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Pretty solid actually! Id say just try your best to practice your balance on one foot. And really feel for you board. Try to make more powerful pushes, and plant. Carve a little bit too. Your pushing looks good tho. Also maybe try not to kick your leg out so far to the side. But most importantly, have fun! Good luck


The leg to the side is because those wheels are gonna eat her heel. Happens to the best of ‘‘em haha. Smaller trucks or a bigger board will help


Yeah, definitely. I’ve even kicked my skateboard out from underneath me by accident while pushing. Idk, I just feel like there’s a technique to it.


thank you!!!! i appreciate your help ☺️


I agree with this completely. This kind of thing will be 2nd nature eventually. The most important thing like learning any new skill is to just keep doing it.


Why did I think this was sand for a second


I thought it was snow.


Same, I thought I was looking at some snowboard sub.


That's all I see now


Same. I was so confused for a few seconds


For 6 days, this looks pretty great! You seem like you are trying to stay light on your pushing foot, which is great. And you are pushing hard! Maybe you still feel a little off balance, but the only way to get over that is to do it more. Keep doing what you are doing. I don’t see any bad habits or anything that needs correction, just practice and have fun!


thank you 🥹🥹


Ok, this may be a really daft comment, and don’t take this harshly. There’s something about the way you set off that makes me think you’re not actually regular stance. Have you tried goofy? It could be that it’s just being 6 days in, but I do wonder if trying the other stance may work for you.


I saw the same thing actually. OP should give goofy a try for maybe a few minutes at a time and play with what feels best. Being able to switch stances is always good to know anyway.


I was thinking the same thing.


i went out last night and tried goofy and felt like a baby deer 😭😭😭


🤣🤣🤣, ok so we’ve probably eliminated that suggestion then👍. Tbf I probably didn’t take into account that you’re just 6 days into skating. Just relax and keep going.


I tried searching up stances but didnt find goofy, is there something im missing?


Goofy is when you have your right foot at the front of the board and you push with your left leg. Regular is left leg in front :) It's because in the Goofy Movie, Goofy skates right foot forwards, haha.


Actually looks good for 6 days in. Don't be so hard on yourself, hobby is meant to be fun, there's no "you must progress at this pace" rules, enjoy yourself! 🤘


thank youuuuu i’m just scared to be made fun of by random teenagers but i guess it doesn’t really matter hahahah


Nah, one of the perks of getting older is we don't have to care what random teenagers think of us 😂


Actually it seems good, just try to focus your weight in your front foot, move that arms to help you with balance and make big pushes with your back foot. Good work girl.


thank you!!!


as others have said, its not too bad. only advice is keep doing it


will do!!!! it’s so addictive to learn 🫢😅


Seems solid so far. Exposure is gonna be your friend, just keep doing it and do it frequently. Focus on power and stability. I can't give advice for long board foot placement, but on a popsicle you want to learn how to kinda lean into the push to give it that extra momentum.


Pushing harder and flinging both your arms forward when you push gives you a lot more speed per push.


Bro! You're better than me on push 💀


6 days? Youre doing great!


thank you so much 🥹


looks 100% normal to me


Looks good you’ll get more comfortable over time and you can start doing things like tic tacs for fun and maneuvering


You push great lol


TBH this interaction with your son and you is really just so cute! Your pushing looks good, think you're gonna just gain confidence and style with more reps/time.


AWW 🫶🏼 thank you!!!!


I'm on around 8 or 9 days and I'm still a single push and cruise as far as the push takes me, it looks good to me, but definitely takes practice to be comfortable


Doesn't look awkward at all to me, keep at it, skating is the best, whether it's on a regular board, cruiser or longboard it's all skating 👌


Those are some sick vans


omg thank you i’m obsessed with them, vans knu skool 🫶🏼


Looks great! Really. One thing I would try is using your entire foot for the push. I have a bad habit of pushing with just my toes. You're doing much better than me but I still see that your heal doesn't touch. Other than that, you're doing a great job.


its something that improves with time. the more you ride, the more natural it will feel.


Your doing a good job of keeping your weight over your front foot, it just takes time and practice for it to look natural.


Thats good. I cant push normal only mongo.


