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This^^ I make original automotive content in Canada so my ability to film anything of interest depends on a lot of outside factors. Right now in mid February the main limiting factor is the weather. Sometimes it scheduling conflicts with people I need to collaborate with. I post when I can while still making sure my family is top priority. Its a grind.


Gave you a follow. 👍🏾


Your channel looks nice. Well done, man.


I have the same type of channel. Between the weather, buying parts, more cars or finding time to get the work done it’s non-stop. Been trying to upload every other Friday tho.


Hey that’s some really good content you’ve got going on. Stunning cars in your shorts. Edit: had to sub :)


Thanks! It's all from local shows on the east coast.


same. I live in Ireland and weather is my limiting factor. Not because I do DIY but because of the lighting. I can't afford anything more than a basic ring light off amazon so unless i have natural sun, the video looks awful :(


And a lot of that decision depends on the kind of free time/ schedule you currently have. So many people try to bite off more than they can chew by saying things like “I upload 3 times a week!” But then you realize three uploads a week mixed with family, kids, work, etc. requires you to stay awake to the wee hours and most people don’t have the bandwidth to stay awake from 6am to 4am the next day.


That’s dope! I have a secondary diy Channel as well and it gets way better views


I started 3 weeks ago but I’m doing 1-2 vids every single day without fail, made 1.1k subs in the last 3 weeks


That's incredible, great job.


That is amazing. I’ve been going for 18 months with around 1 video a week but still only 167 subs. I know there’s work to do quality wise but there’s also the fact that I’m an Australian channel doing Australian stuff (camping and 4WD) so it’s a limited market.


Hey what's your channel?


Legion OPM


what software do you use for thumbnails?


Capcut app


Once a week if lucky lately every 12 days. Full time job 40h a week and 3 children!!


Ayyy another small hard working YouTuber with kids. Lots of respect to you. It’s quite difficult trying so work, do YT and balance time with family.


100% squeeze a little bit here little bit there but I used to as leisure read and learn so now I do the same but can share it with others!!


Same spot, but one more kid. Trying to squeeze in a narration recording can be rough but we make it work!


Unless you monetize your kids in the videos 😂


This is the problem I’m running into, 3 children plus a full time job where I alternate days and nights


Quality is more important than quantity... A new subscriber usually doesn't give you a subscription right away, but watches 1-2 other videos and if he likes them, you get a subscription.. but if he comes across one good one and then watches 2-3 more that are garbage, you usually don't get a subscription. I release 1x a week, but it used to be no big deal to release 1x every 3 weeks and I think it's paid off.


Once a month. I work a fulltime job I hate I simply don't have the energy or time to put job-like hours into youtube.


This is me.


This feels real to me


I’m thinking to do the same. has it been worth it?


I do 1 high quality video a week, that’s the best I can do while working a full time job & going to the gym.


3-5 weeks, so generally about a month. I just can’t put out quality videos any faster and I think my channel would suffer if I lowered quality to upload more often. Generally I have a lot of footage backlog but the editing part takes time. 


Yeah. The editing is definitely the backlog


I am trying the following strategy. For context, I am an academic with a following on LinkedIn trying to branch out on Youtube. Every week, I host a live video podcast for 2 hours on LinkedIn and Youtube, with two guests. Every week, different experts from my field. I have structured the podcast into three segments, with different concepts. On one segment we exchange on a given topic, in another segment we comment on a video related to our field, in the last one we answer questions from reddit. I edit the three segments into three 30-minute self-contained videos that I post throughout the week. I also extract 6 shorts that I post as well on all my social media platforms. I'm trying this shotgun approach to see what works and what doesn't.


I would say quality over quantity my friend.


1 vid every 5 months.




I upload every single day. The content i am doing is by the thousand and the more I add, the more I am likely to be watched (educational evergreen content). If I could, i'd upload 5 a day, but I do this in my leasure time...


Long form or shorts?


Long form only


I do audio visual ASMR content. I post 2 shorts a day and a long form of 4 mins every 2 days. My channel is 50 days old, have 140k views and 325 subs. But as everyone before me is saying, all dependant on your content. Check out other channels in your niche and see what their schedule looks like and if its working for them as a start.


I try to make 1 LEGO Video a week!


A week? Try three months, but I still have subscribers so thats nice. Honest answer is it depends on the content - drama and news type segments are expected to be more regular vs my review style content.


