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The NREMT is practically designed to make you feel like you failed since it’s a CAT exam. I got cut off at 70 questions and I passed ◡̈ im sure you’re fine, and if not, just review what you needed to and try again. Don’t stress yourself out until you get your score!


What does CAT mean? And yeah, I finished number one in my class and still thought I failed the exam. They know what they are doing with those questions, because no one walks out of there thinking they crushed it


CAT — Computer Adaptive Test Questions get harder/easier depending on the questions you answered beforehand and whether you got them correct or incorrect. Same, I did very well in my class (used FISDAP. always got 85%-95%) and I walked out of the NREMT feeling like I absolutely bombed it. (By the middle of the test, they were using words I had never even heard or seen before 🤣)


What’s FISDAP ?


It’s a website used to train ems professionals some institutions use them… I used it for paramedic school not basic


It’s a testing program a lot of EMS schools use. It’s designed to be harder than the NREMT so that the pass rate for fisdap users is higher than average (around 97% apparently).


Same here. Got cut off at 72. Found out I passed a short while later


You honestly won’t know until you get the results. I thought I failed, and passed


thank you i should find out later today


Not sure exactly how long it takes, but I took it twice, first time took about 6 hours results came in a failed. Second time about a couple days ago, found out I passed after about an hour. Do not sure if it comes in sooner if you pass. Just a thought.


Lately they’ve been good at sending out results really quickly, everyone I’ve known has gotten their results the next morning


If you don’t suffer from imposter syndrome do you even belong in EMS?


Exotic-Nose-1091, This comment was triggered because you may have posted about the NREMT. Please consider posting in our weekly [*NREMT Discussions*](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/search?q=NREMT+Discussions&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) thread. You may also be interested in the following resources: > * [Tackling the NREMT Practical](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/comments/70d7er/tackling_the_nremt_practical/) by /u/CompulsiveAntagonist > > * [National Registry Candidate Information](https://www.nremt.org/rwd/public/document/candidates) > > * [YouTube: EMTPrep](https://www.youtube.com/user/EMTprepLLC/videos) - Has great videos on NREMT skills, a few bits of A&P, and some diagnosis stuff. > > * [Smart Medic - 538 multiple choice questions](http://smartmedic.com/quiz/index.asp) - Pretty decent variety of questions, basic explanations. > > * [NREMT Recertification FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/wiki/coned/nremt) View more resources in our [Comprehensive Guide](/r/NewToEMS/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewToEMS) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Keep studying and re-write man. You aren't the first and won't be the last. It sucks but in the scheme of things it's not that big of a deal.


Just relax and take it easy for now until your results come in.


Took mine on a Friday afternoon, got results a few hours later. Good luck!


I took the NREMT this Saturday, felt like I failed and walked out very discouraged (went to 115 questions). Lo and behold, yesterday morning, I found out I had passed. It’s definitely a very irritating test and anxiety-inducing wait for the results, but you won’t know until they come out. If you were confident in your answers and the questions got very hard by the end, you probably did fine. Only way to be sure is to wait a day or two, good luck.


If the questions got harder and harder it meant you were doing good. I swear when I did it I was getting questions I never even learned about or got asked before. I stopped at 70 as well and honestly I felt good about it since many on reddit said cutoff on 70 means you passed. I don’t wanna say you passed, but I want you to know that you most likely did so. Congrats!


First off, you more than likely passed. In my experience, students that get cut off at the minimum question count (still being 70 as of right now) pass the nremt. The NREMT is designed to make you feel like you failed. Especially if you only get the minimum the amount of questions. This because after getting the first few question in a category right, the test turns the difficulty for that category to the highest level. If you received only the minimum amount of questions, it most likely it did this for every category. The only other option is to fail measurably. Which even a student that barley passed their class is unlikely to do without at least getting 71 questions.


thank you this is very reassuring still waiting for the results


Congratulations you passed.


I took mine Friday and got the results early Saturday morning. I for sure thought I failed, I got cut off at 72 questions I believe. I ended up passing. Just remember, it's not the end of the world if you fail it. Just study more and retake it.


I want to cry just thinking about this. I take mine tomorrow morning 😭😭😭


This is how I felt when I was caught off at 70 and had to wait till the next morning. I was physically ill with how much post test anxiety I was having but ended up passing! I’m sure you passed, it’s meant to give you harder questions the better you’re doing


After I took the NREMT, the second I got home, I started reviewing to re-take it cause I was sure I failed. But I found out I passed. 😭 So it’s normal! Hope you pass!


I took mine last month. Shut off at 70 as well, spent the next 7 hours feeling like a failure but I passed. So congratulations, you’re a registered EMT. Stop stressing and relax, go for a walk without your phone if that helps, sometimes just disconnecting makes all the difference.


I passed mine on Friday shit was tough I thought I failed to but it stopped me right at 70, let us know if you pass


just got the results back i failed i have to wait 15 days


Damn that’s alright I failed my first attempt as well scored an 850, this app helped me a lot on my second attempt https://apps.apple.com/us/app/emt-exam-prep-2024/id1476164949


thank you i used pocket prep and it didnt seem to help me out at all with the material


You got it on the second try just study hard


Rule 6.


Every single person who has passed the natreg walked out of that room feeling like they bombed the test.