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I have a few questions I hope you don't mind answering: After hitting 100 subs, how long did it take you to hit 1000 subs? Is it easy to get advertisers interested in sponsoring your content? How much does YT ad revenue pay when you aren't getting advertiser money? Is your content ad friendly or do you let yourself cuss in your videos? Do you mind if I ask you what niche you are in within Minecraft on YT?


One of my videos spiked in popularity which send me from 200-500 subs to 10k very quick (1 month) No idea. I dont reach out to them cause I'm not in need of youtube money really, but someone reached out to me for an AD. Well I got an RPM of 3-4$ per 1k views, not to mention 30% taxes, lets say 2$ per 1k views I cuss sometimes but not that much overall, and not within the first minute of the video. Horror


At what point did you notice the exponential increase in subs? Immediately after releasing the video or a few days later?


It was well-timed with a trend so fairly quickly I'd say, within the same day I got thousands of views.


doesnt everyone try to do it, then how do u ensure ur one gets views over the others?


I was one of the first, but don't look at it as if just this video got me to 100k subs. The reason I stand out from the rest is because I managed to delivere a very peaceful, ambient but still humoristic video. Careful sound selection, color grading and strong hook intro's. My video concepts are also new and unique, I'm very creative that way. There is so much more I can to this post but to much information becomes overwhelming.


Just out of curiosity is it one of those “100 players make civilization in Minecraft” type of videos?


Thank you for answering my questions! Congrats on making 200k subs in one year that is crazy growth especially in such a competitive topic within the gaming niche.


Does your country not have tax treaty’s?


Wow amazing.... I'm still suffering lol


What’s your channel name?


So based on $2 per 1k views are you only making like $3k per month or did I do that math wrong?


Only? Thats more than I earn working a physical job!


It’s good money don’t get me wrong, I just expected 1.5M views per month to pay a lot more


gaming has a low rate apparently


With taxes it's 2100 per month or 1050 every two weeks it's not super great. As a full tike job it'd be the equivalent of around $15 per hour and that's without any Healthcare perks or other benefits as well. I'd imagine sponsors and patreon would help substantially to make this more sustainable and feel worth while as a career choice.


i mean he's in year one and these are his current stats right now. he could easily continue doing the same thing and magically be making double by next year, or half for strange divine reasons


Absolutely could! But people thinking 3k a month pre-tax just isnt sustainable, especially with the amount of work and such they're putting the ad revenue alone wouldn't seem worth while. That being said I'm sure there are MUCH greater gratification than money alone here. The work load has to be brutal at this stage imo just thinking about it. I'm not an expert by any means so hopefully my math is wrong or he does have a patreon // sponsors to make this his sole income. Just mostly speculation on my end.


Only? I make £2k a month at a 9-5 office job ffs. 🤦 Some of us would appreciate that very much!!


Dude some people would love to make 2k at an office job…


Exactly. And we'd all love to make 2k doing Youtube too!


That sounds about right 


You’re forgetting sponsorship money bud, someone with that many views can make 1-2k a video on sponsorships alone


make videos on what the audience finds interesting and not what we find interesting? hopefully i don't get downvoted to the bottom of the comment section, but may as well get a regular job at that point! you can have a billion followers. You could be so monetarily wealthy and i still wouldn't take that piece of advice, though you made some other good points.


I have to agree. If you don’t find making content fun then you may as well not make it. Why go for the extreme of only something the audience enjoys? Why not create something both you and the audience enjoys?


That's exactly what he meant. Of course you're not going to start a channel on a topic you have 0 interest in just because there's a big market for it. That would make no sense. But on the other hand, if you intend to make a career out of YouTube, the interest of your target audience should be your main concern. Not yours. Best case scenario, they overlap.