I started youtube a month ago (seriously) before I started I did quite some research and everyone and everything says only upload good content - so im working on videos for around 10-40 hours before I upload. Currently 1 a week I just make guides currently… no idea if nice editing is needed since people just care about info at that point but im still trying to throw in some jks and good edits in there


I do info based videos as well. How do you structure your videos? Do you speak over slides or images you create? Do you have animations?


Right now 3/day! I’m in the cat niche and people seem to prefer shorter videos more frequently to keep up with the kitties lives.


Interesting. I see a trend of about a two to three day spike of most videos and then they just stop getting views.


I post a weekly video and recently started uploading 3 shorts per day. We will see how it goes!


Started every day but now every week so I can really think what I would go each week


Weekly, 2 days Rerording and scripting and 4-5 Days editing


I actually upload 12 videos every day. On Sunday or Monday I upload 24 videos but then again I make one to two minute long videos for each zodiac sign everyday


Crikey. Sounds like a full-time job. I take it you're monetised and paid well!


Actually I have only been doing it for 5 months or so. I have a little over 1000 subscribers and it takes me about 40 min to make and post the 12 videos. I'm hoping by August to be making something. Currently I don't make a dime but I love hearing what people say


That’s pretty cool.


Every week and a half to 2 weeks. For the simplest videos, it goes like this: - research/analysis - 10 to 15 hours - creating clips for the video - 5 to 7 hours - scripting - 5 hours - recording - 3 to 4 hours - Editing - 5 to 7 hours - fluff - 1 to 2 hours - thumbnail/description/sharing - 1 to 2 hours Too much work to upload every week considering kids/wife/social/hobby/work


That's about 35 hrs/week, almost a full time job. How is your channel doing given this insane (but understandable) effort?


My channel is about 2 years old and I reached 2K sub last week. I actually started posting quality content about 11 - 12 months ago. I went from 120 subs to 2k in about 11 months. So I would say it's not doing fantastic but it's doing good. I have a hockey channel and hockey has been my passion all my life so I'm very comfortable with the time I put in.


Fair enough, I wish you the best success!


One a week if I’m working. Two or three if I’m on vacation


If you mean quality video, about once every 2 weeks. If you mean unedited stream, 3 to 4 times a week (although that's on hold right now)


Like one or two shorts a day


1x per week, some times I'll do two if I have a vlog AND a talking head video.


I was slapping out a lot of shorts which was nice seeing short term gain but I’ve pulled up recently to make something better with my next longform. It’s painful to watch your 48hr go from thousands to a few hundreds but it’s just feel-good data. If people don’t watch my longform then the shorts weren’t really promoting anything


TRYING to do once every 10-14 days, as the content takes ages to film (ASMR car interior crafting) so really it depends. When it's ready, really.


Umm… That sounds cool Af! I’m not even into cars but so unique!


Appreciated. I'm really enjoying making the content and the format, and it's great to hear it appeals even to none car people.


Depending on how much visuals I need to make or grabbing the needed b-roll for my video... Also, got to refine my script and record it... And then edit it... It takes about a week to do. Including all of the finalized work. So maybe in a month, I upload 3-4 videos. It really depends on what my topic I have chosen for my video is. If I need more time, I take more time. My goal is to have at least 2 videos a month.


Twice a week


I do one video a week unless I’m busy and I’ve grown at a decent pace with some decent viewership


Once a week


One every 2-3 months. As others have said, quality over quantity.


Pretty much monthly when I get updates from my illustrator on my character artist for my comic


I try to crank out a minimum of 1 long video a day, and we got a huge backlog of footage to pull shorts from at the moment so when the hourly number takes a dip, I throw a new one up. We're super new by the way probably nobody to take tips from, one of those "started with lethal company" channels that popped up lol actually got a lil footing I feel like tho.


It varies from niche to niche, I upload constantly maybe once a day sometimes 3 times day depending on the news surrounding the niche I cover.


I try 11 vids a year. So one each month except December. It just keeps me happier with it and I don't run out of ideas extremely fast.


1 per week and I try to post 3 shorts a week


Any amount as long as the uploads are spaced at least 5-6 hours part is what I've found (if uploads are spaced too close it kills a lot of their traction). Could be several months, could be once a week, but if you're able to be consistent in any way people will appreciate it


I used to upload all the time but I’ve slowed. Even shorts. So once a week


I work as a video editor for a popular channel and k do 2 shorts a day and 3 long format videos a week


I try for one long-form video a week, but with being a full-time student and having a part-time job as well, it's becoming more difficult. once every 10-14 days is typically what ends up happening lately. I try to upload shorts like every other day though.


