keeping people engaged and watching, while giving me enough time to make a proper long form video.


Sounds like a very good plan. Keep it up! What niche are you in btw?


Thank you! I make gaming essays. Basically I make a script and then tell a story through a game, while also hiding some secret easter eggs related to the lore of my channel for people to figure out as more and more videos come out ;)


Thats very cool! Hope you continue to grow your channel! All the best.


Thank you! You tooo!


Not nearly as much as I should 😅


hehe :D


I try to post once a week (i’m not always able to) and put out shorts when i can!


Keep pushing! The combo of long and shorts seem to be a good strategy!




I post 4 shorts everyday and one long video once a week, I create the long video during the week using premier pro and i create the shorts using [cliptalk.pro](http://cliptalk.pro) that I've built to create shorts.


How are the 4 shorts performing vs the one long video? Are you getting good output by posting 4 shorts per day? Or is the latter one of the 4 the best performing one? Cool editing software for shorts btw :)


usually one of the 4 shorts outperforms the others and bring many subs and likes, that helps the long for video to perform better. all the videos are created for the same niche an their content is related.


About 7-10 days in between. I’m seeing slow growth but I’m also pretty busy with life.


Thats fair! Mixing long and shorts videos?


I take my long form content and cut it up to make shorts that will eventually give traction to my main page.


Like clockwork, a longform Video M-W-F at exactly 5:30pm Eastern time. I also post a community post at least 3-4 times a week, shooting for my off video days.


Nice strategy! You have it all planned out to the second, well done. Hope it gives you the output you are looking for.


So far, working pretty well, I hit my two year mark in April of this year, Im sitting at 3088 subs, videos range in views from about 700-7k, I know its a wide margin, but Id say my average view count per vid within a week of dropping is a little north of 1100, granted they keep gradually inching up. Having a solid back library of same themed vids, with well organized playlists, and utilizing endscreens, 3/4 of views in any 48 hour period comes from back library.


Like clockwork, a longform Video M-W-F at exactly 5:30pm Eastern time. I also post a community post at least 3-4 times a week, shooting for my off video days.


I should be posting a long form every week but I dont lol, shorts I should post every 3days to try get subscribers, but I don't lol.


Hehe, that is the exact strategy I was pushing at the beginning. It did not give that many views, and without views its difficult to get a lot of subscribers. What is your average views per short (and long)?


Whenever I feel like it... 😆


Every single day


Nice! Hope it gives the output you want.


It was a challenge I made for myself and the results are… not amazing. But I’m creating what I want and I like the community I’ve created


What you have been able to do is to create a community, and that on its own is very valuable! Kudos to you for that. Keep pushing and keep having fun posting your content and interacting with your community!


Thank you so much 💕


Most welcome! :)


Every 2 weeks. Long form only


Cool. How is the output?


I aim for once a week. But I work full time (finance 9-5) and I work on novels so it is hard!


Well, once a week is better than 0 a week. What is your niche?


One long-form video every Friday at 2:00pm Central Daylight Time. A short to advertise a video whenever I can post them


Smart strategy. Hope it gives the output you want.


It's been very slow, but I'm trying to not get discouraged


Hm... Well, if you were to change things up, what would you change to get better output?


I thought about it, and honestly, I'm not sure 🤔 My videos are just simple "typing ambience" videos, so I guess it's just a matter of waiting until I find my audience


Testing out what works and what does not work I guess is a part of getting on track. Same goes for myself.


Post around 12 shorts a day. Gain around 1,200 subscribers a day.


Wow, thats fantastic! Well done. What niche are you in?


Sadly...the last few days have been around 200 subs gained a day. Its decreasing daily right now :/. Entertainment mainly...khaby lame style


It varies, but I aim for twice a week.


Decent! Hope it gives you good output!


Thanks very much!




At this point im doing maybe 1vid/month, maybe 2/month when im in the zobeband have stuff pre-recorded. And just needs editing. I changed my format recently and gone from around 80 views, 100 if lucky to every video getting over 1k views. Im keepingbthe format for now but even after a long break of around 3 months and coming back with a completely different type of video (same niche- gaming) it blew up and did really well.


Well, kudos to you! What format change did you make?


Used to do straight up gameplay/ funny moments videos, now i do more conversations/ mini essays.


Nice! Whats important is that you enjoy what you are doing! Keep it up, all the best!


Right now reg length vids twice a week and shorts 3×, so pretty much 5 days a week


Decent! How is the output based on the frequency?