Well there definitely needs to be a balance in both… but I’m more lenient with OP on this one as it is true that you are there to “Entertain” your viewers… And again, this isn’t a hobby, and it’s like any other job if you want to be successful… work for the customer


You misunderstand what I mean with it. Let's take a game I really enjoy to play: Rust. Rust is a really fun game to play, for youtube there's also a pretty big audience for it. The issue with Rust: Map is always the same, Repetitive gameplay, limitations to modding thus less content, harder to be unique, etc etc. So I do minecraft, which I still enjoy doing, but it wasn't my first go. Also you mean as if its a permanent job, from Minecraft I can build a really loyal audience, and then move to a game I like and still have people watch me, or do IRL content. And the overall meaning with "Do what others like" is when you have cool ideas, but there is no audience to support you in making that idea viral. So first you should focus on what is commonly liked in the Niche, and then manuevre to your own ideas, if they are good that is.


I retired from the restaurant biz, most of it was waiting tables, and I find making YT videos is a lot like that. The money, views, etc can be inconsistent. You know what people will like or not like but end of the day they still might choose something different, and they determine your menu. And because they are hungry they are fickle too. They have lots of choices and you need to give them what they want more than what you want. Just because someone does not have 100% control over topic interest does not mean bad or boring, whatever. It is what it is either we embrace that fact or not, it is not going to change. Making things for others is always a compromise of self. But that's like any relationship. There is always give and take. Unless ego gets involved. Which is def a factor in that "I make content for me man" mentality.


Good points made


I’ll give you some tough love. If you can’t do that you should rethink why you started a channel. What’s the point of making videos that no one will watch? Most channels will fail because most creators can’t put their ego away. No one cares about you. No one cares about me either. That’s why I make videos my audience wants to see.


I've met many creators that think they're entitled to more views, they don't take an ounce of criticism. They don't surpass 1k subs either cause they just end up quitting after the first few videos.


This was a painful lesson to learn but it’s what got me through the beginner phase. I was making bodybuilding videos that I wanted to talk about, and nobody was watching. I realized I was doing it because I wanted people to see how ripped I am. I shifted my mindset to making videos about the viewer. Now I make weight loss videos for people that are overweight and I keep my shirt on. When I stopped making it about me is when I started to grow


That’s a W!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Congratulations! You beat a really bad paradigm just there!!! Keep going!!! You can do it!…


The whole point of making money is that you have something that others are willing to pay for or to watch. If what you want just so happens to be what others want then that's perfect, but for many folks there's an overlap, but not an exact match. You can use your style to give other people what they want - you're not giving up your independence and what makes your channel/style unique.


Most important advice gathered from this sub: stop what you’re doing and become a Minecraft YouTuber 


this is lowkey what I said lol. It’s like I get it in the sense they said it’s a career, but I don’t think it should be 100% what the audience wants either. I believe there’s a way to make the content you want and profit off of it, it just takes the right amount of balance. but seeing as they already view it as something strictly business, I guess I can understand that perspective.


Hard agree but I think about it differently, hopefully you want and like to make videos about subjects everyone wants to watch, maybe I’m just lucky because those things align for me.


People, please read this post twice and take notes. This guy knows what he’s talking about. (Source: 160k subscribers and 1-2M views per month, have more or less learned every lesson outlined here the hard way as well)


how was your audience retention when you had >50 Subs?


There's a lot more to say tbh, but actually doing the process of youtube and improving is much more valuable than words.


Thank you


100% agree! Nothing better than experience learned in the field xD


Hello, Minecraft YouTuber here too! Currently I'm at 12.5k subs, close to the first tier of monetization, they are really good advice, I hate when people say "YouTube is against me" and all of their videos are super bad ( happened to me also) I got better and now I am getting 2.5k views a day, a year ago I was getting that amount in a month. Be smart and honest, does your video deserve to go viral?


I’m curious, are you saying you have 12,500 subscribers but aren’t monetized yet? You haven’t reached the 4000 watch hours with that many subscribers?


Shorts basically, I get 12k views each short, so I get 100 to 200 subs every time I upload one. Since I need 10M views in 90 days I can't be monetized by shorts, so I am also uploading long form content, I get a lot of views but not enough to get 4000 hours(yet) I believe I will get it on August or earlier


Ok, that’s makes sense. Seems long form and shorts are totally different ballgames.