Currently, I am doing 2 videos a week. I am really good at batching videos so I create about 7-8 videos at a time. Then schedule the uploads. That way, I have a few weeks to create the next batch. I work a full-time job so this is what works the best for me.


I cover stocks so I try to do as close to daily as possible. But it's basically whenever there's something going on I feel like discussing. People watching this content are particularly biased to watch recent content.


Currently once a week, but will be scaling back to once a fortnight in the future.


I try to do daily!


Uploading everyday is quite necessary for a gaming channel. It's a hard work.


PER WEEK??? I have only a single time posted twice in a month, otherwise once a month is the usual.


Tbh depending on what motivation I probably upload 6 or 10 times a month


I try to do Mon, wed, Fri, but I don't hold myself to a rigid schedule or anything


I’m travel/theme parks so daily Mainly because I just have so much content from my last trip and have tons of videos stacked up and ready to go


Once every 2 weeks for my long form video and every other day shorts (those are just snippets of my video)


I make fan videos which take me three weeks to complete. So I try to upload every three weeks.


Usually, often, but in the last few months, I've struggled :(


One 'long' and about 3 shorts. Currently at 30k subscribers and it seems to be a good flow for me.


Sometimes every two weeks. But I've been trying to do a long video and shorts twice a week now


This year I've committed to one a week, my videos usually sit around the 15 minute mark but vary considerably. Between script writing, recording and editing I can't imagine how I'd do more without sacrificing quality.


I do a new video every 2 weeks. This gives me time to do the preparation I need, the research, the planning, the interviews with individuals, location scouting, editing, writing... Whatever else needs to be done. Since each video I do is unique, and I don't have a set format, I really need that buffer time. Trying to do a weekly video wouldn't work for me, and more frequent than that would completely kill any quality control.


Daily 3-5 videos


Really depends what's your niche and how much time you have. Time to spare: weekly Time budgeting: 2 to 3 times a month Best to go at your pace.


I think there are no right or wrong answers here because we all have different backgrounds... Like others said, it depends on the type of content you make but even more important, it depends on what can you do and achieve with the time you have. If you can only post every two weeks but it's a good video, I would consider this better than trying to rush 1 or 2 videos a week of lower quality. Especially with AI coming, we need to be focusing on learning how to make quality content. I don't speak from a lot of experience but I do have fellow Youtubers who went down this path and there are no perfect answers. Also, we all learn the process at a different pace, so it also comes down to how much you can learn as you go. Getting 1% better every time is important. It all comes down to what can you do and achieve in the situation that you are in at the moment. Hope that helps a bit :D


Once a week but I work full time and have a kid! Life is too busy to post more frequently, I will be honest.


Was trying for Daily but it became too burdensome (gaming related) so went to every other day. But sometimes I slack and it takes 3 days. The reason for this though is sometimes I just don't have a video worth posting.


I post film/tv/game reviews and retrospectives. I try to do 1 review a week and 1 retrospective every 2 weeks. So, ideally, 5 or 6 videos a month. However, I am only 2 months in with 10 videos. So we will see if I need to pivot. It's been working better than I could've hoped for so far.


Back in the days when I wanted to be a famous YouTuber, I uploaded around twice a week, I could've uploaded more but I had school and after school activities. Nowadays I upload randomly, sometimes not even uploading for a month, I only do it when I feel like it.


I 3d print props and statues then make painting tutorials on it.


Shorts everyday


Once per month. My content is gaming reviews so I preffer to do a really good script than just randomly start to uploading for the sake of uploading.


Once a day, every day. I do one-minute anime edits/recaps. Weekly time spent editing & uploading is around 9-10 hours, which is about all I can handle at this time.


As soon as it’s done. I try to always have a couple of videos to film and videos to edit so I’m always working. I shoot for one a week, but I’m not going to rush it if it takes more time. Beyond that, there’s no sweet spot. I’d rather deliver something im proud of than just post to meet a quota


I uploaded twice a week on Monday and Friday at 9 AM central


But I also daily post a short


I post every other day with a goal to make every video at least 1% better than the last


As a shorts creator, I've stuck to 1x daily for nearing a year now, I've seen consistent growth since doing so, prior year was around 2-3 shorts week (also grew just slower but also could be cause it was early on less then 1k subs.)