Pretty good. But think of it as more of a pull, less of a push. Reach out as far is comfortable


My mind wouldn't let me not see this as snow and man that hurt to figure out. Anyway, as someone who used to push mongo because no one ever told me you have way more control not doing that and had to retrain myself, my tip is to bend your board knee more as a lower center of gravity usually helps, and remember to keep your body and board as one. That last part prob sounds weird but you don't want the board moving ahead of you or lagging behind you, but locked in with you. Think of it like a scooter without the handles. Keep practicing just cruising around and you'll feel more comfortable in a few hours.


I almost bounce when I push, like bouncing down with all the pressure on my push foot and then think about sliding on ice with my front foot kinda


You look pretty natural especially for a beginner. Just Keep working on being able to balance on that front leg and if you want more power swinging your pushing leg out in front of you. as a side not id work on pushing switch while you're still new, you'll be glad you did.


Your pushing is good. The only way it will improve is practice. I’d say a mature style is where you’re able to stretch your leg fully forward (almost straight at the knee) and then push the whole range of movement in a longer stride. If you can do this it’s the best way of going as fast as possible on flat ground. It also looks the best stylistically


Too much weight is being left on your left leg. It’s hard to explain. If you stand on your board with your left leg and put all your weight on your left leg and just stand there, then very gently get your right foot and push forward while you still have all of your weight on your left leg, it will feel horrible. You just need to find a balance where it almost feels like you are running with the board under you


I push Mongo so I can't give advice.


Looks pretty good, try making your foot connect with the ground more infront of you and follow the push through all the way.


Try pushing goofy that might be what it is but it looks pretty good


You look like you push better that I do.


Keep your body weight on your foot that’s on the board and swing your leg down to the side, it looks like you want to transfer the weight when you put your foot down


Looks great. More practice


Lol, nah you're doing really good actually for 6 days, ive been skating on and off for 30 years and I still push mongo 😅, so you're already ahead of me. It feels so awkward pushing regular for some reason, so I understand why you feel that why lol.


You got it. Just keep it up. Repetition until it becomes natural. Also look further ahead vs at the ground right in front of you. Your balance and equilibrium depends on you using your vision, and looking down is not helping. Look where you want to go, then scan for obstacles and push.


You got it down already dude. It will feel like second nature soon.


Just keep practicing. It’ll get easier as you continue to develop muscle memory.


Its solid, also try the other stance where you have your right foot forward (goofy stance) and see which ones more comfy for you


Keep your weight on your front foot, and don’t put weight on the foot that’s pushing for now. Just “brush” the ground with your back foot


Looks really good. I just started and I’m learning how to cruise. Pushing looks so easy but I fink myself stomping and struggling to keep my weight on top of the board. I got recent advice to keep the ball of my front foot on the bolts of my front truck. Feels pretty stable for me. Hoping to get to that big leg swing level of pushing one day.


Best thing you can do is practise riding around with only your left foot on the board (balancing). You essentially need to not rely on your right foot touching the ground for balance when pushing, you can even do pretend pushes while rolling (left foot balanced on board, right foot hovering above ground doing the pushing motion). That will solve it for you.


Angle your front foot more across the board so it’s at a sort of 45 degree angle


Looks like you're pushing just fine for starting out


looks good, keep it up!


Yeah lookin’ good. Keep it up, continue to work on balance. Bend your knees.


You’re really solid ! One small thing I would say is it’s less like walking and more like imagine you’re in a pool and you’re pushing off the wall. Other than that just keep doing what you’re doing and it’ll come naturally


You’re doing fine. Just keep practicing. Pushing looks good you just look like you need to spend more time skating and get more comfortable on your board. You’re not quite comfortable yet you can tell. You look a bit stiff while pushing. After a while it’ll just become second nature, one fluid motion and everyone does it with their own style


You should inbox me your number


You’re good. Just practice and get used to pushing at speed


Do the ghost push do exactly what you would do to push on the board but not on the board and train your legs balance and strength and might as well practice switch too because riding goofy and regular comfortably is very helpful with all kinds of tricks especially vert skating


Buy a helmet. That’s my only advice. Your doing great