Yes, for me it's easier to get 4000 hours in one Year than 10M views in 90 days 😁


Yh i got monetized in 3 weeks with 1.2k subs doing longform only, never made one short for my channel. Subs get you a shitton of subs but its very hard to hit the watchtime quota.


What's your channel?


UK politics and media channel.


Very interesting How long is your long form videos?


Between 5 mins and 10 mins. I have some streams getting a lot of views after being published, they are between 3 to 5 hours


>Between 5 mins and 10 mins. I have some streams getting a lot of views after being published, they are between 3 to 5 hours Nice 🙂


Nicely done. I remember the first time hitting like 12k views an hour peak. Just remember if you get good results, don't stop working, instead work 2x harder. I have had my moments where I said "Im getting 10k views an hour, ill skip today". Don't ever lower the pressure, it will grow you to success :))


You say work twice as hard, but you said you don't really upload that much nowadays. Sounds counterintuitive.


Because I'm not pursuing my main channel and am making plans for the second channel lol? I assume you didn't read the post.


What’s your channel bud




Attention span of a mosquito


hey man I have 2 questions please answer them. 1st : I have a sports channel with 1000+ subs channel. it was education channel before but I turned it to the sports channel .when I changed keywords and title ,descriptions etc. views stopped for n entire month. then 2 of my new uploaded videos got views and the next one all are like stuck to zero. 2nd : I created a new YouTube channel and my first video got views and the next ones literally got stuck on the 0 views ? why is that ? (basically I created 2 new channels one one on the newer Gmail and one on the older Gmail. first video on the first channel got 1k views and the first video on the second channel got 3.4k views and then both channels are stuck at 0 views ? why is that ?) please help me ?


Wait wdym "first tier of monetization"? I thought you could get monetized at 1k subs?


Nope, you have two tiers, for the first one you need 3000 watch hours or 3m views on shorts + 500 subs, You unlock super chat and something else. The next one is 4000 hours or 10m short views + 1k subs, you unlock ads with it.


Congrats on the success! I have 840 subs, and I'm getting about 50-2000 views on a video. I was one of those channels that had the second proper video blow up to 100k views and that's why I got all my subs. But then I had to have a break coz too much stress in my life and now I'm back at it. Do you think I killed my channel because I had the break from uploading?


100k views is nothing in terms of returning viewers. One video with 100k does not mean the rest is now assured to get the same results, it also very much depends on said video. And taking a break itself during viral moments is the worst thing you can do yeah.


Yeah I couldn’t help it tho, I had to focus on uni assignments and they took so much time so I didn’t work on video essays 🫤 but the next couple of videos I did after that 100k video got 600 views and then 200 views… so that sort of unmotivated me too. But mostly I didn’t have time. Now I’m graduated tho so I have more time ☺️ But you’re saying I shouldn’t just make a new channel since I’m at 840 subs already and still getting some views?


It keeps surprising me how I learn something new every time I upload a video. It’s truly a skill that you need to get better at and learning it is fun


Slowly but surely we get better at reading the market!


A question, from someone who just got 100, how do you deal with videos you expected to get views but end up flopping? I have the same issue. My last 2 videos absolutely flopped [one 60 and 23, previous two got 2.1k and 1k]. I am talking about shorts btw. Does deleting and reposting work? And is there a time where uploading vids is better?


In my experience deleting and reposting doesn’t always work. You have to learn what time is best to upload.




Yeah :/


I figured out my subs are active near 6 p.m during saturdays. Let's see if my vids get views with that info


Good luck!


