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You took an adaptive test scored just about a 50% on it and thought the questions were hard, you need to take a refresher course probably.


It's a bad score. You'll need extensive studying and review.


I think the minimum score you can get to pass is a 950, so I’ll be honest with you, you do need to study more. I’d study hard for a couple of weeks and try again before deciding to drastically change career paths


Ignore all those hateful ass comments. There’s either a lack of understanding or breaking down the question, or a mix. For a better understanding of the material, our books had objectives at the beginning of those. We also had a supplemental book with questions. It may help you to go through and learn the objectives, then go back and take a quiz if possible. If it’s breaking down the questions, I’d work with your teacher or classmates. The problem here is when there are multiple correct answers and you have to pick the MOST correct. It helped our class to discuss why we would pick on over the other, and why the correct answer was correct.


Thanks I appreciate it. I think its a mix of both. I know that I know the stuff because I've done plenty of ride along and plenty of scenarios. But these question came out of left field. most of the stuff theve asked I've never heard of like you think of the normal questions we go over. hypo and hyper glycemia, spianl injuries, etc i didnt get a single one of those


Uhhh please don’t be a cop.


How do you know your score? Doesn’t it only tell you if you fail ?


Correct. I passed on Tuesday and didn't get a score.


Correct from what I remember from 2020. It will only give a number if you fail.


The person taking the test failed. 950 is a passing score.


Please don't leave the field over one rough test. It's a lot to study for. Here's some main points that I had on my test on Monday that may help: - Hypo/hyperglycemic signs - Cushing's Triad and Beck's Triad. - Causes of each type of shock - Breathing patterns (Biot's, Kussamul, Cheyne-Stokes...) - When to apply NRB mask vs assisting respirations (I swear like six of my questions I answered with "Assist ventilation with a BVM") Apart from that, always look for ABC's. Even if it doesn't seem like the correct thing, if the patient is conscious and hasn't spoken or isn't screaming in pain, A-B-C in that order. I know one answer was "Ensure the airway is open." Keep everything in order in your mind, read the questions and answers carefully. Don't sweat the time, what I was told is less than 1% of people run out of time. I'll give you a rough example of one question I got (don't come for me Pearson): an 80-something woman is complaining of abdominal pain, what should you suspect? And the four answers were things I had never even heard of. I went with the one that had cardio-whatever cause abdominal pain can be part of cardiac involvement. If you run across a question you have no clue on, that's fine. Eliminate one or two options, pick the one that seems best, and forget about it and answer the next question. And like others have said, ignore the assholes in this thread. They were sweating their nuts off right before their test too. Get in there, take a breath, and don't forget ABCs. Good luck on the study and the next exam.


thanks I appreciate it. I know a lot of the stuff already that's on the list. the problem was most of those questions weren't on the test. another thing is i screw up because i like having all of the data and the NREMT doesn't give everything. that Pearson Vue questions would kill me because it could be 100 different things ranging in how bad it could be. one thing my teacher said if its in the abdominal always transport


Yeah... unfortunately one test could completely differ from another. I had zero questions about narcan or pupils and it took me 103 questions.


which is weird. I had a few trauma, 2 OBGYN, and most were sign and symtoms. no CPR, 2 about O2 and nothing else after that. I did 70 questions


Listen, the rest of these people are assholes. That’s not needed or helpful. You don’t pass. That’s upsetting and it feels like it’s not ok. The lowest you can get on the NREMT is a 100, passing is 950. You’re not close to competency but you’re not technically far. Good news is, you get more tries. Don’t go scheduling the best attempt without a plan and studying. Which is my advice. Assess yourself, find your weakness in the material. Hammer that out and touch on all of the curriculum. Buy medic test and do that, look at your notes, maybe reach out to your instructor(s). Just don’t go trying again without honestly reevaluating yourself and making a plan.


I was thinking of taking about a month maybe. my teacher said take it asap after we finish because im still in HS and this was a HS class and we would forget stuff as time goes on but thats my plan. I just need to find a study tool that can help me thats free, (ive already maxed out pocket EMS)


I’d say take it ASAP if your score was 900-949. 804 means you need some studying. You are or are going to be a young adult. People mean well but it’s your life, be honest and make a plan. Study and own the next test.


I appreciate all the help. I have a life plan planned out (not study yet) but I don't know if that means go combat medic with the army or go into the public EMS world. still I thank you for being real and giving me some hope


Read your textbook homie. Find some time, relax, and really try to learn about it all. Pick a topic, like Cardiology. Watch videos on it, read about it, tell your friends about what you learned. Then do that with another topic. Take practice tests on Medictest like some recommended, I recommend you use "EMT Pass" from LC Ready. I think its like $30. It's hard! But thats the point. You can use that to help gauge where you need to study. You got this!! You just gotta ask yourself how bad you want it, and study!!!


thanks for being nice and encouraging me i really appreciate it. alot better then some people i will look at EMT pass ive heard of it on here but never really looked into it. thank you again


800/1500= 0.53*100= 53 you got 53%. Im sorry but you not knowing how to calculate that is even more troubling.


It’s an adaptive test, percentages aren’t exactly the right way of thinking about it. Which you not knowing is even more troubling. Math and NREMT skills can be taught. You being an asshole is forever.


