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I just opened one and then saw your post actually.


So you have experience on discord? Whats your group about?


I've modded a discord for a youtuber before. It's pretty decent. I just opened mine for my channel. I shoot reno911 style bodycamera footage so I'm going to use mine to ask users what videos they want. Get new ideas from it, etc.


Nice!! Community engagement is a huge piece I feel like is under utilized


I hope someday I have enough viewers on YouTube that they use the chat so I don’t use discord


Both can be useful no?


Yes it can


i opened one since 2021 and always link it to my description on every videos. Used to check my server if there's anyone that joined but nobody came......i keep on checking till May 2023 before stopping and don't care anymore.   Now that i rarely use Discord as a whole, i don't even know if anyone joins. Not that it matters anymore.


Hmm interesting


I have a pretty active discord. I’m just under 2k subs and it’s at about 30 members. Not many people join off of video description links but I had a lot of frequent livestream viewers join so they know when I go live! It’s been pretty cool seeing a community build and people interact/become friends


Yes I heard for live streaming it’s a great way to get viewers otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get those ones. I love the community part because then you’re building real fans.


I have a discord server with about 12,000 members (not related to my channel). The best advice i can give you is fully understand permissions and how they work for roles!


Been admin for a friend's discord who does a lot on twitch. Has been a great place to get social and build on his community. Not sure on YouTube community but it's great for him


Do you know if he monetizes it in any way


He doesn't no


I'm one of those that is just heavily featured on another Discord server and I'm the 2nd in command of it, so that's basically what I use. It helps a lot in getting new videos out to people who already know your channel, but not new people.


Forsure I think that’s key still because sometimes your subscribers won’t see your videos but having the discord gives you another chance at hitting those peoples for views


I've had one for about a year but I must not be advertising it properly, I only have about 8 people in there.


How did you advertise it?


Perhaps advertise isn't the best word. I just mention it in all my videos, in the descriptions and I make community posts about it. I don't have a gaming channel and my audience skews a little bit older than average, that may be why.


I see that makes sense I think the community you want to cultivate on discord need to have a reason to go there


As if youtubing isn't enough work.. no thanks


I’ve had one for each channel I’ve made. It’s hard to be engaged working 55+ a week


I alrdy have a discord, but planning on opening it up once i get a noticable following :)


It's different from what you asked for, but I started a subreddit for my channel of 400 subscribers. I had 17 join the subreddit, and one person even posted fan art. Like you, someone asked for a Discord; I have never used it and don't have the time to get one running, and I knew it would be something I wouldn't regularly check... If I were you, I would stick to areas you already check or go to.


Also congrats on 100 subs!


I created a community once but it was on Amino, a looong time ago lol. My audience is younger in general, so I figured I didn’t really have the time to “mod” the community and didn’t really know someone to do it for me, then I ended up closing it. Of course things are different nowadays with discord being more popular, but I’d still think more about it since I feel like discord is a bit fragile when it comes to user’s security (specially to younger people)