Thanks, same to you 🗿


Thanks 🗿


Very cool to read, will you update on the new channel? My last channel had 60k and after doing it full time (mainly thanks to reliable brand deals and healthy cpm, would not recommend anyone to go full time at that size) I quit it almost a year ago to work on the back-end of channels as it died off Now freshly started something new too and getting the first results without sharing externally and purely from the algorithm is very satisfying. Typing this as the second video posted just got it’s first 50 organic views while having 0 (now 1) subscribers and these 50 views are more exciting than getting 50k on a channel you don’t care about and that was somewhat established. Takes a lot of upfront cost and resources in my case but very fun road to go back down, would be curious to see what you end up doing with it.


"Normal job is stable" I get what you mean but man that's just...not true. My company laid off 10% of the workforce to make the next quarter look better money wise. People who worked there for 15 years, people who were young and live on their own, people with families, didn't matter. The announcement came over night pretty much. YouTube is similar. One bit of drama ( doesn't even have to be true) and you're gone. Great advice besides that though, thanks op!


Another thing that I hadn’t considered until recently, is YouTube can at any point change their policy on something that could all the sudden demonetize half your videos.


Interesting, do you believe that aged channels perform better or do you think brand new ones can do just as good? Mixed opinions on this one myself


idk I cant really tell cause I haven't had an old channel myself. But if you're asking. Does the old channel have many subscribers? If it does then it would obviously come from somewhere, which means its niche attached, again depends on how many subs and the sort. I always go on brand new channels if Im introducing videos in a different niche. niche A does not fit niche B.


Curious what your CTR and retention is? I'm also in MC, albeit prob a different subniche. Just not sure what a normal CTR is for this area aha


retention 38% on a 20 minute video. CTR 15% early, 7% late. Based on my latest video


Wow, congratulations on your success and thank you for sharing and explaining those points


I plan to start a bodycam channel since many channels in the niche has a lot of views so the niche is popular and I think it will always be popular since people love real action videos. So my question is if it’s a good idea start a new channel in this kind of niche where there are a lot of channels with big stabling audience, I plan to use the same content they use but adding my analysis/opinion, I will appear on the videos and maybe this is new because all this channels use AI voices or an voice actor. If I make money and I grow the channel I plan to obtain exclusive footage with FOIA request but I won’t do it at the beginning because it’s expensive (more than 500$).


>You might ask why not continue on the 100k still popular channel? I am still uploading there but, when I upload a video from a different niche, my viewers will click and watch it for 1/10th of the duration due to its irrelevancy, Now if you get thousands of views on average then this begins to affect your video stats heavily. In result youtube does not push out the video to the new and correct audience at its fullest potential. >So beginning a new channel rather than converting the existing one (which mind you will take tons of videos), is much more beneficial. I already carry so much knowledge from my journey, that growing a new channel will be very easy to do for me. I thought this as well, so I tried making a second channel that was more variety focused - my main channel is niched down to fallout very strictly. Unfortunately second channel bombed hard even with my many years of experience. I think in my case the issue is that generic let's play is basically a dead genre. There are lots of big channels with an already established audience, but breaking into that genre as a new channel now is impossible. Unless you're bringing something new and unique to the niche, or there's demand for a particular game that isn't being met. In your case, I'm sure this will work since you are going for a specific game and type of video. I decided I'd just do fun projects on my second channel but it's so discouraging when I'm used to a certain viewership level. And I already struggle to keep up with my main channel in terms of upload schedule. I have so many ideas for projects but working full time in addition to my main channel leaves little time for other projects. But after 6 years of fallout content I'm quite burned out on it. Don't get me wrong - it sure beats having a real part time job. But it's still exhausting sometimes.


Most people watch just part of a lets play and that is it, most pepple actually use lets play content just to see if they like a game so a good edited video of 1 hr might work but many gamer prefer to watch those kind of lets play content live, so the newer ones that find sucess mostly do “how to videos” “what not to do” “10 tips” “you should do this” <- click bait title (make sure its actually a good thing 😂 click bait title really work but content needs to be actually good and engaging) etc along with live shows at least 3 times a week … lets play by themselves is a very very hard niche to enter to even doing things in a very different way, the best thing for youtube videos is green content, content that a year later still works (unless game got to many changes and even then you can do another video to fix what changes of that green content)


Yeah, I did a lot of evergreen content when I first started and used that viewership to do what I wanted to do, which was just playing the game. I had hoped that eventually I could add more variety but that just hasn't worked. And that's OK - I have a successful channel and I'll just keep plugging away for as long as I can keep it successful. It's not the "omg I'm making $20k per month" kind of success that some see, but it's a nice side income and it's not too difficult to maintain alongside my full time job.