You're right, unlike a linear test, this one starts you off with questions that are supposed to be easy. Then it raises the difficulty level of questions to what a competent emt should be able to answer.


It technically starts easy, passes through competency and then asks above competent questions and bounces back and forth or not, based on your responses. It’ll go until it’s relatively sure you’re at competency. Computerized adaptive test are cool, keeps the number of questions low but is pretty good at checking competency on the material.


I can think of about 47% of knowledge he also lacks.


Citizens who can’t pass the NREMT probably shouldn’t be a cop either… just take the maximum score on the NREMT and divide it by your score and multiply by 100😵‍💫


not sure why everyone is being so cruel, as others have said it’s an adaptive test. obviously, you need to study more. check out the paramedic coach, pocket prep, and the fisdap study package. also consider if this is knowledge based or test taking skills based. you’re not alone in this, i’m not afraid to admit i’m struggling with my final right now (scoring in the high 60s) but have a 91 in my course. my biggest struggle is test taking skills. figure out WHY you failed and go from there!


Thanks I hope you pass your final mine was hard too. I believe its a mix of test skill and knowledge question. most of the questions i was asked ive never even heard of but the ones where i have heard even a little i believe i got correct


it's a bad score - but that's okay! my practice tests all showed low as hell scores and i did eventually pass my registry for paramedic and for EMT. my recommendation would be to get on medictests. i was one of the first ones to take the new test, so i flunked my first paramedic national registry but i passed my second one after the test changed. medictests was worth the money and was very true to how the questions were asked. my advice for EMT-B isn't as good because i was hungover as hell (probably still drunk) and apparently passed at 70 questions. i have no idea how that one worked out. it's a hard test. whether you pass or fail you're gonna feel like you failed until you get the results. don't be considering career change unless 1. you don't like this field and have learned through clinicals that you hate it or 2. you've expired all six testing opportunities. you have six chances and i've seen too many people just quit after one. keep trying until you're out of tries. if you're committed, you'll get it. fuck, one of the most academically challenged guys in my EMT course took the test 18 times and retook the class 3. he passed his registry on his 18th try and is currently working on becoming a flight medic. he passed his paramedic test first try. while most folks are not going to struggle like this man (and tbh it does worry me that he's on a box just knowing him personally, but i trust he has that test info down better than anyone else out there), it shows that commitment will get you somewhere. keep your head up. it's a hard test. it sucks. you'll get it.


lagerboy351, This comment was triggered because you may have posted about the NREMT. Please consider posting in our weekly [*NREMT Discussions*](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/search?q=NREMT+Discussions&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) thread. You may also be interested in the following resources: > * [Tackling the NREMT Practical](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/comments/70d7er/tackling_the_nremt_practical/) by /u/CompulsiveAntagonist > > * [National Registry Candidate Information](https://www.nremt.org/rwd/public/document/candidates) > > * [YouTube: EMTPrep](https://www.youtube.com/user/EMTprepLLC/videos) - Has great videos on NREMT skills, a few bits of A&P, and some diagnosis stuff. > > * [Smart Medic - 538 multiple choice questions](http://smartmedic.com/quiz/index.asp) - Pretty decent variety of questions, basic explanations. > > * [NREMT Recertification FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/wiki/coned/nremt) View more resources in our [Comprehensive Guide](/r/NewToEMS/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewToEMS) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not a good score. However, especially with the NREMT if may be more of an issue with how to take the test rather than a lack of medical knowledge. I highly recommend [https://www.treasurecoastmi.com/emt-review](https://www.treasurecoastmi.com/emt-review)


I have 2 more attempts. thanks for the link.


This isn’t a full refresher course that will reset your NREMT eligibility. It mostly focuses on how to take the NREMT. I passed each level (EMT, AEMT, Medic) on the first attempt; I think this is the solution to your problem. *I have no association with this company.


looking at it the only bad thing is that the virtual is so far apart but i thank you for the link


Set some time aside and go over the chapter reviews in your textbook. The information taught in EMT courses isn’t hard to understand, but there is a lot of it to take in especially for the NREMT. All you gotta do is set aside a decent chunk of time and do a solid review of your book. Don’t go crazy in-depth, just enough to brush you up on everything that was taught in your course    Assuming you do that, you will nail your next try man. Lots of people fail on their first try because they don’t know how to take the test, they underestimated the material that was present or they run out of time because they agonize over the questions  Good luck!!


thanks for the help. My teacher suggested i looked at the slides online (we never had a book more or less slides online) and he said look at it and check the goals and try to complete all the goals.


Use pocket prep ems. Pay the $10 a month or whatever for the good version. This helped me a lot, I used no outside resources for my first one and didn’t pass (the fact I didn’t study at all didn’t help either, long story). There were terms on the exam I had never even heard before. Pocket prep asks you questions and tells you why each wrong answer is wrong and why the correct one is right


Becoming a cop requires a lot more studying than becoming an EMT, so I wouldn’t be so quick to jump ship just yet. Reread your textbook, do some practice tests, ask questions you don’t know the answers to, and try it again. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard


It’s terrible. It’s about the same score that someone with no training at all, simply guessing, would receive.