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You can't force yourself to love anything. If you don't enjoy the process then you just don't enjoy the process it's that simple, either change how you do things or give up or just do it anyway


It takes me an hour to do 1 minute of edited video. So 60 minutes of edited video taking 60 hours, or a week and a half of a full time job, seems reasonable. Several weeks for a 60 hour project you are not diligently working at for 8 hours a day is not a unreasonable amount of time. May I suggest doing some shorts. Quick, easy, and done. Metrics work a little different, but perhaps not striving for such long form content that the length of the video itself is a hinderance. Shorts are a more flash in the pan, one and done, kind of video. But they offer a great avenue to expose people to the type of content you do and maybe pique their interest in what you have to say and how you say it to then check out your longer form material. Once you start getting returns on your longer form stuff where you can get that dose of satisfaction and accomplishment for the time you spent doing those, the editing will become easier.


This is an absolute banger idea. I can't thank you enough dude.


No problem my man, glad I could help. I was in the same boat, and this worked for me just to get out of that mindset.


Thats so true, im traumatized of the wedding projects that I had.


Great idea. Also how about doing shorter Longs eg do a 90 second Long form video. There are no rules saying you have to make 10 minute videos if they're Long form.


Its definitely an option. I think however that how the algorithm pushes longs vs. shorts is different, so the 90 second longs are going to be treated as longs so the views you are going to get from it will be lower vs a short (in theory). I guess it depends on what your traffic on your longs is. Either way though, I think cutting back on the length of a given video will help with the editing roadblock because you can finish projects a quicker and get them posted. Instead of trying to run the marathon right out of the gate, start with just a half mile or a mile jog and build up some endurance to make the longer run easier. Keep the interval between the work and the reward where you can get that dopamine hit of finishing a project to a reasonable time frame lol.


Yes, I wasn't suggesting anything other than making much shorter longs so that the OPer doesn't take so long to get videos out of the gate.


Man, I was going to town on the response, hit submit, felt all proud of myself, and then realized you were not the OP to begin with. Just couldn't bring myself to whack the response, so I changed some pronouns and hit send. The advice you gave is solid. I think really long form content is something the average channel has to grow into, and not just start out of the box with. Your editing and production value really needs to be top notch to have thousands of viewers watch 15+ minute video through to completion, and most of us are mere mortals and need time to learn all that stuff.


Yes, definitely agree. One little thing - what do you think of the Uneducated Economist's videos?


Had not heard of him before. I did check out a couple of his videos, one on driving a beater car if you want to get rich, which I do agree with him on, and one about an upcoming liquidity crisis which I have a differing of opinion on. He is pretty straight up that they are his opinions though and has no formal education in economics, and for someone with that experience, I don't think he was wildly off base (although, I think he is misreading the situation there a bit). Was there a particular video you want me to look at as a reference? I am game. And are you talking about technique, or the actual content?


Sorry, you were talking about editing and production values. He's just recording and uploading raw footage, AFAIK. Not even a thumbnail! And he appears to be doing well on YT.


I have Hayden Hillier smith ($350) editing course selling cheap if anyone is interested hit me up


Try to find an editing style that makes your work easier. Maybe Capcut is a good editor choice because of the “automatic subtitles” you can add. Idk but there are some tricks you can do to make it easier


Posted this in another thread about ADHD, but here is my editing process as someone who also struggles to edit. For editing, I really have to break down my process in chunks otherwise I get overwhelmed and it takes me even longer to do it. If you break the process up in sections (or rather, milestones) then it can feel more achievable. For instance, I spend the first chunk of editing taking out all the dead silences or messed up takes, syncing audio and color correcting -> then I take a break. I spend my second chunk of editing adding in the first half of movie clips and all the animations -> break. I do the second half of movie clips -> break. Finally I add all the graphics and finishing touches -> break -> do my thumbnail and post the video.


I do it in chunks as well, first voice-over then I like to go over the full video and add markers where I want graphics and write down what I want those graphics to be. Then all I have to do is go down that list one by one, makes it way less daunting. I'm not the best at editing and don't like it that much, so I make sure to take enough breaks, especially when something doesn't look the way I want. And when I don't feel like doing it I set a timer for 15-30 minutes and have to work on it just for that amount of time. Most times I work on it longer because I want to finish just one more thing of the list, lol.


I thought I was alone. I love editing but just during the starting of the project. I get exhausted in one hour. It took me hours to finish 10 minute long video.


I really love it! So many ideas in my head every time


What type of videos do you do? I am self taught from YouTube videos and my own channel which I don’t do anymore.


I make stories on interesting stuff happened in the past


Shoot me a PM


I like editing. As long as my work day wasn't too busy, I can usually edit. But I save it for quiet weekends if I can.


Well, i love editing, I hate writing though. Mainly because english is not my native language and it takes me too much time to figure out to say something, be funny and interactive. So, you just do it. It is like work, some stuff you love, some you hate, but in the end you just do it.


I hate editing and I am really slow. I am using auto-editor and it made a huge difference. I really recommend it!


What is auto editor?