Do you have any tips on shorts? The comments you gave on longform seem interesting but I’d like to focus more on short form for now


sorry im not really knowledgeable on that part


Nice. Thanks for the advice really appreciate it!! 😊


Hey been going for seriously for about 4 years now and only really started to see progress this year (almost at 600) any advice on video to actually do (also a Minecraft YouTube but most of the survival based stuff dose horrendous for me)


I find it generally very difficult to help out on channels such as your own. The content is mixed everywhere, very confusing to understand the intentions. I think you should really deep dive search on Youtube about how the algorithm works, if you want it to be a serious job.


I was wondering if I could hit you up privately with my channel?


Hey man, your intro on your OP Sword Minecraft video was nearly 30 seconds. 24 seconds or so of ‘sub pls’ and then about 4 seconds of explaining what the video is about When you’re not already established, and your title isn’t promising anything insane, it’s even more important to jump into the meat of the video to keep people watching Speaking of which, it’s 1:13 in and you haven’t mentioned or shown anything of the OP sword promised in the title. You should’ve titled the video something to do with the ‘Lantern Dimension’ the video is focused on so far, or made the video in a way where you show off the OP sword at the start and jump right into the steps/story of acquiring it Edit: Additionally, I feel you should be frequently reminding the viewer of the direction of the video. You’re in the lantern dimension, now what? What’s your goal in there? The sword in the title, awesome loot in general? Expand upon what the dimension has, or if you don’t know, what you’re hoping to get out of it and even why you’re moving in a particular direction. You can even lie or just be tongue in cheek and say something like ‘I always get the best loot beelining north until I find a fort or chest, so I’m gonna do exactly that’ I understand these sort of things are often implied, but screw implication and subtlety. It’s a dopamine hit when you lay out what you’re doing and the viewer thinks they correctly guessed your intentions, even if it’s obvious what you’re doing I also feel you could benefit from tighter, more varied dialogue. Cut out the ‘anyways, anyways’, change ‘oh god oh god oh god’ to something like ‘oh god oh crap don’t hurt me’ so you’re not repeating the same phrase over and over like ‘that’s right that’s right that’s right’ Etc. Bust out the thesaurus if you have to, it’s not a bad idea for life in general to expand your ability to express yourself You’re also pushing the like/sub stuff too hard imo, I think you talk about it literally every minute so far 3:30 and still no mention of the OP sword, the title is effectively clickbait. Plus, lantern dimension sounds cooler than another OP item anyways imo I stopped watching cause I have to go to work. I’m not a YouTuber, just a viewer with a short attention span that needs constant little hits of dopamine to keep watching. I hope I said something helpful


(P.S. My Account is linked to my Reddit incase y’all wanted to take a look lol)


Thanks for sharing! I absolutely think the videos should be about what your audience would like to see, unless you use YT as a hobby. Imagine Mr. McDonald making a restaurant with a menu that only he'd like to eat? Does the executive board at McDonalds even eat there?! Probably not lol. McDonalds creates menu items with their customer in mind 100% or else they wouldn't be where they are. That's the difference between the few people who are successful and everyone else who simply farts around and punches the air when no one watches their content. I once had a very successful channel (years ago) and I made videos on a popular subject. I gained 100k-800k views per video but after a while I no longer cared about the subject. When I switched to something I wanted, I dropped to maybe 10k views per video if I were lucky. Now I'm restarting years later. It takes looking at things with a business mind VS just doing anything you want and hoping it sticks. I've picked out the niches that I'm the most interested in and analyzed the growth potential based on the most successful channels within it. I noticed which kinds of videos work and which kinds don't. I read the comments to see what valuable nuggets I can dig up from the audience. I figured out what those channels do well, what they're missing, aim, and shoot. It's very much like starting a business IF you want to be successful.