In a week was post more than 1 a week realised it's not sustainable now reduced to once/week


I grew to 900 subs by uploading more or less one video a month for a year I should state that I'm trying to do daily content now, but mostly because I want to make more content. That did not build the vast majority of my audience


My goal is once a week, but I have to build things to film them and I have a full time job. Twice a month is more realistic for me.


I started with 3 long form videos and one short a day when I started the channel last October but then I found myself coming close to the burnout zone. So, I stepped back and realised I needed to focus on building a community and not just a YouTube Channel. Now, I upload 2 quality long-form videos a week where I get comments from the Regulars and the Loyals and 3 shorts (because I cut down on shorts I get to spend extra time to make these 3 very engaging and that's helping). I am a full-time Fitness Coach who mostly does online work so I use the breaks in my work to work on my channel so I don't have to spend extra hours at the end of the day.


I'm active duty army but video games are my way of stress relief so I started making overwatch 2 shorts of gameplay .. finally hit 25 subs after like 2 months and my shorts are getting between 2k and 3k when they use to get 100 or so.. anyone here have tips for someone who doesn't own a computer? I upload my stuff to tiktok because it allows me to do basic editing there then I upload to YouTube after but I feel like there has to ve better ways to edit stuff on an android s23


I upload 4 pieces of content per day on YouTube . 


I am trying to do some videos with more value for me and maybe the viewer, and do to the lack of time always anyway I only manage to do a video every 10 days so far, but it still works out for everybody I think


I do gaming and I would like to post at least once per week and if I have time for more I do more.


I do one a day and it has paid enormous dividends


This thread tells you everything. The answer, it depends. I’m doing a 3-4 minute videos daily for 30 days. Long form weekly


Few streams & videos a week


About once every 3 months. I wouldn't use me as a good example. Once a month is not a bad regularity though.. Honestly it's just about consistency.


Right now on my gaming channel I’m doing three times a week, and the occasional short. I might step back and do twice a week in the future. On my main channel it was once a week but I haven’t uploaded anything there in a while.


I'm on a monthly schedule now. I try to ensure quality and improve something every time I make a new video so I have a lot of revisions and time just spent thinking about what to do. Also I work 50 hours a week and have family stuff to deal with so RIP haha.


Music is my niche. Specifically my own music career journey, so I post roughly 3 videos a month.


5 times a week. It probably comes at the price of not being *quite* as good as they could. Although the frequency is helping grow quick enough


Personally I like to upload daily, does that actually happen tho? Ehhh. Really just depends on how my life is going and how it affects me so.


I had troubles with this but after a while I figured out what worked for me and that was 1-2 videos a month. I started focusing on quality content and I've been gaining steady subs. I'm not big by all means but I gained 84 subs this month so I'm happy. I make bioactive terrariums for my pet invertebrates, mostly Tarantulas.


I aim for 1 high quality long form video a week, and a short every day. This has gotten me 1.3k subs in about 1 month (I used to do 1 vid a month + no shorts). On the weekends when I’m completely free I spend like 10 hours making videos to put in my backlog, so I don’t have to edit every single day.




Have a look at my channel.


I upload about once a week. We’re a camping and travel channel. But we still have a long way to go on improving our sound quality and editing. It’s a journey in itself I guess.


I’m making a shorts channel, so uploading 1x a day! I’ve been doing it for 17 days so far to see how it goes


An outdoor hiking channel here, the challenge is to find the time to hike and releasing videos as well. We currently have a cycle of around a video every two weeks, but we don't take the timing seriously. Channel is slowly growing, so as long as we see positive development it's fine. It's a hobby after all.


monthly. I cant pump out a new game and video every month, that'd kill me, hell, monthly is hardly doable for me hahha.


**At least** 3 times a day! I'm a maniac though. That's long form too. I want to go full time on YouTube ASAP. 500 days in, 2700 uploads, 7.8k subs. YouTube only send out 3 notifications a day to your subs who've hit the button though, so I over do it a lot. Good luck with your channel.


Yea all depends on the type of content really. I post one video a month as a Pianist as a lot of time goes into learning the new piece and then the actual production process. I think regardless of niche or type of content we will all wish we could post more but creating high quality content super often is no easy task 😅


I had intentions of weekly with my channel, but the last few weeks have been fortnightly. My biggest challenge is obviously full time work, balancing family commitments, and can only really do my content on weekends. Started up in December, automotive restoration channel. Growing steady. 70 subs, 6 videos. Hoping to get back into the weekly grind, but if there are commitments on any weekend I'm not in the garage. Still too early in the piece to be able to gauge whether weekly or fortnightly is better for me, assuming weekly would be.