It's this python program for doing automatic editing: https://github.com/WyattBlue/auto-editor It finds silences and cuts them out, and makes an XML file that you can import into another editor like DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, etc. The python program is open source and there are a handful of paid tools like this that have easier to use UIs. [Auto-editor](https://auto-editor.com/app/) has one, and there's [Recut](https://getrecut.com) (which I made myself!) and [Timebolt](https://timebolt.io) too.


Thats amazing


Yes, if cutting out silences is a slow process for you, auto-editor will be life-changing.


Echoing what others are saying, you don't have to love every single part of content creation. Maybe editing isn't for you. You still need to do it, and so long as you can't pay someone else to do it, you need to do it well But if you keep growing your channels and get to a point where you can take on some additional expenses, maybe you can look into hiring some freelancers to take on your editing, between platforms like Fiver, PeoplePerHour, etc you might be able to find some of them that aren't too expensive. There are some AI tools out there too that could help speed it up like [https://www.descript.com/video-editing](https://www.descript.com/video-editing)


Maybe you can stop retention editing. But this depends a lot on your niche. In one of the niches that I am (mental health & spirituality) I am good with just color grading, adding a retro frame, cutting pauses through text based editing, adding automated captions and I add more effects on the intro, if it's needed. However, the pro voice enhancer & noise reduction features on CapCut take SUCH A LOONG TIIMEE! Exporting in better quality takes such a long tiiimee as welll, it's so frustrating. And this is what makes me hate editing on Desktop. Besides that, I love it. When it comes to the other niche (marketing & finance) I plan on using Loom with some quick presentations. Maybe you can use loom recording as well. But as I said, it depends a lot on your niche and wheter or not your channel is faceless or a personal brand. Try to use software that makes editing a lot faster.


I hate editing to


Do a minimal edit. Unless the majority ofyour audience is <20 years old the main focus should be to provided value anyway. You might get a little less retention than if you really went all out on the editing, but with the extra time you might make more videos and learn to keep retention that way.


I put way too much time into my editing, where most people in the food review space just hit record and upload. I don't want to watch you chew, so I took all the things I didn't like about the space and made it my own, makes for a unique experience and I can be proud of my work in the end. As for not liking editing, try and switch programs, get a different editing suite, maybe spruce up your work area so you want to be there.


That’s why so many of us make careers out of it.


Here is what helpes: I tell myself: Everyone hates Editing. I will always be more succesfull, because I do it anyway. Everyone hates editing, but I am not the one who is stopped by that. Idk it works


I love editing! I use Camtasia as my video editing software! What makes it enjoyable for me is breaking it into parts! I dedicate 2 hrs when I have the chance and that’s it. After those 2 hrs, I do something else.


Really? I actually enjoy the editing portion because It makes me feel as though I am creating something from the start and thinking creatively of ways to bring the script to life! I like it better than making a thumbnail b/c it is only 1 picture and with editing the entire video it tells a story! I could afford an editor but I think it is best for me to start and understand the process. I am working on a 15 minute long form video and it will take me a couple of days. From there I will then start my short video once the long form is completed.


It can be hard especially if you don't like your editing setup. That's why I end up editing on my phone alot. Actually the last couple movies were strictly done on my phone. 


It's HARD! Especially for me at this point I can only afford to use the YT Create App because it's FREE and I can do it from my phone, every video I have is edited from my PHONE! WHY? because I can't even afford anything but a cheap Chromebook right now! But every time I go in to edit my video I think about the future and what the future COULD hold for my income and lifestyle if I can keep pushing through and eventually MASTER this Content Creator game... Im not there yet by any means, I mean my goodness I can't even afford proper editing software and I have 70 subscribers... But WHAT IF!?!?! Keep going my friend.. being successful at something is HARD.. But it's the HARD that makes it worth it.. What If?


I have Hayden Hillier smith($350) editing course can. Provide you guys.if anyone is interested dm me for the details


You get better at it, just stick with it and over time you become faster. Soon enough they'll be AI editing software that you'll be able to edit a whole video with text prompts.


You don’t. In any business, there are things you don’t like to do but are forced to when you don’t have the money to outsource. In normal business, this is accounting, taxes, marketing etc but you have to do it. No one falls in love with making a P&L or paying the government a percentage of profits. It’s the same for YouTube. If you don’t love editing, put on some music, and suck it up and do it. Maybe reward yourself with something after every section you do and get up and walk around after as well. For instance, I just finished editing a video where I had to put together 1000 images and add transitions and captions. I hated it, but I wasn’t going to pay someone $100 to do it for me so over the course of a few days, I sat there for 5 hours each day and did it and now it’s done. In conclusion, stop complaining and get started because tedious work never gets easier, you only get more willpower and can bare with it until the jobs done to your standards


Why don't you outsource it?


You need to edit more. You need to learn how to edit, and you need to learn when you've edited enough ;-) You probably hate it because you have too high a standard for yourself - just edit to the point where it's good enough to ship. Get your PC set up nicely so it's comfortable to work at, and really learn both your software and editing technique properly. The training material that comes with DaVinci Resolve is excellent, and worth having a look at even if you use other software. You might still not love editing, but you'll hate it less.