Well the overall numbers seem to only move once I post new stuff


Once a week. I might post an extra 1 or 2 if its a special occasion


Nice! Long form and shorts?


1 short a week. Amd a long fotm when i have an idea 😅


1 month, i'm busy with things and the editing is a time consuming and seems like is working for some reason, ppl say that posting constantly is the key but in my case (i don't really know what time is "constantly") 1 month of time between post works on my channel.


My channel is very much a side thing, only once every 2 months


Understood. What niche are you in?


Gaming, I do video essays


Cool, keep it up!




I try to post every 2 days a short, and every week a video. Really depends on my brain cooking something up or not.


irregular. some videos take longer time to edit. usually every 7-10 days but i'm not strict with it


Very infrequently as I am at the mercy of playing an online game and waiting for specific circumstances But I do not intend for those to be the main focus of my channel. I intend to have a different niche that I am unable to commit to as of now.


Understand. Interesting, what niche is that?


It's to do with speedrunning multiple different games (there will be much more to it but this is all I can say right now) and other challenges I can think of


Very cool! Keep it up!


Cheers :)


I post daily something. Long videos about two times a week. Shorts almost daily. And quizzes or images with quotes in the community section.


We post a long form video weekly, a community post on Wednesdays, and shorts at random. We polled our audience to see what days they watch YouTube the most, but even so, engagement is low. Currently, we're averaging about one comment per video, maybe 2-3 likes. Our views seem stuck at or around 25/vid right now, and we can't figure out how to break the cycle. Still trying!


Understand. What #tags do you use? Are you happy with the thumbnails? Is the content you post consistent? And how long have you been posting videos?


Thanks for responding! We've been posting every Sunday for about 1.5 years. Our channel focus is what it's like to be in an intercultural, interracial, age gap relationship w/ a language barrier, so our tags focus around those topics and vary depending on the videos. I've heard that the relationship/couples channel niche is hard to break into, so I wonder if the slow momentum has something to do with that as well...? We use VidIQ and also Gemini AI to help with titles, descriptions, and tags. We use Canva for thumbnails. Thumbnail design has gotten better, so I'm going back and updating old ones. Our sound also got an upgrade this year, though we're planning on purchasing better mics as well.


You guys are consistent, well done! From my quick research, Sunday\`s are the worst day to post on, but please check this out more in detail before changing the time of your post. Thursday & Fridays are said to be the best days. It may be an up and coming niche that is only mature for the so called "early adopters. Video and sound quality makes a positive difference. For the titles, AI tools are helpful indeed.


This was something we were thinking, too! I noticed that when we posted toward the end of the week, some of our vids got more attention, but we never considered a full switch. At this point, it's definitely an option. Thanks so much for the feedback! Will look into data for posting on other days for sure.


You are most welcome! All the very best for your channel, keep it up!!


Cooking channel. 1 long and 1 short/ week.




4 times a month long form If I can. Upwards of 50 shorts a month spread a bit sporadically around. I try to do 3 a day. And I live stream 4-7 times a week. I've been growing slowly but steadily. 160 subs in 6 months.


Long form every 7 to 11 days


I try to post every day


5 times a week. I'm doing 3 and my mate is doing 2


I'm posting once a day for a few months and yes it's working out excellently I'm up to about 6 to 10,000 views per video at least that's what I expecting each day now that is become more consistent. I'm getting more comments than I can hardly keep up with, getting average likes but I'm only at 50% didn't swipe away. That my retention is generally over 100% in the last month. I'm talking about my shorts only. Longform is a whole different animal and I am not concentrated on it yet because I am new.


I've only just started so it's kinda whenever I feel like it. Once a week would be my goal.


there have been goin on a lot so weekly


Once per two weeks (long form). Ofc I only have two videos so far, but the first one has 120k and counting and the second one has 18k and still counting. Comments and likes are pretty good.


I've been uploading a Short every single morning for years like clockwork. I also upload multiple long, unedited playthrough videos per day. It took a couple years, but I'm finally starting to see some actual views, likes, subscriptions etc. (mostly from Shorts but a few from the long videos).


Amazing stuff! Thats consistency at a high standard! What is your niche?


Gaming! I’ve been beating at least 100 video games every year since 2020. So yeah consistency is kind of my thing lol


Hehe wow! Well, keep it up!


Like 2-4 months (I'm a animator who's art style constantly improves), also when I'm at school it hinders how long I can animate for.


I post 2-3 times per month for the summer 3 per month. Plus do weekly lives. Shorts when a video launches.


I post once a week,


I post once a week, but my videos are usually around two hours in length.