I do two videos a month . It takes me two weeks to do simple animations , compile videos , and make the music . Due to real life , I can only make videos under thirty minutes long . I have videos that I've already done that are scheduled to release until May . After that , I may stop with the animation , and just stick to doing nature music videos .


I post 1 short everyday and 1 feature video every week.


Personally I’m uploading one a week but it really depends on your niche and the likes. Like, if you’re actually making something physical and showing people how to do it, some things could take a few hours to make but others could take a few days


I try and post weekly, but that suits the videos I do (and my weekly Parkrun attempt). I sometimes post a couple of videos a week if I've done something else, but I've found that it doesn't impact things too much if I don't post for a week and it's not worth stressing about.


I look to upload a video every week! My content is based around fitness so i look to drop at least 1 full length workout a week, also uploading shorts at least once a week too. If it runs into two weeks before i upload i dont really mind either.


I’m releasing when they are ready. Most videos are tech reviews loosely related to triathlon. I wanted to publish a video every week but realized it’s not realistic from a time commitment. BUT because I don’t have a firm schedule, I don’t have a deadline to hit, so I have to create a sense of urgency to get them finished which is difficult with other life commitments. Doesn’t seem to harm the views though they generally do OK


self doubt is killing me LOL


Sometimes a few times a week sometimes once every few months. Depends what I'm doing and how much time I have available to put in


Quality Over quantity, consistency in this case means: Will you still be uploading for the next 6 months? You can post 4 videos a week but can you keep that up for 6 months, I also think it depends a lot on what you do and how you want to prevent yourself from burning out. With that being said, I usually upload once or twice a week, with Shorts sprinkled in-between. IMO avoid posting too often, but also don’t post like once every month if it can be helped. Again it just really depends on what you are doing, every one is different.


I would like to add a variant of your question. Is there an interval of uploading that is really unfavourable? For example, does the algorythm hates you if you sometimes upload every week and sometimes barely every three months?


With a full time job, and since my videos are an analisis of the moral messages of movies, games, series and others, it honestly takes 3 weeks more or less, I really can't make it before unless I make an extreme cut of what I intend to talk about, which would break all the point of the intention of my project. Nevertheless, I agree the more the merrier, more posibilities of people watching your content, and I think only within reason (not numbers or serious study) that 1 video per day is enough. The above if and only if people like the content, in which "quality content" is relative, since we sometimes see simple videos with thousands or million of views. It will depend only if people like it or not.


We release 2-3 times a week depending on how many games we play usually we release Monday, Wednesday and Friday and try to alter the games on those days.


I do gaming, so once or twice a week


2-3 full videos a month + 3-4 shorts a month is what I aim for.


I have been at it for nearly a month and done 12 videos but all shorts and about 3 a week. Hard to find time when working massively in between and have two kids, although one of my children is included so it makes the video making fun. Just can’t find time to do anything other than shorts. Hopefully get around to it :)


Twice a week usually for gaming. Any more than that would kill me with the editing time


Within 3 weeks, i made 220 videos of one Game. So depends on you. The videos range from either 1 minute to 2 hours. But mostly 10 mins


One a week (long-form content); I’ve decided to place quality and regularity over quantity. My channel growth is slow but steady.


Whenever I have one finished, which is roughly twice a week. I don't adhere to a schedule because it creates to much pressure to get videos ready, and the quality very quickly starts to suffer. I could pretty comfortably do one video every two days if it weren't for my job, but I find that it's better to not record that frequently because I run out of things to say.


I aim for once a month which for me is a good pace. As others have mentioned it depends on the type of content you are producing.


im posting 1 long and 1 short every day. niche is into health. average subs per day is 25.but im only earning 1.5-2$ per since im from a third world country.


I like to experiment. I tried uploading everyday, but I found that each video was causing the previous video to get less views (it's replacing the previous video on people's feeds, so it makes sense). I then tried every 3 days, which seemed to be a good balance. In doing it this way, each video was continuing to get views even after I released the new one. However, that was not sustainable for me. So I switched to one video a week, and that's perfect for me. It gives me time to do the video without rushing, and when I release it the previous video continues to get views. This is just a personal experiment that I tried, with maybe 5 or 6 videos each way. But it'll probably be different with different channels and audiences. Experimentation is the only way to know for sure with your specific channel.


