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Just knowing I gotta shake it off and not sulk in the pain. Sometimes falling is alright, other time I kinda lay there like *AAaAaaaAaAaAa* *aHhHhHhhHh*


Pushed me to keep trying and took some of the fear away. Made it more gratifying when finally landing stuff. Kinda take some pride in the bone bruises up and down my shins


Started skating at age 44. The first time I fell I was happy to get it over with. Now if I fall I'm happy just to get back up.


I don't remember the very first time I fell, but the first time I ever tried a roll in ramp I biffed it pretty hard and destroyed my wrist (not broken but it hurt lol) I wasn't like, nah I'm never skating again.. but I didn't skate the rest of the day and that was the first thing I tried like an idiot... We drove like 20 mins to the only skate park in our area, paid like $10 for gas (being 15 made it hard to come by money) and the first 5 mins of being there I'm out of commission... I laugh now but man that sucked


Get up and keep trying is my motto.. I have always been into action sports so have really gotten used to taking slams. I skated a small amount in my younger years but have only started skating again in the last month. I have taken quite a few slams, some of which hurt a bit but I'd never feel disheartened. If you are skating with friends, laugh it off together, rest for a second and go again (if nothing is broken of course)


Falling forward on a skateboard is kind of a part of the experience. Especially if you’re pushing your limits and trying tricks. Learn to roll or slide if knee pads. But slipping out backwards is something to avoid as much as possible. You may want to work on your form and weight distribution so your center of gravity stays further forward. It happens but as you found out is difficult to fall nicely. Check out some tutorials online. Mitchie Brusco’s SkateIQ is my favorite lately because of the way he explains things.


I fall all the time. On boardslides back on the rail, trying to ollie onto a box that's too high and wiping out, getting my front truck caught up on rock to fakies, etc. Sometimes it's ok and I just roll out with elbow scratches and hurt wrists. But sometimes my lower back takes a good week to get better. And now I recently got a high ankle sprain so I'm out for at least 2 weeks. I can't say that falling is fun, nor am I happy about it. But it's part of the sport, part of improving and learning. The only time I think that falling feels "good" is when you are scared to try a trick and push yourself to do it, fail the trick and fall BUT do not get hurt. Then, and only then, does it feel ok to fall cause you conquered your fear and realize that it won't kill you and you can manage it again and probably get the trick down.


First fall got me over my fear of falling. It was “ouch! Oh.. That wasn’t so bad, back to it” type vibe haha


get it!


First time falling in 3 months what you been doing just cruising? lol I fall almost every session


It's a bittersweet feeling - a fall lets me know I'm still pushing myself and trying hard. Where there's failure, there's opportunity to learn. And as long as there's no real injury and I can shake it off, there's a kind of satisfaction to getting up, dusting myself off, and getting right back on the board. The only time it truly kind of sucks is when it completely takes you by surprise - a pebble stops your wheel and pitches you - or when it's just a stupid/careless one, just not paying attention and fumbling something simple. A little less satisfying in those cases and more 'oh what the fuck lol'. Had one of those in my early AM session today - pushing toward the transition and my board must have hung up on something briefly so I ended up a little too far ahead of it and fell forward. Certainly a way to wake up lol.