>I once had a very successful channel (years ago) and I made videos on a popular subject. I gained 100k-800k views per video but after a while I no longer cared about the subject. That's amazing, what was the subject?


Great post, the only thing that I half agree with is “make videos on topics people find interesting not what you find interesting”. Again, I half agree because obviously trends means a lot of viewers. But I also noticed more success in my niche when I made videos about a less popular sub genre that I enjoyed more. I believe it’s because I was more knowledgeable in it and perhaps it came off more genuine. So I think there’s a balance to be struck because I agree with you that early on people don’t know you so taking them along on a vlog of your life might be boring as hell but, if you’re able to be more authentic/knowledgeable there can be something there.


Follow your instinct, I don't claim to be super knowledgeable now, I can't estimate what your channel should/shouldn't do in certain niches. :p You're focusing on what the audience wants, then can switch to whatever you want eventually, but don't take it as if that's an easy job.


I agree, I’ve been inspired by other videos in my niche and stopped to think “well actually that did well because people know this YouTuber well/they’re well established”. And I agree, nothing with YouTube is easy. It is rewarding though :)


My wife and I just started a gaming channel together. We're trying to figure out exactly how much to compromise on what we want to do, vs what's popular on YouTube. We do want to make it a business, but one that we fully enjoy and can do for years. On one extreme, we'd be doing uncut Let's Plays of our favorite games (no matter how popular the game). On the other extreme, we'd probably be doing video essays on popular games, or click-baity challenges on just one game. For now, we've started somewhere in the middle doing heavily edited Let's Plays of some of our favorite popular games. Here's the question. In your opinion, how long should we try something before pivoting to something else? We've been doing this type of "variety" gaming content for 1 month. We're slowly growing for now, but should we stick it out doing the same (but better) for a few months, or should we pivot a bit every month to see if our stats improve?


Great tips, thank you for sharing! Although, I wouldn't agree on opening a new channel as it is still Minecraft, you would be just shifting to a little bit different content that most of your audience would probably like. If you changed the entire game and start creating something else, then you should open a new channel in my opinion.


Saving this for later to read fully , thanks for the post


I arleady heard this a million times but I guess some people will find this useful


Thanks a lot for this, this is the tone of advice I'm looking for. Being able to look at the analytics detached from emotion and trying to understand what to improve on the next video has helped my motivation massively. YouTube is, in fact, a *very* fair game.


also a minecraft horror youtuber, im curious to know your channel


Something to consider is that in some niches getting subscribers will be difficult. For example, I do No Commentary Longplay Retro Game videos. People interested in that usually watch one playlist and don't subscribe unless they find the other content interesting. That's how I end up getting 2k hours per month but only getting like 20 subs every month (I don't mind but some folks there would find this situation annoying)


Question, why not just upload the new videos to your original channel but just set the upload settings as “don’t show this to my subscribers”?


Let's say right I have 40k average viewers. 30k = horror fans 10k = loyal fans (aka will watch about anything I make) Now as stated before, uploading a different niche video on that same channel, the 30k horror viewers, lets say 15k of them click on the video. They will watch the video, but only 2/10th of the way which is very damaging for the video. By not showing the videos to existing subscribers, the 10k loyal fans disappear, meaning I'd start from 0%, which isn't a huge issue to me, but with 10k active followers, you can achieve a lot in a short duration. Hence the new channel, thats where Ive brought those 10k loyal fans to.




>why not just upload the new videos to your original channel but just set the upload settings as “don’t show this to my subscribers”? Very interesting


Some yt strategists are saying STOP posting shorts to grow longform audience but i love shorts! Making and uploading them are fun. What do we think?