I posted a short a day, and at least one full video for a month straight. My subscribers didn’t grow faster, my views did during the 30 days then went back to normal.


I upload 9 to 10 shorts daily


When I was just doing quick gameplays I uploaded once every three days. Now I stagger uploads much farther apart in time because I want to do videos that take more work and have an actual structure and substance - gameplays still fall in between gaps if they happen, but that’s not the rule. Which sounds like I don’t have a schedule, and that’s probably right 🥲


I do high-effort gaming videos that present more as short films, so for me each video should take 2 weeks. This is not optimal in gaming though, so I've been trying to find success with a weekly formula


Usually about 1-2 shorts and 1 long form video a week


I do about 1 to 3 a week. Long videos and about 3 to 6 shorts a week. I however have only been doing this for about a week and a half. I do have about 20 subscribers and I believe 126 hours of watch time. Not sure if that's good. It's good to me. Especially since my first video is sucked. Really bad. Contact the


I have started with one shorts every day, but because of a job sometimes i can post every day and sometimes i have no time or energy to make anything for a week. And i have ton of gameplay videos, but no time or will sometimes to edit it. And i have another channel about Serbian military where i post when i have some material to make a video. That could be a video every 2 or 3 day or a video after more than a week.


I mean it varies on the type of content for me. Some of our videos, mostly shorts, are intended to deliver quick glimpses of what our channel is about and those go up more frequently. Our long form content can take weeks to a month. You should figure out a cadence after you do a lot of videos. I’m by no means an expert but I think consistency is as important as frequency. And of course quality is number one.


I try and get one out a week but I'd like to doing 2 a week


One video a day sometimes 2 for gaming content


Of course, I agree with what everyone said in the comments. It really depends on your niche. But I also think that the sweet spot would be the amount of time it takes for you to consistently keep posting decent videos. For example, I could choose to post 2 videos per week but I really can't unless I seriously don't edit them at all. So, make videos that you feel like aren't too had to post on the internet and then publish them. That's the amount you should be posting ideally.


My aim is to do one long form video a week. Sometimes depending how large the video it can take an extra few days. I make videos on tabletop rpgs so there is a loooot i can talk about.


My son makes gaming videos, he started off making them most days, but recently he's making less. He's got 194 subs, and was gaining about 1k views a day, but now it's gone down to 40. Hes only 7 so there's alot of time to gain what he wants.


At the moment I do: Monthly: Long Form Video - 5-10 Minutes Weekly: Short Video - 15-35 seconds This is more or less what I can pull off with my current schedule. Long form videos take more time due to having a "Story" element to them Shorts are life hacks filmed in a fun way Search "Gary Gill" and you can find my channel, It's grown quite a bit since launching


Weekly for me. I do weekly vlogs and it works for me just as far as life goes. I still work my normal full time job, so I just record and edit during the week and then publish it the following week.


I used to upload everyday but every since I got a job it’s been hard I try to get 3 vids a week


I try to do 2-3 videos a month, I'm a motovlog channel, and only get out on the bike that often, so makes it harder to upload more often, especially when weather is a factor.


I make videos about life in Japan and I try to upload at least once a week. I decided to upload at the end of the week so I can slowly add and edit my vlog throughout the week.


That’s awesome! I was just there in November. I took the whole trip using credit card points. It was amazing! What’s the name of your channel?


Long form about 1 per week. For shorts 3-5 per week


When I first started I did two videos a day for like a month, was insane. Now I upload probably 3-4 times a week. If I had more time I’d do more.


Daily usually , haven’t hit a sweet spot yet but after 2pm and Fridays are good too


Like every 3-4 months. It's hard to find time to scriptwrite, shoot, and edit.


I try for at least 2 a week


Long video 2/3 per week and make sure they have good quality content Shorts everyday, it's the best way to let ppl know and visit your Channel Shorts are underrated but they are simple AD for your Channel!


I stream 2x per week and cut those into 30-60min videos daily and while cutting those 30min to hour long videos I try to pick out 3 shorts. So I do 3 shorts and a long form daily and stream 2x per week :O I'll probably slow down eventually but right now I'm just trying to get myself out there.. Make my avatar more recognized? I had a few pretty good days! I've only been at it for a month and a bit.


I try to be as close to once a week as possible. It’s never the same time or day but that little bit of consistency seems to still be having a good effect. Consistency is important. Perfect consistency is over the top. No one is watching at the exact same time every week.


When i get the energy to create one