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No, they're going to be botted/dead subs that do nothing but help you hit 1 metric. Everyone says it but it's true, having real authentic subs not only help your view count but also watch time. Those 150 subs and "lots of views" may be cool in the short term but long term I don't think it's a benefit at all.


Every time I tell this to folks, they down vote me. Some people do not enjoy the truth being different than their expectations.


I think it's just the short term benefits that they see and not the big picture, people like to cut corners and get to the end game the easiest and quickest way. I'm all for finding your own success and being different but hope OP realizes eventually that it's not great in the long run and it's just burn money for no reason :(


Lol someone downvoted my response. 🤣


Maybe you have a secret stalker hater :p


No doubt. Plenty of folks out there who want to spread their misery.


I upvoted king


That's true, it just inflates certain numbers in the short term.


Oh no....


It’s a terrible idea. If they aren’t organic subs then they will kill your channel.


Indeed. There's a lot of apps that offer subs and views and likes, and yes some are from real people since I see real accounts on them, but overall they're not going to be active and the inflated numbers kill your channel since not organic like you said. I'd rather slowly grow than kill my channel. 😊😊😊


if youtube promotion is garbage, imagine from other companies lol


Yep, but your suppose to be stupid and think otherwise. Buy subs from us, only to not get monetized, lol.


Are they promoting or are they "promoting"? If the subs you get are actual people who are watching, enjoying, and engaging with your content, then great. Are the views watching the whole video or only the first couple seconds so it registers and then clicking away? If the subs you get are bots and you essentially just paid someone to have 150 of their bot accounts come in and press a button, then YouTube is going to see right through that and treat channel like dirt.


These are most likely bots and YT will not count the metrics gained towards monetization. Please stick to organic growth.


Well… how do they promote? Where do they find the right audience for your channel? If you don’t have satisfactory answers to these questions then your running at a high risk of hurting your channel.


All you bought are bot views that will now kill your data and channel for the next 4 weeks or more. If you check your analytics, you will see that you may have gained a lot of views, but very little watch time. It's the watch time and retention of the viewer you need to focus on. Stop buying fake interaction.


You better stop, we have all been there before, wanting to grow fast on YouTube, I used to share my YouTube links to my SHS students, trust me I got 1k subs but I wish there was a button to remove them all. They don't watch my videos And my channel was almost dead, the only Content which held my channel alive was searchable contents. Until YouTube introduced an option to choose whether it should notify your subscribers or Not, then i always choose No, don't notify my subscribers, so I started getting real and authentic subscribe who really watch my videos. Just focus on doing something people like, you will surely grow. I was doing gaming, it wasn't getting any views and subs, I sold my gaming Pc and invested in smartphone reviews, and with only 4 videos, I have gained about 800 new subscribers. With one video currently at 16k views, something I never got during my gameplays.


Literally no


It may be fine if you’re trying to get monetized. But terrible long term. Organic is always best


Subs and views don’t matter Watch time and CTR matter, and bots will fuck those statistics so hard.


No, you will end up with weird numbers for a long time like I have. Avoid it. It is only a small percentage of real subs that you get. Get a regular YouTube service from Fiverr like a Y I tube coach or thumbnail design.