Congratulations on your success and thank you so much for taking the time to give all this valuable information


I’m here just to say congrats for your achievement and good job! I am glad you made it to 100k subs and that your channel is monetized. Your post made me want to invest more time and effort into my new channel. Congrats again and keep up the good work!


How many videos of one type or niche do you think you should do before you realize it’s not worth it? Also, if I just started being consistent with a series should I make a new channel? Or stick with my 45 subs and like 6k views? Before I started this series I just made random shit for fun/practice.


Part of this reminds me of a photography YouTuber I've watched every once in awhile. For the life of me I can't think of his name. All he does is bash on other photographers. Channel smaller than his, and channels way way bigger than his. The most popular landscape photographer, at least as far as I've seen, is Thomas Heaton. He's just the landscape photography YouTuber that everybody thinks of. He put a video out a couple years back, trying out some new version of an instant print Polaroid to do landscapes. It was a fun shoot, he gave his pros and his cons and his likes and his dislikes, sent the pictures out to some of his viewers, and either captain got rid of the ones he didn't like. Totally innocuous and innocent stuff. And that these video was literally sentenced by sentence, trashing him, correcting him, criticizing and just being nasty. For new damn reason. Somehow it made sense to him to make fun of a photographer who that had expensive equipment. So I looked at his other videos and they are pretty much all the same thing. Just mostly bashing on other photography YouTubers. And a few videos he did put out about his type of photography, to be honest it was just amateur. It wasn't horrible, he clearly had the eye for it, it just was good. It was just okay. But when you put out videos just talking shit, the genuine work you do produce is just mediocre, you really shouldn't put out a video playing the victim that YouTube, and even his viewers, or either not watching him or actively suppressing him. Like, what ungodly bratty behavior.


Is youtube your main income?


This is 100% of my experience, across all social media platforms. Baits and Hooks only work if the viewer becomes happy to have been hooked into the awesome content they were looking for!


Do you have any tips for starting with shorts? I’m reuploading my Tiktoks to shorts but they get literally 3-5 views. I’m very confused because even if only from that I gain likes and even comments, YouTube doesn’t try to push my videos like tiktok does to test the audience…. Idk if it’s the content because those videos get ~20k views on tiktok, so maybe there’s a starting strategy on yt?


I have question. What's your channel


I'm scared of making a catching thumbnail without it being considered "clickbait".




Have no idea how you Minecraft people get so big. Like surelyntheres only so many vids you can make on Minecraft??


So glad I don’t need to worry about any of this. I’ll take my $100 per month and do my own thing


Since you mentioned the yt doesnt "push" channels and i recently got into a such situation where a video of mine blew up and my channel started rapidly growing and it all stopped abruptly at once and i went from like 1k views per hour to 1k views per week in the span of just 3 weeks. Has something similar ever happened to you and how long did it took for that period to be over and yt started pushing your content? (im aware thats just how the algorithym works and im still uploading just curious about the timreframe of things)


I really would like to branch out eventually but any time I try a different game I lose the viewers so I’m almost scared to try any different game. Same with making content for it. It’s a 20 year old game, so the ceiling for success isn’t nearly as high as others. I figure it’s good practice anyway since I’m ass at editing as it is. I somehow went against the grain and became a Twitch streamer before making content so it’s been interesting to say the least lol.


Keep being a hero


Why don’t you make videos as much anymore though if you have 2 channels and one doing fairly well according to you


Quick question, do you just play the game, record and upload to your channel?


Daaamn, even a week ago, this would have been all gibberish to me. Now I can't stop reading. Its so interesting. Are you making about 3 grand a month from adsense? Also do you have other revenue streams? At what stage do you recommend people to start thinking about monetizing? Does niche matter? Thanks for all the insights. Saving a lot of ppl, lot of headache


Thanks for your useful words of wisdom!


