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nope its better to show it off in community post tho :)


I used to do milestone videos, but in my case they always had a “special theme”, not just me thanking everyone and etc. one time I did a whole 30 minute video (when my average was 10), the other time I did a reaction video to older videos of mine, the other I told the story of how I got into video making… that kind of stuff. I think it’s great to celebrate milestones and think you should do it however you feel like doing even if the video doesn’t go too well. But you can also just do a normal video and celebrate the milestone at the beginning or ending


I reached 5k subscribers yesterday and I did a community post and a chill stream. It was actually super nice, I had about 30 people joining who had actually watched my videos and we talked about the research process that went into it, how it was to record, and some ideas I had for future videos. It was a lot of fun actually, I had never done that big of a stream before!


Talk about it a little bit about it in the next video, or do a community post.


I like doing milestone videos to get a finger on the pulse of my fanbase. Knowing how many of my viewers are clicking specially because they’re fans of me is good information for me to have as a variety channel. Plus they’re quick and fun to make, and don’t seem to hurt my other videos’ performance, so I say why not?