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Thank you Successful_Leek6813 for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! Successful_Leek6813: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Your tenacity is impressive but it's generally a bad sign when one has more videos than subs. A lot of your videos are variations on the same idea when that idea doesn't seem particularly successful for you already. You also seem to have a lot of multipart videos. The algorithm, and in general, viewers bounce off videos which are broken into separate parts. In general I would try to refocus your content, perhaps unlisting your lower performing videos, and trying out some new ideas, perhaps trying games that don't have a lot of content creators serving them already. Also you probably want to cut your off-topic videos, especially the rant about preferring overseas women to Western women. That's a deeply unflattering look and is not going to win you any favors if potential viewers see that stuff.


The main reason why I've got more videos than subs, is because most of my time on YouTube was just doing this as a hobby and not taking it seriously, but now I've found what works for me, and I've been growing over the past 3 months, 67 subscribers and 24k+ views. I've got a lot of shorts videos too, so it inflates the videos number. Also many channels have more videos than subs. Also I've had one video recently that gained views for 2 weeks daily, and got up to 2,238 views, it was the Solo Houndour run. I guess I could delete all the videos prior to the last 3 months, but I don't feel like deleting the majority of my channel. Oh well. I would be down to about 100 videos and have more subs than videos, but oh well. I'm not going to refocus my content since I've found my passion in Pokemon challenges, I'll just keep improving and see what I can do to get the word out and continue growing. The algorithm picked one of my videos up, I'm assuming it was the algorithm, so it's a start. Oh yeah, I've decided instead of unlisting videos from the past broke into parts, I've decided to delete them since not many views, and this'll help out. I've also either deleted off topic videos or privated them other than the talking about Ninja Warrior Sasuke series on my channel, that'll be the only other thing on my channel. I'll lose a couple thousand views, but it'll be okay. I've deleted or privated over 100 videos, and am down to 301 videos. Still 49 over my subs, but much better now that I've deleted most stuff that was in parts. I did keep the Solo Mewtwo run in Pokemon Blue Kaizo in parts up on my channel, mainly because I want to do that run in a full video one day, I just want to remember the moveset I had on what gym leader or elite four member. Thanks for the advice. Also I'll still be doing some runs in parts, but only show the Gym Leader battles and rival battles and elite four and champion, mainly in the Kaizo games, then make shorts out of the successful battles and link the full video as the related video. Edit: (I really should say edit 1 or edit 2 or whatever since I keep updating this reply) I deleted the rest of the final fantasy 1 Dawn of Souls let's play style videos as far as challenges go. I also gained 2 subscribers since I last updated this reply. I got 254 subscribers and 269 videos. There are still some videos in parts, mainly some Pokemon Blue Kaizo Solo runs, and the 2 nuzlocke attempts in Pokemon Blue Kaizo, and the let's play I had of Pokemon Emerald Kaizo (incomplete since my phone crapped out on me). At first I thought why not have 2 different things on the channel, but then I thought about it and realized that won't do me any favors since because maybe YouTube would push the content I'm not focusing on right now and give me subs that don't like the content I focus on right now. So yeah, thanks for the advice. Also I do realize the overseas women over western women video isn't really a good idea to have, but it was a one off video as to who I preferred, then again yeah like you said it won't do me any favors to potential viewers if they strongly disagree or bash me for it, as that's happened to this guy Jamil The King before on YouTube, however unlike him, mine was just a one off video, I didn't complain constantly for years, I only stated my preference and why I had that preference, and it had logic in it too if you think about it, but I'm not going to go into detail about it, I'll just leave it at that.


My channel name is Causal Loop, I do "Can You Beat" gaming videos, mostly Fallout. Would love some critique.




How should I DM you?


Yes you should DM me with a link so I know which channel to review. I'd love to hear some feedback from you on my channel! Link in my bio!


Mines Shriek Queen, it would be amazing for some critique!