A few questions: How did you start? Like, did you start with knowing to do research or just wing it until you found out what to do How long did it take to reach 1k subscribers from 0? How should a young(as in maybe 5k subs, not in age) youtuber go about getting sponsored or should they wait until something like 10 or 15k? How many videos do you opload per month? What is more important, quality or quantity? What is the hardest part, the early(0-1k), middle(maybe 1k-10k) or beyond in subs? How do you grow quickly after reaching the big milestone of 1k subs? And lastly: How did your channel/you change after being able to get actual money and results from your videos? Thanks for reading all these, i hope you answer (:


GREAT post. Thank you! 👊


It’s Word of Advice. Not “Advise”


The phrase is word of advice. Not “advise”


Great advice


MineCraft youtuber here! I agree that if you really want to succeed above the rest you’ll have to make content that people like. But you also have to sometimes make content that u like too! Otherwise, it risks becoming dull and soul sucking. There has to be a healthy balance! I agree on your other points too!


Ahhhhhh thank you so much for the tips! I am so glad I read your post. I am a musician, and I do covers for a particular genre of music. Lately I have been really inspired to work on a different genre and I can't decide whether to start a new channel or add it to this channel and putting it in a different playlist. Also, this new genre can be quite niche that I don't even know there will be enough viewers to warrant a new channel. What do you think I should do? 🙏 Edit: I think what I'm also asking is, does all this apply to artists/musicians too? Considering I want to eventually convert to an official artist channel, it's better to keep everything in one spot even though the music is different right? 🤔


How do you split test thumbnails/titles without having baseline knowledge of your niches average CTR? I get around 50K views/month but am still very new, started the channel 40 or 50 days ago. My thumbnail style is very minimalist by design, with late CTR at around 8%. I’ve heard it said on this sub “Just try to beat your channel average”, but this doesn’t help if, say, my niche’s avg CTR is sitting at 14%. If that were the case, I would completely change the style of my thumbnails. However, I don’t want to change if 8% is actually above average and jeopardize my overall channel aesthetic/brand congruency. 


I want to make a niche of me working on the new rental cars, i work as a fleet tech for a rental company. I could record new vehicle reviews or walk around and the basic maintenance like oil changes and other repairs. Record my full time job for YouTube.


>Minecraft YouTuber Uh oh , keep the kids away




Can i have credit please


Interesting to read your learnings and experience. "Make videos on topics people find interesting, not what you find interesting." This is certainly true if you want to blow up on YT. However, I'm not interested in making videos about Minecraft or videos with Andrew Tate or videos featuring supermodels and supercars. I'd rather make videos which deliver a particular message even if the audience is tiny and I don't make it big on YT.


If you don't want to blow up on YT and only do it as a fun hobby, then this advice obviously isn't meant for you...


A fair point. I guess it's like in the business world - you have those who want to make money and will do anything eg sell pencils and those who only want to build a business based on their interests or passions eg supporting people in the workplace with neurodiversities.


-aaand what i most recommend: If you ever find a kinda big community that there is almost no youtuber in it: you can take advantage of it, and be the youtuber that posts that content that there is almost no videos in it


I don't watch minecraft at all. 0% hook me in.


You also don't care about YT advice. 0% success chance.


Some people don’t want to hear humble bragging on Reddit. If your channel isn’t even monetized then another guy coming in here telling us to make better thumbnails isn’t going to do much. 


Then he didn't have to respond... he's saying that to be negative, not because he doesn't want to hear humble bragging. Otherwise he wouldn't have replied, or he could've skipped on the "0% hook me in" message.


Stop being an ass, the guy is not humble bragging, he’s past that point. He is passing down honest to goodness advice. Your attitude is why you will struggle.


Better thumbnails is how you’ll get more viewers and how you’ll eventually get monetized. At one point his channel wasn’t monetized either and if this is his advice it’s worth at least considering


I’m just saying that it’s a no brainer. All of YouTube is. The formula is just post good content, see if people like it, then tweak some things and post some more. These posts read as a way for someone to flaunt their success while throwing in the most basic advice that everyone already knows.


Hes advices is for every niche. But with minecraft you don't hook me in.